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Old 08-30-2019, 06:32 AM   #41  
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Originally Posted by lylacfeyView Post
whoistracy You are a frugal inspiration. Girl, you are doing it right! I have been called those names too. Bring on the names, lol. I do hate the term tightwad. Really? DH & I are known for giving. Tightwad's are not giving. I learned a great motto on one of my frugality boards- Tightwads Take, Frugalites Give.
Thank you! :p I don't mind the names because it means I'm doing something right with my savings.


Originally Posted by kazekaView Post
That's been the best way for me to budget...too much stuff that I can't find or organize. Shopping from my stash is almost as good as buying something new, since I've forgotten I have most of what I bought. I also get to pat myself on the back for not contributing to the landfill!

Yes! I have actually been having a lot of fun shopping from my stash. It's certainly much smaller than it used to be since I sold/gave away more than half of my supplies, but there's still a lot there! It's nice to rediscover a stamp set from 10 years ago and find a way to make it current/trendy.

Such a great thread, I love reading all of your stories and how everyone has budgeted (or not) for this hobby.
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Old 08-31-2019, 12:11 PM   #42  
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This is a fascinating thread! DH and I were a hot mess financially for many years--I was an SU demonstrator & put too many inventory-building purchases on plastic, which definitely contributed to the problem. We took a Dave Ramsey class about a decade ago & started budgeting for the first time. Part of our budget is a small amount each paycheck my husband calls our "walking around money." He uses it for working on hobby motorcycles and cars and mine pays for crafting. We do have one creative exception though--I make birthday and Christmas cards for his 60+ employees every year, and in return, the card envelopes, adhesive, and solid cardstock I buy comes out of the "household" fund. Anything decorative is on me, as I have enough to last several lifetimes. My stash increased significantly when my mom passed away a few years ago and I inherited her materials as well.
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Old 09-01-2019, 03:32 AM   #43  
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I don’t buy hardly any stamping supplies any more because I have so much stuff.

I’ve always been careful and don’t have duplicates of anything. As in two score boards or two die cutting machines, etc.

I’ve never spent $$ on storage. It’s al it’s all repurposed!

I’m practical when it comes to spending on stamping.

My husband is the saver and we are set well as we roll into retirement.

I’ve been to a number of demo sales where she had table after table of gorgeous SU items and that really put me over the edge of having enough!!!
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Old 09-02-2019, 07:02 PM   #44  
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Originally Posted by fifiwesfanView Post
I don't work with a budget. I'm single so if I see something I want I buy it.

Which has ultimately taught me a life lesson, too bad it's too late in my life so here's my cautionary tale about budgets. In 2 weeks I will receive an insulting buyout offer from my employer and I'm 99% sure I won't be able to accept it. I love the actual work I do but despise what my company has become in the past 20 years (I'll spaer you all the details). Going into a job each day that depresses you is really tough. It's too late in my life to change jobs and I now have to ride this one out. Had I not spent money without adhering to a budget - not just on crafting - I would've been able to run out that door. Now, since I found out the offer is coming, every time I look at my supplies that gave me an escape from that environment I get upset with myself and I walk away. The things that gave me joy now disgust me.

For those of you working without a budget like I did - use one! You never know when those saving will literally save you.
I'm also single and was in a similar work situation last year. Thirty years at the same job + new company president looking to flex his power = unemployment line. I was forced to take a lower paying job in a different field. There are no words to describe how much I hated that job. I completely understand the depression you experienced - the toll it took on my physical and mental health are indescribable. After a year at that job I'm back in the industry I enjoyed for 30 years (with a paycheck very close to what I had been making). I was fortunate that I had a savings to fall back on during 3 months of unemployment compensation and a year of higher health insurance premiums/lower salary.

As for a budget...for years I budgeted for stamping in the same way I budgeted for monthly, quarterly and annual bills. Every paycheck had $xx go to an account for mortgage payments, property taxes, gas/electric, savings, etc......and stamping. During that difficult year I had to cut out the stamping allotment, including dropping out of a monthly club.

I've now added stamping back into my monthly budget. I consider saving for my hobby as important as saving for the quarterly water bill.
I've seen too many people scramble to come up the money when their furnace died.

I once had someone tell me that being single was the reason I needed to live on a budget. No, living on a budget is something I feel the need to do to be financially comfortable, especially when the unexpected happens.
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Old 09-03-2019, 05:55 AM   #45  
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To piggy-back on this thread, I just have say that I can't believe how expensive some crafting supplies have gotten. Stamp sets have REALLY gone up in price, along with die sets. I went online to shop a new release this morning and a cover-up die was $30.99! I just can't spend this much on one die... I will happily wait for a sale! Rant over.
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Old 09-03-2019, 09:58 AM   #46  
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Yes, Donna, prices do keep going up and up. That's one reason that I'm considerably more selective in what I spend my crafting dollars on (the other is that I have too much already, lol).

