The 'B' Word

Picking up our story from yesterday, in which we re-introduced a series on the history and making of Splitcoast.

Part four of the original series, "The 'B' Word", never appeared, and some of you speculated what the 'B' stood for. Well, it's been almost three years now and I've completely forgotten.

Just kidding! The 'B' stood for "business". I've always been a capitalist, since - back to my sisters and I growing up again - we had kool-aid stands, or I sold golf balls from the bushes back to the golfers who deposited them there. So I'm exactly the opposite of anti-business, but the notion of Splitcoast as a "business" always made me nervous. The primary role of a business is to serve a customer and earn a profit. Well, we started this on something close to a whim and any idea of making money would have been somewhat laughable. But it also seemed to be at odds, at least a little bit, with what my goals were.

Now I'm gonna stray off-course again.

Cult of Mac
Computer stuff has always fascinated me, at least since my first real exposure (college campus, 1985, if you must know) to a computer that seemed to be designed for real people. It's as corny as can be, but seeing that cute little computer in our school's student government office was a near-religious experience that I never forgot. My kind of cult for sure. I could create something permanent (a written page, a picture, an idea, a software program), save it, and share it with someone else. This was pre-internet really, but computers represented for me one big, blue sky of limitless possibility for self-expression and new kinds of connections with people beyond the limits of what I might do or say right this minute.

Around that time I discovered something else I hadn't even known I loved. I was always a people watcher and wow, they had a fancy word (Sociology) for that! Didn't know what I'd ever do with it in the work world, but I'd found my college major and that was that.

Come play in my sand box
Years down the road from school, the idea of bringing stampers around the country together was, for me, a social experiment. Nobody else on the web was really doing it, even though Stampin' Up! had many thousands of reps (demonstrators) around the country. Tracy's growing SU! downline was the inspiration for Splitcoast the site - their only real group communications at the time were the occasional email or exhausting-to-prepare newsletter.

Giving stampers a virtual place to gather was a no-brainer, but I didn't want to sully that social experiment with the notion of making it about money. To me, that would've been a turn-off. If people liked it, any financial concerns would take care of themselves. Instead, I wanted people. Lots of people. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses of stampers yearning to breathe free.

Get serious
We got the people. More than we bargained for! A happy problem certainly. At some point, growing up couldn't be avoided any longer - the community got larger and larger and more and more time was committed here, by more and more people. Challenges and problems got more complicated, and mistakes more costly. I felt guilty asking for increased accountability from our team members, with no compensation. There were people now who gave us their money, and they deserved immediate help when they had a question or concern. We had to start the process of maturing beyond the lark that we handled in our spare time, to a real, eeg, "Business".

Well, we tried that for a little while, decided it was completely boring, and went back to just doing whatever we felt like. OK, I'm kidding again (only kinda). We *have* become a real corporation, we *do* not only own QuickBooks but actually use it on occasion, and have discovered that attorneys and accountants, while not evil people, do tend to send you evil little bills (sometimes big bills) with clockwork-like frequency.

We love advertising, don't we?
A big step in our stumble through adolescence involved the growth of our advertising programs. By June/July of 2005 I'd finally given up my day job as a software developer and began doing Splitcoast full-time. It was already requiring a full-time commitment, but now it needed to produce full-time money or our girls were going to be surviving on Easy Mac and store-brand ice cream instead of the good stuff.

We were getting a steady number of papercrafting companies contacting us, interested in how they might get the word out about their products. We'd begun to offer banner ad space, but we knew almost nothing about how to sell or carry out any kind of online advertising programs. And clients have certain expectations, as you might imagine, especially when they pay real money and have their own businesses at stake. It needed some focus and it needed somebody dedicated to it, and along came Sara. Adam and I were good buddies from the job I'd just left and Sara his newly betrothed. She struck me as smart and capable, and lucky for us I was right.

