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nhagen 01-16-2012 01:12 PM

Hi Moira!

The snow has been melting a little today. It might snow tonight and tomorrow. Not a lot though, 1-2 inches.

I have been busy all weekend working on my Disney albums for the kids. I found a whole stash of LO's from your Disney swap Moira. That was a long time ago!! They were in an Iris case hiding behind another swap. I thought only one swap was in that case. Oops!

I used 4 of the layouts! Whoot whoot

SmartBug 01-16-2012 03:05 PM

Nancy - I think that Disney swap I did was my most favourite swap ever - I think I have used every page from that swap.

nhagen 01-16-2012 05:44 PM

I altered a few pages. I had to take the mats off some pages and place them differently on the pages etc.

amsmiles 01-17-2012 03:23 AM

Checking in from Tacoma Washington. Seven hours after I got to the hospital (in Alaska) things took a turn for the worse and they decided to medi-vac us (I was allowed to fly along as my mom's medical attendant) to the Seattle/Tacoma area. They just are not equipped to meet her needs where she was. It was a mad dash back to the hotel to throw everything into my suitcase and make it back to the hospital in time. She is in the ICU now. It is such a horrible, helpless feeling to watch a loved one go through something like this. She is strong, a real fighter, but it breaks my heart to watch her have endure all of this. I finally left for a few hours to get a hotel and a shower and some food that didn't fall out of a vending machine. I am headed back to the hospital in a little bit. Just wanted to check in. Thanks for letting me unload here.

nhagen 01-17-2012 05:14 AM

Oh AM! I am so glad you were able to go to Alaska and be with your mom. I hope they can figure out what is going on. I know what you must be feeling since I have had to go through this with my kids. Keeping you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers. {{HUGS}}

cajojus 01-17-2012 08:14 AM

OH AnnMarie, our thoughts and prayers with you. May God give you the strength you need in this moments and your mom as well. Love!!!

SmartBug 01-17-2012 08:59 AM

OH AM.. what a whirlwind trip you are having.. and how nice that they let you travel with her - that must have made you feel so much better.

I hope that now that she is in a facility that is better equipped she will start to turn around.

Please keep us posted as much as you can.. I totally understand your need to be with your mom... been there... done that with my dad.

I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts.

nhagen 01-20-2012 02:42 PM

Hello and happy Friday!

Where has everyone been???????

It has been snowing all day today. At least 6" in the driveway. Doesn anyone have plans for the weekend? What has everyone been up to?

SmartBug 01-20-2012 04:06 PM

Hey ladies.. sorry to have disappeared - it has been crazy around here - I've been working like a mad woman - today was my 9th day in a row.. January is normally very slow for me! I'm not complaining.. especially since I get paid the day my husband goes to Las Vegas!!

We have had bitter cold and snow.. today it really warmed up after getting 3 inches of snow so now we have a huge slushy mess. Ughh...

Brayden is off to his girlfriend's birthday party tonight and the hubby has to work - so we are going to go out for dinner and then Carsyn and I are going to hang out.. who knows what we will do - but I do hope to get to do something scrappy tonight!

nhagen 01-20-2012 04:22 PM

Holy crap! Brayden has a girlfriend? How old is he now? My time flies LOL

Glad your getting to work a lot. That'll be a nice paycheck.

I am trying to work on a LO for the SBPS. It's a one page Lo and I am terrible with one pagers!!

SmartBug 01-20-2012 07:37 PM

Yep - he had a "girlfriend" through most of the last school year as well.. but they never did anything outside of school.. ever... it was kind of weird. He's been with Sarah since September and is a nice girl. But.. he's 15 and she's just 13.. but she keeps him somewhat grounded and because he likes to hang out with her - usually at her house - or the pool.. it is a good motivator when he's misbehaving.

Okay - off to work on something on my table.

nhagen 01-20-2012 08:17 PM

Wow he is 15! So is he in high school now?

Hope you got some scrapping done! I worked on my swap page. I think it needs something else. I will figure it out in the morning. I want to mail it tomorrow.

SmartBug 01-20-2012 08:24 PM

He is in his last year of middle school - but they are reconfiguring our schools next year so both he and Carsyn will go to highschool. Brayden is in grade nine this year.. hard to believe this time next year he will be driving.

