
Splitcoaststampers (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/)
-   Get it Together! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/get-together-67/)
-   -   CLOSED - 01/12/08 Greater Cincinnati, OH/Kentucky Shoebox Swap (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/get-together-67/closed-01-12-08-greater-cincinnati-oh-kentucky-shoebox-swap-301558/)

lovingyoualways 02-04-2008 11:35 AM

thanks a lot now i want these scrabooks by lisa!

daiseyfreak 02-04-2008 11:40 AM

hey girls, feel like poop today, I think I have a fever and I'm having cold chills, that's not a good sign is it? I made myself come to work today and am regretting it. I think I will close group down early tonight after I get some drug screens. I think tomorrow, I will stay home with my Polo all day and sleep and watch movies, aaaaah, that sounds soooo good. Julie, glad you're show went well, Julia, don't buy, don't buy, so much other SU stuff to get yet :)

daiseyfreak 02-04-2008 02:06 PM

ok, so I just had the nurse take my temp, it's 99, so not good, not bad. She said that they have found this new type of flu going around, and it wasn't a part of our flu vaccinations- go figure, so she told me to take it easy, so I am letting group out early and going home, and probably staying home tomorrow.

lovingyoualways 02-04-2008 02:51 PM

aw sorry to hear that. Get some rest. At least it wasn't 104 ugh!

daiseyfreak 02-04-2008 02:54 PM

oh my gosh Julia, i've never had a fever that high, I don't know how you survived without going ot the dr! I def. wouldn't even be on the computer with that kind of fever.

I'm on break, sitting in group, sweating like crazy, but have my winter jacket on.........nuts.

lovingyoualways 02-04-2008 03:05 PM

Because this started oh my about 6 years ago..the first time I got the fever that high. That was the worse. Since then they come once a year or every other. I didn't get it last year but I got it this year. Just stay in bed sleep with a washcloth and ice pack. There are other things but I don't waste the money on the doctor because they tell me the same thing every time. I do go when new symptoms occur but that is rare.

I was really sick when I was young and had to repeat first grade because of it, so I'm rather sick of doctors lol.

Inkonmyhands 02-04-2008 05:12 PM

Not on the computer much today. I have been taken care of my pucking, pooping daughter. My kids hate being sick but secretly I think they like the time I spend with them. I helped her wash up after throwing up each time. Making sure she has lots of liquids and most importantly of all giving her lots of love. She is a slug on the couch at the moment watching a movie with her dad. Hope she gets better (and doesn't give it to me). I started and finished the cards for this swap here while hanging out with her.


P.S. Sandye, got the replacement images you sent me. Thanks. I am still trying how to color. Never knew coloring would be this hard. I am going to try to use SU markers on watercolor paper to see that effect too.

sgc 02-04-2008 05:20 PM

I just took a class on coloring with markers and a blender pen (made by Marvy). The lady at my LSS said you had to use Marvy markers, but the lady next to me used Stampin Up markers. I liked this technique also! Sorry I don't have any instructions on this.
You sound like the perfect mom taking care of sick children. The next time that Liz (or Jim--he is worse than her!) gets sixk, I think I will send her/him to Connecticut!

lovingyoualways 02-04-2008 05:22 PM

LOL you guys lol. Bonnie I'm coloring challenged too. You should see the images Bonnie sent me, ugh.

luv2stampmamajacki 02-04-2008 05:31 PM

Quick stop to say hi, to everyone!!!

Joy - sorry to hear you now have the awful stuff, it sure is going around this year. Feel better, rest, sleep and drink lots of fluids!!!!

Bonnie- Your the best! I can see why your kids and you are so close! Hope Cindy is feelin better soon and hope you don't get it:rolleyes:

Julia- HI- how is everything?

Julie - So glad you had a good show!

Tracy - Got your PM - images out

Sandye - If I have not told you YOU ROCK and THANKS A BUNCH for the images. I know with everything going on I didn't thank you for all the goodies you have sent me!!!! Will be busy this weekend ;)

Karen- Miss you, I need to figure out when I can get to one of the crops you go to.

Tammy - I missed you bunches - put :p to have you back at work today!!!!

Shay - how are you and babies? good I hope

Ok - go to get Hunter to bed - talk with you all later... CHOW!

lovingyoualways 02-04-2008 05:37 PM

Things here are good. Finally found my missing CB folder and got Joy and Julie's cards done and sent off. Got color burst 2 sent out. Going to finish Bonnie's swap tomorrow I hope lol. UM, other then that I worked on gift certificates for my sister's business today fun!

daiseyfreak 02-04-2008 06:05 PM

ok girls, took some nyquil, off to dream land :)

Just bought Julia her b-day present :)

lovingyoualways 02-04-2008 06:47 PM

tisk tisk tisk. I told her to sleep on it before she bought it sigh...you see how well that worked. THANKS JOY YOUR THE BESTEST!

daiseyfreak 02-05-2008 07:16 AM

staying home today, taking lots of meds and watching movies ALL day.

