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-   -   Mix It Up Challenge - Take Two! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/splitcoast-challenges-40/mix-up-challenge-take-two-549193/)

laurenscraft 02-27-2012 07:46 PM

Donna I eat gluten free ice cream!!! it's ok Donna we would not starve, but we would have to come up with some different recipes...

FMcrafter 02-27-2012 07:49 PM

Hi Donna...I could send you dog fur to put on your monitor for and anti-glare screen!

Lauren is blogging like MAD...and....and...Christmas!

Donnaml 02-27-2012 07:54 PM

I see that. Did you see her beautiful tags? Gorgeous!!!

Gluten free ice cream? Never heard of it. I am lactose intolerent so no ice cream or milk or anything like that for me. I am alergic to eggs tho. I so miss eating eggs, I love them.

Hey Lynn, think the fur would help? LOL

Ok, going to bed now. Have the grandkids overnight all week and just got them to bed. They will be up early so I better hit the hay.
Goodnight Lauren and Lynn and everyone else.

FMcrafter 02-27-2012 07:57 PM

Ok...that's ti...the challenge is on for Sunday!!!! mmmuuuhhhhaaaaa

laurenscraft 02-27-2012 08:05 PM

What challenge is on for Sunday???? I haven't got the buttons done yet!!!

**big sigh**

Have to go blog a man card...... be back later...

FMcrafter 02-27-2012 08:16 PM

Lauren...you need to blog a button card...or else send me all the Christmas stuff!

Suzy800 02-27-2012 09:07 PM

OOooooo Lynn....share !!!

rositagustafson72 02-27-2012 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by laurenscraft (Post 19225543)
What challenge is on for Sunday???? I haven't got the buttons done yet!!!

**big sigh**

Have to go blog a man card...... be back later...

Love your shaker box card. I have not made one in ages.

dawnmercedes 02-28-2012 04:04 AM

good morning!!

Suzy800 02-28-2012 04:48 AM

Good morning Dawn! Where is everyone this morning?!

muzbysmom 02-28-2012 05:02 AM

Good morning! I'm at my house just waiting for the storm to start. It seems to be snowing all around us! It can miss us entirely as far as I'm concerned!

Donnaml 02-28-2012 05:14 AM

Morning everyone:) What does everyone have planned for today?

Donnaml 02-28-2012 05:18 AM

OK guys what can I do with 2 and 4 year olds today? Need some ideas guys. I don't normally have to entertain little ones for 12 hours a day?!?!?!?!?!

dawnmercedes 02-28-2012 05:49 AM

ooh, playdough!!! and puzzles! and make cookies...and watercolor or paint. snuggle on the couch and watch tv shows. take a nap...lots of snacks...you are sooo lucky!

dawnmercedes 02-28-2012 05:50 AM

Here is my original button card:
buttoned up laundry dmb by dawnmercedes - Cards and Paper Crafts at Splitcoaststampers

but then I saw that I needed more of a BUTTON emphasis:
buttoned up weather dmb by dawnmercedes - Cards and Paper Crafts at Splitcoaststampers

so...hopefully the 2nd one is a better fit!

NannyDeb 02-28-2012 06:35 AM

Good morning ladies. Love your 2 button cards Dawn!

rositagustafson72 02-28-2012 07:23 AM

Great cards I love how coloful they are. I am still stumped on this one, lol.

Vickie Y 02-28-2012 09:33 AM

Take a splitcoast break. :) Love everyone's button cards!

I'm going to the Heirloom Productions stamp/scrap show this coming weekend with a couple friends. We will spend the night and just have a good time shopping and relaxing. There are 21 vendors at this show, so it's grown a little bit from recent years. I remember when there were lots and lots of vendors at these shows. Doesn't matter...I'm still like a kid in a candy store! I have a lengthy shopping list; hopefully some of the new spellbinder dies will be available. :)

oops! there's the phone...Back to work for me; chat later this evening.

laurenscraft 02-28-2012 09:45 AM

Hello Everyone, what are you doing today?????

Oh Donna how wonderful a pair of snugglers for the day, love to swap with you!!

Vickie, enjoy that show, they are always so exciting, have fun shopping. I love craft retail therapy!!

Dawn, you make such lovely cards, they are great!!

Today is craft day for me, off to the fun morning..... we are making party favour boxes today with Miss Kitty faces on them. How fun is that???

muscrat 02-28-2012 10:19 AM

I got home from my procedure around 1. This is not going to be a fun two days. I have pain from the probe every time I swallow. He xrayed to make sure the bugger was still in there when I left. I sure hope he didn't use super glue because I hate the chest pain...I still have my hospital bracelets on. I'm making a fashion statement! Actually I plan to smash them in my book. IV nurse was same one from last time and she is GOOD! Didn't mind that part at all. I sure wish I could have brought home some of that sleeping juice! I love that stuff and could use a nap right about now!

marney 02-28-2012 10:36 AM

Kathy, Glad your procedure worked this time.. And hopefully you are enjoying your nap... Take that opportunity while you can....
Dawn love your button cards,, Think I will try to create something with buttons to day..
Vicky have fun at the craft show.. I am jealous...
Donna have fun with our kids they can keep you busy...
I am off to make some lunch then off to the craft room.. You should see it.. what a mess. I have every thing every where so I don't have to bend.. so hopefully I can find the things I need..

