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Old 12-22-2004, 04:00 PM   #1  
Stazon Splitcoast
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Default What PearlEx assortment would you get first? *merged*

I'm a demo who hasn't yet played with Pearl-Ex. Which of the assortments in the catalog would you get first? What is your favorite thing to do with Pearl-EX? My upline combines it with hair spray and spritzes it on cardstock to make it shimmery.

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Old 12-22-2004, 04:10 PM   #2  
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I just copies and pasted a long post by AshleyAnne-hope it helps!

Pearl Ex

I do a card with half black, half white (diagonally) then stamp the image right in the middle and use the duo colors to show off the difference - it would be really dramatic.

I made my own silver paper by spraying pearl ex onto going gray. You might try spraying Gold Pearl Ex onto More Mustard or Summer sun.

Mix Lumiere Pearl White with our Stampin' Up! ink refills to create your own shimmery paint. Mix one teaspoon Lumiere to one drop of ink, mixing until smooth. Use it just like regular Lumiere liquid as paint. Add Pearl Ex to create more sparkle! (9/16/02)

Shimmer paper
The recipe I have is for 1/4tsp Pearlex to one small travel size bottle of hairspray. I had trouble with blotching & the paper curling though. I must have sprayed too much. Also i've heard the hairspray technigue should not be used in scrapbooks.

I've got a few more to add:

Add 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. Pearl Ex to a travel-sized bottle of hairspray. Spritz on your cardstock for a shimmery look. Some people don't like the splotches you sometimes get with this, so they spray the hair spray into the air, then wave their cardstock through it to pick up the shimmer.

Clear emboss an solid-type image on dark cardstock. Rub pearlex over the embossing, then reheat for a second to seal the PE into the embossing powder.

Take the spray you made above with the hairspray and spray it on glossy white that you have brayered with a color. Heat immediately with a heat gun. It will pool and splotch and produce a very interesting stone-like surface. You can add additional layers to get the texture even more interesting.

I have used this technique to make 1/2 sheet CS, sprayed liberally & dried with my heat gun. The paper does curl, but can be flattened under something heavy, like several boxes of stamp sets, overnight. The pearlex looks different on different colors of CS, so do some experimenting! I even have some on my table & it won't come off. Make sure you protect anything else around your project so you don't accidentally "decorate" your table, scissors, punches, etc.
Our new Pearl Ex Pigment Powders create beautiful effects from a smooth, pearly luster, to a highly metallic sheen, but you will want to use a fixative of some sort on images using these stunning, iridescent powders to ensure that your image lasts. The most affordable fixative is a cheap aerosol hairspray—the cheaper the better. You can also purchase fixative products manufactured specifically for this purpose. (9/16/02)

"Although Pearl Ex is acid-free, we don't recommend it for scrapbooking unless you've mixed it with the Lumiere or embossed it. Do not seal with hair-spray as we can't recommend that for scrapbooks either. If you can find a sealer that is acid-free, you could use it that way. PE makes no claim of being acid free, or lignin free, two important considerations with scrapbooking.

With that said, according to their supply list, they stamped in craft ink, then applied PE over the top. The PE will stick to the craft ink similar to poppin' pastels.


Product Specific Information:

Pearl Ex (PE): PE comes in several colors which include metallic colors, duo colors, interference colors, and basic colors.

Duo colors: These are ones, which will look like two different colors, depending on how the light hits them. For instance: Blue-green will either look blue or green, depending on how the light hits it.

Interference colors: These are ones which seem to have little to no color at all on light or white card stocks, but when you use them on dark or black card stocks, the color shows up. For instance: Red interference appears white on light colored card stocks, but when used on dark or black cardstocks you see a red sheen. The darker surface brings out the hidden color sheen of the interference color of powdered pigment.

Description: Pearl Ex Powdered pigments are simply a dry powdered form of color which has some sparkle to it. You can use it as a dry powder or mix it into something and apply it wet as a paint.

