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-   -   SU Summer Mini (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/su-summer-mini-138668/)

Shanon 04-19-2006 08:40 PM

Geesh....it's a friggin catolog for Gosh sakes. Play nice or Fawanda will get you!
;) ;) ;)

readsomething 04-19-2006 08:44 PM

AmorA wrote:

3) You're right. A big part of your business is the relationship you build with customers. BINGO.

OK, I haven't read all the responses on this thread, but here's my take on it. (And yeah, I'm a demo.)

A big part of MY BUSINESS is the relationships I build with ***MY*** customers!

That's that.

You're not my customer. If you want to know what's in the minis, CALL **YOUR** DEMO! If she doesn't call you back within a timeframe that YOU, as the customer, think is reasonable, FIND A NEW DEMO, one who matches your own enthusiasm level. (Heck, I'd be shouting from the rooftop with GLEE if one of my customers called, all excited to hear about the upcoming catalog that she can't even order from for about 6 weeks!)

The fact that we demos each have different ways of serving our customers *IS* "the point" here.

This all started, as I understand it, from a plea by some demos who simply want to be the ones to tell their OWN customers about upcoming products, etc. That's all. They see that "unveiling" type of thing as part of the service they can offer -- and service like that is really important to them. If that's how your demo feels, and if your demo is waiting for some reason to get the info to you, tell her that you are too passionate about SU, and you want to know NOW! Finding a demo who matches your enthusiasm is crucial! (I know, because I get so excited, my own customers look at me like I have 3 heads sometimes!)

-- Heather

hedgiemama 04-19-2006 08:48 PM

I think
I want to focus on stamping, I want fabulous opportunities to stamp better things.

I do not care if the catalog is from 1957 or 2212..??

This little surprise party thing, this issue of not knowing until a certain date, is just plain weird. And I am not directing this at any demo.....I am just staying, yet again, that information is what it is all about. If your company is telling you to handle it this way. Well, I question that.

Can we get on with creativity, and loving each other and the craft?:cool:

fool4scrapping 04-19-2006 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by readsomething
AmorA wrote:

3) You're right. A big part of your business is the relationship you build with customers. BINGO.

OK, I haven't read all the responses on this thread, but here's my take on it. (And yeah, I'm a demo.)

A big part of MY BUSINESS is the relationships I build with ***MY*** customers!

That's that.

You're not my customer. If you want to know what's in the minis, CALL **YOUR** DEMO! If she doesn't call you back within a timeframe that YOU, as the customer, think is reasonable, FIND A NEW DEMO, one who matches your own enthusiasm level. (Heck, I'd be shouting from the rooftop with GLEE if one of my customers called, all excited to hear about the upcoming catalog that she can't even order from for about 6 weeks!)

The fact that we demos each have different ways of serving our customers *IS* "the point" here.

This all started, as I understand it, from a plea by some demos who simply want to be the ones to tell their OWN customers about upcoming products, etc. That's all. They see that "unveiling" type of thing as part of the service they can offer -- and service like that is really important to them. If that's how your demo feels, and if your demo is waiting for some reason to get the info to you, tell her that you are too passionate about SU, and you want to know NOW! Finding a demo who matches your enthusiasm is crucial! (I know, because I get so excited, my own customers look at me like I have 3 heads sometimes!)

-- Heather

bravo Heather!

Mahloumel 04-19-2006 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by fool4scrapping
How can wanting to be the one to tell my customers hurt my sales?

The way it is coming across to me is that some demos would like to control what information their customers get and keep them isolated from the rest of the world with respect to SU. To me it is coming across as though some demos feel they are entitled to be the font of all SU awareness for their customers, and that if anything changes that it will bankrupt them and cause them to spiral into a terrible depression. This is based on comments I've read about sneak peeks since I got here to the present. Your SU customers are *not* your husband, nor are they your children, so the analogies that have come up to this point haven't really flown with me.

It sounds like it may cause a lot less anguish to some demos if they anticipate that some information about new SU products may already be out there for their customers to find out about. Still make a big deal out of the new whatever it is at the time, but don't expect your customer base lives within the Cone of Silence. If customers went to the time and energy to find out about obscure things about SU, isn't that a good thing? That means the customers are excited about the company and the products.

