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Vintage Redhead 03-23-2005 11:49 AM

Homemade Gifts in General
I was re-reading this thread....it looks like mine *just* posted, but I really did respond about 4 hours ago! I'm sure the delay has to do with the upgrade...I'm really not "stalking" the topic...

As for homemade items: Everyone is right. If it's not appreciated, then don't to through the trouble. tTere is no need to criticize a homemade gift...EVER! Goodness, it's not like they rip open clothing and complaing that it's Gap instead of RL! Why should our homemade gifts be any different?

I used to make homemade beef jerky every year at Christmas. I crammed about 1.5 lb. into each Ball jar, vacuum seal the jar, stamp tags, make cute toppers for the jar. People would complain about me being *stingy* with the jerky because I only gave one jar to each family! Because there were six different "families" it would cost me about $400 to yield 10 lbs of jerky. (Cost of the beef, the seasonings, the liquids, etc.) And it would take **DAYS* to do - I would start with roughly 50 lbs of roasts. Then everyone got homemade caramel corn...but they complained there wasn't enough of that, either. I'm glad they liked what I made enough to feel "cheated" that there wasn't more. But at the same time, I figure: if they want to compliment me, then fine, do so directly. Otherwise, I've given you a gift I take pride in that I'm talented at that came from my heart...and your thank you is to pee on it? So now? *NO MORE*.

Some people don't deserve what we have to offer. Thank goodness we have each other and the RAK system. That way, we *know* that there is always someone, somewhere, who will burst into a huge smile when they get something we've sent them. Even though we may not be there to see it, it still makes us happy to do it. ~ K

Ouch!PaperCut 03-23-2005 11:49 AM


scrapyme 03-23-2005 11:49 AM

At least those are people that don't know better :( , I have sent RAKs to people from this site and never heard a pip from them :shock: , I am good at getting some constructive criticism (can't spell it right) but to be ignore all together is rude :oops: . On the other hand my family loves to get my cards and when I forget someone's birthday they make sure to let me know that they missed my card. I stamp because it my stress reliever not to accomodate picky people, not appreciating it is their lost :wink:

Ouch!PaperCut 03-23-2005 11:52 AM

Sorry, don't know why it's multi-posting on me!

scrapyme 03-23-2005 11:52 AM

At least those are people that don't know better :( , I have sent RAKs to people from this site and never heard a pip from them :shock: , I am good at getting some constructive criticism (can't spell it right) but to be ignore all together is rude :oops: . On the other hand my family loves to get my cards and when I forget someone's birthday they make sure to let me know that they missed my card. I stamp because it my stress reliever not to accomodate picky people, not appreciating it is their lost :wink:

LadyScrppr 03-23-2005 12:09 PM

That makes me flaming mad. What a bunch of buttheads. If that ever happens to me I WILL SEND THEM TOILET PAPER THE NEXT YEAR and nothing after that.

scrapyme 03-23-2005 12:09 PM

at least those are people that don't know better :( I have sent RAKs to people from this site and never heard a pip from some of them :shock: I am good at getting some constructive criticism(can't spell it right) but to be ignore all together is rude :oops: On the other hand my family love to get my cards and when I forget someone's birthday they let me knoe that they missed my card. I stamp because it's my stress reliever not to accomodate picky people, not appreciating it, it's their lost :wink:

scrapyme 03-23-2005 12:10 PM

at least those are people that don't know better :( I have sent RAKs to people from this site and never heard a pip from some of them :shock: I am good at getting some constructive criticism(can't spell it right) but to be ignore all together is rude :oops: On the other hand my family love to get my cards and when I forget someone's birthday they let me know that they missed my card. I stamp because it's my stress reliever not to accomodate picky people, not appreciating it, it's their lost :wink:

scrapyme 03-23-2005 12:17 PM

at least those are people that don't know better :( I have sent RAKs to people from this site and never heard a pip from some of them :shock: I am good at getting some constructive criticism(can't spell it right) but to be ignore all together is rude :oops: On the other hand my family love to get my cards and when I forget someone's birthday they let me know that they missed my card. I stamp because it's my stress reliever not to accomodate picky people, not appreciating it, it's their lost :wink:

Mom2MalNJaden 03-23-2005 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Erin in Okc
Seven days without stamping makes one weak!!