Ways To Apply Pearl Ex

Pearl Ex powdered pigments can be used in a wide variety of ways. The key to understanding them is simply to experiment with them. I'll give you a few ideas to get your started. This is pretty much what I like to do and what I have found that works for me.


1. DRY RUB: Take a tiny, tiny bit of the powdered pigment...rub it on cardstock using whatever tool you like. This is very similar to chalking. You can "rub" it with your finger, with a q-tip, with a brush, with a sponge, whatever you prefer. This creates a beautiful background, and you should spray it with a sealant when you finish. This method looks great to add color to toilet paper casting!

2. DRY APPLICATION (NOT RUB) USING VERSAMARK: There is a really cool way to use your powdered pigments for backgrounds or for the main image of a card. First, ink up your stamp with embossing ink (clear), Versamark watermark pad or some color of pigment ink. Stamp on colored matte cardstock. Now, take a small soft paintbrush or a stipple brush, dip it gently into the powdered pigment and swish the powdered pigment over the area you just stamped. The powdered pigment will cling to the embossing/pigment ink. Try using different colors of powdered pigments over different colors of pigment inks, and on different colors of background cardstock. By changing ONE element...the color or powdered pigment, the color of the cardstock or the color of pigment ink used, you can change the entire feel of your artwork. Matte card stock is best used for this. Spray with a sealant when done.

3. VERSAMARK AND SPECTRUM PAD: Another way of using the VersaMark pad is to ink your stamp on the Versamark pad then onto a Spectrum pad (or even onto one of the 48 standard dye pads) and then stamp the image on your card stock. Now apply the Pearl Ex as I mentioned above (using the brush.) The addition of color underneath adds dimension and you can choose where you’d like to highlight your image and apply the Pearl Ex only to those areas. This looks so pretty.

4. STICKER SHEET APPLICATION: Pearl Ex can also be brushed onto the sticky side of cold laminate sheets, sticker sheets, labels or clear packing tape for a very unique look.

5. POLYMER CLAYS APPLICATION: Pearl Ex also looks wonderful when brushed over polymer clays prior to baking. A sealant is necessary after baking.

6. EMBOSSING POWDERS: Pearl Ex can also be mixed with embossing powders to create custom colors of embossing powders. This is a lot of fun to do. Just remember, it takes VERY LITTLE powdered pigment when mixing with embossing powders. Keep track of what colors you mix and in what quantities, just in case you create something you love and want to be able to mix it up again in the future. (Try a ratio of 1 T. embossing powder with 1/4 tsp. Pearl Ex and see what you think. The interference colors are a great choice for doing this.) You can also add ultra fine glitter to the mix for a unique effect.


7. WET APPLICATION: Since this product is a dry pigment powder, it can be added to just about any WATER BASED product and then used on your artwork. What you use depends on what look and what medium you wish to work in. You can paint, sponge, splatter, finger-paint, etc. You can add Pearl Ex to watercolors, acrylic paints (either craft acrylics or artist acrylic paints), gouache, etc.

Watercolor: The tube variety of watercolors work best for this application. Just put a small amount of whatever color you want (of the watercolor paint) into a small dish or palette, thin it a bit with either water or gum arabic, then add in a dash of powdered pigment. Paint as you normally would. It adds sparkle and sheen. No sealant is necessary.

Acrylic Paints/Gouache: Same directions as above for watercolors.

9. WATER COLOR WITH LUMIERE: This will create a watercolor paint similar to Radiant Pearls except it dries much, much faster. Use a ratio of 50/50 when diluting Luminere with water (this becomes the consistency of water color paint.) This can then be stored. I like to store it in the clear 35 mm film canisters but anything with a tight lid will work fine. You just need to mix again before using. Then, when you want to watercolor, dip the brush into the solution and just the tip of the brush into the powder to apply. You can also try using an old dried up blender pen to apply that mixture to both embossed and non-embossed images. When using the Luminere with the Pearl Ex you will not need to seal it when complete because the Luminere acts as a bonding agent.