This is just my 2 cents, and isn't really directed at any one person or meant to make anyone defensive. I just wanted to help clarify the perspective of us customers who like sneak peeks.

Wasatch Wizard 04-19-2006 08:49 PM

Here is a fun and easy solution to the problem...you wanna be in the know? Sign up to be a demo! You get to "know everything" first PLUS you get to have a great discount, access to the SU! website, participate in great SU! events and earn free stamps!! :D Now THAT is a win-win situation!!

SandiMom 04-19-2006 08:50 PM

As you can see, I don't post to forums, but I can't let this go.

My demo has already sent me the summer mini in pdf format (took forever to download, but she sent it). Have you sent it to your customers yet? If not, then why are you here getting upset at OTHER DEMOS' CUSTOMERS for having demos that got us the info faster than you got it to YOUR customer? I don't get it. That's like getting mad at the lottery winner for your numbers not coming up. If you are that upset, please take it to the demo board and argue amongst yourselves.

HEY... maybe we need a CUSTOMER ONLY board.... no demos allowed! LOL!!!

athena308 04-19-2006 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by JulieHRR
Contrary to what some appear to believe, this isn't about secrecy, or playing games on the part of demonstrators.

Regardless of whether or not anyone agrees on whether or not demonstrators should divulge privileged information, demonstrators are bound by their contract to maintain confidential information until the company deems it is to be released to the public. It hasn't been yet.

I can certainly appreciate that customers want this information right this instant, however, I would also hope they would understand and respect demonstrators that uphold the responsibilities and confidence they were entrusted with when they signed their contracts with the company.

ditto, enough said

Shanon 04-19-2006 08:52 PM

AMEN....stamp on!

Originally Posted by breathe
I want to focus on stamping, I want fabulous opportunities to stamp better things.
I do not care if the catalog is from 1957 or 2212..??
Can we get on with creativity, and loving each other and the craft?:cool:

fool4scrapping 04-19-2006 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by SandiMom
As you can see, I don't post to forums, but I can't let this go.

My demo has already sent me the summer mini in pdf format (took forever to download, but she sent it). Have you sent it to your customers yet? If not, then why are you here getting upset at OTHER DEMOS' CUSTOMERS for having demos that got us the info faster than you got it to YOUR customer? I don't get it. That's like getting mad at the lottery winner for your numbers not coming up. If you are that upset, please take it to the demo board and argue amongst yourselves.

HEY... maybe we need a CUSTOMER ONLY board.... no demos allowed! LOL!!!

There you have it. Your demo was given that opportunity to send it HERSELF. The info about the new colors was all over the boards before most demos were even out of bed that day... and that just isn't fair. Give it at least a DAY for the demos to get the info so they have that option... is that too much to ask???

readsomething 04-19-2006 08:56 PM

Mahloumel, I *totally* get where you are coming from. As I say, I personally would LOVE it if I had such enthusiastic customers. But that's part of the point -- those are MY customers I'd be talking about.

For customers ("customers" in general) to expect "demos" ("demos" in general, or, at least, the ones here on SCS) to give them any and all information, and then get upset when it doesn't happen ... that's kinda silly, if you ask me. If you're NOT a demo, and you have a question about ANYTHING, CALL YOUR DEMO! That's what she's there for!!!

It's not about "hiding" or "secrecy" or anything like that. I don't expect my customers to exist in a void without me. If they find out stuff, that's awesome -- I hope they're excited and happy and looking forward to playing with new SU stuff! BUT ... I'm NOT going to go out of my way to "service" some other demo's customers by giving them info that that demo might prefer to share with them herself.

I love paper crafting. It truly is a passion for me. I'm enthusiastic, I share freely. WITH MY CUSTOMERS.

