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-   -   Your Favorite 80s.... (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/virtual-stamp-night-archive-327/your-favorite-80s-162277/)

stampingdenise 07-06-2006 05:56 PM

I was one of those geeky girls whose hair NEVER looked good in a banana clip. *sigh*

fool4scrapping 07-06-2006 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by gmcbunny
I also had a pair of boots that kind of were scrunched down

I actually TRADED MY ROOM with my sister for her suede "Duran Duran" boots with the bandana tied around them! I had the biggest room in the house and traded it for the smallest, just to get those boots!


Originally Posted by mrikitty
ok...what about movies.....BREAKFAST CLUB, anyone??

My sister bought this for me on DVD for Christmas last year! I watch it once a week!:rolleyes:

I was a total Brat Pack junkie... My birthday was on Monday, and with the flooding and all that around here, my DH totally forgot about it. I went to my mom's for my stamper's club, and everyone there threw me a little party... They asked me what DH got me, and I told them I felt like Molly Ringwald! My mom totally got it as well as my sister, had to explain Sixteen Candles to a few of the others though! ;)

scrown8301 07-06-2006 05:59 PM

Favorite Song: would have to be either Enter Sandman or Pour Some Sugar On Me. I was mostly a metal head in my 80's days. (Although I did love NKOTB, Debbie Gibson & Tiffany.)

Favorite Clothing: Not sure, the slouch socks probably, no wait, jelly shoes!

Favorite Toy: CareBears, (still is actually, I love CareBears!)

stampingdenise 07-06-2006 06:22 PM

Sharon -
I literally *wore out* my Tiffany tape because I played it so much!!!

"coulda been so beautiful.... coulda been so riiiiiight...."

eliotstamps 07-06-2006 06:50 PM

Boy this thread brings back memories. It's so hard to pick favorites, because I loved so much of the 80s! Here's some narrowed-down favorites:
Music: Anything by Duran Duran, 99 Red Balloons, anything by the Violent Femmes.
Clothing: I reall, really loved my white lace fingerless gloves, the bracelets that ran up half my arm and my white leather slouchy boots.
Toy: I wasn't that in to toys, but I loved playing Ms. Pac Man at the arcade and loved reading my Teen and Tiger Beat magazines and plastering my walls with pictures.
Movie: Footloose was probably my favorite because we had a pirated copy my sister and I watched every weekend. I knew all the words, and still pretty much do!

winnie_555 07-06-2006 08:11 PM

Oh! I just LOVE Teen and Tiger Beat! My walls were filled with photos from those magazines. Remember Kurk Cameron? Michael J. Fox? Cory Haim? Cory Feldman? Oh...those were the days! ;)

AllisonL 07-06-2006 08:28 PM

Movies: Can anyone say "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"? Still one of my most fav movies of all time. And "Say Anything..."

ErinRN2002 07-06-2006 10:06 PM

I too (unfortunately) plastered my walls with Kirk Cameron, Michael J Fox and the Corey's. Ugh! This is too funny reading this thread! I identlify with way too much of it!

mrikitty 07-06-2006 10:14 PM

We LOVE you Ferris!

Originally Posted by AllisonL
Movies: Can anyone say "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"? Still one of my most fav movies of all time. And "Say Anything..."

"life moves pretty fast; if you don't slow down once in a while you could miss it!"

mrikitty 07-06-2006 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by winnie_555
Oh! I just LOVE Teen and Tiger Beat! My walls were filled with photos from those magazines. Remember Kurk Cameron? Michael J. Fox? Cory Haim? Cory Feldman? Oh...those were the days! ;)

they were around when I was a teen also... but for me it was Bobby Sherman (7 brides for 7 brothers) John travolta, davidy cassidy... a bit older it became rock bands...Boston, Kansas, Aerosmith, Foreigner, The Eagles, Jefferson Starship....and my Die 4 fav...... Queen! but see that was the late 70's

buzzy 07-06-2006 10:42 PM

This thread is almost too much! My 20 year reunion is this summer and these memories are prepping me to go!

Early 80's was Atari for us and by the end of the decade we were into MARIO on the Nintendo!

I was totally into Steve Taylor for music for a few years.

My scariest fashion memory is NEON!!! I still have too much hair ( and I even get it thinned by my stylist!!)

My favorite movie has to be Space Balls. I had not seen many of the movies they were spoofing, but I laughed so hard that night...

Pink-fish 07-07-2006 04:00 AM

Oh you guys are bringing back soooo many memories! Does anyone remember the "Relax Don't Do It" t-shirts!
Ferris is stil my favorite but I love any and all of John Cusak's movies, Better Off Dead, one Crazy Summer......
and I STILL have my sticker collection! It's under my nightstand right now!! hehehe

stampingdenise 07-07-2006 04:15 AM

Before Michael Jackson got all weird, my friends and I used to fight over who would get to marry him. We LOVED him!

