Server Migration

We appreciate your patience over the next week as we prepare to move the site from its current home in Portland to the Internet Brands servers in sunny SoCal.

The target date for the move is Tuesday, March 16 or Wednesday, March 17. There will be some downtime during the transition. As we prepare for the move you might notice a little sluggishness while we copy files, databases and other tech things that I can't even pronounce. Hopefully this won't slow you down too much.

I'll post the specifics about the exact time and date once I have them. I'll also let you know if the plans change.


Posted by: Wade Hewitt on Mar 09, 10 | 3:34 pm


I hope all goes well for all of you. This site means so much to all of us! Thanks.

scootsv | Mar 09, 10 | 5:37 pm


We're counting on you to make the transition as seamless as possible. As scootsv said, "This site means so much to all of us!" Thank you!

Alice in MD | Mar 09, 10 | 7:32 pm


Good luck.... :-)

PJ | Mar 09, 10 | 7:51 pm


We appreciate you keeping us in the loop. It makes dealing with issues much easier if we know why there are issues in the first place.

Sumtoy | Mar 09, 10 | 10:12 pm


I'll be away from the online world for a few days just over that time, but I'll be hoping it all goes smoothly for you, and look forward to finding it all up and running and back to speed when I get back :D.

Sabrina (Cook22) | Mar 10, 10 | 2:57 am


Thanks for the update and good luck.

whim6915 | Mar 10, 10 | 4:11 am


Thanks for letting us know. Praying for ZERO glitches!

lacyquilter | Mar 10, 10 | 5:10 am


Thanks for the heads up...I was wondering about performance recently. So appreciate your keeping us connected and loving this fabulous site!

CherylQuilts | Mar 10, 10 | 6:03 am


Thank you for letting us know. Hope everything moves smoothly.

MariLynn | Mar 10, 10 | 6:35 am


Good Luck for a smooth move. And tanks for keeping us informed.

Linda | Mar 10, 10 | 7:25 am


Also, thanks!

Linda | Mar 10, 10 | 7:26 am


Good luck for a smooth move. We all can put up with a bit of inconvenience if afterwards the results were worth it. I'm sure they will be. Thank you

Robyn O | Mar 10, 10 | 9:39 am


Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Wade. I hope the server migration goes smoothly! I'll cross my fingers! Best of luck!

Deborah aka debzi333 | Mar 10, 10 | 12:54 pm


Thanks for the heads up! Here's blessings for the migration!

Lynda/clyndago | Mar 14, 10 | 8:50 pm



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