Update: DH is in the process of attempting to quit smoking (again)! He's still going to jam on Sundays, though, so I'll still have a little spending to match - totally worth the cut!
~ Sue
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Old 09-03-2019, 11:11 AM   #47  
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Sue, my husband and I are the same when it comes to gifts for each other. He used to buy me jewelry, which I don't ever wear. Then he would be disappointed that I didn't wear it (or worse, lose it...awk!). I finally asked him to just buy me my favorite candy for Christmas and favorite cake for my birthday..and leave it at that. Now I'm happy because I get what I want and he's happy because I eat it all up! We just buy what we want, when we want it so there's no need to try to figure out what each of us would like. My husband likes to be surprised though, so I always give him a small item that he's talked about. He also tends to want bigger ticket items so I buy it for him and tag it as a birthday/Christmas present.

I have enough trouble figuring out what to give our adult children and their families!

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Old 09-05-2019, 08:18 AM   #48  
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I am clearing out tons of my crafting supplies & my aunt's entire huge craft room. . . so feel free to throw some of that cigarette money at me! LOL! Seriously, I am a former smoker - took me about 13 years to quit and probably 10 times to finally kick it. FYI- in my college health textbook, it stated that Nicotine is as addictive as heroin and can be as difficult to come off of for long time smokers. So just keep that in mind and be patient with your husband. Keep encouraging him. I am smoke-free since 2005 and best thing I ever gave up! Now to destash my craft supplies- much easier! I can't post a link here but if you have any interest in some great cheap deals- message me and I'll send you a link where you can find my destash supplies!
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Old 09-05-2019, 08:21 AM   #49  
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It's been a while since I've posted on the forums. I've been working on home projects and doing volunteer work. With that said I haven't been working in my studio. The room is a disaster area and needs to be cleaned up and organized before I start working on papercrafting/mixed media projects again, which will be soon.
I've been receiving email updates from companies announcing their new product releases and sales, but I'm not moved to purchase anything. I have products I purchased last year that are still unopened and in a pile on my work table (dies, markers, paper pads, ephemera, etc) :neutral:
Other than adhesives I don't need to purchase another thing making my crafting budget $20 or less when needed. However, that may change once I start working on projects. :smile:
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Old 09-05-2019, 08:47 AM   #50  
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In addition to my previous post...
I making plans to retire 4/2020 after 35 1/2 yrs working for the government, Lord willing! I'm single, no kids and free to do as I please.
I'll be able to spend more time doing the things I enjoy, volunteer work, gardening and working through my never ending list of DIY/craft projects. Knowing that, in the last 5 yrs I purchased the tools of the trade that I would use for my crafts: electronic and manual die cut machines, dies, stencils galore, multi-purpose clear stamps, brushes, hand tools, gelli plates, mediums, paints, powders, etc. Moving forward through the next chapter of life my crafting budget will be small since I will be shopping my studio first before giving up my retirement dollars on craft supplies.
My sights are set on a new car.
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Old 09-05-2019, 08:54 AM   #51  
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We have always had our own mad money dictated by our budget. When we first got married it was $25 every paycheck. This was to buy lunch, clothes, or anything else not budgeted for. Even with that, I have a wish list and almost always purchase my crafty things when they are on sale. Thank goodness there are so many sales! Happily married for 40 years.
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Old 09-05-2019, 09:53 AM   #52  
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At this point in my life, it is more of a matter of no room than having the money! Years ago when I was married he tried to complain when I bought fabric until I pointed out to him all of the money he spent on Snap-On and Mac tools! And not just the tools, but the shirts, sweatshirts, towels, etc. He stopped complaining!

Now if I do buy fabric, paper, beads or dies I try to convince myself to let something go or sell something. It doesn't always work lol, thus the total lack of space!! I have renamed my home the Craft Emporium!
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Old 09-05-2019, 10:12 AM   #53  
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Originally Posted by TrulymaterialisticView Post
... Now if I do buy fabric, paper, beads or dies I try to convince myself to let something go or sell something. It doesn't always work lol, thus the total lack of space!! I have renamed my home the Craft Emporium!

I live in a dbl wide mobile home in a gated community, which is called the "SheShack" and it is set up as a workshop. I have 7 ikea worktables: 2- office area (formerly dining room), 3 - sewing area (formerly den) and 2 - studio room, plus cubi shelves and metal shelving. My friends and family know I don't entertain, I create. They're welcomed to drop by to visit. They can sit at the kitchen counter or we can sit on the deck. They know there will be no dinner parties, game nights, or movie nights at my place.
I visit them and attend their events and we get along just fine.
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Old 09-05-2019, 10:15 AM   #54  
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So many good things discussed in this thread!

