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FMcrafter 10-15-2012 02:07 PM

Grumpy likes to BURN water and melt toaster ovens.....but I HAD to get a new kettle cause he was afraid I would burn it....HUH???

marney 10-15-2012 02:22 PM

Feathers!!!!! I am on the search.. can't even find any outside as it has been raining so will have to go with the bird.... I am needing badly to get out of the 'do something else mood' and get back in my craft room and get something done...
Lauren how long does it take something from here to get to Australia????? Is a month ahead long enough.... Wow!!!! for someone who is always late in getting cards out.. I will really have to look ahead... I doubt if that will happen any time soon...
I did make it to our Craft store today and picked up a stamp set I really like. It is an inkadinkado stamp and Shoot! I can't see a name of the set on the package.. It is a set of tall flowers anyway.....
I have been staging war on a single fly that has been here for about 3 days and do you think I can catch him/her... boy!!! the things I do for amusement lol.......K going to the craft room now.................

FMcrafter 10-15-2012 03:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
here ya go another christmas card

Donnaml 10-15-2012 04:47 PM

Wow very pretty card Lynn, I love that.

Lauren, I needed LaLatty's email for a friend that is a SU Demo and I know LaLatty has a website. My friend wants to ask her some info about how you go about getting one.

Marion, Sure hope you get that fly:)

Kathy, Thank you soooo much for the info on LaLatty, your a doll (I keep telling you that, but you don't believe me):)

Ok, I have a crisis (personal) going on right now, so I probably won't be on much for a few days. the stress and anxiety is just getting to be too much. Sorry ladies. Hope no one Dares me in the Alpha Challenge thread. But I am not going to post this over there. OK, love you all and hope to be back on soon.:)

muscrat 10-15-2012 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Donnaml (Post 19755604)
Wow very pretty card Lynn, I love that.

Lauren, I needed LaLatty's email for a friend that is a SU Demo and I know LaLatty has a website. My friend wants to ask her some info about how you go about getting one.

Marion, Sure hope you get that fly:)

Kathy, Thank you soooo much for the info on LaLatty, your a doll (I keep telling you that, but you don't believe me):)

Ok, I have a crisis (personal) going on right now, so I probably won't be on much for a few days. the stress and anxiety is just getting to be too much. Sorry ladies. Hope no one Dares me in the Alpha Challenge thread. But I am not going to post this over there. OK, love you all and hope to be back on soon.:)

Hang in there Donna.....praying for you. You have such a big load right now on top of your own health issues. You are a strong woman!

dawnmercedes 10-15-2012 05:01 PM

i would like to report that I created 5 cards today...photographed 0 cards today!

muscrat 10-15-2012 05:20 PM

3 Attachment(s)
I created three! I took photos...I CASE'd two..the one with the birds is for the MIU challenge to do something with feathers...

FMcrafter 10-15-2012 05:20 PM

Hey Donna..we will share the load as much as we can!

FMcrafter 10-15-2012 05:21 PM

Beautiful cards Kathy!!! I think I should steal them all...it has been so long since I have done so!

FMcrafter 10-15-2012 05:21 PM

Dawn...stop being a Lynn and get that camera out girl! LOLOLOL

dawnmercedes 10-15-2012 05:24 PM

I have the worst camera ever...it can't take pix inside without being in front of a window with natural light. On top of that, DH is using it and out of town... tomorrow, I'll use the other camera...