Oooh Erin, I just love that! Did you think of that on your own? Clever! Mind if I borrow it?

dal 03-23-2005 12:23 PM

After reading these various "rude" reactions my first thought was that these people have no class, no culture and no manners and probably do not own a single piece of real art and yes I think most of the cards and gifts I have seen on this site ARE art! So the fault is not in you or your gifts, but in the recipients!! I am so lucky, my co-workers love my cards and love getting them as gifts. BUT this is the exact reason my sister can not get into card making. She loves to make things, but can not bring herself to spend time on a card that may be tossed into the trash. I do not think this should stop you from making and giving hand made cards and gifts as I know for a fact that many a store bought gift gets given away or even tossed (there are lots of really bad gifts out there!) and it is not up to the giver to say what happens to a gift. So keep making what you want to make, ignore the people who make rude comments (they do not deserve a gift from you anyway), and concentrate on the people who appreciate what you do.

dal 03-23-2005 12:26 PM

After reading these various "rude" reactions my first thought was that these people have no class, no culture and no manners and probably do not own a single piece of real art and yes I think most of the cards and gifts I have seen on this site ARE art! So the fault is not in you or your gifts, but in the recipients!! I am so lucky, my co-workers love my cards and love getting them as gifts. BUT this is the exact reason my sister can not get into card making. She loves to make things, but can not bring herself to spend time on a card that may be tossed into the trash. I do not think this should stop you from making and giving hand made cards and gifts as I know for a fact that many a store bought gift gets given away or even tossed (there are lots of really bad gifts out there!) and it is not up to the giver to say what happens to a gift. So keep making what you want to make, ignore the people who make rude comments (they do not deserve a gift from you anyway), and concentrate on the people who appreciate what you do.

StampinGA3 03-23-2005 12:47 PM

I am flabergasted by some of these stories. I feel for all of you!

Thankfully, I have not received too many comments ~ bad ones, anyways ~ because I am super sensitive and I probably would have cried myself out of SU! business by now.

Fortunately, I have many relatives & friends who truly appreciate the work (art, as my mom calls it) that I do.
One always tells me she is amazed at how much time it must have taken to create the cards I show her. THAT is a great feeling. Recognizing the time is the key to a great card-maker's compliment!
My SIL keeps my cards on her fridge & makes sure to tell me all the comments that her family makes to her about them. It is nice & really awesome.
My aunt just turned 60 and a surprise party was thrown for her. I made the invites (lots of nice comments) but the best was that my cousin took that card to the cake place & had them make the top of the cake decorated the same way as the card front! What an honor.

To CHILLIN ~ I would have had to have been taken out of that room before fists flew if I had heard my DH's aunt (or anybody!) make that comment about financial blah-blah! Thankfully, I have given cards as gifts (thank yous for weddings, birthdays) and they are so thrilled! My aunt opened her present from me in front of me at the party so I could see her reaction. As soon as she saw what it was, she said she had so hoped that I would do that for her.
Break my heart for you, Chillin & anyone who has heard mean comments about "home-made" cards. May God bless your work and your hearts & KEEP ON STAMPIN!

PS ~ Thanks for letting me ramble here. I am still in awe!

freedom43 03-23-2005 12:49 PM

I have been making home made gifts for years.
I found out that for some of my family and friends they apperciated them. Others just don't get it.
I love anything home made.
Hey send some of your work my way!!!!!! :wink:
I will love it I promise :D

freedom43 03-23-2005 12:50 PM

I have been making home made gifts for years.
I found out that for some of my family and friends they apperciated them. Others just don't get it.
I love anything home made.
Hey send some of your work my way!!!!!! :wink:
I will love it I promise :D

Cassandranet 03-23-2005 12:50 PM

I think the larger picture is -- when someone gives you a gift, whether homemade or store-bought or found-on-the-street-corner), you are supposed to say 'Thank you.'