DH & I each get $100 "allowance" out of his paychecks (or pay packets, to be British about it). So, that's $200 a month, with two bonus months a year getting $300 (26 paychecks a year). I have traditionally spent it all, but recently, I've just realized that I'm swamped with things I'm not using, so I've slowed down.
I retired 3 years ago, from a job I hated. I had to argue my case, as he wanted me to work til 67, instead of retiring at 63. At that time, due to the stress of my job (customer service & sales for a cheap catalog company), I had gradually cut back from 40 hour full time to 32 hour full time, then to 20 hour part time. It took our financial advisor to convince DH that at 20 hours a week, I'd be making more from Social Security than from the job. So, I retired. I have always been the spender, and he is the frugal one. One example is our budget for food- he considers all food has to come out of the food budget- including eating out. For the first 11 years of our marriage, the food budget was $400 a month. Lots of lobbying and arguing got that changed to $500 a month, but really, that's not a lot, so let's face it, we can't do a lot of eating out and I have to use coupons, Groupons, etc. to stretch the dollars. We will have a well financed retirement, although I feel it's at the cost of having left out a social life- he's not social. That has left me gradually feeling more and more isolated, and withdrawn. I'm in the process of dealing with those issues, which have started affecting my health, so wish me luck! I try to use social media and my papercrafting as a platform to feel less trapped and alone.

I am most of the way through a massive reorganization of my craft room, which took months, and convinced me that I just have WAY too much stuff. As a result, I am actually seeing a balance building up in my savings- yay! I now aim to spend no more than half my allowance every month, and build a cash reserve for anything big I might want.

Trulymaterialistic- yes, I suffer from the out-of-space syndrome, too! Look at this:
fabric storage in my craft room by contrapat - at Splitcoaststampers

Bad habit of buying fabric, then not making anything with it. I have a lovely collection, right?

I need to learn to quilt. At least, I am working on my quirks, and am self aware. That's a start.

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Old 09-05-2019, 10:37 AM   #55  
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Originally Posted by gregzgurlView Post
I realize that i may be opening a massive can of worms here, but some comments on another thread piqued my curiosity, so I'm throwing the question out anyway: Where/how do you finance your crafting purchases?

I started out just getting things as I could afford them and then had a flash of brilliance to justify more regular purchases. My husband is a smoker (he has quit for periods of time but always goes back to it) and it's an expensive habit where the money - literally - goes up in smoke. Even when we were really struggling financially he still managed to buy cigarettes. A couple of years ago I issued an ultimatum: quit smoking or I would match his spending. Well, he didn't quit and I started to match his spending on my crafty stuff. Initially he would say "can we afford that?" but after a few responses of "Oh, this is my cigarettes for the week", he quit asking.

I know that sounds kind of harsh, but fair is fair and I also pay all of the bills so I am fully aware of when I need to NOT match his spending (which, thankfully, is extremely rare these days). There are also periods of time when I don't buy anything at all for awhile. He has started jamming with a group of guys lately (he's a drummer), and they have to rent the practice room, so that's another expense. I've toyed with the idea of adding that amount to my budget, as well, but haven't done that (yet).

Anyway, all of this backstory is to get back to my original question: Is there any rhyme or reason to your budgeting or sourcing for your crafty purchases?
My husband smokes too and I also use my "cigarette money" for craft and art supplies. I work a full time and and a part time evening job. He takes a photography vacation with his high school buddy every couple of years. He drives a new car, mine is 13 years old. He eats lunch out, I eat a yogurt at my desk. I have zero guilt about what I spend on my hobby! I make choices and work hard to have some extra. It brings me joy.
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Old 09-05-2019, 10:41 AM   #56  
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Originally Posted by contrapatView Post
... We will have a well financed retirement, although I feel it's at the cost of having left out a social life- he's not social. That has left me gradually feeling more and more isolated, and withdrawn. I'm in the process of dealing with those issues, which have started affecting my health, so wish me luck! I try to use social media and my papercrafting as a platform to feel less trapped and alone.
Have you considered volunteer work for social interaction in areas of interest? For example, museums, blood donor centers, hospital reception desk, animal shelters, community centers, senior activity centers, theater houses, etc. Organizations in my area are crying for volunteers to work at events throughout the city.
I volunteer for a couple listed above while working full time that have nothing to do with my current work occupation.
Upon retirement I will be picking up more shifts and add working out at the gym a couple days a week to my new routine. I'm meeting and associating with new people in safe environments.
SCS is about as social as I get on social media. I don't facebook, twitter/tweet, instagram, text, etc. it's too distracting and I don't get any satisfaction out of it.
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Old 09-05-2019, 11:17 AM   #57  
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Budget? Never could do that...just too confining. But I tend to be a bit frugal by nature. However, I got into stamping as I figured I'd save a lot making my own cards! So all those supplies I happily buy, go directly to saving money on all my handmade cards. Right? ROFL!!
Actually, stamping has been therapy for me when my husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died 11 months later. I would go into my craft room and "play" and the sad world around me disappeared for a while. It as been extremely helpful to me. After my DH died, a good friend told me to treat myself & buy something online...and when it comes, it's like a little present to me. Sounds a little silly, but it worked for me and Amazon & I became good friends...
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Old 09-05-2019, 11:32 AM   #58  
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Originally Posted by PaperMomentsView Post
I am clearing out tons of my crafting supplies & my aunt's entire huge craft room. . . so feel free to throw some of that cigarette money at me! LOL! Seriously, I am a former smoker - took me about 13 years to quit and probably 10 times to finally kick it. FYI- in my college health textbook, it stated that Nicotine is as addictive as heroin and can be as difficult to come off of for long time smokers. So just keep that in mind and be patient with your husband. Keep encouraging him. I am smoke-free since 2005 and best thing I ever gave up! Now to destash my craft supplies- much easier! I can't post a link here but if you have any interest in some great cheap deals- message me and I'll send you a link where you can find my destash supplies!
We've been through this before, so I totally know what to expect on this quitting-smoking-thing. He quit once for five years, so I know he can do it! I know from someone in my circle with personal experience that quitting smoking is even HARDER than quitting heroin! Anyway, I'm proud of him for attempting it, and we'll see how it goes...