I haven't started scrapping yet.. lol.. just can't get motivated - but the night is young.. only 9:30 here.

nhagen 01-21-2012 07:33 AM

I was thinking 9th grade (that is freshman year in high school here). Moira, the next 3 years will go fast. He will be graduating before you now it>

I finished my LO and I like it. I think I am getting my mojo back! I made a LO for dd2 a few weeks ago and I was not happy. Oh well, I put it in the album and it is what it is.

SmartBug 01-21-2012 08:29 AM

I know the time is just flying.. hard to believe they have been here 5.5 years already... just crazy.

I am glad you finished your layout.. I didn't even get started - but I did put a few kits together so at least I did something productive!

I have lots of layouts that I don't love.. but I feel like at least they are done.. and I can't have every one of them be my favourites.. the pictures are scrapped so put it in the album and move on! Meg and I are both really trying to work with that motto!!

nhagen 01-21-2012 08:32 AM

That's a good motto!

nhagen 01-21-2012 08:16 PM

Where is everyone?

I hope everyone is keeping busy!

SmartBug 01-21-2012 08:34 PM

I'm here - still haven't done any scrapping.. but I'm getting my layout class ready that I am teaching this week.. I'm quite pleased that it is almost sold out.. hopefully they like it as much as I do!!

nhagen 01-21-2012 08:54 PM

Will this be your first class?

How exciting!! What kind of layout will you be working on?

I was slightly productive today and used one LO I got in a swap a while ago. Then I used a LO I made a while ago! Been trying to go through my pictures to see what I have (which is a lot).

SmartBug 01-21-2012 09:04 PM

Yes first class.. teaching it twice - Wednesday night and Saturday morning. It is a monthly class where they will complete two pages plus a bonus calendar page - the idea being come to the class every month and by December you will have a lovely calendar for next year.

This month I started with Christmas - I used the Simple Stories 25 Days of Christmas line. I'm really happy with it. I will definitely post after next weekend.

nhagen 01-21-2012 09:11 PM

Cool, yes definitely post what you make. I would love to see your LO. I just saw that brand of paper the other day. I went to an Archiver's and saw that brand for the first time. I haven't been going to craft stores like I used to, trying not to buy paper etc. The paper looked cute but I don't need to get addicted to any more paper! I have enough to last years. :lol:

SmartBug 01-21-2012 09:26 PM

I know what you mean about the paper addiction... I've been really trying not to buy as well. I thought with CHA at the end of the month I would be in trouble - but looking at the Sneak Peeks.. I will be just fine - will definitely get to use up my stash!!

I have promised myself not to buy any paper until I have made 125 layouts. I did notice today that I have no orange cardstock - but that is really all I need.

nhagen 01-22-2012 07:07 AM

Well if you really need not "need" it then it is okay! Joanns was having a sale and I really needed black, red and cream CS so I only bought 6 sheets of each. I really needed a few sheets of this one yellow/orange that I used my only sheet but they didn't have it.

DP, I really don't need anything. I have sooooo much. I did buy one sheet at archivers but it was a pattern I didn't have and I needed to do one LO. See I was good thought, I only bought one sheet and nothing else! LOL

PamL 01-22-2012 05:33 PM

Hi everyone,

Just checking in. I did a little scrapping Friday and Saturday, but none of it was for myself...haha! One of my customers still calls me to make layouts for her. She has pictures from a skiing trip to Steamboat Colorado. I didn't have to put pics on it, just do the layout. I'll have to take a pic before she picks it up. I put glittered snowflakes and some other "stuff" on it to make snow. I can't think what it's called. It's like teeny tiny irridescent pieces of crushed paper. Anyway...it's real staticy and sticks to EVERYTHING! I accidently spilled some so it really looked like it snowed in my scrapbook room. Of course, I had on black pants and it was all stuck to them as well....LOL

We had card swap last week and the theme was Valentines/Love/Wedding. I'll have to take pics of those too.


p.s. Sending lots of prayers for AnnMarie and her Mom.

nhagen 01-22-2012 06:55 PM

Post pix of the ski LO Pam. I don't ski but could always use ideas for snow LO's.

