Moddy Update

You've been using the Amazon button on the home page to do your holiday shopping, and we're collecting the proceeds for a Christmas gift to our moderators. Time for an update.

Through yesterday (December 9), here are the results:

total orders: 979
purchases shipped so far: 821
total earned: $1,235.76

It's a good start, though down from last year. But it's not too late and as promised, 100% of all money earned through the end of the month will go to our Splitcoast moderators and group leaders in the form of Amazon gift certificates.

If you'd like to participate, simply click the Amazon link on our home page and a percentage of your purchase will be returned to us. We'll gift it to our moderators and group leaders.

About Moddy Christmas
Any time you make a purchase at from now thru the end of December, all of the referral proceeds are going to a Christmas gift for our moderators and group leaders. It's super easy just follow this link (or click the home page graphic) and make a purchase:

All the info
Read this first, it answers most every question you might have about Moddy Christmas:
Third Annual - Moddy Christmas

To shop the Canadian Amazon store, use this link:

Get in on the act
There's still plenty of time if you'd like to participate. And it's dead simple. Simply click the Amazon link near the bottom left of the Splitcoast home page. Buy a bunch of stuff. A percentage of the proceeds will go to us (typically 6%-9%), and we'll give it to the mods.

Thanks everyone!

Frequent Questions
How do I know my purchases have "counted"?
There's nothing on the Amazon site that indicates you've arrived there via a referral link, or that Splitcoast will receive a portion of the proceeds. But it does work, just make sure you go to Amazon by clicking the link on our home page.

I heard there's a way to increase the percentage that SCS gets. How do I do that?
There is! By going about your purchase in a little different way, you can increase the percentage that comes to us - up to 9% on many items. The instructions are included at the bottom of our original announcement.

Can I make a direct gift to the mods instead?
To give a gift directly to the mods, use this PayPal link (a PayPal account is not required):
Make a cash gift

Do I need to be a Splitcoast member?
No, you don't need to be logged in or even a Splitcoast member to participate in Moddy Christmas. Just follow the link and your purchases will be credited.

I bought from Amazon already, will it still count?
Any purchase made through the home page Amazon link from November 15 through the holiday season will count toward Moddy Christmas.

I didn't use the home page Amazon link for my purchase, can it still count?
Unfortunately, the only way to make your purchases count toward Moddy Christmas is to follow the Amazon link on our home page.

Posted by: daven on Dec 10, 07 | 7:08 am


Hi guys,

thanks for arranging this way for us to show our appreciation of your fantastic site. It has brought me many hours of happiness!

Keep up the good work!

veronica coombes | Dec 10, 07 | 11:55 am


I made a direct "gift" via payPal awhile ago. Is this included in the total being shared? I', wondering if I should go and check to see if I did complete my transaction,

twinks | Dec 10, 07 | 12:19 pm


I was happy to shop via your link - presents i was already going to buy online, i just did thru your link to Amazon and it was easy! Glad to help our moderators since they work so hard to make SCS rock! Thanks!

denise | Dec 14, 07 | 12:55 am


Have you updated the totals again? Do the totals include the "direct gifts" too? I did a full half of my Christmas shopping this year using the ASIN method.

Thanks for ALL you do!

Debbie | Dec 17, 07 | 8:43 am



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