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-   -   Anyone own MISTI but thinking about getting Tonic (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/tool-product-talk-128/anyone-own-misti-but-thinking-about-getting-tonic-616094/)

sunrisea 02-11-2017 03:28 PM

Anyone own MISTI but thinking about getting Tonic
I have a MISTI but like the fact that the Tonic has a side for clear stamps and a side for rubber which makes sense to me; with the MISTI I have to press down harder for clear stamps than rubber which could be causing the crazing around the edges of the cover (which MISTI was great about replacing and fast on getting it back to me)

Anyway, just wondering if others are considering the Tonic too?


QueenOfInkland 02-11-2017 05:52 PM

I am going to get the Tonic (just not right now).

I have the original Misti and I think it is terrific.

When the larger Misti came out, I put the large Misti on my wish list because I want a larger stamp positioner as well, but now that I have seen the Tonic, the Tonic has features that are better for me so now the Tonic is on my wishlist instead of the large Misti.

maryalena 02-11-2017 06:01 PM

No, with the mini and the regular sized Misti I wouldn't consider it unless my larger Misti broke. I am looking forward to getting the Creative Corners when they ship. The Tonic uses up too much desk and storage space for my workspace.

Annecards 02-11-2017 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by maryalena (Post 21415174)
No, with the mini and the regular sized Misti I wouldn't consider it unless my larger Misti broke. I am looking forward to getting the Creative Corners when they ship. The Tonic uses up too much desk and storage space for my workspace.

I'm with you! I've no reason to switch. I recently added the Memory MISTI, love it, to my Mini and Original collection. I'm looking forward to receiving the Creative Corners shipping on the 27th.

maryalena 02-11-2017 10:48 PM

If I do find a place for a larger positioner it would still be a MISTI since it works so well. Glad you like it. Sometimes a larger platform is good to do duplicates or scraping so I see why people like the larger one and the new corners coming out make it more versatile. Price is an issue though also and the Memory Misti is pricier. One more reason I chose the Misti is that I like supporting women in this industry.

bjeans 02-12-2017 05:51 AM

I have a Misti and am getting Tim's Stamp Platform. I like some features and beefiness, and two could be handy. Since I still love acrylic blocks and use them more than the Misti, the Misti is off to the side. IOW, size doesn't matter much, and the difference isn't much - to me.

The published dimensions are Tonic/9.5 x 11.5 and Misti/8 x 10. If the Tonic dimensions include the curve, it should seem a little smaller. For comparison, copy paper is 8.5 x 11.

In case you haven't seen them, there are a couple of threads about the platform, and some posters Misti's. Here's one:

BTW, I have the Misti corners (from Ellen Hutson - they're so fast!). They definitely add versatility. You have to be careful not to move them with your cardstock if placed away from the corner of the Misti. It's kind of easy to do, but it's just something to get used to.

Maryalena, nice point about supporting women in the industry. I'm buying mine from a woman-owned LSS at a price point that will be a little higher than on line, so while she's not the manufacturer, I want to loyal to her as she is (and beyond!) to her customers.

maryalena 02-12-2017 09:09 AM

We live in a small town so I forget that a lot of people still buy things from a local LSS. I also think Tim Holtz has driven a lot of sales by distributing his innovative products to smaller stores. I am definitely curious about the Tonic and will want to see it demoed.

bjeans 02-12-2017 11:22 AM

OT I live less than 15 minutes from one LSS, about 40 from another, and anywhere from 45 minutes to 2+ hours from the third, since you never know what what may occur when driving a large city beltway plus an interstate. Apparently there used to be even more. Each has a distinct personality with little overlap in types of classes. I'm very lucky.

maryalena 02-12-2017 11:47 AM

I visit one when I go spend time with a friend in WA. It's a great store and they spend a lot of time helping people learn new techniques. I save my pennies so I can buy a lot. I also visit Impress in WA while I am there. It's just the best. You are lucky to be so near. All have closed around us.

purpleflowers 02-12-2017 12:31 PM

I was using my original MISTI the other day, with 2 A2-sized pieces of paper, one in each corner. It made me realize, I don't think that would be possible with the tonic. There is the one corner but the other 3 corners are open so I wouldn't be able to (easily/reliably) do multiples at once and still be sure the second piece of paper doesn't move. I guess that is the trade off with the tonic for being able to use bigger paper.

bjeans 02-12-2017 12:45 PM

Just from watching - so this is hypothetical - I think you could by using a bar magnet or two, even using one as your CS guide.