Ugh, not looking forward to Monday!

nhagen 01-24-2012 06:59 PM

Hello! Where is everyone?

I've been busy catching up on some older pictures and putting 8.5x11 pages onto 12x12 so I can get them into albums. Hope everyone else is keeping busy and productive!

PamL 01-25-2012 10:24 AM

I haven't been very productive :(

I've had horrible anxiety and panic attacks, and they are kicking by tush! I had to go on medicine, and the side effects have been terrible. I'm very sensitive to all medicine, so this is really throwing me for a loop. I get a buzz off of Nyquil....haha!

Anyway....I keep thinking, I'll be so excited to start feeling better that I'll probably be flying around here doing all kinds of stuff I hope!

I hope everyone is having a good week :)


nhagen 01-25-2012 11:00 AM

Hi Pam, my MIL used to have terrible panic attacks. I hope you can adjust to the meds and feel better!

SmartBug 01-26-2012 10:13 AM

Checking in.. been busy last few days for me... but now I get a little bit of a breather as I'm working at the scrapbook store for while the owner and my mom jet off to CHA.. lucky ladies!!

Pam.. sorry to hear about your panic attacks.. they aren't fun!

I suffer from fibromyalgia and it isn't fun when it is flaring up -just have to do the best we can and be as productive as we can on our good days!

nhagen 01-26-2012 11:14 AM

CHA! How exciting for your mom. CHA comes here every summer. Maybe one day I should go!

Did you have your first class yet at the LSS? Don't forget to post a picture of what your class did. I want to see it!

SmartBug 01-26-2012 11:39 AM

I'm so jealous about them going to CHA - I want to go one year.. maybe I'll convince her to let me go to Chicago.. and you and I could go together. :) You have to be affiliated with the industry somehow - it isn't open to the general public. :(

I taught the class last night - it was AWESOME... and I teach it again on Saturday. I am off to work now - will try to get the pictures this afternoon as the layouts are at the store.

nhagen 01-26-2012 11:46 AM

You work at a scrap store on the side, isn't that enough to be able to go? LOL I can go as your assistant! LOLOL

SmartBug 01-27-2012 08:37 AM

Exactly Nancy.. Meg and I have talked about it.. we could come out there.. crash at your house and bring you along. :)

nhagen 01-27-2012 11:28 AM

Well count me in!

nhagen 01-29-2012 07:33 AM

Good morning and happy Sunday!

cajojus 01-30-2012 07:41 AM

Good morning ladies!!!. I know... it is sad, I haven't been here in ages!!!. I had to be honest I felt lost with this group a little bit!!!. Looks like Moira and Nancy are trying hard to keep it up. But don't worry ladies I'm back!!!. I hope AnnMarie's situation gets well really soon and she can join us again soon. I've been busy like all of us (this is not an excuse...just telling). In the meantime I've been without power for a couple of days, snow till I got sick, a week without school (because of the snow), yes, can you believe this??? and I made the Hambo Stamps Design Team. This is huge since I have never been on a DT before. Ok ladies I hope you all have a great and wonderful day. I'll be leaving some love in your blogs later, after my morning coffee and some craft done.

nhagen 01-30-2012 12:07 PM

Hi Carolina! Congrats on the DT!! You make beautiful cards so you deserve it.

We haven't had hardly any snow and you guys had a whole week off due to snow! This years weather is weird.

I am guessing no one has heard from AM? I hope her mom is doing ok.

I was productive this weekend and made several LO's. I will get them posted to my blog soon.

nhagen 01-31-2012 07:03 AM

Good morning! I feel like I have a lot to get done but running around in circles. I need to make two baby blankets for charity, laundry, clean up my scrap mess....hahahahaha....that's funny!

nhagen 02-01-2012 05:16 AM

Good morning and Happy Wednesday!

SmartBug 02-01-2012 05:22 AM

Hi ladies!

I'm up early with the boys to do papers.. Brayden is SUPER cranky... gosh I love mornings.. UGGH!!!!

I'm working again today at the scrapbook store... looking forward to my mom and the owner coming back from CHA tonight... can't wait to see and hear all about it.

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