Splitcoaststampers-The Stamper's Community

Issue #023 September 20th 2006
Kissing Technique  
Two different stamps. Two different colors of ink. One unique look! Check out this week's tutorial as Beate helps you perfect your kissing technique.
Supplies you'll need for this project
  • Solid image stamp
  • Textured stamp
  • Two different colors of dye ink
  • Cardstock
    Our Artist in Residence answers your questions
    Q: raymond7978 asked: "Is there a tutorial available or directions somewhere on how to make the one sheet wonder cards? I am very interested in trying out this project."
    A: The "One Sheet Wonder" concept is pretty easy. Start with pre-patterned paper or stamp your own, then use a downloaded template to cut the paper up. The pieces will then be used on cards, 3-d items, or scrapbook page elements. We have a gallery full of ideas, as well as downloads, in the One Sheet Wonder gallery.
    Feedback From Past Tutorials
    Patty has a tip for coloring chipboard edges. "I had a hard time getting the ink on all of the chipboard. Then I tried an eyeshadow applicator. They're small enough to fit into the corners and insides, and work well to cover the naked edges."

    Tutorials You May Have Missed
    Faux Leather with Masking Tape Use some masking tape and your choice of inks to give your paper a leathery look.
    Faux Leather with Masking Tape tutorial
    Faux Leather with Masking Tape gallery

    If you have pastels and white grosgrain ribbon, you'll be ready to go for next week's tutorial.
    This Week's Hot Topics
    Do you like to play with color?
    Try the Fossil Stone technique
    Print your journaling in shapes
    Mounting suggestions
    Not just for cleaning
    September 13 to September 19
    Use supplies you likely already own and try new techniques.
    Doodle along with us.
    Try this color combo: Always Artichoke, Sahara Sand and Pale or Perfect Plum. You get to pick which plum color you would like to use.
    The narrow main image layer will work great for floral or tall images.
    Dust off those pastels and make something pretty with them.
    Limited Supplies: Friday  [LSC81] Use Halloween images to make a non-Halloween card.
    Scrapbooking: Friday 
    [SBC60] Focus on a single photograph.
    [SBTC35] Who do you look up to? Scrap that relationship.
    Be inspired by a bold graphic image.
    Splitcoast Sponsors
    Splitcoaststampers  - 174,000 Weekly Inkling subscribers could be reading about your business here. [email protected]

    Weekly Inkling is published each Wednesday by Splitcoaststampers as a free service to our members.
    Splitcoaststampers is located at 909 N. Sepulveda Blvd., 11th Floor, El Segundo, CA 90245