It's just manners. Criticizing a gift or the giver is BAD manners. You can have your opinion about the gift -- I've certainly gotten things I don't really like -- but there's no need to express it out loud. Think of it this way -- we were raised better than that.

We really need more good manners in the world. Try not to be down about it. But don't waste your gifts and efforts on people who don't appreciate it. Save it for those who do. (I can send you my address, for example :)).

I once made cookies and candy for some friends at Xmas time, boxed them up and sent them across the country to be told, "There wasn't very many in the box. You should have sent more." I GUESS that was kind of a compliment, but I made sure to never cause that problem again by sending NONE from now on.

dmsd 03-23-2005 12:58 PM

Many times people don't have a clue the effort we put inot our cards--although that is no excuse for rudeness. When i give a crad to someone, I think of it as a gift, so I stop "owning" it the moment it leaves my hands, and it's someone else's to do with as they please. I try not to think what happens to my creations--I don't want it to get personal!

dmsd 03-23-2005 12:59 PM

Many times people don't have a clue the effort we put into our cards--although that is no excuse for rudeness. When i give a card to someone, I think of it as a gift, so I stop "owning" it the moment it leaves my hands, and it's someone else's to do with as they please. I try not to think what happens to my creations--I don't want it to get personal!

stampinswampysue 03-23-2005 01:01 PM

I've not had any rude comments. Here's a funny for you. For my mother-in-law's Christmas gift, I gave her a bundle of notecards to use. She's a thrifty woman and loved that she didn't have to pay $3 for a card for people. She later sent me one of the cards as a thank you for a birthday gift and I cut off the front, glued it on another card and reused it! Guess we know who the really thrifty one is!

skpupy68 03-23-2005 01:08 PM

I think the ones that make the 'too much time on your hands' are trying to say in a backward, slap in your face way that if you have free time you should be cleaning more or cooking more or something domestic more. I sometimes feel guilty when I have a couple hours on my hands and the vacuuming needs to be done but I want to stamp. I can bet that the people who have the audacity to say that, to your face or not, don't have hobbies. And take a little solace in the fact that your are probably a happier person and will therefore live a longer, happier life as a result.

This seems to also be a female affliction. Women are catty, or tend to be. Most guys would back down if you told them that a comment like that hurt. And I'm sure they 'waste' time on stuff that is equally as unimportant but look at it this way, you've spread joy to someone else - not them - with your free time.

Ok, I'm stepping down off of my box now. :lol:


Tami Wacek 03-23-2005 01:10 PM

I'm so sorry that these people were so rude to you. I had tolaugh at the comment about the "leg lamp" from A Christmas Story. Last weekend at our school's Education Foundation auction, someone made a leg lamp and donated the movie to go along with it. It sold for $190! All kinds of people were oohing and aahing over it! Just goes to show you never know who will appreciate all the work you put into something.

skpupy68 03-23-2005 01:11 PM

I think the ones that make the 'too much time on your hands' are trying to say in a backward, slap in your face way that if you have free time you should be cleaning more or cooking more or something domestic more. I sometimes feel guilty when I have a couple hours on my hands and the vacuuming needs to be done but I want to stamp. I can bet that the people who have the audacity to say that, to your face or not, don't have hobbies. And take a little solace in the fact that your are probably a happier person and will therefore live a longer, happier life as a result.

This seems to also be a female affliction. Women are catty, or tend to be. Most guys would back down if you told them that a comment like that hurt. And I'm sure they 'waste' time on stuff that is equally as unimportant but look at it this way, you've spread joy to someone else - not them - with your free time.

Ok, I'm stepping down off of my box now. :lol:


uffdastamper 03-23-2005 01:48 PM

Just keep making your homemade gifts and cards. It is so awesome to make things for people who REALLY love and appreciate them! But, it is also VERY frustrating when it seems they aren't appreciated! :(

My 7 year old son made me a card and a birthday gift ALL by himself (I didn't even suggest it) because he and my DH didn't get a chance to go shopping! To me it meant the world, of course because he is my son, but more importantly it was the thought and the time he took. He was so proud and I will treasure them forever. And he MADE it just for me!