-- Heather

Ronda Nix 04-19-2006 08:57 PM

Wowza, is it hot in here? ;)
For those of you who want to be in 'the know' so early about SU specials and catalogues, then I would suggest you become a demo. :)

Soozie4Him 04-19-2006 08:57 PM

The Summer Mini just went live THIS MORNING, for goodness' sakes! Getting to see stuff and order stuff early is one of the advantages of being a demo. Why are we "witholding" information when we have selected our customers to receive the Summer Mini as soon as SU sends them out? When I get my Summer Mini catalog in the mail, I'll happily share with my customers! Also, demos can't even pre-order until 5/1 - almost two weeks from now! So in about 3 weeks, gorgeous samples will appear in the Gallery as they ALWAYS do a few weeks before customers can order from the Summer Mini. So I guess I don't get what the big deal is!!


readsomething 04-19-2006 09:03 PM

SandiMom wrote:

My demo has already sent me the summer mini in pdf format (took forever to download, but she sent it). Have you sent it to your customers yet? If not, then why are you here getting upset at OTHER DEMOS' CUSTOMERS for having demos that got us the info faster than you got it to YOUR customer? I don't get it.

I **applaud** your demo! She wanted to get the info out to you fast, and you obviously are a customer who appreciates that. That's awesome! But the point is that you *got the info from your demo*! Not someone else, not from some message board or forum (fab though SCS is!), you got it from the person who should be giving you the info!

-- Heather

kiraj 04-19-2006 09:12 PM

Wow, I too am amazed at this. I am a new demo, and part of the reason I became a demo was so that I had access to this type of info. Think about it, you can't go into Michael's and DEMAND to see what they will be selling months from now! And as much as I love stamping and do want to share that love with others, on the flip side I am trying to make a job of it. Simply said, it is the right, and actually the responsibility of demos to run their business and the business of Stampin' Up! as efficiently as possible. Part of this is building relationships with our customers. I will say it does have something to do with secrecy, as EVERY business does. We pick the right time to share the information with our own customers. I chose not to ruin this for other demos. If you have a question, ask your demo! I would be happy to answer any of my customers' questions. It's a fun hobby, and a fun job. The demo only side is not about secrecy, but a place for demos to get together and discuss ideas, share business tips, and meet other demos. If you're really concerned about what goes on there without your access, or what goes on with Stampin' Up! in the demo aspect, my only solution to you is to contact your demo about becoming one yourself. Then you will have access to all the benefits and secrets of being a demo, and you will have the freedom to run your business the way you choose. Until then, please be respectful of how we choose to. Thanks!

quiltamomma 04-19-2006 09:16 PM

Wow oh wow what a thread!

Here's the thing people...Stampin Up hasn't released the info to the public for a reason (Partly so demos have time to plan and make their samples and be all ready for when it IS released to the public) and I actually think it's a little presumptuous for a customer to think they are entitled to have access to this when doing so could get their demo in trouble. I know the excitement, I have been a customer and loved sneak peaks. But I would never demand it from a demo. That's just selfish. If your demo willingly shares it with you, then lucky you. Just be aware that it's something that ultimately could get them in trouble - not highly likely, but possible. If for no other reason than that, calm down and let your demos have their access first, which is a perk of being a demo! Demos have minimums to meet, classes to prepare, work must be done to keep up demo status. Do you not think it's fair for a Demo to have a little perk like this? Do you really think you should be entitled to all the Demo perks as a customer? I was a customer, desperate to be 'in the know' so I became a demo. If you can't or don't want to be a Demo, then surely you can understand that you're not going to have the same access. That's just plain common sense. This sense of entitlement on this thread is just not right. It may be human nature, but come on, think about it! I know the internet makes it easy to find things out, but when it gets to the point where if you don't know everything demos know within 12 hours then you think there is a huge conspiracy against you and that demos are doing this on purpose to feel superior? That's just silly.

Having said all that, fear not, the mini is AWESOME!!!

mocjen 04-19-2006 09:18 PM

I must be missing something!
I don't get it.....if you want to know so bad, why don't you call your demo??

row4d 04-19-2006 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by AmorA
This is my last post on this topic, because, frankly, this is going no where.

You're right, it is going nowhere. I've tried to be reasonable, logical, and polite, but I think I've had enough. I've got an early class in the morning, so y'all can argue amongst yourselves...

pigfingers 04-19-2006 09:23 PM


I think I just had this same discussion with my 5 year old today.

DD: "Why"
Me: "Because I said so"
DD: "But why??? Why?????"