Sounds like quite the ambitious destash project! Good luck with that... ;)
~ Sue
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Old 09-05-2019, 11:43 AM   #59  
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Originally Posted by mphbView Post
Budget? Never could do that...just too confining. But I tend to be a bit frugal by nature. However, I got into stamping as I figured I'd save a lot making my own cards! So all those supplies I happily buy, go directly to saving money on all my handmade cards. Right? ROFL!!
Actually, stamping has been therapy for me when my husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died 11 months later. I would go into my craft room and "play" and the sad world around me disappeared for a while. It as been extremely helpful to me. After my DH died, a good friend told me to treat myself & buy something online...and when it comes, it's like a little present to me. Sounds a little silly, but it worked for me and Amazon & I became good friends...
Amazon and I are good friends, too, but for happier reasons. Sorry to hear that you've lost your husband (leeleeb, too, from earlier in the thread) - I can't wrap my head around how I would deal with that... Hugs!
~ Sue
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Old 09-05-2019, 12:06 PM   #60  
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I’ve been struggling with this. I’m a disabled SAHM with 3 autistic kids. Because of my disabilities I have very little energy and for lots of sad reasons (another topic) I have very few friends. So I’m pretty isolated. The most exciting thing in my day is getting the mail and a package makes me really happy.

As a result, I spend way too much of our disposable income on craft supplies. Spending time with new things at my desk also helps with the loneliness and stress of dealing with the kids.

But I too have begun to analyze my spending. Do I have something like this already (altenew floral stamps)? What kind of card/art will I use this for? Sure I love it but will I use it? (Like snarky sayings. Funny true, but would I ever actually use it?)

I almost always spend when there is a sale or coupon. So at least I have that much restraint. And I don’t put anything in it’s final storage place until I’ve used it at least once. But I’m guilty of just using things once. Then again, I almost never purge and do go back to older things sometimes so I’m loathe to get rid of anything even tho that $ could be put towards new stuff.

On the plus side, I spend almost nothing on home dec, clothes, jewelry, shoes, hair, makeup etc. I’m very low-maintenance-other than craft stuff!

But I HAVE to cut back. Hubby loves vacations and we don’t have much saved. So this Labour Day, despite all the amazing sales, I bought one enamel pin that benefits the rainforest. Nearly killed me. But I did it!

I do subscribe to 3 kits (Hero Arts, Spellbinders and SSS) so even when I don’t buy anything those still arrive so that’s something to look forward to.

As for my loneliness and love of mail, I do swap so that helps. And I’ve recently met a group of crafty girls in my area. We just don’t get together that often and only one (very busy) person lives even sort of nearby.