Keep sharing your gifts with others and your love and talents, too. Thanks for sharing your story, perhaps others can realize how much just a simple "THANK YOU" or even "NICE JOB" can mean to a person. Even a little gratitude goes a LONG WAY! If we as stampers spread even more gratitude and joy, maybe others can learn by example. Keep creating and being creative. It is a true gift! You are very talented! Keep it up!

Since we know how much gratitude and appreciation can mean, spread a little today!
Pass it on! Somebody has to catch on sometime?? :D

Thanks to all the creative, crafty, thoughtful people out there! You make this world a better place. :lol:

inspiredbycreativity 03-23-2005 03:00 PM

I am so sorry that you received such a rude comment. I have received that type of comment before, and I told them that it does not take that long to create a card and that I could teach them how. I have seen my handmade items in the trash and laying around on the floor and it was disheartening to see it. A lot of times I would pick it up myself, and re-use it. They questioned why I was picking it out of the trash and that they loved my card and I told them obviously they did not love it enough because it's in the trash. I MADE that card myself and it was hardwork to make it. I told them I would re-use it and give it to someone that would appreciate it better. The look on their face was priceless. Nowadays I limit who gets handmade items from me. My boyfriend loves all of the items that I make him, and he has had cards that I made him before we were dating and those cards are like 2-3 years old and he still has them.

Please continue to make handmade items and don't let their comments get you down.

inspiredbycreativity 03-23-2005 03:01 PM

I am so sorry that you received such a rude comment. I have received that type of comment before, and I told them that it does not take that long to create a card and that I could teach them how. I have seen my handmade items in the trash and laying around on the floor and it was disheartening to see it. A lot of times I would pick it up myself, and re-use it. They questioned why I was picking it out of the trash and that they loved my card and I told them obviously they did not love it enough because it's in the trash. I MADE that card myself and it was hardwork to make it. I told them I would re-use it and give it to someone that would appreciate it better. The look on their face was priceless. Nowadays I limit who gets handmade items from me. My boyfriend loves all of the items that I make him, and he has had cards that I made him before we were dating and those cards are like 2-3 years old and he still has them.

Please continue to make handmade items and don't let their comments get you down.

Christine P 03-23-2005 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by mamakimberly
Or perhaps a card from Dollar Tree? You could even cut it in half to save $!

ROFLMAO!! .50 each year! How funny is that?????

OK, seriously, I'm so sorry that your feelings were hurt. I've asked my friends/coworkers if they would prefer homemade or store bought cards. Hands down the answer was homemade.

Keep on doing what makes you happy! I appreciate you!


charming 03-23-2005 03:40 PM

"pearls before swine" comes to mind!
I have a completely unevolved, closed-minded, lives-in-fear kind of mom so I grew up with this crippled mindset
maybe it's generational, shes now sixty or it's that she's second-generation canadian and still has that old-world "don't rejoice or call attention to yourself lest the evil eye fix its gaze upon you" kind of FEAR
I am full-tilt, head-on, unstoppable creative force but it still took me until I was 17 to get away from her! I didn't leave because I was wild or bad or into teen culture or anything ...I was super good girl! I just could not take the criticism any more!
I have anger and other issues (...what could I have become if I would simply have been ENCOURAGED to bloom where I'd been planted...?)
but I do try to have compassion
I think that she is the product of some error in upbringing - something was just not available at a critical spot in her development that left her unable to parent me in this most needed way
I REALLY believe that these judgemental people are so critical of our creativity because some seedling sprout of theirs was uncermoniously
KILLED----It really goes beyond "whatever, they're just jealous"
It is a disability due to an amputation that neither you nor they can see which is why it is such a slap in the face when the comments "just pop out"
I've now been away from her as long as I had endured her and I am only now coming into my own !!!
She still is the same but she doesn't get very much of my creative fruits,
I just think of her as craft- allergic!

