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mischief732 09-01-2007 07:07 AM

Bumping for the day! Still hoping that Tracey and Stacey can make it too!

mischief732 09-02-2007 04:44 PM

Trying to keep this on the first page!

cookscrapstamp 09-04-2007 05:55 AM

Thanks Missi for bumping it over the weekend!! I wish we would have caught a few more interested people but it didn't happen..

Looks like our final count is 14! I will be sending out an PM to inform everyone who is on the list in case they don't get over there to see. Please, if you invited a friend, let them know that the number to prepare is 14.

I am looking forward to seeing you all again and meeting the new!! Start preparing your projects and please post or PM any questions as we go into the final 3 weeks before our gathering!!

mischief732 09-05-2007 07:54 AM

I've got an idea for my project! I'm getting excited!

cookscrapstamp 09-05-2007 11:36 AM

Yay Missi!! You always come up with such cute things!

cookscrapstamp 09-05-2007 02:26 PM

Stacy just wrote and I hope no one minds that we are adding 1 more! :)

Total count 15..

dolphenecho 09-05-2007 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by cookscrapstamp (Post 7097083)
Stacy just wrote and I hope no one minds that we are adding 1 more! :)

Total count 15..

WooHoo!!! Hope y'all don't mind...

What can I bring?? I make a mean caramel popcorn!! I'll look over the list and see what I can bring.. :)

Excited to meet you all!! :mrgreen:

mischief732 09-05-2007 05:33 PM

The more the merrier! Caramel popcorn, mmmmmmmmmm......

mischief732 09-08-2007 08:20 PM

I just thought I'd bump this, not sure why. Maybe because I'm bored while waiting for the dogs to finish outside so I can go to bed!

cookscrapstamp 09-09-2007 08:28 PM

It's alright Missi.. Bump away. It does no harm to anyone! I am looking forward to getting together again girls!! I still have to come up with my final project but I am hoping that it is a good one for all.

cookscrapstamp 09-14-2007 01:09 PM

2 weeks from tomorrow!!! I think I will start my countdown siggy tomorrow!!

KJ 09-16-2007 07:35 AM

Please forgive me, but I have to drop out of the gathering. My daughter just got asked to homecoming and it's on the 29th. Gotta help her get ready and such.

I'm really bummed that I don't get to meet everyone and have fun chatting and creating. I hope you all have a great time and I'll try to participate next time.


cookscrapstamp 09-16-2007 09:43 AM


Wish you could come even to the beginning of it. I will be there a little early and will have my project and if you want to come and bring yours, we can make sure you get one of everyone elses too. At least that way if you have already cut stuff, you can still do the Swap part of it..

Let me know if this interests you.. I too was hoping that I could drop cause of my boy's game but I am too excited to do that!!

See you all soon.

KJ 09-17-2007 02:03 PM

I only have one child and this is her first ever dance and she's a senior so it's kinda a big deal. Her cute boyfriend is on a budget so I'll likely be making and serving a fancy dinner for them so trying to come to even part of the gathering would be difficult.

I've bought all my supplies and made a proto-type, but I haven't started cutting. I'll either save it for next time or I'll be giving them away as gifts. :-)

Hope you gals have a great time and please keep me on the list for next time.

Tilleydog 09-18-2007 06:39 PM

OK now that I got my son's Birthday Party over I can start to cut all my cards out. I hope everyone likes my idea. It was a big hit at club this month. That or everyone was as just being nice. You can tell me the truth when I get there!

cookscrapstamp 09-18-2007 07:11 PM


I have mine all cut out but the more I look at them, the more I don't like them.. :( I might have to redo them... We will see.

mischief732 09-18-2007 10:16 PM

I put my sample together yesterday and didn't like how it turned out :( Back to the drawing board for me!

scrapshappen 09-19-2007 08:43 AM

I keep changing my mind. I had an idea more than a month ago but I think I'm on my fourth idea now. Guess I need to move beyond idea to samples so I can get something cut and ready!


Camie 09-21-2007 12:34 PM

Hey guys,

I'm getting really excited. My sample is done and now I'm just working on a door prize. It will be fun to see everyone angain and meet some new people.

mischief732 09-22-2007 06:57 PM

Only 1 more week! I'm so excited. Are we still prepping for 15?

cookscrapstamp 09-22-2007 08:02 PM

The magic confirmed number is 14..

I am not too excited about my project but it is cut so that is what I am going to stick with.. Hope you all are not disappointed.

scrapshappen 09-23-2007 06:51 AM

Just want to make sure I understand the way this works, if there are 14 confirmed, we cut for 13 right? (14 minus ourselves?)


cookscrapstamp 09-23-2007 07:04 AM

Yes.. That is right!! I am soo excited. 6 days until our get together.