It's kind of like with the new Misti corners - which I've now played with twice, but only for a few minutes each time. When you place a corner piece away from the Misti corner, your CS is "floating" on the bed, not touching an edge. But you can still stamp precisely, and more than once. You just have to be very careful not to let your cardstock push/move the corner piece. Clear as mud?

That's not to say the way you're doing it on the Misti isn't easier than it might be on the Tonic Platform. But it could be done. I think.

bjeans 02-12-2017 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Annecards (Post 21415231)
I'm with you! I've no reason to switch. I recently added the Memory MISTI, love it, to my Mini and Original collection. I'm looking forward to receiving the Creative Corners shipping on the 27th.

The corners are fun, a really nice addition.

Gee, you just activated my very old memory banks about an old cigarette tv commercial: I'd rather fight than switch. Or was it for something else? Anyway, I'm not switching, I'm adding, since I only have the "regular" Misti. Double the pleasure, double the fun. ;)

sunrisea 02-12-2017 01:26 PM

I had not hear of the MISTI corners; must have!

maryalena 02-12-2017 02:02 PM

Just bought a big flower stamp that needs to hang out on several sides. I expect the corners will be one good way to deal with that. More videos of their uses will be coming as people get them I think. Adding the Tonic may open up new possibilities. I'll be staying tuned as people get them in their hands.

bjeans 02-12-2017 02:09 PM

I think the Tonic will be freeing. And the corners and triangles will also be a game changer. I'm surprised Ellen Hutson still has the corners in stock.

maryalena 02-12-2017 02:22 PM

I bought them from the MISTI site so I guess they went to the stores first. I'll probably be waiting awhile for mine to ship. I'm surprised too. I didn't check to see if they were on reserve or actually available from EH.

klh54 02-14-2017 05:54 AM

I reserved my MISTI corners on the sweetpetunia website and just received them the other day. I was so surprised because the timeframe said shipping Feb 27th. They are really great and you do have to get used to them. I thought they would hold a lot stronger than they do, but I do like them so much. Can't really use them with the mini but they work great with the original size.I love the MISTI but I am curious about the Tim Holtz/Tonic stamp positioner for the more sturdy acrylic part.

bjeans 02-14-2017 07:59 AM

I was also surprised that the pieces don't hold that strongly unless placed in the corner. I bet the bar magnets people are using and that are in a Jennifer McGuire video would have held better, but maybe due to size and/or how the magnets fit into the plastic they couldn't be used.

You just have to be careful. (I'm clumsy.) I practiced a little and it gets easier. I thought I might try using a bit of washi or micropore tape too.

sunrisea 02-14-2017 01:12 PM

[QUOTE=bjeans;21416647]I was also surprised that the pieces don't hold that strongly unless placed in the corner. I bet the bar magnets people are using and that are in a Jennifer McGuire video would have held better, but maybe due to size and/or how the magnets fit into the plastic they couldn't be used.

You just have to be careful. (I'm clumsy.) I practiced a little and it gets easier. I thought I might try using a bit of washi or micropore tape too.[/QUOTE

hmmm... I could use my strip magnets I use with my knitting patterns; they are strong and two would form a right angle. Thanks!

maryalena 02-14-2017 01:45 PM

Mine aren't here yet but I was kind of wondering about strength. I guess I could combo up with my bar magnet at top. I think I'll be using those corners nested just to allow for off the side big stamps though. Knitting magnets sound up for the job.

bjeans 02-14-2017 03:20 PM

I've never heard of a knitting magnet - will have to look! But of course it makes sense to place a bar magnet as a kind of stop. I should have thought of that.

Rachelrose 02-15-2017 05:47 AM

I have the Misti and like it just fine. But I pre-ordered the Tonic. There are features about it I think I will like - flipping the top instead of removing the pad (which then becomes another thing to get lost on my table), the way the grid isn't printed on the plastic, the open edges.

But I won't know until I get it in April. There have been other Misti variants since I bought my Misti, but none got my attention until Tim Holtz brought one out. Then I had to have it. I find he is usually very smart about how he designs things. We will see.

bjeans 02-15-2017 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Rachelrose (Post 21417127)
I have the Misti and like it just fine. But I pre-ordered the Tonic. There are features about it I think I will like - flipping the top instead of removing the pad (which then becomes another thing to get lost on my table), the way the grid isn't printed on the plastic, the open edges.

But I won't know until I get it in April. There have been other Misti variants since I bought my Misti, but none got my attention until Tim Holtz brought one out. Then I had to have it. I find he is usually very smart about how he designs things. We will see.