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Old 09-05-2019, 12:08 PM   #61  
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When I was younger, I had no problem putting things on plastic--trips, craft supplies, etc. I admit, I rather took after my dad, who also could be a spender. My mom (with whom I still live) decided a couple of years ago to retire after 30 years of teaching in our local school district. As a result, her pension would be less than her salary, and her Social Security would be slashed significantly to keep her from "double-dipping" with that since she's drawing a teaching pension. (Government rules, not our choice!) Maddening, but we have had to live with it. So, since she gave me a year's notice, I went on a spending bender--but with the goal of paying off all credit cards between us, rather than spending it on things. I basically really slashed my crafty spending as a result! I still don't have a budget for crafty supplies per se, but I do make sure to watch my spending and decide if I really NEED that new stamp set, die, etc. I am also great friends with coupons, sales, & deferred interest payment plans (for bigger purchase items)! (I make sure to pay off the deferred interest plans before the final due date--love seeing how much interest I DON'T have to pay!) I am happy to say that I have only one card left that I carry a balance on, that will hopefully be paid off within a year, and my mom's only ongoing debt is the mortgage! I also set up several savings accounts for my mom (I'm what my dad would have called the chancellor of the exchequer--i.e. CFO--of the two of us). Basically, except for an "emergency" account for unforeseen major expenses, they are all for yearly or periodic expenditures. I like being able to have one account for each different expense/bill, rather than putting everything into one massive account and trying to keep track of how much is for what purpose. In other words, like a former teacher of mine used to say, I'm not "filing everything under 'M' for Miscellaneous." LOL One of my forms of "budgeting." I also keep a close eye on our spending with a bookkeeping program similar to Quicken, except I don't have to pay an annual fee for it--more $aving$. We do have some extra "mad money" each month, but a major focus is paying off the mortgage early and paying off my remaining credit card debt. This is a great thread--really interesting responses!
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Old 09-05-2019, 01:44 PM   #62  
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I am on a budget which can be frustrating but has also taught me to be careful with money. I was in another job last year and was let go after 8 years. A move I was happy to make because the culture sure had gotten terrible. I am now in a job with half the income but the culture is amazing. So I am limited to what I can now buy which is probably a good thing.

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Old 09-05-2019, 02:49 PM   #63  
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Fascinatingthread and very timely for me! I was just looking over how much I am spending on craft supplies and Marybeth, you read my mind, I need to tally them every month.
My hubby is not a saver even though he grew up with little. I love to shop but, have learned since I became dxed with a chronic illness (psoriatic arthritis) about 10 yrs ago and 10 surgeries ago that life needed to change. We had a lot of hobbies before, and let me tell you, there is NO cheap hobby out there. LOL We road motorcycles and also did Civil war reenacting. I also was a spinner and spent money for fiber to spin at CW events as a demo. I loved demonstrating spinning. That changed when I got ill.
I took a Crown Financial class a ways back and just before I had to leave my job and get on disability, we made a plan to pay off our house. From that point on I have managed the funds and try to put money in savings right at payday. I have a 15 yr old car and had to get another car when hubby's died last year.
I feel bad that I had to leave a really good job with decent money and perks, but I had several surgeries and still the overall pain became too much and I had to leave work. :( We should have saved more when times were good, but I think we got too busy with the biking and cw. Now with hubby thinking of retirement in about 7 yrs, well, I am not sure that he will be able to. It's not there is debt, but living expenses and my medical with money left for house maintenance etc. will not be covered by what we have saved and ss. I keep tweeking the numbers seeing how we can do it. Especially since I went on disability in my 40s. I see many friends who are not in exact situation but, have worked hard and saved and still retirement is not an option. I have finally (I think) sometimes I still get upset with myself that I left work, but I cannot change it. My hubby tells me not to feel guilty, but I must admit I still do. :( sometimes more than other times.
I tried making my own dog collars for a while, but the website fees and my health got worse and I had to abandon that for a while.
I do as much as I can to save, I dye my own hair(that's a secret! lol) do my own nails, we mow our own lawn and I cook nearly every meal. I make up a menu and try to look for sales, I buy all used clothing (well for most things; new undergarments are a must! lol) I can sew also. We also have 2 big dogs and 3 cats, so there is food for them and flea meds here in Fla. I am a gardener too and try to do swaps with plant groups online and meet people I can trade cuttings etc with. Plus, I love to share my plants and garden with others. If there were not 1 million bugs that love Florida I would have a vege garden, rather tricky here at least organic wise.
Card making especially in the heat here,(110 heat index today) is now my hobby of choice and I am trying to use it to reach out to others and encourage people. Since I understand the journey of chronic illness, I try to use what I experience to encourage others on the same journey. I was part of a website that would encourage others; however, it was privately funded and the creator had to let it go for financial reasons.
I tell my hubby that " the accountant" gets paid via craft supplies.
I tend to shop for craft supplies used when I can, and a friend is a Su rep so I buy my paper from her. oops did not mean to chatter so long...
PS fifwesfan: I am sorry about all you are going through. I hope and pray things get better for you.

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Old 09-05-2019, 02:51 PM   #64  
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Default Some cheap ways to stamp...

First I must say I do spend about 50 to 100 a month on supplies, but there are ways to not spend so much.

1) Michaels/Joann/Hobby Lobby Coupons. I have my eye on a beautiful butterfly stamp set and die. It’s only $12.99 but with a coupon it’s even more affordable. A pretty good deal compared to buying something at Stampin’ Up! (Which I love and buy, don’t get me wrong🙂!)

