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-   -   What's the best white ink? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/tool-product-talk-128/whats-best-white-ink-452464/)

Jan R 08-07-2009 02:09 AM

What's the best white ink?
Just looking for advice on the best white ink to get. I want to be able to stamp on dark paper. I bought some Stazon Opaque White, but it doesn't seem to stamp out "white" enough! I saw a card made by Michelle Zindorf where she had stamped on black card stock and then had gone over it with Prisma Color pencils and I loved it. Of course she used Stampin Up ink, but I wanted something I could buy and use TODAY, and not have to order it and wait! LOL. (patience is NOT my middle name) Have I wasted the $14 I spent on the Staz On? :(

kmk24 08-07-2009 08:41 AM

How about white embossing the Staz On as a quick fix for now?

momis mama 08-07-2009 02:30 PM

i don't like to have to wait either...

i also wasted money buying what i could get NOW!

and then just ordered the SU! craft white and LOVE IT! so glad i did.

good things come to those who wait! LOL

i hope you can find what will work for you!

GarnetJ 08-07-2009 03:39 PM

Stampin' Up white craft ink is what I use. Tried several kind while on the cruise last October. SU was the only one that seemed to work. We were all borrowing the ink pad from "Tavia" aka Lorraine.

Jan R 08-07-2009 04:40 PM

Thanks for the advice girls. Maybe I will just order the SU white (and then wait, sighhhh) :( and be done with it. If anyone wants to see the card of Michelle Zindorf's that I fell in love with it's "Black Cat" tutorial #244 on her website. off now to find my nearest S.A. agent. :)

NikiE 08-07-2009 06:33 PM

I love Papertrey's Fresh Snow ink. It's a great white pigment ink that works well on dark colors. I have not used SU's white ink.

LMcAree 08-07-2009 06:47 PM

I agree with Niki, PTI's snow white is wonderful!!! :)
I have used SU's but much prefer PTI's.

Jan R 08-07-2009 08:09 PM

To add to my white ink story, I contacted a S.U. demonstrator and asked her about their Craft White. She told me that to just order one product makes it quite expensive and if I wanted to wait awhile, (groan) she would tack it on to her next party, and had I tried Stazon Opaque White? She said she thought this would be just as good and that I probably hadn't put enough of the ink on the pad. I though this was very nice of her considering she was in the S.U. business. Well the Stazon instructions said about 1 tspn. and the bottle is supposed to do several re inks. So I got to and put a lot more ink on, decided it didn't matter if I used the lot as I was only going to shove it in the back of a drawer anyway! LOL. I have done this and I think the result will be what I want! BINGO. I now feel I haven't wasted my money and if I get to go to a S.U. party in the future I will maybe order one then. Thanks for everyone's help. :)

Maudhuit 08-08-2009 02:51 AM

I too like SU's white, but it takes a while to dry. I really like the way white embossing powder looks on dark CS -- it is very crisp and clean, and less chalky/opaque looking like the white stamp pad looks. That might be a temporary solution for you.

ekip2 08-08-2009 08:50 AM

I know you want it now vs waiting, but I have found the SU! craft white works the best for me.


Jan R 08-08-2009 04:52 PM

Thanks for that. Yes I know the white embossing looks nice, but I was in this instance wanting to be able to color the image with Prisma pencils and I think maybe the Stazon will be OK for this, but haven't had the time in the last day or so to "fiddle". Dreadful things, like housework, and lovely things, like babysitting grandchildren have got in the way! LOL.:p

peanut14 08-08-2009 04:56 PM

What is the best white ink?

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