10. LUMIERE AND PEARL EX FOR FABRIC AND OTHER SURFACES: Nothing is prettier to add to your fabric painting than a bit of Pearl Ex. Just mix 1/4 tsp Pearl Ex to 1 tsp Luminere. Then apply this mixture to your fabric using a sponge, spray bottle or brush depending on the desired background design you are wishing to achieve. Then allow to air dry or speed drying time up a bit by drying in the dryer. Then your surface is ready to stamp on using the new SU! Craft pads. My favorite choice for color when stamping onto these Pearl Ex painted fabrics is the black pad. It provides a very nice silhouette effect and helps to enhance the look of the Pearl Ex on the fabric. You can also use the Luminere/Pearl-Ex mixture as a paint (no water added) on paper mache boxes, dominoes, and wooden boxes, then stamp with the Stazon ink and coloring that image with the blender pen method if you choose. It is beautiful!

11. USING GUM ARABIC: To use the powdered pigment itself as a paint, you have to mix it with something (a binder) first. One choice is to mix it with gum arabic (GA). GA is a binding agent, which mixes with the powdered pigment and helps to BIND it to the surface. The ratio of GA to powdered pigment is 1 part GA to 4 parts powdered pigment. Using a small cup or palette, put a tiny bit of powdered pigment in the well of the palette, add in a bit of gum arabic. Mix it well. If it's too thick, you can thin it down with a TINY bit of water. Paint your artwork with this. Note here, that if you paint with the GA/powdered pigment mixture, you really need to stamp your image with a watercolor ink pad/semi permanent inkpad/permanent inkpad of some type. If you use a dye ink pad to stamp the image, when you "paint" with this powdered pigment/GA mixture it will smear your outlines. Spray with sealant when done.

12. DRY PALETTES OF PEARL EX: ~ Dry palettes of Pearl Ex, can be made by mixing the powder with PPA (Perfect Paper Adhesive). You can get a bottle of it at any craft store. You can then create your own color palette using the Pearl Ex powders of your choosing. Just mix PPA with Pearl Ex, fill into the small, six well palettes you can buy in stores. Then let them air dry. When you are ready to use them, just use a wet brush dip into the color like you would if water coloring and paint.

12. STRAIGHT WATER: You can mix the PE with straight water. However, when it dries it "falls off" your artwork as there is no binding agent to hold it on. You can also mix up a larger portion of the GA/powdered pigment mixture and allow it to air dry in a palette. You essentially then have a "dry cake" watercolor paint. I do not have the exact measurements for GA to water to powdered pigment for this technique. However, I have tried it. I did not want to mix up a huge batch of each color, so I got a plastic 6 well palette...put about 1/8 teaspoon of powdered pigment into the palette well, added a "few drops" of liquid gum arabic and enough water to create a mixture the consistency of face cream. Let it dry in the plastic palette. To use it, swish a wet brush on the dry cake of color and paint.

13. ANY DRIES CLEAR PRODUCT: Another way to use the Pearl Ex is to mix them with ANYTHING which dries clear and paint with it. I find it is much easier to dip my brush in something like Crystal Effects, then dip the brush in the Pearl Ex, then paint directly on my stamped piece. Much less "muss and fuss" for me, plus a lot less waste. I have used the method above with the following "dries clear products": Acrylic Gloss Varnish Medium; Crystal Effects; Liquid Laminate Medium; Color Extender (VERY pretty); Elmer's Glue; Clear Fingernail polish.

14. ANY COLORED CRAFT PAD (PIGMENT INK): Another way to use Pearl Ex powders is to use them to highlight images after you stamp first using the new Craft Pads (pigment ink.) Stamp image first (such as a pine branch) with the white craft ink on a dark blue card stock. (The blue card stock provides the feeling of night.) The Pearl Ex will stick just like when you use the Versamark pad. Then highlight the branch by lightly stippling a hint of duo blue/green or interference green onto the pine needles. Next stamp a pinecone using one of the brown craft pad inks and stipple a bit of macro pearl onto them (for snow) or use antique bronze to add a bit of brown shimmer. Then stamp some white snowflakes for the background and add macro pearl, Pearl Ex to them. This is a quick and awesome look.

