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AuntShadey 05-08-2006 12:12 PM

Oh my, I have another question about stamp pads!! As a NEW and INEXPERIENCED stamper, I am trying to purchase stamp pads that will work well and give me a special finished look. Have you used the chalk petal points?...and are they worth the money?? Again -- thanks for your advice!

LateBlossom 05-08-2006 01:48 PM

Hmm. Here's my experience with them. I bought a bunch of the full-size pads a few years ago and just gave them away. The chalk finish is nice, but the colors are a little hard (at least for me, matching-impaired as I am!) to match papers to. The finish is different from regular dye ink, but not all the colors are acid-free and ColorBox (the manufacturer) doesn't recommend them for scrapping (though lots of people use them in scrapbooks). IF you don't scrap or don't care about keeping your scrapping archival, they are fun to play with, especially for direct-to-paper techniques, and the petal points would be good for that.

So there's my non-answer. It's always so hard to decide where to put your craft dollars!

amysings 05-08-2006 03:16 PM

I have the brights/subtles set and use it occasionally. I have mainly used the "rose/coral" one because it exactly matches the pink in the spring 2-sided papers. :-)

I like the finish--it's a hybrid ink: mix of pigment and dye. It dries quickly but gives the richness of a pigment or craft ink. However, I just don't use them that often. I bought all the craft spots last fall and tend to use those, instead, because I can match the colors better.

Maybe you could try one cat-eye from a craft store to see if you like it? They're about $2, I think.

Consuelo 05-08-2006 03:40 PM

I bought them when SU started selling them. I used them for a while and even have the ink refills, but then I got into the craft inks and use those regularly now. Like others said, it's just easier to match.

JulieHRR 05-08-2006 03:52 PM

I have both the ones SU! carries, and own all the Cat's Eyes of all the Chalk Ink colors Clearsnap produces.

I think it depends on the techniques you want to use them for. They are beautiful for blending in DTP techniques on card stock, then stamping over. Their small size make them fairly maneuverable for "omission".

I haven't tested them as to how long they take to dry on glossy or if they even will.

They tend to bleed out on cheap vellum, and not on good quality vellum, and same with card stock.

The colors are very intense, and as far as chalk inks go, Clearsnap definitely produces the widest range of colors available on the market; SU! of course, only carries those in the Petal Points that closely coordinate with their papers.

While I haven't tried, I am guessing you can heat emboss them with clear EP if you work fast? As somone said, they're a hybrid, so I don't know exactly what results you would get . . .

I dunno that whether or not you're a beginner and inexperienced really makes nearly as much difference as what you intend to use 'em for and whether or not they produce the effect you want?

vlasak 05-08-2006 05:40 PM

I have looked at the chalk refills at .com - does anyone know if you can refill the cat eye chalks...

kim021 05-08-2006 05:55 PM

Yes you can refill the cats eyes. I love my Chalk Pads and find they match beautifully with the first lot of Bazzill linens perfectly. I probably don't use them as often as I do my brilliance ink pads though - they are my favourites!!!


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