And we love our advertisers too
Fast forward to now. Our advertising team expanded to include Lori Craig, and many paper crafting companies have joined the community through our Member Companies program. Splitcoast contributes, at least in a small way through all of you, in helping some other damn fine people grow their own stamp and papercrafting companies. Lizzie Anne Designs, Scor-Pal, Stamping Bella, Gina K, My Favorite Things, Papertrey Ink, Crafty Secrets, Verve Stamps, Odd Bird Planet, Flourishes, Hanna Stamps!, Unity Stamp Company, Little Monkeys, and many others.

Getting around to it
Join us tomorrow for the last installment of the story. The end of the story, but not the end of course. A hard year and a new beginning.

See the Splitcoast home page this week for a series of articles culminating in some important news. Good news, don't worry. Start with Tuesday's installment, then be sure and come back Wednesday and Thursday too.

Posted by: daven on Jul 15, 08 | 7:36 am


Thanks for all the sharing! Can't wait for the rest! Hugs to you and your wonderful family!

Angie - Duckwaddlequack | Jul 15, 08 | 7:07 pm


Ohhhh such an interesting story.. and I cannot wait for the final installment!!


debzi333 | Jul 15, 08 | 7:12 pm

image it not bad enough that I'm always checking in here for "what's the latest?" but now I'm checking to see where the SCS soap opera's leading story is going!! BWHAHAAA!!

Starla (star) | Jul 15, 08 | 7:12 pm


Wondering what the new is.... Guess I will find out tomorrow... Nice to know that it's not bad news!

kathy tucker | Jul 15, 08 | 7:28 pm


this is actually quite fascinating and I can't wait to read the rest. I was wondering how much time is spent in this place. I know you have a raft of volunteers, and that is fabulous. Can I say fabulous again ... THIS SITE IS FABULOUS!

Ren�e/prchvs | Jul 15, 08 | 7:34 pm


Except for the dis of lawyers, I'm with you so far!!

Joan B | Jul 15, 08 | 7:38 pm


Perhaps you could moonlight as a writer...this is good stuff...see ya tomorrow night!!! ;)

Stamps'nCoffee | Jul 15, 08 | 7:38 pm


This is like my soap opera...I can't wait for tomorrow's episode! I absolutely love SCS and would not be able to do what I do as an SU demo (I teach classes only) without it! I'm at SCS constantly and when I'm not, I'm thinking about it! I don't know what I'll do when I'm on vacation in 2 weeks and not near a computer! Thanks so much!

Lisa (lakind) | Jul 15, 08 | 7:44 pm


I *heart* SCS! Thanks for all you do!

Amanda Sewell | Jul 15, 08 | 8:44 pm


This is fascinating. I had read the earlier part of the story some time ago but there was no part four. I'm glad you are continuing. I've always wondered how you sustained the site and if anyone was earing a living. I'm glad to hear that you were finally able to give up the day job. This site has become a home for many people, you do a fabulous job of maintaining it and keeping it fresh.

Sandy (Mousie) | Jul 15, 08 | 8:56 pm


Daven, I've so enjoyed reading your first person account of the history of this wonderful site. Turns out you already knew that what Oprah Winfrey said is true:

"What I know is, is that if you do work that you love and work the fulfills you, the rest will come." Ophra Winfrey

annette harris | Jul 15, 08 | 9:42 pm


Can't wait to read more tomorrow! I don't know what I'd do without SCS! This site has enriched my life in ways I could never have imagined! Thanks for all you do to keep things running smoothly and giving us a place to call "home".

Kathi127 | Jul 15, 08 | 9:56 pm


Thanks for all your hard work! This is such an awesome and inspiring site, I just love it!

Jan Hunnicutt | Jul 15, 08 | 10:33 pm


Thanks for finishing this story, this part was such a fun read and can't wait to read the final one, well at least for now. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication!