You make a good point. Whether a particular Tim/Tonic/Ranger item is someone's style or not, there's thought and quality commensurate with the price point. (There has been just one I think missed the boat and didn't catch on big time.) There's a comfort level in that for me. And as you say, we will see.

sunrisea 02-17-2017 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by bjeans (Post 21416881)
I've never heard of a knitting magnet - will have to look! But of course it makes sense to place a bar magnet as a kind of stop. I should have thought of that.

Here they are; I think I have seen them in Michaels


sunrisea 02-17-2017 01:55 PM

I was thinking; as far as being able to stamp off the card on the left side (which is butted up against the side and lower left corner of the MISTI), all you would have to do turn the card 180 degrees so that it is upside down, then turn the MISTI 180 degrees so the card is now in the upper right hand corner leaving the left side free for off stamping.


maryalena 02-17-2017 03:12 PM

I just bought a big floral that hangs off on several sides when I position it the way I want it. The Creative Corners will take care of that I think. Other than that I don't have a problem with the Misti as is. Also that powerful bar magnet pretty well prevents any shifting even without bumpers. I'm going to check knitting magnets though if I find there is slippage with the new corners.

KaliKitty 06-01-2017 10:29 PM

I heard about the shipping/production delay with the tonic, but (if they can get past the legal hurdles) the size, versatility, price point and (potential) brick and mortar store availability have already sold me. I'd love to support my sweet petunia on this, but man, I'm poor. MISTI vs Tonic, same size, is an over $30 cost difference. Factor in the versatility of the tonic with rubber/cling stamps, and I'd rather go for the tonic. I bought my MISTI mini for ~$30, because I couldn't afford the $69 price point for the standard size.

shazsilverwolf 06-02-2017 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by maryalena (Post 21415650)
Just bought a big flower stamp that needs to hang out on several sides. I expect the corners will be one good way to deal with that. .

I have the Stamping Platform, but not the MISTI corners. I also did a project recently where I wanted a stamp to overhang the edge of my ATC that butted up to the raised side of the Platform. Although it's open on two sides, right & bottom, I figured another way round it.
Take a craft ruler, lay it along the edge of the Platform, butted against the raised edge. Add another along the top if needed. Now butt your card up to the edge of the rulers, then add magnets. Take away the rulers, and you can 'overstamp' now. May help if you don't have the corners? Plus, as you already have rulers, it's free, lol.



canada goose 06-02-2017 07:26 AM

I love my WRMK precision Press. Anyone who has seen it in action either at home or in the U.S. Loved it and bought it. In fact one gal in U S who had a Misti and loved hers said she thought my machine more versatile bought one. I love that I can use up to. 12x12 piece of paper in it, no magets, no rubber matts and no need to flip my lid for different stamps.

Cinnistew 06-02-2017 10:35 AM

I have the original MISTI and a mini MISTI and I pre-ordered the Tonic positioner. From what I have seen the quality is much higher on the Tonic (no loose hinges because the hinges are lined with metal) and the guides are encased in the lid so cleanup should be much easier. I also have small cracks showing up on my original MISTI even though I have treated it very gently.

maryalena 06-02-2017 04:43 PM

My first Misti was replaced within warranty due to cracking. So far so good and I'm fine with it and my mini. My concern would be that if the cracking occurs again and the patent suit is successful I will have no choice but to replace these with the same products. It's kind of like buying a car that failed early and having to replace it with the same model. Not losing sleep over "what if" scenarios but if I were one of those people with an already cracked Misti I would prefer to have more options.

maryalena 06-02-2017 04:47 PM

Shaz I like your solution. I love that you post pics of your innovations.

bjeans 06-03-2017 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by maryalena (Post 21478071)
My first Misti was replaced within warranty due to cracking. So far so good and I'm fine with it and my mini. My concern would be that if the cracking occurs again and the patent suit is successful I will have no choice but to replace these with the same products. It's kind of like buying a car that failed early and having to replace it with the same model. Not losing sleep over "what if" scenarios but if I were one of those people with an already cracked Misti I would prefer to have more options.

I'll hit the "buy" button in one of the UK shops if necessary. I almost did but want to support a local LSS that's so good to customers, so with difficulty, held back. But a couple of the UK shops have been wonderful to deal with.

maryalena 06-03-2017 09:05 AM

I'm thinking about a U.K. purchase also. I have gone from why do I need this to I want it. I blame SCS.

bjeans 06-03-2017 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by maryalena (Post 21478295)
I'm thinking about a U.K. purchase also. I have gone from why do I need this to I want it. I blame SCS.