2) Go on eBay. Often I have gotten a nice amount of used stamps from sellers who are downsizing their craft rooms and will combine shipping. (But be careful when buying from China. The stuff does come and pretty quickly, but often they steal images from places like Stampin’ Up! I have bought some things from there, but it’s hard to tell which designs are legit. Prices are dirt cheap, but shop carefully if you go that route.)

3) Buy some digital stamps. Again I am eyeing a set on Etsy. They’re adorable pies and lattes with eyes, similar to a popular brand of stamps, but they’re only 3.50. (I use 65# white paper from Michaels and run it through my printer.)

4) Build your collection slowly. I’ve been stamping for years and have accumulated much, but it took time.

5) AVOID COORDINATING DIES! This is one of the biggest money grabbers out there. Often sets are say $22.00 but if you want the bundle it’s like 50.00. Just a few years ago dies were rare and we fussy cut everything. Get a $10.00 pair of cutting scissors like Honey Bee Craft Scissors and do your own cutting. It’s fun, doesn’t take much time and saves a ton.

6) Invest in Copic Markers if possible. They color beautifully and at my local store they refill them for $2.00. You can really get a lot of bang for your buck even though they’re expensive.

7) Use what you have a lot! Often I buy a stamp set and only use it a couple of times when I could use them dozens of times. Try to stretch your sets by using different techniques too.

Depending on where you live, you may be able to find some crafting supplies at yard sales. Check Craigslist and search for rubber stamps, craft supplies, etc. under yard sales.

9) Michaels for card stock! They sell 65# and 110# white card stock which I use for card bases. With a coupon it’s really cheap compared to SU! They also have lots of colors and color packs of card stock. Great value for the money.

10) Check out Again, I think they have really good prices on many of their stamps. Unlike SU!, they often sell single stamps that are very reasonably priced.

11) Check out clearance prices on company websites. I was just over at

12) Lastly some local stores have “yard sale days” once or twice a year. Call and ask.

Blessings to you as you continue to stamp!
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Old 09-05-2019, 02:53 PM   #65  
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oh gracious, I hope my post doesn't sound too bad. I always have hope and believe everyone else should also. We all have challenges in life, and I just want to say that besides the challenges my illness has brought, it has also brought some incredible people into my life who I would not have known if I had become ill. It's the blessing in the pain. ))))))))

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Old 09-05-2019, 11:19 PM   #66  
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Originally Posted by mphbView Post
Budget? Never could do that...just too confining. But I tend to be a bit frugal by nature. However, I got into stamping as I figured I'd save a lot making my own cards! So all those supplies I happily buy, go directly to saving money on all my handmade cards. Right? ROFL!!
Actually, stamping has been therapy for me when my husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor and died 11 months later. I would go into my craft room and "play" and the sad world around me disappeared for a while. It as been extremely helpful to me. After my DH died, a good friend told me to treat myself & buy something online...and when it comes, it's like a little present to me. Sounds a little silly, but it worked for me and Amazon & I became good friends...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear that you lost your husband to cancer, and so quickly. I understand completely how crafting was good therapy for you because it's the same with me. We ran a business for 25 years and the last 7 were so stressful that I was on heavy meds for much of that time. My crafts were the only thing that kept me sane (well, sane enough to keep working anyway). It still is my go-to when I want to decompress and take my mind off my worries.

As for that "saving money by making my own cards"...ha! I think we all think that way in the beginning before the cold reality hits. That's when we realize we spend $10.00 to make a $2.00 card, but it's too late...we're hooked on the stamping high!
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Old 09-05-2019, 11:26 PM   #67  
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Macungiemom, I second your tip to skip those expensive dies that match stamps sets. I spent years and years fussy cutting my stamps because, not only did they not make matching dies for stamp sets, but I didn't even have a die cut machine anyway. Besides the expense of the matching dies, they always leave those white borders around the image which I end up trimming off anyway.

Also, Michael's card stock is my go-to for card making. The 110 lb white and ivory are great for card bases!

Simon Says Stamp does have a lot of good prices but their minimum shipping is so high that I never buy from them unless I order at least $75.00 for the free shipping. it's not worth it to pay $6.99 for a $8.00 stamp set!

I have yet to buy a Copic, because of the price, but I've borrowed a few from a friend and they are SO much better than the Spectrum Noir markers that I settled for.