15. SPARKLY SPRAY: This is a great way to use the Pearl Ex to create a bit of sparkle to the whole project without having to use large quantities on it. Make sure you have an empty fine mist spray bottle for this. The recipe is as follows:
3 teaspoons water
3/4 teaspoon liquid gum arabic
1/16 teaspoon powdered pigment (just eyeball about half of a 1/8 measuring teaspoon)

Mix the above thoroughly, pour into a fine mist spray bottle and spritz over artwork as desired. Don't spray the artwork directly, rather spray into the air and pull the cardstock thru the mist. It's cool.

16. WATER BRUSH: You could also put the above mixture into a water brush and use it to blend out watercolor pencil or watercolor crayon work. There are different size brushes on the market that hold the fluid from a very thin brush tip to one that is about an inch wide.

17. WATER-BRUSH, DOVE BLENDER SOLUTION AND CLEAR EMBOSSING POWDER: If you want a quick and easy way to show the awesome design power of Pearl Ex there is no better way than with this method. This is a resist technique. Choose a dark card stock (my preference is black) for this technique. Use your Versamark pad and clear embossing ink to emboss a bold stamp onto the card stock. Next fill the chamber of a 1/2 inch bristled water-brush (from the craft store) with Dove blender solution. (You could probably use our recipe for re-filling the SU! Blender pens to although I’ve never tried that.) Be sure to squirt the fluid so it dampens the bristles of the brush. Then select two or three coordinating colors of Pearl Ex. (I love to put the blues and greens together or the pinks and purples but really it is your choice . . . just have fun with it.) Using the edge of the brush, pick up a bit of the first color of Pearl Ex you have selected and then swipe it across your card stock and embossed image. DO NOT entirely paint on one color and then move to the next! I like to do a “pattern�? of swipes. I work in swipes of threes or fives, using each color I have selected until my card stock is completely filled with the wonderful swipes of color! Let card stock dry completely before matting. You can speed up the drying time with the heat gun. You may also choose to use a clear acrylic spray to add a bit more shine to the finished piece.

18. WATERBRUSH AND GUM ARABIC: Another way to use Pearl Ex is to use them as a highlight to existing artwork. I filled the reservoir of my water-brush with a water/gum arabic only mixture. I stamped and colored an image using both watercolor pencils and crayons...then I dipped the water-brush (with the gum arabic/water in the reservoir) in a color of powdered pigment and brushed over my work. I found that a nice gold powdered pigment is very complimentary to green leaves. If you have purple flowers and green leaves...use lavender powdered pigment on the flower petals and a gold powdered pigment on the green leaves. I didn't color over the entire petal or leaf; just brush the powdered pigment along the outer edges for a sparkly highlight. I keep one of my water brushes filled with the gum arabic/water mixture just for this use.

19. BLENDER PEN: Another very popular way of using Pearl Ex to color stamped work is to use a blender pen with them. Just dip your blender pen into the powdered pigment and then color on the stamped artwork. Reload your blender pen with powdered pigment as often as needed. This works best on matte type cardstocks. Wipe the blender pen on a paper towel until it wipes clear to clean it before changing colors of powdered pigments. Use a sealant when using the blender pen to assure that the Pearl Ex won’t flake off after it is dry.

20. GLASSY GLAZE (ULTRA THICK EMBOSSING ENAMEL– UTEE): Make your own custom colors of UTEE by mixing in Pearl Ex with the powder. Add a bit of the Pearl Ex into a small container and then add the clear powder to it. This looks great on tiles.

