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ROROLEE 11-08-2011 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Soni B (Post 18896354)
ok so for the challenge I love earth tones, especially this time of year... So let's create a card or a page using only neutrals and one other color... and only 2 or 3 shades on a neutral

sorry I was late... hope this gets you all *thinking... So how will you add that one color??? by using bling, or ribbon or as ink or chalk or as a main focal point?? I cannot wait to see...

Very worth-making challenge! How did you come up with this brilliant challenge?

ROROLEE 11-08-2011 09:38 PM

I updated my blog and also visited around. I'll visit the rest tomorrow. Wish you all have a wonderful week!

almightyhope 11-09-2011 08:42 AM

Hi everyone! I haven't been much of a blogger or or blog reader lately! So sorry! But I've updated my blog and hoping.to catch up with everyone else here today and tomorrow!

ScrappinCEO 11-09-2011 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by mschoener (Post 18897918)
Thanks for the challenge Soni. I'll see what I can do with it. This was my card for the October challenge. Not sure I ever posted it here although it is on my blog and in my gallery.

Cute. I'm not going to look back and see if it posted here but I know I saw it on the blog. :-)

ScrappinCEO 11-09-2011 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by almightyhope (Post 18904197)
Hi everyone! I haven't been much of a blogger or or blog reader lately! So sorry! But I've updated my blog and hoping.to catch up with everyone else here today and tomorrow!

Glad to see you stopping in, Hope. I skipped over to your blog to see what you've been up to. Cute cards!

ScrappinCEO 11-09-2011 02:07 PM

Hope, the comment on your blog about Christmas cards reminded me I'd not given you guys the link to a thread I'm co-hosting in 2012. I was just prize pusher this year but this year, we decided 2 prs of eyes on the thread was a good idea.


ScrappinCEO 11-09-2011 02:08 PM

I've updated my blog today and will do it again tomorrow. No post until Monday after that as I'm headed out of town for the weekend and focusing on the new novel.

ROROLEE 11-11-2011 08:22 PM

I made the Nov group challenge and posted it on my blog! :D

I have a question when making the card. Is white consider as a color for this challenge? Although I didn't use white, I think others may have the same question too. Also can gold be considered as a shade of neutral? It's very similar to kraft.

mschoener 11-14-2011 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by ROROLEE (Post 18913828)
I made the Nov group challenge and posted it on my blog! :D

I have a question when making the card. Is white consider as a color for this challenge? Although I didn't use white, I think others may have the same question too. Also can gold be considered as a shade of neutral? It's very similar to kraft.

Beautiful card RoRo. I would think white would be a neutral and not a color.

mschoener 11-14-2011 04:40 PM

Hi ladies. Sorry I've been MIA for awhile. I got sick last Monday night and was sick all week. Today was my first day back at work and luckily I had an eye doctor appointment, so I only had to stay part of the day.

I updated my blog again tonight and am working my way around to all of your blogs.

mschoener 11-14-2011 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by ScrappinCEO (Post 18905100)
I've updated my blog today and will do it again tomorrow. No post until Monday after that as I'm headed out of town for the weekend and focusing on the new novel.

Love your kitty card from last week.

mschoener 11-14-2011 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by almightyhope (Post 18904197)
Hi everyone! I haven't been much of a blogger or or blog reader lately! So sorry! But I've updated my blog and hoping.to catch up with everyone else here today and tomorrow!

Those are some cute cards. Hope you found time to work on this year's cards.

mschoener 11-14-2011 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Soni B (Post 18896354)
and she reminded me I was supposed to post a challenge Nov 1 st...

here I thought I was stopping by to let you all know that I updated my blog...lol

ok so for the challenge I love earth tones, especially this time of year... So let's create a card or a page using only neutrals and one other color... and only 2 or 3 shades on a neutral

sorry I was late... hope this gets you all *thinking... So how will you add that one color??? by using bling, or ribbon or as ink or chalk or as a main focal point?? I cannot wait to see...

Guess I better start thinking about this one.

mschoener 11-14-2011 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by creatingisfun (Post 18889348)
I finally updated my blog ;)

Love your new project Martha. Your snowman is so cute.

mschoener 11-14-2011 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by hpyscrpr2 (Post 18857460)
Good Evening Ladies! My blog is updated & I've also visited all of you....have a great night :-D

Hi Jackie - glad to read on your blog that your move went okay and that the kids are settling in well in their new school. Hope you can get the house in order soon so you can find some time to play again.

