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Photo Corners   [ gallery ]
Use scrap cardstock to make quick page or card accents.
Photo Cube   [ gallery ]
Make a keepsake photo cube from a single piece of cardstock and patterned paper
Photo Editing  Video Tutorial
Learn how to photograph and edit your projects to show them off in the best light.
Photo Tiles   [ gallery ]
Created custom keepsake coasters.
Photo Wallet   [ gallery ]
Create your own photo wallet out of cardstock.
Pierced Luminaria  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Create a Luminaria with pierced and cut images.
Pillow Box Bucket  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Create an adorable bucket with Pillow Box die cuts.
Pine Cone Ornament  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Create a pine cone ornament by adding folded paper to a styrofoam egg.
Pinwheel Fun Fold  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Fold this card up to reveal a fun pinwheel design.
Pixel Embellishments  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Turn double-sided foam adhesive into pretty embellishments to use on your cards.
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