21. PEARL EX AND POLY- SHRINK CHARMS: Oh this is so fun . . . and easy too . . . my two favorite things, Pearl Ex and Poly Shrink. I just love 'em!! And it is very SIMPLE. Just use a large (or extra large) punch (snowflakes and leaves are my personal favorites). Punch right into the Poly Shrink. If you are going to use this to hang from a tag or card be sure to punch a hole in it before shrinking it. Use the standard hole-punch or the 1/8" hole-punch depending on the size you desire for the finished hole. Then press the punch shape into the VersaMark pad. Next, apply the Pearl Ex using a medium, soft bristled brush. Also, I like to use several colors so it adds a bit more dimension. Then just shrink it using the heat gun (use a wooden skewer stuck in the punched out hole to hold it on your work surface so it won't "fly" away as it is zapped with the gun.) Or if you are doing a lot at once just use the oven.

* these shrunken snowflake charms are really adorable when hung from a punched out area on the front of the card. You can even use a circle punch to frame this Pearl Ex charm or use the same punch as you did to create the poly shrink charm and hang the shrunken version from the middle of it. Then this shrink charm is visible when you look at the front of the card but also when you open it up . . . way too cute!
* This is one of my all-time favorite ways to use the black poly shrink. It really makes a WOW look. Last year I made leaf charms to top off the milk carton boxes (which had been stamped with Autumn). I used a big leaf punch on the black poly shrink and then heated to shrink. Then pressed the leaf into the Versamark pad and brushed on my choices of metallic autumn colors. They looked fabulous.

22. INTERIOR DECORATING: You can paint them onto your walls too! Apply to a freshly painted wall with a sponge. Practice your stippling and sponging techniques as well as color combinations on a large piece of cardboard that has been painted the same color as the wall. Pick shades of the same color and neighbors on the color wheel (ex: blue/green or blue/purple). Works in pastels with on strong accent color (ex: a contrasting Pearl-Ex color.) You can also apply in a marble finish or a crackle finish. For that information contact me.

23. ORNAMENTS: There are four finishes (inside coatings) for glass ornaments. They are iridescent/transparent, speckled faux, marbled faux, and antique keepsake (for directions on doing these just contact me.) All styles (except iridescent/transparent) require an acrylic coating to change your finish from transparent to opaque. If you use a very dark color acrylic paint (Black especially) you both MIRRORIZE all the Pearl-Ex and CHANGE the Interference colors. White, gray, or pastel acrylic gives a polished stone look. Make sure you do this step only after the finishes are completely dry. These ornaments are so beautiful!!

Card Stock Method: Take 2 pieces of the same size black gloss cardstock. Place a dollop of Luminere on one of the pieces of card only and stipple it all over using the stipple brush. Tap on some pearl ex in 2 different colors and then stipple that into the Luminere. Place the other cardstock over the top of the first one. Rub evenly over the back and then peel it off have created 2 backgrounds in one! Allow to dry.

Sheet Protector Method: Another way to do this would be to cut a sheet protector down the side and across the bottom leaving left side intact. Put drops of luminere and pearl x inside a cut sheet protector then smoosh around the colors. Open sheet protector and add 2 sheets of cardstock back to back; Close and smoosh some more. Then carefully take them out and set to dry. Add more colors and do it again!

25. PEARL EX AND SPACKLING PASTE: Try mixing a bit of Pearl Ex into spackling paste (try the Aztec Gold . . . it is a nice all-occasion color.) Then use this mixture to “spackle�? into one of SU! Classy Brass stencils. Just spread a bit of the mixture over the stencil. Then lift off the stencil and allow it to dry. Now you have a raised design. This is a very elegant effect and is slightly flexible so it won't crack.

26. PEARL EX RESIST: (by Pat Deuschle) Emboss a line image stamp (one that is open and can be colored in) onto glossy card stock. (The metallic gold looks great but you may even want to just use clear EP.) Then color in the image using the Pearl Ex that has been mixed in with Luminere. You can use either a brush to do this or try a Q-tip or make up applicator. Then, brayer over the entire piece of card stock, with the dye ink of your choice. Choose one that will coordinate with your EP and the overall design or theme of your project. The new SU! Spectrum pads are WONDERFUL!! Both the embossed outline as well as the Luminere/Pearl-Ex will resist the color and your images will seem to pop off the page!