ScrappinCEO 11-14-2011 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by ROROLEE (Post 18913828)
I made the Nov group challenge and posted it on my blog! :D

I have a question when making the card. Is white consider as a color for this challenge? Although I didn't use white, I think others may have the same question too. Also can gold be considered as a shade of neutral? It's very similar to kraft.

Good questions! I'll make sure Soni knows to pop over here and offer her opinion since it was her guidelines. I would say WHITE is neutral. Gold... hmmm that's a toughy. Might be one of those 'splitting hairs' kind of things hehe Maybe if it's flat gold but not glitter (metalic) gold.

ScrappinCEO 11-14-2011 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by ROROLEE (Post 18913828)
I made the Nov group challenge and posted it on my blog! :D

I have a question when making the card. Is white consider as a color for this challenge? Although I didn't use white, I think others may have the same question too. Also can gold be considered as a shade of neutral? It's very similar to kraft.

Lee, I loved the tips you gave on your blog. I had just purchased 2 of those bottles for ink spritzs. Guess I'll have to pick up a couple more next week hehe

ScrappinCEO 11-14-2011 06:16 PM

I've updated my blog, though Magazine Monday is more Magazine Monday evening. LOL But if you'll check mine and Maggie's blogs, you'll see we both used the same image from Wiff of Joy. It's because we belong to the same card kit swap group and this was her month to ship out packages. We fell in love with this scarecrow.

Soni B 11-14-2011 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by ROROLEE (Post 18903069)
Very worth-making challenge! How did you come up with this brilliant challenge?

I am a pretty basic or plain type of person, I love sparkle and pretty but struggle to reach that level...so I seem to be attracted to simple... I love netral shades, and thought it would be fun to see what one color every one would choose...I alway seem to go back to the same one...
I hope you had fun with this...

Soni B 11-14-2011 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by ROROLEE (Post 18913828)
I made the Nov group challenge and posted it on my blog! :D

I have a question when making the card. Is white consider as a color for this challenge? Although I didn't use white, I think others may have the same question too. Also can gold be considered as a shade of neutral? It's very similar to kraft.

personally I use white as a neutral, but if that was your choice of a color that is fine... again with the gold, your choice...I am not a right or wrong kind of person, we all have our own ideas... that is what makes a challenge so rewarding...

Soni B 11-14-2011 07:06 PM

I am so sorry I have not checked back...I had a run in with a deer on thursday, and then sat a call that my brother was taken to the hospital... so have been pre occupied... so how are you guys doing?? did you like the challenge?? was it fun??
I hope so...

ScrappinCEO 11-15-2011 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Soni B (Post 18923700)
I am so sorry I have not checked back...I had a run in with a deer on thursday, and then sat a call that my brother was taken to the hospital... so have been pre occupied... so how are you guys doing?? did you like the challenge?? was it fun??
I hope so...

You know I've been thinking of you. preoccupied is understandable right now.

I like the challenge. Just between now and Thanksgiving, not sure when I'll get to sit and play. I've designated the Friday after for play day. We'll see.

ROROLEE 11-15-2011 08:47 PM

Hi everybody, I updated my blog and left some comments in your blogs!

It's almost Thanksgiving. How's is the preparation? I only made some cards and still have a long way to go... Will try to update...

Margaret - Thanks for the compliment of the card! :D I went to your earlier. Nice interesting purple card there~

Kelly - Why is called Magazine Monday? I wondered for a long time. Maybe I missed something...
Thanks for answering. I think white is ok too, because other challenges are ok with that too. :D

Soni - I think you are ok because you are here... Is your car ok!? Prayer for your brother.
Thanks for answering. :D

mschoener 11-16-2011 05:52 AM

Pretty card on your blog RoRo. It also will do for Soni's challenge on here for us - neutrals + 1 color.

Not sure which purple card you're talking about. Maybe one of the colors is off.

ScrappinCEO 11-16-2011 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by ROROLEE (Post 18927884)
Hi everybody, I updated my blog and left some comments in your blogs!

It's almost Thanksgiving. How's is the preparation? I only made some cards and still have a long way to go... Will try to update...