Nuff said!!

hedgiemama 04-19-2006 09:24 PM

no more

mocjen 04-19-2006 09:28 PM

Still not quite understanding this??
Hey Breathe-
Did you call your demo to ask her what is in the catalog??

stampmouse 04-19-2006 09:38 PM

ok just have to say this subject sure has created a stir. in 9 hours 100 messages.

my thought is you will never make everyone happy with an answer to this question.

Angela R. 04-19-2006 09:39 PM


Mahloumel 04-19-2006 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by kiraj
Think about it, you can't go into Michael's and DEMAND to see what they will be selling months from now!

I don't quite get this comment. This thread was started NOT because we humble customers are *demanding* any demo on this forum share their privileged knowledge with us, but because somebody *already* found out about the cool info and wondered if they could share it with us here. Then some folks claimed demos have ownership of this information and began castigating those who feel otherwise, and it escalated from there. (And to get both sides of the story, just substitute "customers" for "demos" ;) I'm sure that's how "the other side" feels, and I can understand that.) JMHO!

hedgiemama 04-19-2006 09:47 PM

I do have some information, not alot. I don't really care. My point is that the demos are more into their rules than caring about a plan to execute.

What will they do to show me "why" I should buy the stamp from them? Or do they think the "surprise" will do it?

No...I want ideas,,,this is about the love of stamping, not just waiting for a release and then, like idiots, buying what we see for the sheer sake of it.

Sorry, people are savy shoppers.

florascrap 04-19-2006 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mahloumel
I don't quite get this comment. This thread was started NOT because we humble customers are *demanding* any demo on this forum share their privileged knowledge with us, but because somebody *already* found out about the cool info and wondered if they could share it with us here. Then some folks claimed demos have ownership of this information and began castigating those who feel otherwise, and it escalated from there. (And to get both sides of the story, just substitute "customers" for "demos" ;) I'm sure that's how "the other side" feels, and I can understand that.) JMHO!

It's like we are of one mind...you took the words right out of my head. Very diplomatic! :)

fool4scrapping 04-19-2006 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by breathe
I do have some information, not alot. I don't really care. My point is that the demos are more into their rules than caring about a plan to execute.

What will they do to show me "why" I should buy the stamp from them? Or do they think the "surprise" will do it?

No...I want ideas,,,this is about the love of stamping, not just waiting for a release and then, like idiots, buying what we see for the sheer sake of it.

Sorry, people are savy shoppers.

ok, you want "ideas", but we as demos haven't even been allowed to order these sets yet, let alone use them... so to get a discription of a set that nobody has even had a chance to mount let alone use is pointless at this point. And more into our rules than caring about a plan to execute? OMG are you for real? We haven't even got the minis in our hands yet... just some images on the internet... give us a break already!

willosmama 04-19-2006 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by JulieHRR
Contrary to what some appear to believe, this isn't about secrecy, or playing games on the part of demonstrators.

Regardless of whether or not anyone agrees on whether or not demonstrators should divulge privileged information, demonstrators are bound by their contract to maintain confidential information until the company deems it is to be released to the public. It hasn't been yet.

I can certainly appreciate that customers want this information right this instant, however, I would also hope they would understand and respect demonstrators that uphold the responsibilities and confidence they were entrusted with when they signed their contracts with the company.

Just a reminder of what JulieHRR said earlier-
And for some, this is their job. They pay bills, mortgages, tuition, whatever with this income. So, yes, they will probably follow the "rules" of their job. I don't see why this is such an issue.....

Ouch!PaperCut 04-19-2006 09:56 PM

.........Heck, I'd be shouting from the rooftop with GLEE if one of my customers called, all excited to hear about the upcoming catalog that she can't even order from for about 6 weeks!...
-- Heather[/quote]

aMEN sisTA!

Kandi's Kards 04-19-2006 09:56 PM

well said mocjen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

quiltamomma 04-19-2006 10:02 PM

How about if everyone goes to bed - nothing seems as bad after a good sleep!!

hedgiemama 04-19-2006 10:04 PM

excitement for the product
Be happy there is so much excitement!

ladydoc 04-19-2006 10:07 PM

I didn't read every single post in the thread, so maybe this has been mentioned.

