Splitcoaststampers-The Stamper's Community
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This week we introduce a new feature to the newsletter, the Sponsor Roundup. In the right-hand sidebar at the bottom of each newsletter you'll see a listing of recent Splitcoast advertisers and newsletter sponsors, with the sponsor's name, a tagline, and a link to their site. Visit these sponsors, try their products, and thank them for being here.
If you'd like to advertise your own store, product, event or service but you're not quite ready for a larger ad campaign or sponsorship, for a mere $50 you too can reach our 27,000+ subscribers with a listing in the Roundup. Interested? Follow the link at the bottom of the Roundup listings and we'll get you included in next week's Inkling.
- The SCS Crew
Photo Corners
Add photo corners to your pictures for the look of an old fashioned photo album, or just add pizazz to other projects. Whatever you decide to do, it's easy to create your own by following Amy's step-by-step tutorial.
Supplies you'll need for this project
Images © 1990-2006 Stampin' Up.
Ask Beate
Beate Johns answers your technique questions.
Q: " How do you stamp on foam? "- Marion
A: Cut the fun foam a bit bigger then your stamp. Heat the fun foam with a heat gun until the edges curl up, then turn it over and heat the reverse. Press the stamp into the foam quickly and hold down for about 10 seconds. Trim around the image and adhere to the project. There are many samples of stamped foam in the gallery.
Join Us Next Week...
Create tiny treasures with no special tools or supplies.
Noteworthy Links
This Week's Hot Topics
Surprise gift
Pop top cans
Pearl Ex idea
Easy instructions
Mission: Organization
Which is preferred?
Amazing folds
Picture this

Your Comments
Feedback From Past Tutorials
Melinda Palomaria wrote about the Glass etching tutorial:
"Something else to try with this technique would be to leave the heated embossing powder (I recommend the clear gloss color) on the glass and not to scrape it off. This gives the image texture while still being able to see through the stamped image. Try it and feel the difference!"
From The Archives
Tutorials You May Have Missed
Use patterned paper and iris folding to make extra special cards.
Iris Twist tutorial
Iris Twist gallery
Weekly Challenges
Week of Oct 18 - Oct 24
Use supplies you likely already own and try new techniques.
Make a fan card.
Try this Color Combo: Pixie Pink, Vintage Violet and Sahara Sand.
Try a trifold card.
Add splashes of color to projects with the color spritzer.
Limited Supplies: Friday  [LSC86] To celebrate the gift of life, include one or more presents in your project.
Scrapbooking: Friday 
[VSBN] View all the scrapbook challenges and photos made during Virtual Scrapbooking Weekend.
Be inspired by wood panels.
Sponsor Roundup
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Pay a visit to our friends at:
PURSuE Your Art - changeable art purse
Scrap 4 Life - traditional and digital scrapbooking
Clear Envelopes - clear re-sealable envelopes in bulk

Weekly Inkling is published each Wednesday by Splitcoaststampers as a free service to our members.