THANK the universe for STAMPIN' AND SU!
and thank goodness for all Y'all too!

altheazebrina 03-23-2005 04:05 PM

MIL card
Right on mycattracks! I vote for never buying her anything again!!!! However, I also really like the cut a $ store card in 1/2. I am devious like that. I had a horrible mother in law, though.

I know that my sister once told me (thru other sisters) that she didn't really appreciate my homemade gifts. I didn't give her anything homemade for a good long time (I gave her husband some of my homemade salsa and he didn't seem to mind). So guess what I got from her for Christmas? Stamped coaster set, stamped wine glass lamp shade, interesting, huh? Oh, well, guess my homemade stuff has gotten better over the years.

Another funny, I used to make homemade gifts for my husbands family and once his mom got mad at us and we woke up one morning to find all of our gifts we had ever given them on our front lawn, including a basket of silk flowers that I had made for my sister in law to give her for her birthday.

Yeah, I vote no more cards for any of them!
How about you send me one instead, I will definitely appreciate it!

basketgirl 03-23-2005 04:13 PM

I have a stamp tht I stamp on all my envelopes that reads:

Enclosed is a handmade card
as such it deserves a place of honor and respect in your home and should not be discarded like an ordinary store bought card.

I think it gets might piont across. I found it at my LSS.

basketgirl 03-23-2005 04:15 PM

I have a stamp tht I stamp on all my envelopes that reads:

Enclosed is a handmade card
as such it deserves a place of honor and respect in your home and should not be discarded like an ordinary store bought card.

I think it gets might piont across. I found it at my LSS.

stampwithjoanne 03-23-2005 04:18 PM

My dad's wife (my own mom passed away) once said to me as she opened a birthday card that I had hand stamped; "I only do Hallmark."
Yes, she said this!!!!!!! I about died!!!!!

I since found cards for 10 cents (yes, 10 cents) at a thrift shop, and use these cards for those who people who are ungrateful and unappreciative. I feel better that I haven't wasted my valuable time and talent. And a
10 cent card is really all they deserve!!!!

I do this for Christmas cards too. Send out the box that cost $1.00 that you got at 75% clearance to those who don't care. I always feel a lot better. Save your homemade cards for folks who care! (I have a co-worker who has made all my holiday cards into framed ornaments for her Christmas tree!!! Now SHE and her family get my BEST cards!!!!!)

basketgirl 03-23-2005 04:19 PM

I have a stamp that I stamp on all my envelopes that reads:

Enclosed is a handmade card
as such it deserves a place of honor and respect in your home and should not be discarded like an ordinary store bought card.

I think it gets my point across. I found it at my LSS.

Ronda Nix 03-23-2005 04:27 PM

I'm sure at some point, someone told Picasso he should keep his day job.:D Just because some people don't appreciate the enjoyment you get out of stamping doesn't mean you should beat yourself up about it. It's their loss really. If they'd rather have a mass produced card that a million other people are going to receive, so be it!
You go ahead and stamp your hand off! I'll be doing the same thing! And if you need someone to send it to who will appreciate it, my mailbox is always open. :wink:

stampinmarni 03-23-2005 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by MaryEileen
My husband frequently jokes that I have my cost per card down to $42.00.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm not sure my cost per card is even down THAT low!!! I say bump anyone off your list that doesn't appreciate what you do, UNLESS you are enjoying doing it.

I, quite frankly, make my cards as much for me as for my recipients. Of course I put thought into each and every one for that particular person. And of course I could still get my feelings hurt by such a thoughtless comment. But the creating is so satisfying for me that in the end it doesn't matter if they appreciate it, because the creating has "fed my soul."

Just wish I could get the cost per card down to $42 like MaryEileen!!!


maryrose 03-23-2005 04:29 PM

I've become picky over the years...I know the folks who really appreciate a handmade card, and I know the folks who'd rather get a laugh out of a Shoebox card. I'm okay with that.

My MIL once compared my cards to her friend that was making cards on her computer...ugh! In her defense, she's just not a crafty person, and I'm okay with that. But this year for Christmas, I made her a SU calendar filled with scrapbook pages of her family, and she just cried and cried and said it was the best present she'd gotten! Go figure!