27. PEARL EX ON LEAVES: (by Lisa at lisastampsalot) This is a very pretty way to use Pearl Ex. Press a leaf onto the Versamark pad and then "paint" them with Pearl Ex using the dry application method. They are lovely! You may then wish to spray them with a Krylon matte or Krylon glossy finish. This will work for both Skeleton Leaves and leaves you just pick up from off of the ground.

28. HEATED PEARLS TECHNIQUE: Next time you want a new way to use your Pearl Ex give this a try.

You'll need: Glossy Black paper (make your own by using StazOn DTP on white glossy), Tacky Glue, Pearl Ex (Two colors preferably), Stipple Brush, Heat Gun. Here's what you'll do: On Glossy Paper put a puddle of tacky glue about the size of a quarter. Use the stipple brush to move the glue over the entire surface of the paper (I only do this with a quarter sheet of paper at a time). Next sprinkle two different colors of Pearl Ex over the glue covered cardstock. Use the stipple brush to blend the colors into the glue. (After this step is done, place the stipple brush in some water to keep the glue from drying on it before you have a chance to clean it.) Next, heat the entire surface, the Pearl Ex combined with the glue will bubble and form a pebbly surface on the card. You are done! Wasn't that easy? Now use this as a background for your favorite set. I have tried this with Red Glossy (made with White Glossy and my red StazOn pad) and it works well also. I tried it with plain White glossy and was not impressed, could have something to do with the colors I used, but others I know don't like using the plain white either. Have fun with this, it is very simple and produces an elegant background.

29. PEARL EX AND CRYSTAL EFFECTS: (by Carol Marbach) Mix Pearl Ex with CE together on an old whipped topping lid or use a old 35 mm film container. Then sponge this mixture onto a paper mache or thin wood box. It creates a very regal finish! Or if you prefer you can allow the mixture to dry on the lid. Then it can be "popped" off the lid and punched for cool accents!

30. Pearl Ex on candles
I just tried this technique just now with a couple votive candles and oooh la la! I just dabbed the tip of a fluffy brush into the pearl ex powder and "scrubbed" it into the design with a swirling motion. The wax adheres the pearl ex just fine. No fixative needed. And oh, does it look cool. I used Interference Red on a pink candle and a white candle and they both turned out cool.

Another way of doing the hot wax impressions is to leave the stamp uninked. After that, you can use rub on colors or stipple Pearl Ex on top (you will have to seal this, as it comes spray would probably work). I also did the small snowflake from the snowflake set on a navy candle and sponged the white Lumiere over the top, then rubbed the Lumiere off the smooth surface of the candle and it stayed in the impressions made by the snowflake stamp...very pretty!

You can also stamp right on the candle. Take a hair dryer (heat gun gets too hot) and heat up the wax until it starts to turn opaque. Have a bold stamp ready to go that was inked either with pigment ink or Encore. Stamp right into the candle pushing it into the warm wax. Give it a few seconds and remove. Your stamp will not stick. Now take glitter and appy to the stamped image and it will finish the look. You may want to seal it, it can come off

With this technique, you can burn the candle safely!

31. Domimos:I have used stazon to stamp my image then used q-tips to color in with the stazon. I'm not sure that i needed to, but I used a spray sealer. Then just put an adhesive pin back on and voila!!. You can also use a cotton ball to lightly rub stazon all over to form a background color, then stamp with black on top. They're cheap, so play around.

32. Stamping with Pearl Ex - Mix the Pearl Ex with gum arabic and water. Using a wide paint brush, paint the Pearl Ex onto your stamp. Works best with solid stamps. Or simply rub Pearl Ex onto your stamp surface & stamp on paper. Spray seal to fix it. For dramatic effects….stamp on dark colored cardstock using clear embossing ink. Brush Pearl Ex on the ink…it sticks. Seal with spray sealer.