Oh good, I want to blame someone/thing too. So I'll partially blame the lawsuit. It's sure generated a lot of press for Tim's platform.

Rachelrose 06-03-2017 10:37 AM

I own a Misti and I pre-ordered a Tonic in February, and yesterday I emailed Tonic asking if I would be better off if I canceled my preorder with SSS and bought one from a UK vendor.

I doubt anything helpful will come of it, they'll just repeat the party line, that it's due to ship after June 30. But I am also wondering what the changes were, and whether they were an improvement or not.

Annoying, the whole thing. I resisted the Misti, then gave in and got one, and really like the concept of it - it's saved me masses of paper - but not the design. Then the Tonic came out and it looked like it fixed all the stuff that I didn't like about the Misti, which is it's too enclosed and I am constantly mistaking that black mat for a piece of black paper when I'm working with rubber stamps and the table is full of stuff, so think I've lost it. I also feel like the lid is about to start cracking. And, a small thing with no offense intended to anyone, but I didn't realize there was going to be scripture on it. I am Jewish. The scripture kind of put me off. It made me feel like the assumption is that everyone is Christian. Again, I mean no offense. I just think faith and retail should be separate unless you are specifically selling something as a faith-related item.

So, to end this rant and answer the question - I am someone who owns a Misti and absolutely can't wait to get my hands on the Tonic. Whether I'll keep or sell my Misti remains to be seen. It's always nice to have a backup system for any tool.

maryalena 06-03-2017 12:27 PM

If the lawsuit hadn't happened I probably wouldn't have explored all the improvements the Tonic seems to offer.

Rachelrose all the reasons you gave for wanting to purchase the Tonic are valid for me too. I hope that if this flies that Tonic makes a mini. Sometimes I like the small footprint but the enclosed design is limiting.

wavejumper 06-04-2017 04:45 PM

I dont know that they will ship the Tonic. If you have not read about the suit-here it is:

My Sweet Petunia Sues Tonic over Tim Holtz Stamp Press - Scrapbook Update

The other mfgs have pulled theirs back.

I have mixed feelings. I really feel strongly about patent protection and am kind of disappointed in TH for continuing this on instead of killing it. He is a product designer. He should be more supportive of others imho.

But from a totally selfish POV...there does seem to be a number of good points about it.

I guess we wait and see.

bjeans 06-04-2017 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by wavejumper (Post 21478963)
I dont know that they will ship the Tonic. If you have not read about the suit-here it is:

My Sweet Petunia Sues Tonic over Tim Holtz Stamp Press - Scrapbook Update

The other mfgs have pulled theirs back.

I have mixed feelings. I really feel strongly about patent protection and am kind of disappointed in TH for continuing this on instead of killing it. He is a product designer. He should be more supportive of others imho.

But from a totally selfish POV...there does seem to be a number of good points about it.

I guess we wait and see.

In case you're interested, here's a long discussion starting back in January about Tim's stamp positioner and then the law suit, including links to the suit itself.


If there are sufficient differences, it's not a patent violation. We have choices in virtually every product we buy. Given certain actions even before the patent was granted, some peoples' take is that in the long run this isn't good PR for MSP.

estamps 06-04-2017 05:06 PM

I have two Mistis one mini the other regular size, i appreciate the improvement to my stamping. I will buy the TH tonic as I would like another but really don't like the business tactics of the misti. I understand the need for product protection, but price dictation and limits on shops that sell the product smacks of price fixing to me. I find I can't support that.

maryalena 06-04-2017 09:42 PM

There are some interesting comments at the bottom of this article. The comment by Kim Bush was particularly interesting to me. My Sweet Petunia Sues Tonic over Tim Holtz Stamp Press - Scrapbook Update

Also there is a link to the letterpress info that came out some years ago. Pictures of the letterpress are included.
Letterpress | L Letterpress from Lifestyle Crafts - Scrapbook Update

I guess we all draw our own conclusions and interpret the significance of the letterpress in one of two ways as it relates to the Misti.

craftjunkiesc 06-05-2017 02:23 PM

I'm just appalled that she's requesting 3 times the jury awarded damages. How is that even possible. It sounds very greedy to me. Yes, I own a MISTI love it; even bought my sister one. I got them before the price skyrocketed.
And, yes, I will purchase the TH platform, mostly because of the versatility & sturdier base, but also a bit out of spite.

maryalena 06-05-2017 07:42 PM

Wondering if the recent case delays affect the release of the tweaked Tonic. I see no recent updates of the June 30th date on Simon Says Stamp for instance.

howdyheidi 06-06-2017 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by maryalena (Post 21479540)
Wondering if the recent case delays affect the release of the tweaked Tonic. I see no recent updates of the June 30th date on Simon Says Stamp for instance.