Best advice you give though is to use what you have often, and enjoy it!
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Old 09-06-2019, 04:58 AM   #68  
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Budget is a nice word, I tried that then my hubby died and I spent what I could whenever I could. Now years later retired with enough stuff to fill a store and sitting her with cancer do I regret it, no I will shop till I drop and have fun while I can.
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Old 09-06-2019, 05:27 AM   #69  
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I just wanted to jump back in long enough to say thank you to everyone who has posted here. It's eye-opening how varied the responses are, not just for budget but also how many different stages of life we are in, and what "life stuff" we are dealing with. Big hugs to all who are dealing with losses (of spouse or other loved ones or jobs) or illnesses (chronic or otherwise), and thank you for sharing your stories! It's a brave thing to do in a public forum, and I truly do appreciate it. I truly love the Splitcoast community and truly value each and every one of its members for their caring and sharing and encouragement and all the rest of it. Much love to you all!
~ Sue
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Old 09-06-2019, 05:40 AM   #70  
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Alot of really great ideas to save on craft supplies mentioned here. I agree on the prices of dies, they are getting really expensive. Fussy cutting is not always doable for me, but now I tend to put my image directly and use a shape die.

Great idea from the lady who mentioned digital images, I have not really done that. I need to check that out, I am sure they are much cheaper.
Love all the budgetting advice from everyone. It really stresses to me how much more I need to somehow save up for the future. One thing I have found that helps is using a credit card that pays back in points or gift cards, but one has to keep track of it and pay it off right away before interest accrues. I use those gift cards for dinners out or movies out, ( I cannot beleive how expensive it is to see a movie these days! no dollar movies by me anymore) .
Just wanted to say also for all of you who have lost their spouse, I am so sorry. You ladies are courageous, I cannot imagine how challenging that is on so many levels.

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature
may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.
Keep close to nature's heart ...
and break clear away, once in a while, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.
God never made an ugly landscape. John Muir

Psalm 73:26
My flesh and heart may fail, God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
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Old 09-06-2019, 06:42 AM   #71  
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When my husband was still working, he told me if there is anything I want or need in the way of crafting, get it now. I did, no questions asked. we have never been ones to blow money, so he knew he could trust me when he said, "get it". June 13, 2018, the company he worked with shuttered their doors and he was without a job and a paycheck and I was without insurance. we had prayed for his job to last until I got to 67, but that didn't happen. he retired after looking for a job that was 40 hours a week. everyone wanted him because he was experienced, but nothing less that 60 hours a week and 7 days a week, so he retired. I started praying for a way to have a few dollars. literally praying to have craft money. I don't know how I seen it or where I seen it, but I seen something about Ibotta. I checked into it and I haven't looked back!!! I have more money than I wish to spend on crafts at the time. In about 14 months I have earned close to a thousand dollars on my Ibotta app and I print off my giftcards to use at wal mart and joanns and other places. If you have a paypal acct, you can just transfer you earnings to that and you're good to go. But that is how I have money to spend on my crafts now. and it helps with out groceries a lot!!! patty
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Old 09-06-2019, 07:27 AM   #72  
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Originally Posted by kazekaView Post
Oh, I am so sorry to hear that you lost your husband to cancer, and so quickly. I understand completely how crafting was good therapy for you because it's the same with me. We ran a business for 25 years and the last 7 were so stressful that I was on heavy meds for much of that time. My crafts were the only thing that kept me sane (well, sane enough to keep working anyway). It still is my go-to when I want to decompress and take my mind off my worries.

As for that "saving money by making my own cards"...ha! I think we all think that way in the beginning before the cold reality hits. That's when we realize we spend $10.00 to make a $2.00 card, but it's too late...we're hooked on the stamping high!
Thanks's been journey without my husband, but my love of stamping and crafting has meant so much to me. Glad to hear it has helped you as well. I often feel sad for those people without a hobby...especially when you're alone. So we need to consider ourselves fortunate to have this great hobby! Now if I could only stop buying more "stuff"!
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Old 09-06-2019, 07:30 AM   #73  
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Originally Posted by kazekaView Post
Macungiemom, I second your tip to skip those expensive dies that match stamps sets. I spent years and years fussy cutting my stamps because, not only did they not make matching dies for stamp sets, but I didn't even have a die cut machine anyway. Besides the expense of the matching dies, they always leave those white borders around the image which I end up trimming off anyway.

Also, Michael's card stock is my go-to for card making. The 110 lb white and ivory are great for card bases!

Simon Says Stamp does have a lot of good prices but their minimum shipping is so high that I never buy from them unless I order at least $75.00 for the free shipping. it's not worth it to pay $6.99 for a $8.00 stamp set!

I have yet to buy a Copic, because of the price, but I've borrowed a few from a friend and they are SO much better than the Spectrum Noir markers that I settled for.

Best advice you give though is to use what you have often, and enjoy it!
Karen, you sound so much like me! I hate those white borders around die cuts and therefore refuse to buy matching dies. Actually, another pet peeve is cards with virtually nothing but a bunch of die cuts on them. Now how creative or even appealing is that?
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Old 09-06-2019, 10:27 AM   #74  
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I love the actual work I do but despise what my company has become in the past 20 years.