Carolina (craftycaro) | Jul 16, 08 | 12:15 am


i second a previous comment that you could moonlight as a writer!! wonderful touching commentary on a *business* that started as a lark! isnt america wonderful? i truly would be lost without this resource. not that i dont have a life, as they say, but this site makes it so much richer both with ideas and cyber friends. now that i know the news is not bad, but good ... i am eager to read the final installment.

jo ann | Jul 16, 08 | 1:41 am


Great are definitely a gifted writer...among other things! I hope it "ends" well. Don't know what I'd do without SCS! Thanks to you and everyone who makes SCS the best place in the world for stamping inspiration!

CherylQuilts | Jul 16, 08 | 4:25 am


I **heart** SCS so much that I've decided I don't need any of my other magazine subscriptions. The only 'renewal' I'll be doing this year is the FANCLUB! You all rock.

Liz-Redapron | Jul 16, 08 | 4:27 am


SCS is my "fix" and I'm so glad you've been a daily part of my life for the last . . . is it five years?? Wow! Time flies! Like one of the other posters mentioned . . . I don't do magazines anymore! Only SCS!!! Thank YOU, SCS TEAM and DAVEN for everything you do to keep this place rockin'!!

Kay Kalthoff | Jul 16, 08 | 4:50 am


My sentiments are the same as Lisa (lakind). I'm here constantly and have learned soooooo much from SCS. You were truly blessed when you decided to start Splitcoast! Who knew you'd want that many friends????????

Stef H

Glitterbabe | Jul 16, 08 | 5:25 am


wowie! what an incredibly interesting history lesson... staying tuned for the next installment of...

Beverly aka beestamper | Jul 16, 08 | 5:29 am


I know, you're just building us up for an increase in our "dues" to $100/month :>) :>) Seriously, I'm glad SCS has expanded such that you feel comfortable in doing it for your day job. We are all so seriously addicted to SCS. Thanks for everything you do and your team does to make this happen.

Wanda | Jul 16, 08 | 5:35 am


I'm on pins and needles here - how the heck am I supposed to work today!!!!

I *need* to know what happens at "These Are The Days Of SCS"

pattyb | Jul 16, 08 | 5:53 am


Great inspirational story.Thanks for sharing!

Patrina + 2 | Jul 16, 08 | 6:06 am


loving reading this . . .but feel like my grandmother must have when short chapters of a story were printed weekly in the newspaper. it is so hard to wait for the next installment!
i join everyone above in thanking you all for your dedication and hard work making this the "go to" site for all stamping!!!

stampjam | Jul 16, 08 | 6:26 am


Cheers from one sociology major to another! I always love reading the story of how it started. Thanks for everything!

SammyStamper | Jul 16, 08 | 7:20 am


You get an "A" for your "B"(usiness).

Linda (lindylou1220) | Jul 16, 08 | 9:29 am


Thanks for ALL you do. This place ROCKS!!!!! I'm PROUD to be a member.

Mary | Jul 16, 08 | 9:43 am


b word = birthday, perhaps????????????

Mary | Jul 16, 08 | 9:45 am


Daven, thanks for sharing this story. I too find it so interesting to know the history. I am so glad that you could make this your full time job. I agree with everyone else here; I could not live without SCS. I can't wait for the final installment and the news.

melissa | Jul 16, 08 | 9:47 am


Daven, thank you for your story and your wonderful, conversational style of writing! I joined SCS in 2005, and I continue to feed my addiction to this wonderful site. Thank you so much for all of your (and the rest of the team's) hardwork to make this site work so smoothly! I have days where I tell myself that I need to get my life's priorities straight and not spend so much time in here, but I can't help myself! LOL! I look forward to the final chapter of your story tomorrow!

By the way, whatever happened to that thing you were doing many moons ago where you asked us to come up with some descriptive words for SCS and you were gonna tell us what you were up to?