FMcrafter 10-15-2012 05:27 PM

Dawn's Christmas wishlist

I good quality camera
1 lightbox...pre-assembled (and one fror Lynn tooo)

muscrat 10-15-2012 05:48 PM

I uploaded my feather card so it can go into the MIU gallery.

laurenscraft 10-15-2012 05:49 PM

Marion sometimes it takes 4 weeks other times it takes only a week, always 4 weeks going from Oz to Canada......

snail mail grrr


Originally Posted by marney (Post 19755281)
Feathers!!!!! I am on the search.. can't even find any outside as it has been raining so will have to go with the bird.... I am needing badly to get out of the 'do something else mood' and get back in my craft room and get something done...
Lauren how long does it take something from here to get to Australia????? Is a month ahead long enough.... Wow!!!! for someone who is always late in getting cards out.. I will really have to look ahead... I doubt if that will happen any time soon...
I did make it to our Craft store today and picked up a stamp set I really like. It is an inkadinkado stamp and Shoot! I can't see a name of the set on the package.. It is a set of tall flowers anyway.....
I have been staging war on a single fly that has been here for about 3 days and do you think I can catch him/her... boy!!! the things I do for amusement lol.......K going to the craft room now.................

marney 10-15-2012 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by muscrat (Post 19755711)
I created three! I took photos...I CASE'd two..the one with the birds is for the MIU challenge to do something with feathers...

These are beautiful cards Kathy. Love the one with the birds.. the colors are amazing.. They are all so creative.....

Dawn I know what you mean by the camera.. I have to do the same thing.... I do not have a light box either,,,,, and if I did have no where to store it that I can think of.....

Donna hearts and prauer are being sent your way....

marney 10-15-2012 05:53 PM

Thanks Lauren for the info

laurenscraft 10-15-2012 06:27 PM

Girls I made my own lightbox out of a cardboard box and tissue paper, and some poster cardboard, works well, it is my photo studio and can be put under any light source to take good photos.... now you know mine are good photos.... I take photos, no flash inside under the fluro light in the bathroom or the stand reading light in the loungeroom or the ott light in the craft room, really just depends where the clearest space is.

dawnmercedes 10-15-2012 06:44 PM

nice job...I looked at a paper box just Saturday night...wondering if I really wanted to embark on a light box studio myself!

dawnmercedes 10-15-2012 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by FMcrafter (Post 19755734)
Dawn's Christmas wishlist

I good quality camera
1 lightbox...pre-assembled (and one fror Lynn tooo)

ooh, that is right..haha...
sadly, this is going to be a smaller christmas...I'm trying to gear the kids up...and their lists!

dawnmercedes 10-15-2012 06:46 PM

whoa...you guys are looking for cast off feathers??? haha...I was just going to use some faux feathers from my craft pile!

dawnmercedes 10-15-2012 06:48 PM

ooh, I just jump into that SCS gallery and get up to 60K,...and then celebrate myself! haha

laurenscraft 10-15-2012 09:19 PM

Dawn you little miss sunshine you, you are so funny!!!

Suzy800 10-15-2012 09:50 PM

Good evening ladies!! I'm still trying to get my craft space somewhat organized before Thursday evening!! I have my friend from Calgary coming for a long weekend and I'm sooooo excited!! 4 days of getting crafty and inky!! Can't wait!!


marney 10-15-2012 09:57 PM

Yvonne- Hi, how is it coming... Any rejects kicking around..lol.....
You will enjoy the week end I am sure...... lots of chatting , lots of late nights and then there is shopping... all sounds good to me...

laurenscraft 10-15-2012 10:41 PM

Great weekend Yvonne, have some fun!!!.....

I am a a bit sore at the moment, had a fall this afternoon, leg just would not move, hate that numbness I get and I kept going, fell onto the bar fridge and did not get the hands in place first, so the corner of the bar fridge into the chest, who said that big breasts would save you forgot to say you had to have good aim!!! Gonna have a couple of corkers of bruises, but am still in one piece....

Never mind it will not stop me from crafting I think..

laurenscraft 10-16-2012 01:51 AM

So I made my card

A Little Bird Tld Me.... by laurenscraft - Cards and Paper Crafts at Splitcoaststampers

Suzy800 10-16-2012 05:15 AM

Good morning beautiful ladies! Yes Mom, more rejects have hit the boxes and I'm sure there are more to follow! Lauren girl! Be careful! Holy cow woman that would have hurt. I do hope you can console yourself with some crafty time.