Julia, no problem, perfect timing b/c I just started thinking on Sunday about what I was gonna get ya!

shayks 02-05-2008 10:02 AM

babies are good

growing so fast

joy, take it easy & get better fast

lovingyoualways 02-05-2008 10:05 AM

Good to hear the babies are doing well!

shayks 02-05-2008 10:11 AM

how are you? weren't you sick last week?

shayks 02-05-2008 10:13 AM

getting tax refund today - largest ever!!!!!!!!!!

buying computer cuz mom needs hers back

buying SU, clothes, maybe an ott light, paying medical bills, paying off a cr card that i no longer have - just have the balance, a few more sm. debts

lovingyoualways 02-05-2008 10:32 AM

still sick almost over it other then that doing well.

Good luck computer shopping. I just want mine rebuilt again SOON, sad. Just had him rebuild it last year. But every year I need more and more and this year is no exception.

****ETA**** He must have been reading my mind lol. He just called to say he found some computer parts at a extremely good deal. So now my computer is getting rebuilt lol.

daiseyfreak 02-05-2008 11:38 AM

hey girls, almost 4 pm, and I slept all day! Watched something that was 1 hour, and that's it, gonna work on some cards, check with ya later!

lovingyoualways 02-05-2008 11:40 AM

I'm going to work on cards tonight trying to do a little more cleaning before Michael gets home from work.

tammy miller 02-05-2008 12:26 PM

hey all just wanted to pop in and say Hi!

Joy sorry you are feeling bad, I hope you get over it really quick, I swear it looks like our thread is contagious! Joy thanks for my card it was very thoughtful! what set was that I had gotten another card with that stamp and I really like it!

You all have a good night I will jump back on later to check in.

Ok I need some ideas what kind of stuff do we want to do on our trip??? I think things are settling down thank goodness and I am ready to start researching!

daiseyfreak 02-05-2008 12:33 PM

:eek: :eek: tammy, remind me, what does the card look like? I can't ever remember what cards I send out.......I'm thinking flower filled, I made some cards with that recently???????

daiseyfreak 02-05-2008 12:34 PM

let's see, we want to BBQ, have a seafood night, have a mini shoebox swap, go camping, and the convention/stamping classes are up in the air........I think that's what we got so far..........

lovingyoualways 02-05-2008 03:35 PM

Ok got half my cards done for Bonnie's swap had to take a break and see what was going on at scs. Heading back to card land though.

tokeefe 02-05-2008 03:52 PM

Hi All...Thought I would pop in a few minutes to say Hi just like everyone else.
Julie - Got your PM thanks for the information.
Joy - May need another day of rest. Definately sounds like our thread has been contagious. I went through enough and don't want/need anymore :)
Bonnie - Hope the family is getting better and I'm sure with all your lovin' its bound to happen. Soup is always great.
Shay - Got my new computer for xmas and LOVE it LOVE it. Glad to hear the babies are doing well. They grow so fast so enjoy them now.
Tammy - Glad to know you are on the mends and sounds like Jackie is so happy to have you back at work.
Jackie - Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
I think that's everyone except Julia and I talk with her almost everyday.
Glad you are working at getting all those swaps done. I'd be stressed out trying to accomplish all that.
Well off to watch alittle TV and head to bed early tonight. Long, Hard day at work.
Take Care and keep it touch.

Inkonmyhands 02-05-2008 04:09 PM

Hi Girls,
Just taking care of my daughter again today. My stomach isn't feeling the hottest so I hope I am not getting it. I colored the images Sandye sent me for World Metorologist Day. It is a little person/bug holding an umbrella. I need to put the card together now. My husband thinks I am crazy not feeling good but trying to finish the cards. What does he know? LOL

Welcome back to SCS, Tammy.

Julia, how many more days is it?

Joy, I just got my package sent out to you yesterday for your swap. I was not feeling well for a few days so I never got to the post office.

Julie, Your swap cards just went out also for the same reason.


daiseyfreak 02-05-2008 04:16 PM

bonnie, no problems, yeah, I'm home sick, but still working on cards too. hope your dd gets feelin better!

julie in ohio 02-05-2008 08:21 PM

The new stamp sets are here and posted. Link in signature line.

daiseyfreak 02-06-2008 11:12 AM

wow, this got to the 2nd page, how did that happen?

hope everyone is doing well, I'm back to work and feeling good today!!!!!!!!! we had some storms last night, a tree fell on our neighbors house, that was interesting this morning at 2 AM. Poor Polo, has bad storm anxiety, all the flashing lights, etc. from the neighbors house didn't help. Our house is fine, thank goodness.

sgc 02-06-2008 11:17 AM

Glad you are feeling better. We too had bad storms last night. Our cat (17 year old Leon) used to have storm anxiety, but now his hearing is going--and storms don't bother him at all! Guess old age has some advantages! I've had a good time today, finished up three swaps, and planning a couple of others. I think Liz is finally feeling good again. Glad it stayed away from me.