I think there are varying degrees of handmade gifts, and times when they are appropriate. For example, I organized a wedding scrapbook for my nephew's bride with pages made by family and ready to be filled. She loved it! But I have to admit, when I see some of the "gift" ideas presented in the SU catalogs and magazines, I sometimes think to myself "Who would I ever give that to?" I mean really, who would appreciate a teeny hand stamped box of birdseed? A party favor, yes, but a gift? No.

I stamp because I love it, period!

mary rose

MonicaA 03-23-2005 04:32 PM

I can totally relate! I have gotten the too much time on your hands remark a lot. I don't give nearly as much as I used too because of it. That's sad, I know, but I limit my giving to those that are appreciative. The last time I showed my brother's girlfriend a card I had made I got the comment, "Yeah, your so talented Monica." (only dripping with sarcasm). Like I'm trying to show off or something. A few years ago when we didn't have a lot of money for Christmas I made family memers a big tray of different kinds of homemade cookies with special handpainted ornaments. When I handed my brother's to him he said, "This is all I get?" Maybe I'm just too sensitive. I stopped giving them anymore cookies around the holidays. Last year I decided to try again. This year the comment was, "We've got so much of this cr*p lying around this year." :evil: Hmmm. I'm thinking that's the last time they're getting anything. It's called TACT, and some people just do not have any. I could never in a million years make some of the comments that I have heard.

Sooooo, anyway, I feel for you. Don't let it get you down. Just save your beautiful creations for those that appreciate it. Or get into scrapbooking like me...that way it's totally for you and your immediate family and you get to enjoy it for years to come!

TamIAm 03-23-2005 04:37 PM

So sorry to hear about the insensitive comments (either in envy or mean-spirit). No matter what, they should follow the golden rule of "if you can't say something nice..."

My SIL dragged me to my first stamping demo, but I'm the one who really got into it. We were scrapbooking (I was making cards) with my mother a month ago and she asked if mom was into "the whole cardmaking thing too." She also said something about having a life and no time to even think about stamping cards. I wanted to kick her under the table, but just smiled and went back to stamping and playing. Since I know she appreciates the things I make for her, I can only assume it was a touch of envy.

My mom, on the other hand wishes she had more time, but says she lives through me vicariously on stampin--even buying tools and "lending" them to me. I only started at the end of November, but she was so disappointed when I sent store-bought Christmas cards. I got a comment about it, too. For mother's day I'm making her a set of cards and pens, that should make her day. But my mother is where I get my "hand-craft" gene. We were not always well-off but she made our home beautiful with her little home-made touches here and there, so she has a true appreciation of the little things and she taught me to love it--even if it isn't perfect. I only I can teach my children that value as well as she taught me.

There are just some people in this world who do not think hand-crafted things are "up to par"--even though they are better and made with love. They have no appreciation for the time and care you poured into the item and the value is not even to be measured. Just let those people be and spoil those who appreciate your efforts. Trust me, you'll get more positive joy from the giving! You will be happier in the end.

Also promise no matter what, do not stop stamping unless you really want to. That would be the worst thing of all!

MonicaA 03-23-2005 04:39 PM

I can totally relate! I have gotten the too much time on your hands remark a lot. I don't give nearly as much as I used too because of it. That's sad, I know, but I limit my giving to those that are appreciative. The last time I showed my brother's girlfriend a card I had made I got the comment, "Yeah, your so talented Monica." (only dripping with sarcasm). Like I'm trying to show off or something. A few years ago when we didn't have a lot of money for Christmas I made family memers a big tray of different kinds of homemade cookies with special handpainted ornaments. When I handed my brother's to him he said, "This is all I get?" Maybe I'm just too sensitive. I stopped giving them anymore cookies around the holidays. Last year I decided to try again. This year the comment was, "We've got so much of this cr*p lying around this year." :evil: Hmmm. I'm thinking that's the last time they're getting anything. It's called TACT, and some people just do not have any. I could never in a million years make some of the comments that I have heard.

