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scpd 06-10-2006 03:43 PM

I know how you feel, Dina, it can really hurt when someone doesn't seem to appreciate something we've made for her. I don't know your MIL, but she sounds a bit like my MIL -- and the first thing that occurred to me is that she thought they were too NICE to give away or use! My MIL passed away last year, and I have since gotten back a lot of the things I made for her -- still in their original condition. She packed them away carefully and saved them because she thought they were 'too good' to use, according to one of her daughters. Kind of heart-breaking that she never let herself enjoy them the way I hoped she would -- but the fact that she never made a big deal about the things I made for her didn't mean she didn't appreciate them in her own way. Just a thought...



Originally Posted by dgmlmax
For Christmas I made my MIL, 20 cards and I put the in a box that I decorated and made seperate file areas, so she could continue to use it. My MIL sends out cards tons of cards to friends and family, and she sends cards to the sick for her church. When I sent these cards along with other gifts at Christmas I didn't get much response, but I thought she realized the effort I put into them. Well I was wrong... Last week we went to visit (shes in NJ) my hubby asked if she used any of the cards she said NO, I don't want to send them to the sick people, so my hubby said I know send them to your friends and family. She didn't answer, then went and grabbed some cards from the dollar store and mailed out about 4 or 5 for family birthdays. So she has no intention of using the cards I made! I really wanted to ask for them back, the cards and the box came out so nice (if I do say so myself), but I know better! Anyway, I really am diappointed, I like to make presents for people because I feel it's so much more personal. I knew she sends tons of cards, and that they can be expensive. I guess I won't be doing that again!


jstarbright 06-11-2006 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by KaylynConover
Would that be to make her better understand that she treats people like sh#t? :D So sorry...that was my out-loud voice...couldn't help myself...

I have a great snark for the "...too much time on your hands..." remark. I just look at them with a big ole smile on my face and say: Yes. I *do* have too much time on my hands. That's the great thing about *MY* life! Those who mean it in a nasty way don't make those comments ever again to my face! The ones who are being nice ask more questions about what it takes to do it - and they get an invite over to play with my stamping toys.

Michelle: So sorry that happened to you. They are not worthy, they are not worthy, they are not worthy.....

OK, hand that piece of T.P. over to me because you just made me snort out of my nose ! I have had the "too much time on my hands" come my way too, but the people who admire what I do far out number the rudes ones. My reply to the rude one was " And you chasing a ball around on a golf course for 4 hours accomplishes what ? " I say, join the RAK group Michelle, the people there love and understand our card making passion.

pigfingers 06-11-2006 06:35 AM

The last time I think someone said something rude like that to me I of course never had anything witty to say; in the car I thought of a hundred foul things to say though, LOL!

When my sister, who we all laugh must be the milkman's daughter because she is nothing like any of us in the family who are all crafty -- says stuff like she doesn't have time, I just laugh. She can't sit still long enough for anything -- and doesn't have the patience for anything that god forbid might mess up her house. She was laid off a few years ago and instead of taking the summer off like her husband said and taking it easy and making curtains and handbags like she always said she would do if she had the "time" when she wasn't working, she made like 2 handbags over a week, rushed through them, hated them, and then spent the rest of the summer looking for another job. Really frustrates me. Her kids are both out of the house, her husband plays golf or runs a lot so not home a lot, so she has nothing BUT free time and likewise I have 2 kids and work part time and I find the time.

So I guess in perspective , someone said that we are all given the same amount of time, it is all priorities in what you want to do with your time. My sister spends her free time cleaning house and going out to dinner or shopping at the mall. Whatever!! My idea of shopping is that glorious time when DH has the kids and I have an hour to run out and do an errand before running home to make dinner!

Stampnf1n 06-11-2006 06:44 AM

You may be surprised and some are not acknowledging your cards!
I too thought that my cards were unappreciated until one day a discussion at a family gathering told me otherwise. They were saving them! Many of them had special shoe boxes they were keeping them in. I have since seen their collection and was pleasantly surprised by my creativity!

One thing I have tried in the past is to send someone who I thought was an "un-appreciator" a cheap boughten card. I have gotten comments "you must be busy, I didnt get one of your beautiful cards"

So we cant let a few get us down. AND we know we always love each other's work at Splitcoast!


Margaret Wilburn 06-11-2006 06:55 AM

I've really enjoyed reading this thread. For the most part I've found my handmade stuff appreciated. I loved the "worth and unworthy" list of people. In my life I do happen to have a list that I call Ungrateful Wretches. These are a couple of people who made snide comments about my cheap cards and it also includes nephews who never said thanks for gifts. Did have a friend have something funny happen. She makes cards with her granddaughters all the time and they love it. One of the kids got a card from an aunt and she told my friend...I got a fake card from Aunt Betty! She thinks the only cards are handmade and the others are just awful. As a long time painter, quilter and now cardmaker...there are just some people who don't like handmade things or think it is beneath them...but most people love and cherish things that are handmade with love. Make up your list of "ungrateful wretches" and just don't send them anything at all!

Cathy H 06-11-2006 03:41 PM

I have enjoyed reading this thread, as well. Funny -- I get SOOOO much appreciation for my efforts, and (this is not false modesty) a lot of what I have sent out has not been that good. I thought it was until I found this site -- now I know how bad I was !!
BUTTTTTTT I am getting better. You guys inspire me. Thank you.
And to all of you who has not been supported, I'm sorry. Send cards to my friends and relatives. They'll love them.
No don't ---- it would spoil them to get beautiful handmade cards and gifts!!

hedgiemama 06-11-2006 04:26 PM

My college daughter (in California, so she is just finishing finals this week) noted on the phone last week.

You know, I have all of your cards on the wall, and they have to come down. I am sort of sad to take them down. But, we were all noticing, that since school started, you have improved alot Mom! You are really working hard!

hedgiemama 06-11-2006 04:45 PM

Also, I am scared about the Post It Note craft I made for the dance team. I used the Inky Antics Turtle with the flowers. Now I just read that China stumps are not as good as Taiwan stumps.

After ordering and using them, and thinking my turtles were "pretty good" (I did 21 of them), I am looking in the gallery and I think I do have the funky stumps....Should I call Inky Antics and ask for a refund?

These gifties are going to hormonal, 15-18 year olds. I want to hide my head. Can not imagine the reaction. My daughter likes them, but.....this could be so, humiliating....

Wish I had a shell to crawl under!

Cathy H 06-11-2006 04:51 PM

TOOOOO funny !

Mahloumel 06-11-2006 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by hedgiemama
Also, I am scared about the Post It Note craft I made for the dance team. I used the Inky Antics Turtle with the flowers. Now I just read that China stumps are not as good as Taiwan stumps.

I don't know what the difference in effect is between the two types of stumps you mention, but do you think the girls you are giving these beautiful creations of yours to are *really* going to go out and compare your work to work done using the Taiwan stumps?

It reminds me of something scrapbookers often tell each other when they are being waaayyy to hard on themselves for not attaining some mythic scrapping nirvana where everything is perfectly aligned, cut, written, etc.: "Do you really think people are going to be looking through your scrapbooks with a ruler, and measuring everything to make sure it's perfect??"

I'm sure your gifts are beautiful!! Second-guessing ourselves takes all the fun out of this hobby, I think. Upload those babies to your gallery, post a link here, and we will all line up to tell you what we think of them (namely that they are awesome, we'd love to receive them ourselves, do you have any extras to send to us, etc. ;) ).

hedgiemama 06-11-2006 05:39 PM

As soon as I can I will start a little gallery.
Teens are very scary...they can be great, they can be SO awful...

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