Inkonmyhands 02-06-2008 11:35 AM

Just checking in to see what everyone is doing today.

Joy, Glad you are feeling better.

I feel o.k. today but my daughter is still sick. Just feels like poop now no other symptoms. Had to work a full day today so they don't think I am quiting. ha, ha.

Sandye, is old age the reason you don't hear us when we are talking to you on SCS. LOL. My husband is working on a project for me tonight.

Tracy, I haven't gotten anything in the mail to you. Maybe I can do that tonight.

I better finish up some little packages I have to send out for my mini thinking of you swap or it will be Valentine's Day and then won't be any good. Working late so I won't be on until later tonight.


sgc 02-06-2008 12:01 PM

I always hear you all when you talk to me on SCS. If you don't hear back, maybe I just don't want to talk! Old age is not the problem. Honestly, I always do answer, don't I? If not, it is because I forget! (That too is caused by old age). I was waiting until later this evening to ask about Cindy. I think this crazy weather is part of the problem with all of this sickness. Is it warm there? It was 60 here today.

Inkonmyhands 02-06-2008 04:32 PM

Just joking with you. I love to laugh at YOU! Cindy is still not able to get her head of the couch but she is determined to go to school tomorrrow. Today was really rainy and warm. Not 60 but warm. It is suppose to get colder tonight and have freezing rain. I can't image that since it is so warm but maybe. I am still excited you girls are coming. What do you girls want to do for the mini shoebox swap? Are we doing it camping so Julie can come or Thursday night at my house? If you do it Thursday night I have two women who want to come and meet all of you. One of them is a SCS person but she is hardly ever on and the other one is my friend who use to come to all my card stuff when I was a SU demo. Let me know. I will have some great things for the swap.


Inkonmyhands 02-06-2008 04:36 PM

Hey, I haven't heard much from Jackie. How are you girlfriend? I miss your smiling face. Tammy, yours too. Hell, I miss all of you. Really wish it was just thru the woods to see all of you. I am suppose to be going to a shoebox swap 2 1/2 hours away in March but I hate to drive and my aunt seems to be backing out on going with me.


luv2stampmamajacki 02-06-2008 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Inkonmyhands (Post 8676339)
Hey, I haven't heard much from Jackie. How are you girlfriend? I miss your smiling face. Tammy, yours too. Hell, I miss all of you. Really wish it was just thru the woods to see all of you. I am suppose to be going to a shoebox swap 2 1/2 hours away in March but I hate to drive and my aunt seems to be backing out on going with me.


Oh I am here tonite, been so busy all week since the weekend, running to boyscouts, helping my other GS with a science project and work is insane since it is the first of the month. I guess you can say I have been lurking checking in to see what's going on during the day at work but trying not to get busted either.

Going to be busy this week end figuring out where I am with my swap and what I need to do ASAP!

Bonnie - my suggestion for June is to have a stamping night at your house on Thursday - we get to meet your friends- then have one on Saturday at camp!
I know Joy is doing a scrapbook page and I think it would be fun for all of us to do one too to share along with our mini shoe box- Just some suggestions, if not I was doing a scrapbook page for our Road Trip like - one for the night we leave - for CT and then one at the end when we leave you on Sunday. Figure it would be fun - taking pics of all of us leaving OH/KY. I think we all have plenty of time to come up with a card for Thursday and then one for Saturday - Hey where is Tammy our activity advisor??????????????

What are other's thoughts here ????????

daiseyfreak 02-06-2008 06:41 PM

I like Jacki's idea, can't get enough stamping!! I also like the scrapbook page idea. Thursday can be seafood/stamp night, then another night can be camping and BBQ!

what night is Julie hanging with us? is that Friday or Saturday?

Scrapbooking page ideas: On the Road, CT or Bust!, Seafood night, BBQ time, I'm doing the camping page, a Hillbillie in CT page----> thought Sandye would like this one, lol!!

daiseyfreak 02-06-2008 06:52 PM

I just bought the new MFT twisted sentiments, can't wait to get them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

daiseyfreak 02-06-2008 07:04 PM

ok, to go with some of the sentiments, does anyone have the following bellas to stamp images for me? I would gladly trade images :) I’m gonna include the sentiment next to each that I’ll use…

Kinibella or beachabella Life’s a beach

Preggabella knocked up?

Veggiebella who you callin a hoe?

savvyshoppabella, shopabellas, mwahabella, ipodabella totally *****in or nice package

Stampinbella hold on a minute, I’m having a stampgasm or I’m capable of multiple stampgasms

Billybootabella slippery when wet

Inkonmyhands 02-07-2008 03:27 AM

Are you using those for the naughty swap. Funny how no one e-mailed me about that swap. I was looking at it and trying to figure out what to use. I was going to use cruiseabella and the saying that goes something like, if it has wheels or testicules it is bound to give you trouble. I only have the veggiebella I can stamp for you. If someone here stamps the others and they have veggie let them do it but if not I will do it for you.

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