Sounds like my job with the P.O.
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Old 09-06-2019, 10:51 AM   #75  
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I went on a 6 month hiatus from spending after I was disgusted by a company that sold a simple window & frame die for $30.00 (this is after it sold out at $28.00 and they got it back in stock and raised the price again) I do know the cost of the process. I know there is overhead, rent, payroll, designers, etc. but when the previous window & frame was $13.00 that's when I decided instead of ranting I would quietly take my money elsewhere. Hero Arts is about the last company I can afford, and by afford, I mean what I am willing to pay. I decided to use what I had and it made me more creative. I just started spending again, I bought a gel press that was on my wish list for 2 years (Lydia Fiedler's fault for wanting that!,lol), I restocked my envelopes in every color from Gina K (favorite!), and I made a large Stamptember order from Simon Says Stamp ( I did not get free shipping on my $130.00 order, someone mentioned free shipping on $75.00) . Lawn Fawn used to be one of my go-to's but I can no longer afford cool dies.
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Old 09-06-2019, 11:12 AM   #76  
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Just a quickie here about images/digital- Google free printable {whatever you're looking for} coloring pages. You can resize and print great images to use on cards.

This was a coloring page:

Outrageous Rabbit by contrapat - at Splitcoaststampers

So was this:

Zentangled Zoo DeniZen by contrapat - at Splitcoaststampers

Also this one:

X Marks The Spot! by contrapat - at Splitcoaststampers

You can find almost anything, at a cost of nothing. My kind of price!

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Old 09-06-2019, 02:01 PM   #77  
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Originally Posted by jacquelineView Post
My blog/Instagram name sums it up: jacqueline_worksforstamps. I work FT and earn a decent salary so I have my own money to buy crafty things when I want. Most of my check goes toward our household fund but I still have plenty leftover each month that goes into, what my husband calls, my secret account. I use that for whatever I want...clothes, shoes, crafty stuff, etc. I also contribute money towards our new car payment with this "secret" account along with things for the house (ie. decor), pet needs, etc. I am still choosy about what I spend my money on but I get what I want.

Ha,ha...I like that -a 'secret account!' I have one, too, that my husband knows about! I like having discretionary cash. He doesn't need any but I do. I don't tend to spend it willy nilly. I have learned to temper my impulses with reasoning and it's working pretty well most of the time.
Just keep breathing...that's the key.
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Old 09-06-2019, 05:04 PM   #78  
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If the money not for bills then it is for my crafting or traveling. I work hard and craft
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Old 09-07-2019, 10:08 AM   #79  
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My DH and I also have a budget, where we split the bills completely in half...and I do mean all the bills. We know roughly what doctor bills will be upcoming for the year (both of us), what scripts will be needed for us and our fur babies, household expense, mortgage, insurances, taxes, food,etc. We split those in half, put that in a joint account...and don't touch it except for those expenses. We also add a little extra for unexpected household things, like repairs to the roof or appliances, so we have about two month's worth of expenses just sitting untouched in the joint account. We also have our own personal accounts, both checking and savings, where we are free to do our hobby spending. Since we both have our own personal businesses, we also each have our own account for that as well so we maintain any spending for our businesses in those accounts. Even though it sounds confusing, it's really not. Our jobs do a direct deposit to our personal accounts, and we transfer what is needed to the other accounts, and of course, the business stuff remains there all on its own. Even though this system may not work for everyone, it's worked for us for the past 8 years, and I'm sure it will keep working for the future.
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Old 09-10-2019, 01:26 PM   #80  
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Originally Posted by IrishLady911View Post
My DH and I also have a budget, where we split the bills completely in half...and I do mean all the bills. We know roughly what doctor bills will be upcoming for the year (both of us), what scripts will be needed for us and our fur babies, household expense, mortgage, insurances, taxes, food,etc. We split those in half, put that in a joint account...and don't touch it except for those expenses. We also add a little extra for unexpected household things, like repairs to the roof or appliances, so we have about two month's worth of expenses just sitting untouched in the joint account. We also have our own personal accounts, both checking and savings, where we are free to do our hobby spending. Since we both have our own personal businesses, we also each have our own account for that as well so we maintain any spending for our businesses in those accounts. Even though it sounds confusing, it's really not. Our jobs do a direct deposit to our personal accounts, and we transfer what is needed to the other accounts, and of course, the business stuff remains there all on its own. Even though this system may not work for everyone, it's worked for us for the past 8 years, and I'm sure it will keep working for the future.
I work two jobs and if I had to split our bills 50/50, I would be on welfare and it would be nothing to my husband. I work two jobs because the disparity in our incomes and I still make less than half what he makes. I am sure he would love splitting them!
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