Loved Kirk Cameron, too. And Rick Springfield. I still wanna get up and dance when I hear "Jesse's Girl"!!!!!

Pink-fish 07-07-2006 04:34 AM

What about Ricky Schroder?!? I LOVED him!!! I never missed Silver Spoons.
Funny thing is my DH looked just like him when he was little, I didn't know him them though!

crittercare 07-08-2006 07:16 AM

Let's see...
True by spandau ballet and that group the squeeze! Black coffee in bed...!

Clothing HAD to be parachute pants... paired up with any of those 3/4 sleeve band tshirts. I had a journey one AND huey lewis and the news!

TOY??? Probably our atari... space invaders, demons and diamonds, joust and MOON PATROL!!! Also had a mrs. beasley.

winnie_555 07-08-2006 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Pink-fish
What about Ricky Schroder?!? I LOVED him!!! I never missed Silver Spoons.

OH HEATHER! I loved Ricky Schroder! How funny is all that? I love this thread! ;)

TamIAm 07-08-2006 02:54 PM

Like, omigosh, I, like can't believe I like totally found this rad thread!!

And now I'm going to stop that because I'm about to gag myself, lol.

Oh this is so hard. I AM SUCH a product of the 80s. I graduated in '89 so I grew up with all of this and love it, love it, love it. I'll try to narrow it down, though.

Fav Clothes, let's see...Does anyone remember the peplum tops with pencil skirts? Had to dress up a lot, so had all different kinds of those. Though my "everyday uniform" (lol) was a denim mini skirt, tank top with an oxford over the top and skimmers or ballet slippers on my feet. For game day, outdoor stuff it was rugby shirts, tapered jeans and ducks or my high tops (my poor daughter doesn't get those, lol).

Fav Songs...this one is super hard. Though I think my all-time favorite is between "What does it take" by HOneymoon Suite and "Take on Me" by Aha (anyone remember that video?) Two of my favorite albums were Sentimental STreet by Sister Christian and Chicago 17. I listened to it all...Easy Lover, I wanna know, material girl, human touch, Walk like an egyptian, Photograph, you name the song, I probably loved it, haha.


Favorite Movies: Hands down GREASE. We watched that over and over and over and over. I still have two copies of it, hehe. then there was The Breakfast club, footloose, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Back to the Future. Flashdance, The GOONIES...okay, have to stop now or I'll keep going.

Favorite Telly: Absolute FAv was Family Ties (total MJF Fan), but loved One Day at a Time, Remington STeele, Moonlighting, and of course, MTV when it used to play music videos, lol.

Favorite toys: Had the Strawberry Shortcakes, the cabbage patches, and all of those. By the end of the eighties it was my stereo for my albums and my mini boom box (it was when they started making them smaller) for cassettes.


TamIAm 07-08-2006 02:58 PM

Someone here mentioned the Sunshine Family--I remember those dolls. My daughter was putting away her dolls (sniff, sniff) and guess what we found in there? Granny's dress. It's all I have left of the set, haha.

Does anyone remember those "add a bead" necklaces?? Where you'd buy a starter kit with the chain and five ball beads and then you could keep adding onto them as you got the cash??

And yes, my sons are sleeping on my old Care Bear Sheets and Garfield sheets, lol (my mother wonders why I'm a pack rat, as she hands me another box, lol).


mrikitty 07-08-2006 08:54 PM

HaHa!! Better off dead is a fabulous movie! and Huey lewis...the back to the Future movies!

kellymartin 07-10-2006 12:37 PM

OK, I had to think about this one...I loved the 80's...what wasn't to love??? But here it goes:

Favorite Song: I Wear My Sunglasses At Night and Jesse's Girl...saw Rick Springfield in concert...also LOVED Loverboy...saw them in concert too!
Favorite Clothing: Anything IZOD! Preppies rule!
Favorite Toy: Atari, but once MTV hit, that's all she wrote!

Class of '85...

SkyesMom 07-10-2006 01:32 PM

Favorite Clothes: Layered socks in different colors, I wore four pairs at a time. Stretch pants with really long shirts, and my bangs hairsprayed about 6 inches high. I really tried to be like Madonna in Desperatley Seeking Susan.

Favorite Song: Def Leopard, Journey, Chicago, Bon Jovi, songs from St. Elmos Fire, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, Hungry Eyes from dirty dancing, and Take my breath away.

Favorite Toy: Oh Lord, I loved cabbage patch dolls and garbage pail kids, rainbow bright and of course Strawberry Shortcake. But they are all back now. With my daughters toys its like a time warp. I got the original Nintento in 1988.