How did you find out that the patent lawsuit was delayed?

howdyheidi 06-06-2017 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by maryalena (Post 21479540)
Wondering if the recent case delays affect the release of the tweaked Tonic. I see no recent updates of the June 30th date on Simon Says Stamp for instance.

Marco Paper has an update on 5/31 that the new positioner is in production and should arrive the last week of June.


bjeans 06-06-2017 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by craftjunkiesc (Post 21479351)
I'm just appalled that she's requesting 3 times the jury awarded damages. How is that even possible. It sounds very greedy to me. Yes, I own a MISTI love it; even bought my sister one. I got them before the price skyrocketed.
And, yes, I will purchase the TH platform, mostly because of the versatility & sturdier base, but also a bit out of spite.

Requesting "treble" (triple) damages is fairly common; getting them is another thing. ; )

bjeans 06-06-2017 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by maryalena (Post 21479073)
There are some interesting comments at the bottom of this article. The comment by Kim Bush was particularly interesting to me. My Sweet Petunia Sues Tonic over Tim Holtz Stamp Press - Scrapbook Update

Also there is a link to the letterpress info that came out some years ago. Pictures of the letterpress are included.
Letterpress | L Letterpress from Lifestyle Crafts - Scrapbook Update

I guess we all draw our own conclusions and interpret the significance of the letterpress in one of two ways as it relates to the Misti.

Was it the fourth comment by Kim Bush? (She wrote four!) Just curious.

And yes, the WRMK Letterpress was/maybe still is used for stamping. Good find, thanks. From that site in 2011 (scroll down the page past the bright orange background to see the comments/pics):

"One last experiment I performed with the L Letterpress kit had nothing to do with letterpress at all, but instead shows a hidden talent of this tool. I love it when my tools multitask, and I was thrilled to find that the L Letterpress base when used on its own (without the Epic 6 tool) is a superb stamping platform!

Using the L Letterpress platform for stamping is extremely easy. Simply lay out your clear stamps on the clear top as if it were a giant acrylic block…"

The link again: http://www.scrapbookupdate.com/2011/...estyle-crafts/

Rachelrose 06-06-2017 05:35 AM

I emailed Tonic and their office manager replied and said that SSS should be receiving theirs the week of July 9th. I then called SSS and they knew nothing of this and asked me to forward the email to them.

I called Tonic back and the rep said that she had no further info, but that the office manager would have the latest update on the product, so I should go with that.

Which doesn't mean really anything. I'm sure that if the lawsuit is being prolonged, Tonic is not broadcasting it to everyone at the company.

The rep did offer her opinion, which is that this is just MSP stalling things. That the two products are not the same. Her opinion. Mine also, so happens. But MSP can do a lot to stall, it's in their power, legally.

So I tried, guys. This is what I came up with.

In the meantime, vendors in the UK are no doubt gearing up to fill the void. They would be crazy not to. There are masses of people here in the US waiting for this tool to be available.

maryalena 06-06-2017 08:14 AM

Beth it was the comment that included the statement about smacking a hornets' nest that couldn't be unsmacked. That rang true to me.

And Howdyheidi I have been following a site that shows the progress of the lawsuit. That's where I noticed that MSP was resisting a move of the case to California. That seemed like a delay to me.

This is all great research. I will be pleasantly surprised if the Tonic ships in July but it does sound hopeful. I also think many of us will go to U.K. shipping if necessary. Stampers are a pretty determined lot. For me it's become like forbidden fruit. I didn't think I needed it until all this uproar started. Now I want it and see it as my go to positioner. My DH thinks this is amusing.

howdyheidi 06-06-2017 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by maryalena (Post 21479717)
Beth it was the comment that included the statement about smacking a hornets' nest that couldn't be unsmacked. That rang true to me.

And Howdyheidi I have been following a site that shows the progress of the lawsuit. That's where I noticed that MSP was resisting a move of the case to California. That seemed like a delay to me.


I noticed this in the news a couple weeks ago (and immediately thought of this lawsuit) and it seems to explain why the suit was opened in Delaware. I am not sure how applicable it is to this case, because the case was opened before this judgement from the Supreme Court, but it might have some bearing on the case. Anyhow, I thought it was interesting...


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