Angie Zublionis - Duckwaddlequack
Knightdale, NC
Quack, Quack! Hi ya'll! It's me, Angie Zublionis, better known as Duckwaddlequack! Wow! I'm still absorbing the shock from being asked to join the Dirty Dozen! What a fantastically huge honor! When I received Julie's message, I wanted to reply right away with a huge "YES" but I told myself I needed to get a grip and think things through properly... that took about 3 seconds! And, right then I realized I wasn't even sure where most of my stamping stuff was from having just moved, so I started a mad search for all stamping supplies, and I kept rechecking my message to make sure I hadn't imagined it! When I told my hubby, he laughed and said, "So you're gonna be a 'dirty' duck now?"

A little bit about me...
I live in Knightdale, North Carolina, where we just moved last month. It wasn't a far move - just about 15 miles from where we had been - but it's enough to throw everything totally out of whack for awhile (as all you who have moved know!) My dear hubby Andrew, Hot Stuff, Aslan (our two sweet kitties), and I are all adjusting and settling in quite happily though. And, can you guess which room in our new house is completely repainted, unpacked, and ready to be used first? Yup, my stamp room!

I grew up in south central Pennsylvania and lived there until I started college. Then off to Florida I went, where I earned my BS in Early Childhood Education. After graduating in 2000, I taught preschool for a year in Illinois. Andrew and I were married in 2001, and I was introduced to stamping after we had been married only a few months. I had always enjoyed doing all sorts of crafts with my Mom growing up, and I even picked up some stamps during my teen years. But, I didn't really ever know what to do with them until several co-workers were talking about stamping at the preschool where I taught. They invited me to several SU parties and I went, of course. At first, I was interested only in scrapbooking, but soon stamping just kinda took over my life and I was hooked for good! We had been living along the Gulf Coast of FL until several hurricanes got the better of us, and we relocated to North Carolina in 2005. Moving to NC brought us much closer to family, but it was too long of a drive for stamping get-togethers with my friends, so I had to become my own demonstrator! I didn't work for a few months after moving to NC, and that's when I really started to focus even more on my stamping. I began trying out new techniques and challenging myself, and that's when I discovered this *AWESOME* website! Since I didn't have anyone to stamp in person with, I signed up and started 'stamping' with all the fabulous people here on SCS. BTW, my user name comes from my love of ducks! Some time during college, I started collecting rubber ducks and duck related items.

Currently, I'm the curriculum coordinator and lead teacher of 3 & 4's at a private preschool. Some of my non-stamping hobbies include reading, collecting children's books, shopping for ducks, attempting to cook and pretending to garden.

I have made so many new friends and learned amazing things from this great site and all the creative folks that make up SCS. I hope during my time as a 'dirty duck' in the Dirt Pile, I can give back in some way to all you wonderful stampers who have encouraged and inspired me to give it my best!