Favorite Movies: Liscense to Drive, the Lost Boys, Top Gun, St. Elmos Fire, Dirty Dancing (I even had a dress just like what baby wore at the end of the movie), Pretty in Pink, St. Elmos Fire, National Lampoons Family Vacation and European Vacation and Christmas Vacation, Sixteen Candles, The great Outdoors. The back to the futures and the Karate Kid Movies too. I love the 80's.

I'll add one Teen Idol: Mine was Corey Haim, and the kid from Karate kid. and New Kids on the Block. and Michael J. Fox.

cindy_canada 07-13-2006 06:58 PM

Favorite Song: I don't know that it's my fave, but the very first song I remember from why I was young is Karma Chameleon, from Culture Club. Of course, back then, I didn't speak English and couldn't understand a word they said, so I only sang "Camamamamamacamalaon..." It's also the very first videoclip I remember seeing, and I was very confused as to why somebody called George would wear makeup... ;)
Ooh, I know: my fave song from the 80s is "Life is life". Remember that one? It made a comeback at my high school in the 90's. Lol!

Favorite Clothing: Well, I was very fond of my neon colours paired with purple... Urgh! Thankfully, I grew up in the 80s so you can blame a lot of bad fashion choices on your mom picking up your clothes for yourself... haha!

Favorite Toy: Has to be Rainbow Bright. That doll followed me around everyone I went! She got so ragged that I even got a second one from my aunt, in hope I would abandon the old one (didn't happen!).

Fave movie: Probably Labyrinth, with Jennifer Connelly and Dsavid Bowie. I saw that movie so many times on TV... It used to fascinate me.

jstarbright 07-14-2006 01:37 PM

Target $ Spot has all kinds of Strawberry Shortcake items, I laughed right out loud in the store when I saw them and immediately thought of Denises avatar

stampingdenise 07-14-2006 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by jstarbright
Target $ Spot has all kinds of Strawberry Shortcake items, I laughed right out loud in the store when I saw them and immediately thought of Denises avatar

SHUT UP!!!! Are you Freakin' kidding me????? NO WAY!!!!!

OMG... I gotta go.... I don't care if it *is* 100 degrees here tomorrow, WE ARE GOING TO TARGET!!!!!!!!!!!

jstarbright 07-16-2006 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by stampingdenise
SHUT UP!!!! Are you Freakin' kidding me????? NO WAY!!!!!

OMG... I gotta go.... I don't care if it *is* 100 degrees here tomorrow, WE ARE GOING TO TARGET!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL, Well, did you make it to Target ? And did they have SS stuff ?

stampingdenise 07-16-2006 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by jstarbright
LOL, Well, did you make it to Target ? And did they have SS stuff ?

Nope. Not yet. Just 25 cent flip flops. :( But I guess it's coming soon.... as everything was marked 4/$1.... must be clearing out to make room for my hero SSC!

jstarbright 07-16-2006 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by stampingdenise
Nope. Not yet. Just 25 cent flip flops. :( But I guess it's coming soon.... as everything was marked 4/$1.... must be clearing out to make room for my hero SSC!

Must be, it's funny how the $ Spot so often gets the same things as the theme for VSN

Smay819 07-17-2006 06:19 AM

Favorite Song:Missing You and Sunglasses at Night ... Oh! and any Madonna!
Favorite Clothing: Big shirt over stirrup pants totally!
Favorite Toy: Definitely Atari
Favorite Past Time: Besides chasing boys :eek: ... rollerskating!!!

I graduated high school in '85. And I love that song that's out now '1985'. Sometimes I wish I was still in 1985! hehe :cool:

BettyBoop032004 07-17-2006 06:13 PM

Favorite Song: anything by NKOTB
Favorite Clothing: cool-lots...skorts now :)
Favorite Toy: rainbow bright and barbie and the rockers dolls

blessingsX3 07-18-2006 11:37 AM

What a fun thread that like totally brings back memories. I graduated high school in 1988 so it has been a trip reading everyone's comments. I am so in for the VSN in August. Never been a part of one before so it should be fun.

Favorite song: The Flame by Cheap Trick
Favorite clothes: definitely the stirrups with the 2 layers of scrunch socks and a big ole shirt with the collar up of course. Finish off the look with a big hip belt and a banana clip in the hair and matching purse. I also liked my Jordache jeans. I had all the different thread colors, you know orange, yellow and white.

Favorite game: Ms. PacMan and my sticker collection.
Fav movie: TopGun

Cloiea 07-19-2006 02:56 AM

What fun :)

Fave Clothes: Stone washed jeans, big/long shirt & 2-3 pairs of slouch socks - I was then ready for a night out - LOL :lol:

Fave Song: anything by Def Leppard, Billy Idol, Prince, Duran Duran...

