
Page 63 of 111

Mounting & Using Unity Stamps   [ gallery ]
Unity stamps are easy to mount on their unique wood handled acrylic base.
Mounting Unmounted Rubber Stamps  Video Tutorial
Get unmounted rubber stamps ready to use.
Mulberry Batik   [ gallery ]
Create a resist background with watercolor crayons and embossing.
Multicolor Embossing  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Use multiple embossing powders to embellish a die cut.
Nail Polish Marbling  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Use nail polish to create a marbled effect.
Napkin Fold Card  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Create a uniquely folded card with a few score lines.
Never-Ending Card  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Create a four-faced interactive card for any occasion.
No Line Coloring  Video Tutorial   [ gallery ]
Stamp image with a light colored ink rather than the usual black. As you color your image, the lines start to disappear.
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