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jmassucco 03-03-2011 01:29 PM

Sizzix original die cuts
Does anyone still use these? I have several and am wondering if I want to keep them or now. I use my alphabet dies on occasion, but never any of the other tag or frame dies that I have.

I looked on ebay and although there are several dies listed, there didn't seem to be many bids on them. Any suggestions on what to do?

connie leone 03-03-2011 03:00 PM

Original Sizzix dies
Hello Jodi! For the time being I would hang on to them if storage is not an issue.
Maybe put them on ebay with the auctions on the others end! This may allow you to get more if there are not any the same as yours! My LSS has a garage sale every summer and through out the year when I go through my stuff I just add it to the "garage sale" tote. When the sale is over we receive a certificate for the store for the amount of $$$ that we sold. I have always done very well with this. Another option is to put them on here for sale or maybe trade!

Good luck with whatever you decide!

mugsy1 03-03-2011 03:04 PM

i have lots of dies....green, yellow and the original red ones. got them for super price when an online store was getting rid of them. i find that i am using some now that i had not used in years. but others just languish in the drawer.

i find the little envelopes are great for inside cards....and i have used the leaves, some flowers, tags and a few shapes. dont see a need to toss them, you never know when one comes in handy. i needed a branch the other day and i found my red bare tree die....cut it out and used part of it for a branch.

i never use the alphabets though. i have two sizzix and two sizzlit sets.

i still use my red sizzix machine for the most part.....sometimes the CB and sometimes the big shot. but my little red gal does just fine for most projects.

i tried to sell some stuff here and the last two inquiries (nestability die set) ended up going poof ! never heard from the interested parties and i gave up IM'ing them.

Jennifer R 03-04-2011 04:28 AM

I've sort of "rediscovered" my old Sizzix original dies. I love how strong they are and how they can basically cut with ease through any material (metal, felt, cork etc. etc.)

Personally I think some of the old alphabets look out of date and I'd probably purge those but a lot the shapes (tags/frames/flowers) are "classics" IMO and you can bring new life to them by trying cutting them out of different stuff and or altering them in new ways (glimmer mists etc.)

jmassucco 03-04-2011 10:27 AM

Alright, you've convinced me to keep them! They are in the Sizzix spinning storage case, so space isn't really an issue. I just feel like they are taunting me everytime I am sitting at the computer instead of scrapbooking!

I have the Shadowbox alphabet, which I love. It is the best for posterboards and other school projects for the kids. My main ones that I don't see myself using are the Bitty Body, and hair and outfits, etc. When I bought them, I thought I'd use them all the time for the kids' scrapbooks, and I don't know that I've ever used them. Maybe I'll just try to get rid of those and keep the frames and shapes and that type of die.

Thanks for all of your input! It's time to try something new with these things!

bound4london 03-04-2011 10:51 PM

I love mine. Have alphabets, letters, the body that I dress up for cards and scrap books. One thing I have found that helps me use them more is when I want to cut one I usually cut several and put them in a storage case, and then I have others ready for the next time.

Julie in Indy 03-05-2011 09:36 AM

I have several towers of the old Sizzix dies and alphabets. I'm hanging onto them. I figure if I got rid of them, I'd suddenly find a need...

ScrappinLizzi 05-22-2011 03:01 PM

My friend bought the Cricut and a week later she sold all of her Sizzix dies. She has been so sorry ever since. Good thing I bought so many of hers cause when she needs one, she can come and borrow from me. I have 6 towers full of dies +.. I love them and will never get rid of them. Mainly because I can cut thick chipboard covered with design paper to make my elements stand out.

craftymomto2 05-22-2011 04:05 PM

So should I keep "old red" or sell it on my upcoming garage sale?? I'm keeping my alphabets and I also have the shadow box ones, used those one year to make my garage sale signs with and than had the signs sealed in plastic, still good as new too. ;) Oh, I have a Big Kick and LOVE IT!

ScrappinLizzi 05-22-2011 06:32 PM

I would surely keep the alphabets. Right now I have been searching the internet high and low for the "Lollipop" set I want to get for my sister. I guess they quit making them and everyone is holding tight to what they have. So I am having a very hard time helping her out. I am a pack rat I guess cause I havent gotten rid of any of my treasures. I hope I never wind up on that show about packrats.. LOL I have pics of my craftroom on my link.. ya its a mess.

clpangels 05-23-2011 04:08 AM

I would love to buy some if anyone has any to sell

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