Charlene (LilLuvsStampin) | Jul 16, 08 | 12:23 pm


There is no way you can quit at #4. This is better than a soap opera so please tell us you will at least give us a monthly continuation of the SCS saga!! I'm hooked! Also, like many others, I have given up all magazine subscriptions and depend solely on SCS for ideas, inspiration and techniques to feed my stamping addiction. Thanks for providing us with such a wonderful site.

Linda Page | Jul 16, 08 | 2:14 pm


You've got us all gripped with suspense! It's 5:30PM EDT and still no Wednesday installment!!!

Thanks for all the background- it's really interesting. And, thanks for a great program here. I'm proud and happy to be a Fan Club member.

tchk | Jul 16, 08 | 2:31 pm


I truly love splitcoasrstampers. I look at all (well not really all or I would never sign off) the wonderful cards and boxes. All these ideas have brought back my love for stamping and I have really applied so many of the designs in my creations. I just wanted to say thank you for all your dedication and hard work.

Sally Turner | Jul 16, 08 | 3:37 pm


Looking for today's installment.... Wednesday... Where is it Daven??? It's not nice to tease us!

kathy tucker | Jul 16, 08 | 4:47 pm


Store-brand ice cream....heaven forbid!!!

Kathyc | Jul 16, 08 | 5:21 pm


A great read Daven...I'm enjoying your story so much. I'm eager for the next "chapter". Thanks for retelling your history, it's super interesting. SCS is the best there is and I know you and Tracy are what makes it that way.

sharondh | Jul 16, 08 | 9:04 pm


I'm fascinated by this story!!! And my hubby is a 'puter fanatic of course I have to fill him in on these facts!!! LOL You totally cracked me up........Easy Mac???? Oh heaven forfend!!!! LOL Can't wait for..........................................................The Rest Of The Story!!!! (oh did I ever just date myself with that comment!!!! LOL).

LuvLee | Jul 16, 08 | 9:15 pm


For you and your team, this story should end with a "business proposition" you just could not refuse. :D

With my thanks, as always, for the privilege of belonging to this community.

twinks | Jul 17, 08 | 2:58 am


As a SAHM and wife of a school teacher I can tell you a life of Easy Mac and store brand ice cream is not that bad, especially when you have SCS and a SU! demoship. Thanks Daven and crew I appreciate you all.

bb&kk | Jul 17, 08 | 8:41 am


WOW! This is a real page turner! I'm on the edge of my seat!

Jody (jfm813) | Jul 17, 08 | 8:51 am


I'm with Liz-RedApron. I've let the magazine subscriptions go -- who needs them anyway? Everything I need is right here! I can't imagine going anywhere else!!!

Tami | Jul 17, 08 | 9:13 am


Trying so hard to be patient....this is a real cliffhanger!!!
I can't say enough thanks for ALL SCS does!!

Pam | Jul 17, 08 | 10:20 am


I'm going to chime in here and say 'Thank you to the entire SCS team for their great work.'.....

Reading these articles has been very informative and fun (Daven you are actually a very good writer!)...but where's the next installment?????

Carol Casassa | Jul 17, 08 | 1:50 pm


Just a shout out to all that is involved with making SCS the great online community that it is. I have met so many people online and in person because of this site and without it, I would never have been able to meet them and today call them my friends.

I can't begin to thank you enough for everything.

many stamping blessings, Pam

Pamela Tetreault | Jul 17, 08 | 3:14 pm


Dang...I thought you were talking about know...the B word....Bluebear! he he it's tomorrow already....

let us have it.....


Bluebear | Jul 17, 08 | 3:18 pm


It's now 6:57 pm EST on Thursday and still no news...anyone think that perhaps this is game? Just to see how many of us read this and will comment that we're still waiting for the 3rd installment...hmmm, i wonder....