Donna, sending you huge cyber hugggsss....I'm adding you to my prayers my dear friend. I know all to well what stress can do to a person. Please take care of yourself! ((((()))))

dawnmercedes 10-16-2012 05:24 AM

hey..I had to use my DH's camera..which is much more high tech than mine...has different buttons...and i can't figure out how to change the resolution...

so, could someone go look at the first five cards in my gallery and let me know if they look okay on your screen? at first they were all pixilated...but then I changed the resolution in photoshop. but you know, everyone's monitor looks different....

Splitcoaststampers Member Galleries - dawnmercedes - Handmade Cards & Crafts

marney 10-16-2012 08:26 AM

Dawn Those cards are so cute and inspirational.. Love your work.... the pictures are great... you did good.. Will have to look into how you did that one background.. I have been playing with mixed media and do like it so have another venture to explore...... Oh Boy. I haven't caught up with myself and I am off another trail..... :) o well.

laurenscraft 10-16-2012 10:26 AM

Look fantastic to me!!! Dawn I like his camera!!

marney 10-16-2012 10:40 AM

I saw an image of this awhile ago and wanted to try and copy it. I am disappointed with the feather and I know I have a feather that would be perfect but it is hiding..... When I find it, it will go on the card.. Anyway.. here it is The picture is poor...That light box may have to be an answer....

Scrolled Message by marney - Cards and Paper Crafts at Splitcoaststampers

FMcrafter 10-16-2012 11:59 AM

Look at all the great cards ladies! I thought this would be hard but you all did such a great job!

FMcrafter 10-16-2012 01:54 PM

Be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you,
opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought.
- Henry David Thoreau

Face your fears and doubts, and new worlds will open to you.
- Robert Kiyosaki

Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain.
- Mark Twain

One does not discover new lands without consenting
to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.
- Andre Gide

FMcrafter 10-16-2012 03:40 PM

Hellloooo??? HHHEEELLLOOOOO??? is anybody out there??

FMcrafter 10-16-2012 03:42 PM

ok...so who is going to tell me where to go?? I think I wanna make a light box

muscrat 10-16-2012 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by FMcrafter (Post 19757814)
ok...so who is going to tell me where to go?? I think I wanna make a light box

I'll tell you where to go!!! LOL Not what you were thinking....I meant to my house!!

dawnmercedes 10-16-2012 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by marney (Post 19756919)
Dawn Those cards are so cute and inspirational.. Love your work.... the pictures are great... you did good.. Will have to look into how you did that one background.. I have been playing with mixed media and do like it so have another venture to explore...... Oh Boy. I haven't caught up with myself and I am off another trail..... :) o well.

Check out Monday's TLC399 challenge...the steps were explained. Super easy. Basically, you apply ink to the acrylic block as you wish. Stamp onto the paper. Mask using post it notes and then add more images...such as leaves, flowers, designs, or words. Then embellish as you wish!

Donnaml 10-16-2012 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by FMcrafter (Post 19757814)
ok...so who is going to tell me where to go?? I think I wanna make a light box

Lynn, when I made mine, I just went to Google and typed in Light Box and looked until I found an easy one to make. I just used a box and lined it with white poster board cut out the top to that I can shine a light onto it. Also you will have the opening in the front too. So, you will have two sides of the box cut out. KWIM????

Hello everyone. Great cards everyone is making. Love all of them:)

FMcrafter 10-16-2012 04:21 PM

Ok so the top is open and the front..I am trying to figure out why you would need to cut the sides then put tissue paper over it

eeewww just put a light saver bulb in the kitchen and it casts a blue light....eeewww blue on food is not a good colour

FMcrafter 10-16-2012 04:29 PM

I'm going to Kathy's!!! yyyeaaah!! I hope you have Halloween candy!

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