Margaret - Thanks for the compliment of the card! :D I went to your earlier. Nice interesting purple card there~

Kelly - Why is called Magazine Monday? I wondered for a long time. Maybe I missed something...
Thanks for answering. I think white is ok too, because other challenges are ok with that too. :D

Soni - I think you are ok because you are here... Is your car ok!? Prayer for your brother.
Thanks for answering. :D

Hey Lee

I started Magazine Monday back in January when I pledged that I would actually start making some of the projects I bought magazines for. Buy them because we like something they showcase, only to bring the periodical home and lay it down somewhere. Occasionally I'll buy a new magazine so I can spotlight a current artist.

And regardless of how old the magazine is, I try to find a blog for the original artist and link back to their site as well as the periodical website when possible. Doing this, and letting them know when I do has helped build my networking circle (such as Jessica Acs from Outstanding Mini Albums) as well.

ScrappinCEO 11-16-2011 01:28 PM

I"m not sure I'll get to blogs now until after Thanksgiving, but I'll try. Still a ton to do here in the house before company arrives on Friday for the weekend. Then we leave for 3 days in Nashville. We'll get back Thanksgiving eve. It will just be the two of us for Thursday. Nice and quiet.

almightyhope 11-20-2011 04:26 PM

Geez! Ive been in and out lately! Haven't been checking in as often as I was....this time of year is crazy, as I'm sure most of you know! I'm going to check in on everyone!

acreativechick 11-21-2011 11:35 AM


I am so sorry to have been lost for so long. Well, I really haven't been lost...just re-adjusting and I think I'm all adjusted now. :)

Thank you all for keeping us glued together. You all ROCK!

I am so sorry I have missed so many of your beautiful blog entries and not told you all how amazingly talented, beautiful and just all around sweet you all are!

Hope, welcome and I have added you to our list on page 1 of this thread.

I don't think I missed anyone else, but if I did I'm sorry and just give me a little nudge. :) I'm off to visit your blogs, see your creations and just sit for a bit and chat with you! Have a great afternoon....HUGS!

mschoener 11-21-2011 12:03 PM

Michelle, so happy to have you back and glad that you've gotten "life" adjusted for the moment.

acreativechick 11-21-2011 02:28 PM

Evening! I've been visiting everyone today but it seems Raina's new blog link is not working for me. Raina, be sure to let us all know your new link so we can change it in our lists. ;)

creatingisfun 11-21-2011 02:30 PM

hey everyone, off to visit some blogs ;)
hope your ready for the holiday weekend ;)

ScrappinCEO 11-21-2011 07:14 PM

Hey ladies!

I plan to get around to blogs on Thursday. Right now I'm in Nashville being lazy for the next 3 days. Well, and showering my granddaughters will lots of love. Probably won't see them again til spring. It's going to be a very long winter.

ScrappinCEO 11-21-2011 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by acreativechick (Post 18944266)
Evening! I've been visiting everyone today but it seems Raina's new blog link is not working for me. Raina, be sure to let us all know your new link so we can change it in our lists. ;)

Hey Michelle, thanks for stopping by my blog. We'll be spending most of tomorrow at your old stomping grounds ;-) (generally speaking). I've not been able to find anyone who remembers 'coin' cards. I know I didn't imagine those LOL

ScrappinCEO 11-21-2011 07:17 PM

I know someone responded to Soni's challenge already, but for the life of me I can't remember who. Can you remind me please? :)

mschoener 11-21-2011 08:06 PM

Good evening. I've updated my blog tonight. Hope to get around to everyone tomorrow before the holiday gets in the way.

Soni B 11-23-2011 03:14 PM

hi ladies, not much going on here I have been busy working on a project some of us on another thread do sister exchanges a few times a year, so it was time for our Christmas one ... I got mine out in the mail today... if I got any good pics of anything I will update my blog... most recent update was me receiving an award from a friend... I need to get creative again : )

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you... may your day be full of blessings

Soni B 11-23-2011 03:16 PM

so how was the challenge?? how many of you did it?? if you did please let me know where you posted it, I would love to see it...I will try to get mine posted soon

both of my daughters and their families will be here tomorrow , so maybe over the weekend...

ROROLEE 11-23-2011 09:13 PM

Hi, ladies, Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

I have been busy and haven't been online that much during these days. I will be back to my regular routine next week. So see you and may you all enjoy the family gathering. :D

acreativechick 11-24-2011 04:23 AM

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

mschoener 11-24-2011 04:39 AM

Good morning ladies. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. http://www.cosgan.de/images/midi/nahrung/e010.gif

Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day with friends and family. I've got to finish up some dishes to take to my sis's house later where all our families will celebrate together.

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