Sooooo, anyway, I feel for you. Don't let it get you down. Just save your beautiful creations for those that appreciate it. Or get into scrapbooking like me...that way it's totally for you and your immediate family and you get to enjoy it for years to come!

skpupy68 03-23-2005 04:42 PM

I think the ones that make the 'too much time on your hands' are trying to say in a backward, slap in your face way that if you have free time you should be cleaning more or cooking more or something domestic more. I sometimes feel guilty when I have a couple hours on my hands and the vacuuming needs to be done but I want to stamp. I can bet that the people who have the audacity to say that, to your face or not, don't have hobbies. And take a little solace in the fact that your are probably a happier person and will therefore live a longer, happier life as a result.

This seems to also be a female affliction. Women are catty, or tend to be. Most guys would back down if you told them that a comment like that hurt. And I'm sure they 'waste' time on stuff that is equally as unimportant but look at it this way, you've spread joy to someone else - not them - with your free time.

Ok, I'm stepping down off of my box now. :lol:


MonicaA 03-23-2005 04:44 PM

I can totally relate! I have gotten the too much time on your hands remark a lot. I don't give nearly as much as I used too because of it. That's sad, I know, but I limit my giving to those that are appreciative. The last time I showed my brother's girlfriend a card I had made I got the comment, "Yeah, your so talented Monica." (only dripping with sarcasm). Like I'm trying to show off or something. A few years ago when we didn't have a lot of money for Christmas I made family memers a big tray of different kinds of homemade cookies with special handpainted ornaments. When I handed my brother's to him he said, "This is all I get?" Maybe I'm just too sensitive. I stopped giving them anymore cookies around the holidays. Last year I decided to try again. This year the comment was, "We've got so much of this cr*p lying around this year." :evil: Hmmm. I'm thinking that's the last time they're getting anything. It's called TACT, and some people just do not have any. I could never in a million years make some of the comments that I have heard.

Sooooo, anyway, I feel for you. Don't let it get you down. Just save your beautiful creations for those that appreciate it. Or get into scrapbooking like me...that way it's totally for you and your immediate family and you get to enjoy it for years to come!

skpupy68 03-23-2005 04:51 PM

I think the ones that make the 'too much time on your hands' are trying to say in a backward, slap in your face way that if you have free time you should be cleaning more or cooking more or something domestic more. I sometimes feel guilty when I have a couple hours on my hands and the vacuuming needs to be done but I want to stamp. I can bet that the people who have the audacity to say that, to your face or not, don't have hobbies. And take a little solace in the fact that your are probably a happier person and will therefore live a longer, happier life as a result.

This seems to also be a female affliction. Women are catty, or tend to be. Most guys would back down if you told them that a comment like that hurt. And I'm sure they 'waste' time on stuff that is equally as unimportant but look at it this way, you've spread joy to someone else - not them - with your free time.

Ok, I'm stepping down off of my box now. :lol:


Shelleyrh 03-23-2005 04:58 PM

I'm so sorry, that can be so hard to take. When I have been given the "too mcuh time on your hands" comment I just say we all make time for the things we really want/love to do. Or say something about needing a creative outlet.

Don't let their comments discourage you and not craft/stamp anymore. They just don't get it.

As for tossing a card that's been given...I do toss cards after I've been given them. I do save some handmade ones..not all. I don't have storage to save everything so I try to be selective. I never do it bc I don't like it or don't care just simply to declutter.

Chin up and KEEP STAMPIN!


kristransue 03-23-2005 05:06 PM

Just a humorous story to answer the "you have too much time on your hands" I was shuffling through the SU catalog at work picking out my supplies for my christmas cards . . .and a coworker said that, then asked a few questions, I sent her home with the catalog, and two days later she placed a 197.00 order. Hmmmmm . . . . .

TamIAm 03-23-2005 05:09 PM

So sorry to hear about the insensitive comments (either in envy or mean-spirit). No matter what, they should follow the golden rule of "if you can't say something nice..."

My SIL dragged me to my first stamping demo, but I'm the one who really got into it. We were scrapbooking (I was making cards) with my mother a month ago and she asked if mom was into "the whole cardmaking thing too." She also said something about having a life and no time to even think about stamping cards. I wanted to kick her under the table, but just smiled and went back to stamping and playing. Since I know she appreciates the things I make for her, I can only assume it was a touch of envy.