33.Pearl Ex & Layer Embossing - After 3 to 4 layers of embossing ink and powder, stamp image into last hot layer (coat stamp first with clear embossing ink). After cooling, rub Pearl Ex into crevices. Also, you can sprinkle the Pearl Ex on the last layer before heating.

34.Pearl Ex & Chalking - Use Pearl Ex dry, like a chalk. Rub it on the cardstock, with your finger, to create a metallic sheen and to highlight. Spray seal it with a acrylic sealer or even hairspray works .

35.Pearl Ex & Mica Tiles - Mix Pearl Ex with Perfect Paper Adhesive and put a dollop on the back of a mica tile. You can use more than one color. Smush the tile around on the cardstock, add glitter, mica flakes, beads, etc. to embellish. The mica tile can be embossed before using - looks really cool with fish or other more masculine images.

36. Pearl Ex Brushed - Stamp image with an Encore Pigment pad onto dark cardstock. Using a soft brush (cosmetic brushes work great), apply Pearl Ex gently to the image, using one or several colors (clean brush between colors). Use the soft brush to gently brush off excess Pearl Ex. If you mixed Pearl Ex colors, save it to use with embossing, etc. Seal with acrylic sealer.

37. Pearl Ex & Stampin' Emboss Enamel - Make a "tile" consisting of several layers of enamel on a surface (cardstock, shrink plastic, etc.). Brush some Pearl Ex on between layers, if desired, to add color. After heating the last layer, while it's still hot, stamp an image into the tile. Use clear or colored pigment on your stamp to avoid damaging it & to help keep it from sticking. Add a dusting of Pearl Ex for highlights.

38. Pearl Ex & Paperclay
Rub Pearl Ex on to create highlights. Spray with acrylic sealer.

39. Mix Lumiere Pearl White with our Stampin' Up! ink refills to create your own shimmery paint. Mix one teaspoon Lumiere to one drop of ink, mixing until smooth. Use it just like regular Lumiere liquid as paint. Add Pearl Ex to create more sparkle!

40. Need an idea for your old chalks? Crush up your old chalks with the end of your stylus tool until you have made a nice powder. Add one teaspoon of Lumiere® and mix till smooth. Add Pearl Ex to this mix for shimmer. For example, take red pastel chalk, add one teaspoon of Lumiere, and then add a pinch of Interference Red Pearl Ex. Experiment with different color combinations to create new looks!

42. Pearl Ex Pigment Powders create beautiful effects from a smooth, pearly luster, to a highly metallic sheen, but you will want to use a fixative of some sort on images using these stunning, iridescent powders to ensure that your image lasts. The most affordable fixative is a cheap aerosol hairspray—the cheaper the better. You can also purchase fixative products manufactured specifically for this purpose. (But hairspray is not recommended for scrapbooks).

Pearl Ex Tips

Put hairspray and dollop of Pearlex in spray bottle, spray on paper for shimmery look. Another thing that I do is to spray it on top of the polished stone technique (while it is still wet). The hair spray will pull away from the surface. Then again rub it with your cotton ball. You get wonderful gold streaks. You can also spray with regular hair spray and sprinkle it on. Then rub.

To get rid of excess Pearl Ex from paper:
After brushing the Pearl Ex onto the Versamark, use a soft makeup brush to brush off the excess, then use a dry swifer cloth and rub it GENTLY all over the paper. It takes away the dust. Remember that the Versamark is wet, so it can smear if you rub to hard. You can let it sit for a few minutes and then rub GENTLY with the cloth. It will clean up the dust. You may still have a little of the shimmer, but the excess dust is gone. You can also use a cotton ball or tissues to get rid of stray PearlEx.