FMcrafter 02-28-2012 10:52 AM

I galavanted....then waited! Grumpy and I shopped together!!!!!! it was like taking a gril to find a prom dress!!! We went backpack hunting!!! OVER 1.5 hours!!!! 1 store...then we went to michales....HE talked me into a moroccan accents die! total time for the mommy..15 minutes!

FMcrafter 02-28-2012 10:54 AM

Dawn I love how you changed directions on your second card!

Sending Kathy some chocolate syrup to ease her throat!

FMcrafter 02-28-2012 11:00 AM

Ok...I am comfy now...yup...got my jammers on and my blob....MUST play with moroccan Accents die!!!!!!!!!!

rositagustafson72 02-28-2012 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by FMcrafter (Post 19227208)
Ok...I am comfy now...yup...got my jammers on and my blob....MUST play with moroccan Accents die!!!!!!!!!!

Ok all this tak about this die set, I had to go look it up. It's a very cute die set. Will have to see if they have it at Joanns and use a 40% coupon. I am cheap like that. :D

Donnaml 02-28-2012 11:12 AM

Hey Dawn, thanks for the ideas. They are now down for a nap. They wear me out. LOL
But they are GREAT cuddlers:) I love them both so much:)

Vickie, lucky you!!! Have fun on your weekend. Buy us something nice:)

Lynn, Ohhhhh, Moraccan die:) I so wanted that one. When I went to Michael's the other day, there was NOTHING left. And I mean NOTHING!!!

Marian, Don't over do it! But be sure to show us whatever you make:)

Rosie, Oh Rosie, I got happy mail today from you. Thank you so much. I love the gorgeous beads. Oh boy, I just know I am going to hoard some of those. And those pins, love how long they are. Can't wait to try the stamp-a-ma-jig. And on top of all of that....the most beautiful card. Thank you again, I love it:)

Kathy, you need to lie down and rest. I'm sure your throad doesn't feel the best right now. Glad everything turned out well for you. Hopefully it stays in place this time!

Donnaml 02-28-2012 11:15 AM

I looked at JoAnn's also and they were out. Either that or didn't have any to begin with. And I had 40% off for both places but was not going to just settle for anything. I really want those dies. They are so pretty.

I saw a beautiful snowflake tutorial that Amazing Paper Grace made with one of those dies. Don't remember what it was called but it is on SCS. She does amazing work. I just love looking at her blog.

muscrat 02-28-2012 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Donnaml (Post 19227239)
Kathy, you need to lie down and rest. I'm sure your throad doesn't feel the best right now. Glad everything turned out well for you. Hopefully it stays in place this time!

I'm more worried that he glued it in this time and it won't come out and then they would have to go back in to remove it!

Vickie Y 02-28-2012 11:28 AM

I love Becca's blog (Amazing Paper Grace)!

Donna, some Moroccan Motif diecuts are coming your way in tomorrow's mail. Am also going to cut you some Moroccan Accents this evening to send along with the Motifs. :)

Kathy, hope all goes well with the procedure. Will be thinking of you. I know what you mean about that "sleep juice IV!" Dang, that stuff is good!

Almost time to go home...in 45 minutes!

I will be doing some die cutting this evening, if anyone has a request, let me know (chances are, I might have it!). ;)

Donnaml 02-28-2012 11:28 AM

depending on how long you have to leave it in, if it is glued it should loosen on it's own. and then fall out. Or, we could call you Go Go Gadget 2. LOL

Donnaml 02-28-2012 11:31 AM

Vickie, hope everything is going good for you also:) Thanks so much for the cuts. I really need to start returning the favor but I know I don't have anything any of you would want. I am more than happy to pay for the postage tho. That alone gets pricey:(

Vickie Y 02-28-2012 11:34 AM

Donna, I'm very happy to send these to you. I can say, I love giving and don't ever expect anything in return. Friendship is the most valuable gift anyone can give and get. :)

Ashdale 02-28-2012 11:37 AM

Just popped in to say Hi!!! I'm still at work.... I should be leaving in about an hour... it's 4:35 pm here. Working late *sigh* Again! What else is new! I plan to tidy my craft room tonight, I can't even FIND my work surface at the moment! LOL!!! It's making me crazy so I've reached the point that if I don't tidy it up I won't be able to find my toys anymore! LOL!!!

Lynn what do you think my chances are of getting Tony to move his computer out of the room???? ;) My guess is slim to none *roll eyes*

Ashdale 02-28-2012 11:37 AM

I Love what you just said! :D


Originally Posted by Vickie Y (Post 19227293)
Donna, I'm very happy to send these to you. I can say, I love giving and don't ever expect anything in return. Friendship is the most valuable gift anyone can give and get. :)

Donnaml 02-28-2012 11:40 AM

Hi Lisa:) Love your creations you have been working on. And that scrapbook page is beautiful! They are so lucky to have you.

Lauren, hope you show your little treat boxes on your blog when you get done:)

Donnaml 02-28-2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ashdale (Post 19227306)
I Love what you just said! :D

I know, right:)

Ashdale 02-28-2012 11:49 AM

Thanks Donna!!! Have you downloaded Skype yet??? HUH????? HUH?????? I want to chat with you!!!! :D

FMcrafter 02-28-2012 11:51 AM

I am sooooooo going to torture you guys on sundsy.....yup...i made something....and again it is not my style so you have no ideas

Vickie Y 02-28-2012 11:52 AM

I've heard others mention skype; I have no idea what it is or how to obtain it! Will have to do a search to read about it tonight. :)

FMcrafter 02-28-2012 11:52 AM

Yes donna we want skype....yyyeeeaaahhh

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