Fave Toy: the BIG arcade machines - Pac Man, Galaga

Fave Movie: Anything with the Brat Pack

I just LOVED the 80's!!!! :cool: :cool:

veganf 07-19-2006 03:07 AM

Favorite Song: Oh there were sooo many!! I'll pick a few, but I'm sure I could sit here all day listing them: Chaka Khan - I Feel For You, anything by Scritti Politti.
Favorite Clothing: Those rubber bracelets all the way up the arm like Madonna wore.
Favorite Toy: Cabbage Patch Kids and Strawberry Shortcake. (If this baby's a girl, I've already bought a strawberry shortcake print cloth diaper just in case!)
And Pac Man. We have all the Pac Man games in the Plug In And Play version now, and my 3 year old is getting pretty good at it, ...blush...

- Krista

jonjinko 07-19-2006 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by jstarbright
Target $ Spot has all kinds of Strawberry Shortcake items, I laughed right out loud in the store when I saw them and immediately thought of Denises avatar

hi Joni!!!
I am a Joni too! Not a common name but definitely memorable. ;)

jonjinko 07-19-2006 03:19 AM

Okay, you all just MADE MY DAY!!! Yes, I'm yelling because I am so excited!! :)

I SO remember the AHA video done in an arty sketchy cartoon. Last time I was home my brother took out his karaoke machine. I sang 'Owner of a Lonely Heart' without even having to look at the words. Thank you, thank you. :)

favorite song: Anything Duran Duran (huge fan here), and I wanted to be Janet Jackson - the queen of dance!

Songs that bring back mucho memories:
Shopping by Depeche Mode
True by Spandau ballet
Noone Ever is To Blame - Howard Jones
Things can only get better - H. Jones
Kyrie Elaison - who sang this?

Favorite clothes: Those flouncy skirts with knee length leggings underneath (ala Madonna) paired with granny boots.

Favorite toy: Had to be Centipede or Frogger

I cannot believe how much I am smiling right now!!

jonjinko 07-19-2006 03:23 AM

[QUOTE=veganf]Favorite Song: Oh there were sooo many!! I'll pick a few, but I'm sure I could sit here all day listing them: Chaka Khan - I Feel For You, anything by Scritti Politti.
Favorite Clothing: Those rubber bracelets all the way up the arm like Madonna wore.
Favorite Toy: Cabbage Patch Kids and Strawberry Shortcake. (If this baby's a girl, I've already bought a strawberry shortcake print cloth diaper just in case!)
And Pac Man. We have all the Pac Man games in the Plug In And Play version now, and my 3 year old is getting pretty good at it, ...blush...

OMG! How could I forget Chaka Khan???? And that breakdancing movie it came from?!?!

BET payed a tribute to Chaka Khan this year at their awards. It was soooo good. Prince and Stevie Wonder backed her up. While she changed clothes, Yolanda Adams (gospel singer) sang "Sweet Thing," India Arie sang another one, and then Chaka came out to sing "Through the Fire," "I feel for You," and "Ain't Nobody." I was in heaven.

jonjinko 07-19-2006 03:24 AM

By the way, my DH swears acid wash is going to make a comeback one day.

fool4scrapping 07-19-2006 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by jonjinko
Okay, you all just MADE MY DAY!!! Yes, I'm yelling because I am so excited!! :)

I SO remember the AHA video done in an arty sketchy cartoon. Last time I was home my brother took out his karaoke machine. I sang 'Owner of a Lonely Heart' without even having to look at the words. Thank you, thank you. :)

favorite song: Anything Duran Duran (huge fan here), and I wanted to be Janet Jackson - the queen of dance!

Songs that bring back mucho memories:
Shopping by Depeche Mode
True by Spandau ballet
Noone Ever is To Blame - Howard Jones
Things can only get better - H. Jones
Kyrie Elaison - who sang this?

Favorite clothes: Those flouncy skirts with knee length leggings underneath (ala Madonna) paired with granny boots.

Favorite toy: Had to be Centipede or Frogger

I cannot believe how much I am smiling right now!!

Mister, Mister;)

jonjinko 07-19-2006 04:08 AM

MISTER MISTER!!! OMG. Now I am really smiling. :) I am totally subscribing to this thread...

Clownmom 07-19-2006 12:55 PM

Okay, you guys are all making me feel sooo old. In the '80's I was fighting with my teenagers -- who are now in their 30's and 40's. But I'm coming to VSN anyway!

stampingdenise 07-19-2006 12:56 PM

The 80s were a GREAT decade... no matter how old you were!!!

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