Camie 09-23-2007 08:06 PM

Does anyone know or are any of you from Utah County, just wondering if anyone would want to carpool up????

I'm very excited, I got my sample done but I need to get the kits ready:p

dolphenecho 09-24-2007 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by cookscrapstamp (Post 7271680)
Yes.. That is right!! I am soo excited. 6 days until our get together.

I gotta get my project together.. I have some ideas, but keep changing my mind.. LOL... and what to bring for snacks too... I'm excited to meet you all.. :mrgreen:

cookscrapstamp 09-24-2007 10:55 AM

Sorry Camie.. I don't know where everyone is coming from.. I wanna say that RockyMtnStamper and maybe Dolphenecho are but I am not 100% sure..

Counting down the days ladies..

dolphenecho 09-24-2007 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by cookscrapstamp (Post 7282611)
Sorry Camie.. I don't know where everyone is coming from.. I wanna say that RockyMtnStamper and maybe Dolphenecho are but I am not 100% sure..

Counting down the days ladies..

I'm in Salt Lake.. :)

cookscrapstamp 09-24-2007 12:36 PM

Stacy- You are running out of days to figure out what you are going to do.. :) I bet it is going to be cute, whatever it is...

Can you guys believe this weather?? It is like mr weather said, it's autumn and here we go.. Burrrrrrr..

dolphenecho 09-24-2007 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by cookscrapstamp (Post 7283639)
Stacy- You are running out of days to figure out what you are going to do.. :) I bet it is going to be cute, whatever it is...

Can you guys believe this weather?? It is like mr weather said, it's autumn and here we go.. Burrrrrrr..

I like to fly by the seat of my pants!!! LOL

I know.. SNOW in the mountains!!! It's crazy!!! :rolleyes:

mischief732 09-24-2007 08:51 PM

I'l be designing my project tomorrow! Looks like I'm going be a last minute girl too!

scrapshappen 09-25-2007 05:59 AM

I think I've finally settled on a project. I just hope you all like it and don't think it's too nerdy. But IMHO, my door prize turned out cute. I hope someone will like it!

cookscrapstamp 09-25-2007 10:26 AM

Oh yeah.. I gotta get a door prize together. :)

mischief732 09-25-2007 02:27 PM

DOORPRIZE!!!!!..............Ahhhhhhh, I forgot!!! I'd better get busy.

Camie 09-28-2007 07:12 AM

Does anyone mind if I bring my 12 year old daughter, she knows she can't have cards but she wants to come and watch? Would that upset anyone?:confused:

RockyMountainStamper 09-28-2007 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Camie Miller (Post 7319365)
Does anyone mind if I bring my 12 year old daughter, she knows she can't have cards but she wants to come and watch? Would that upset anyone?:confused:

The more the merrier, I say! Doesn't bother me at all.

I can't believe our get-together is tomorrow! Yikes! I've been goin' like a crazy person with all that's been happening in my life lately. Sending DH off on a scout camp tonight, so that frees up my evening to finish up prepping my cards for tomorrow.

Haven't even begun a door prize at all---it may just be product of some sort. Hope that's ok with everybody. Free is free, right???

Also, what type of food do you need at this point? Or are you still in need of supplies (plates, napkins, etc.). I'll willing to bring whatever.

Can't wait to meet everyone tomorrow!

dolphenecho 09-28-2007 08:43 AM

I need to finish up my swap tonight and put together my door prize... I'm making caramel popcorn and chinese chicken salad and am gonna bring some small plates...

I hope it doesn't snow tomorrow... I hate traveling in yucky weather.. I feel a cold coming on too... Hopefully I can breath okay tomorrow.. LOL ;)

cookscrapstamp 09-28-2007 07:33 PM

Sleep well ladies!! We stamp tomorrow!!!

cookscrapstamp 09-29-2007 05:47 AM

It's 7:45 and I hope no one needs directions since no one has inquired. We stamp today ladies. Bring all your stuff and be prepared to have fun.. I will be up at the chuch at about 12. My son has a soccer game at 1030 so I will be there as soon as it is over!!!

See you all soon.

RockyMountainStamper 09-29-2007 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by cookscrapstamp (Post 7327448)
It's 7:45 and I hope no one needs directions since no one has inquired. We stamp today ladies. Bring all your stuff and be prepared to have fun.. I will be up at the chuch at about 12. My son has a soccer game at 1030 so I will be there as soon as it is over!!!

See you all soon.

My son has a soccer game at 10:30 too! Hope the weather holds out for them. (I won't cry any tears if they cancel--will give me more time to finish up last minute fun stuff for this afternoon!)

See everyone later! :-D

mischief732 09-29-2007 09:27 AM

Just finished my door prize! I'm off to get my act together and get going!
See you soon!

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