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Ask the Artist

Our Artist in Residence, Dina Kowal, answers your questions

  • Submit your question to Dina
  • June 21, 2023
    Q: Kathy asks: "Would the Two Tone Interference technique work with white gesso on black cardstock?"

    A: It should work, as long as you get good coverage with the gesso! The important thing is having contrast on the base layer.

    June 14, 2023
    Q: More Crafting, asks: "I know many artists stack several die cuts glued together to add dimension to a portion of the card and I do it too but I really struggle with getting them perfectly lined up. Especial word dies, they are always "off" a little. Any hints?"

    A: My best tip is to use liquid glue to allow yourself a little longer time for wiggle room and getting the die cuts aligned well. With word dies, I use a fine tip bottle of glue, and just adhere small sections at a time.

    June 7, 2023
    Q: Aastha wants to know: "Wax Paper Resist is such a cool technique. Can we use parchment paper instead of wax paper, and a normal cardstock instead of glossy one?"

    A: Wax paper is coated with wax, which is what transfers with the heat of the iron to the paper to create the resist effect. Parchment paper doesn't have this coating. I'm not sure how an uncoated cardstock would react - I'm afraid it would soak up the wax instead of it sitting on top.

    May 31, 2023
    Q: Cindy asks: "What kind of paper do you use to take gel prints?"

    A: There are many different kinds of paper that work well. My favorite to work with is coated cardstock. The package I have now is Mohawk Color Copy Ultra Gloss Cover - it has a similar finish to posterboard or the white shipping tags (I use those often too!).

    May 24, 2023
    Q: Kim asks: "Is it better to buy colored pencils in a set, or individually?"

    A: I've done it both ways. Always check auction sites for used sets - I've gotten some very good deals that way! Sometimes I'll start off by purchasing a smaller set of basic colors, and add a few at a time as I can. I know the colors I use the most, so I'll focus on purchasing those first - sometimes it's worth paying a little more to have pencils you'll use rather than purchasing a full set with a range of colors that isn't in your usual palette. If you're unsure about what brands or types of pencils you prefer, you can purchase single pencils from a variety of brands. Test them yourself to see how they blend and what core hardness and content you prefer. Then you can make an informed purchase of a set (or multiple sets!) to fit your style and needs.

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