This is the first time SU! has put the mini online for demos. Every other time we had to wait until it came to our mailboxes. Some demos had it, others didn't, some would never get their copy due to the inherent problems with mass mailings.

Maybe this is exactly why it's never been done before.

vfnelson2 04-19-2006 10:09 PM

The answer to the OP - apparently demos would prefer to share the info with their customers and would appreciate it if those who knew anything kept it amongst their friends and didn't detail it on the boards.

So what is everyone's favorite set in the Spring Mini? What set in the Spring Mini do you love that you haven't ordered yet? What set in the spring mini did you not like until you saw all the great samples?

My favorite set is Simply Said and I didn't think I needed Linen until I saw all the great samples - I thought Canvas was close enough, but it just isn't the same. I do love all the monogram samples, but I just can't go there.

No...I'm not trying to get off topic.


fool4scrapping 04-19-2006 10:09 PM

:rolleyes: Good grief Charlie Brown. That's basically what we HAVE been saying... the sets aren't even available for preorder yet, so we can't even MAKE samples yet to even give you a teaser with....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by breathe
Are you not happy that we are so possessed and interested?

This is almost an addiction with many...

Think about it from the point of view of the people who do not know. You could have said:

I have some great information. I am working on some ideas and examples. Can you meet.....?

I know about the next catalog. I will be working on some interesting techniques. Can you meet with me for??

You are ultimately in control. Nite.

fool4scrapping 04-19-2006 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by vfnelson2
The answer to the OP - apparently demos would prefer to share the info with their customers and would appreciate it if those who knew anything kept it amongst their friends and didn't detail it on the boards.

So what is everyone's favorite set in the Spring Mini? What set in the Spring Mini do you love that you haven't ordered yet? What set in the spring mini did you not like until you saw all the great samples?

My favorite set is Simply Said and I didn't think I needed Linen until I saw all the great samples - I thought Canvas was close enough, but it just isn't the same. I do love all the monogram samples, but I just can't go there.

No...I'm not trying to get off topic.


Vicki I agree! Simply Said is simply wonderful!

I love your avatar btw...

vfnelson2 04-19-2006 10:19 PM

Oh yeah - OUCH!PAPERCUT - LOVE your user ID name. Cracks me up! I think that is one of the more creative user IDs I've seen...so everyone - what's your favorite user ID name that you've seen?

fool4scrappin - glad you like my avatar *smack* YKWIM, right - LOL! - isn't it sweet having a big brother kiss and hold his newborn brother. Funny that he still points to my belly and says "Baby Brother" - thinks I still have something in my belly even though it's shrunk down the majority of the way. It's only been 3 1/2 weeks...a few more months and I hope to fit into my regular clothes.

Can I get off topic again...


jjsgirl 04-19-2006 10:25 PM

Okay I have to put in my two cents!! One of the reasons I love this site is because I can see the mini sets before I get my catalog!! I love it! I get so excited. I think its a real bummer that they are going to wait to post cards w/ the new mini sets until the catalogs go out!! I say SPILL!! It gets me excited and wanting to SPEND $ with my demo! I love to know the secrets!!
Tell me! Tell me!

fool4scrapping 04-19-2006 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by vfnelson2
Oh yeah - OUCH!PAPERCUT - LOVE your user ID name. Cracks me up! I think that is one of the more creative user IDs I've seen...so everyone - what's your favorite user ID name that you've seen?

fool4scrappin - glad you like my avatar *smack* YKWIM, right - LOL! - isn't it sweet having a big brother kiss and hold his newborn brother. Funny that he still points to my belly and says "Baby Brother" - thinks I still have something in my belly even though it's shrunk down the majority of the way. It's only been 3 1/2 weeks...a few more months and I hope to fit into my regular clothes.

Can I get off topic again...


congrats on the new baby! I didn't realize it was so recent! They are cuties for sure!

Let's see, screennames that I think are creative... well, I kinda like MINE lol! LOVE OUCH's for sure! sassyat30's is pretty cute too....


jjsgirl 04-19-2006 10:40 PM

I would like to add that my DEMO told ME about this website!!

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