My mom, on the other hand wishes she had more time, but says she lives through me vicariously on stampin--even buying tools and "lending" them to me. I only started at the end of November, but she was so disappointed when I sent store-bought Christmas cards. I got a comment about it, too. For mother's day I'm making her a set of cards and pens, that should make her day. But my mother is where I get my "hand-craft" gene. We were not always well-off but she made our home beautiful with her little home-made touches here and there, so she has a true appreciation of the little things and she taught me to love it--even if it isn't perfect. I only I can teach my children that value as well as she taught me.

There are just some people in this world who do not think hand-crafted things are "up to par"--even though they are better and made with love. They have no appreciation for the time and care you poured into the item and the value is not even to be measured. Just let those people be and spoil those who appreciate your efforts. Trust me, you'll get more positive joy from the giving! You will be happier in the end.

Also promise no matter what, do not stop stamping unless you really want to. That would be the worst thing of all!

Mrs. Zellar 03-23-2005 05:12 PM

This topic hits SOOOOO close to home. I have been making homemade cards since 1998. I now have a mental list. Those who deserve my precious cards and those who get one from the 99 Hallmarks. Some people just don't get it and never will. I used to get watch someone receive one of my "four" hour cards and they were just tossed on the card pile and discared with the rest of them.

Sadly you need to figure out who appreciates them and who just does not get it.

Mrs. Zellar 03-23-2005 05:16 PM

This hits soooo close to home. I have been making homemade cards since 1998. I only send cards to those I know will appreciate it. Those that I have LEARNED over the years don't get one. They get the 99 cent jobs from Hallmark. You have to let it roll off otherwise it will make you crazy.

MILs can be the worst. If you are single remember you marry the WHOLE family

srogers5 03-23-2005 05:29 PM

A proper response to someone who says "You have too much time on your hands" when you give them a card ...

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were worth it."

or maybe the following would be nicer but still make the point

"Oh, but I think you are worth the time and energy and love that went into it."

dljames 03-23-2005 05:36 PM

I have to say that unfortunately even people on this site, who know the time and thought that goes into a project don't always appreciate it.

There are several of us on the Stamp out Fat group who made journals for our buddies and didn't receive even a simple "I received it" let alone a "thank you". So sadly even our fellow stampers and crafters can be equally thoughtless.

But I agree. One of my first quilting teachers said you have to be willing to give your quilts with no strings attached. Her sister gave her handmade quilt to the dog!! I was horrified. Of course now I have a dog and she has one of my first quilts.

We stamp and craft because we enjoy it. Hopefully it brings joy to those we pass along our gift to, but if not, it still brought us joy to make it. Any joy it gives someone else is icing on the cake.

dljames 03-23-2005 05:43 PM

Unfortunately, even out fellow stampers can be equally thoughtless. I recently made a Stamp out Fat journal for my journal buddy. While I know maybe it wasn't her style, she didn't even acknowledge it. Not even a peep from her. I put a lot of time and effort into it. You would think she would understand that and atleast say thank you.

So it isn't just non-crafters who don't get it.

I stamp because I love to stamp. I give my gifts because it makes me happy. Any joy it gives to someone else is just icing on the cake. We have to stop letting those nay sayers get in the way of our joy and the joy we can bring to others.

So lets keep stamping.............

dljames 03-23-2005 05:44 PM

Unfortunately, even out fellow stampers can be equally thoughtless. I recently made a Stamp out Fat journal for my journal buddy. While I know maybe it wasn't her style, she didn't even acknowledge it. Not even a peep from her. I put a lot of time and effort into it. You would think she would understand that and atleast say thank you.

So it isn't just non-crafters who don't get it.

I stamp because I love to stamp. I give my gifts because it makes me happy. Any joy it gives to someone else is just icing on the cake. We have to stop letting those nay sayers get in the way of our joy and the joy we can bring to others.

So lets keep stamping.............

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