I remember vaguely about a post with problems of Haze after using pearl ex. I love the sparkle it gives and had the same problem. I remember watching a episode on Do it yourself with Shelli doing poppin pastels. She suggested a cotton ball for that. I just thought... what the heck ... I tried a cotton ball on the haze of the pearl ex. It did a wonderful job. It left just enough sparkle behind and took away most of that haze. It left behind the sparkle on the versamark image as intended. I used the Thanks snow much stamp set with the tall snowman. In the corners I dry embossed a snowflake then used the versamarker for the pearl ex on the snowflakes. All done on white cardstock and matted on night of navy. I was impressed how well it worked out. I thought of trying a q tip for more detailed jobs... but haven't yet. Anyways, hopefully this tip will help out someone else.
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Old 12-25-2004, 07:59 PM   #3  
Stazon Splitcoast
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Default What PearlEx assortment would you get first?

I haven't used PearlEx yet and I want to get some (from SU, or course). What Assortment should I get and is Lumiere something I "need"??

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Old 12-25-2004, 08:23 PM   #4  
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I've never used Lumiere. I do have the Assortment I and like it but now that I understand how it works I wish I had Assortment II or III.... they look like they'd show up better on the white. I do love how the set I have shows up on black c.s. or any darker colors. Enjoy using it when you get it. I would love to know more about how to use Lumiere.... maybe that's why I haven't gotten it yet because I don't know how to use it. :?
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Old 12-31-2004, 01:22 PM   #5  
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Default Pearl Ex

Thanks so much for the list. I got some of this for Christmas from my husband and really had no idea what it is.......
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Old 12-31-2004, 02:47 PM   #6  
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I love the heated pearls technique It's a cool effect and it's messy to boot! Who could ask for more? ;)

Thanks for sharing this list!

~Jules~ STEELER spammy
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Old 01-03-2005, 09:06 AM   #7  
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Default Which PearlEx set? Which Spectrum pad?

I'm ready to order some PearlEx and I'm wondering what assortment you like best. Do you use the Lumiere?

I have 4 Kaleidacolor pads, but I've love to demo them and think maybe I should get one of the SU ones. I was thinking of Celebration or Fiesta. Do you demo the K pads if you don't have the Spectrum ones yet??

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Old 01-03-2005, 06:25 PM   #8  
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Bump, because I'm curious about the PE question as well.

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Old 01-04-2005, 05:28 AM   #9  
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Bump - anyone??

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Old 01-04-2005, 05:41 AM   #10  
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I haven't ventured into the PE yet, so I can't help ya there... I do have the Fiesta spectrum pad and I love it. I have used the Frost and Taffy ones with great success, but haven't gotten around to buying 'em for myself yet. One the few occasions that I demo'd the spectrum pads, I sold several of 'em, so I say get at least one to demo. It will pay off!

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Old 01-04-2005, 06:15 AM   #11  
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I have all the Pearl Ex. So my initial response is GET THEM ALL!! It's great to have the variety. But if you are going to get just 1 set I would get the set that has the colors that you use in the most in your card making. I don't have the lumiere. Maybe I should try it, but I do use my Pearl Ex with a lot of other techniques.

As for the spectrum pads I would say the same thing. Get the set that has the colors you like the most. Then you are more likely to use them.
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Old 01-04-2005, 06:17 AM   #12  
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OK My wonderful DH (who is allergic to shopping...I am impressed) got me series two of the PE and my sister God love her had gotten me series one!!! WOW how great was my Christmas! I just love both and have played with this using VersaMark and with Future Floor Wax and had great results! I also love the specturm pads and don't think you can go wrong with any of them!

ASAP..... Always Say A Prayer
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Old 01-04-2005, 06:36 AM   #13  
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I got the second set of PE first - it had more colors I enjoyed.... go with what you'll use. I also went back and bought the other two sets two months later ;) Oh, and if you think you'll mix with embossing powder, buy an extra clear (or whatever color) while you're at it so you don't have to wait for the next order
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Old 01-04-2005, 06:58 AM   #14  
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Default re: pe powders & spectrum pads

I have assortment II of the PE Powders and love them. I use them with VersaMark mostly. I do have several of the spectrum pads, but not real sure what to do with them. Can you share what you do with your spectrum pads?


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