TracyM. | Jul 17, 08 | 3:58 pm


Where are you DAVEN? I want to know. Don't you know you can't leave us impatient ladies hanging like this. Are you ok?

vz5dzh | Jul 17, 08 | 4:12 pm


Where's the next installment??? I so need to know the rest of the story!

sbinga | Jul 17, 08 | 4:21 pm


LOVED reading how things have grown and developed!! My dad was an entrepreneur all his life. I've lived through his changing careers 6 times in 35 years in an era where you still worked for one company for 25 - 35 years. It is wonderful hearing how other people work their dreams into reality!

Thanks for letting other stamping companies (i.e. SCS member companies) live their dreams and have a wonderful avenue to reach new customers.

This is THE most amazing site ever. I continue to learn new things and just love seeing and being inspired by all the wonderful talent on this site -- all of which couldn't be done without the wonderful team behind it - (((hugs!!)))

Would love to hear more of the story - NO pressure, maybe once a quarter or semi-annually, whatever works for you. It's like watching a baby grow up - you want to hear all about their milestones and achievements :)

Marisa | Jul 17, 08 | 5:30 pm


Oh...I thought I was the only one not seeing final posts for Wednesday and Thursday! As far as the rest of the story goes...hope it has a very happy and financially lucrative ending for you and your family. You have busted your butt for years (out of a true passion for this site as it truly seems) and you deserve ALL of the rewards you can receive. I have recently noticed all the new banner advertising, in addition to member company space, and must say I am pleasantly surprised and impressed to see ads for businesses that are way outside the box of stamping and crafting. Advertising exec's would be fools NOT to pay for space that stamping enthusiasts are constantly exposed to. Whatever the news, congratulations appear to be in order for you and SCS!

GMC | Jul 17, 08 | 6:16 pm


Okay, it is now 10:45 EST and still no news...

Thanks so much to everyone that makes SCS the wonderful community it is today!

Jen | Jul 17, 08 | 7:46 pm


love everything you've done with this site and it's been fun seeing it grow and develop over the years. I've been a regular for years!

you've created a perfect website community that is a joy to participate in. everything about it is topnotch!

p.s. are you going to make us wait another 3 years for the "final installment"?

LovinTX | Jul 17, 08 | 7:48 pm


Okay, Daven,I've been checking daily for that last installment.. ooh please don't keep us waiting. Seriously.. I'm on the edge of my seat!!!

debzi333 | Jul 18, 08 | 12:17 am


You're not having a "dread the blank page" moment are you?? Don't fret, just spill!!!

Pam | Jul 18, 08 | 6:36 am


my guess is a collaboration with google.

you guys are innovative, you ROCK, and i hope the industry rewards you.

handsomly. (i don't think i've ever used that word. did i spell it right?)

i also hope that whatever adventure is around the corner, that the focus on community remains prominent. i trust it will :)

Lela | Jul 18, 08 | 8:49 am


Umm, you're kinda making me crazy keeping all this inside, ya know! :-) I keep checking and finding nothing, how sad is that?

amysings | Jul 18, 08 | 1:12 pm


Hello. . .Daven. . .hello. . .are you out there? If suspense is what you are after, you got it, son!

naturecoastcrafter | Jul 18, 08 | 1:21 pm


just a hunch, but.... I am hoping that something great is about to happen for you Daven and your fasmily, like perhaps an acquisition of scs for big$$$. You and your team have been giving us the most amazing community and have opened up so many dooors for us, whatever this B word brings I will always thank you for your generosity and hard work.

nancyruth | Jul 18, 08 | 2:07 pm


Cool! I have a sociology degree and rank "people watching" as one of the best things in life to do!

Rebecca | Jul 18, 08 | 5:17 pm


Thank you for all you do. I am so not a computer person and am in awe of all you do. Your the best!!!!!!!!!!!

Stampvanwinkle | Jul 19, 08 | 7:16 am


I bet you would have laughed like crazy years ago to think that Tracy's Stampin' side-business/hobby, would someday spawn your own employment!

Vee | Jul 20, 08 | 9:35 am



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