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-   -   Hubby's impression of Scor-pal, Score-It, Top Score, etc. (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/tool-product-talk-128/hubbys-impression-scor-pal-score-top-score-etc-304228/)

Mahloumel 11-29-2007 06:39 PM

Hubby's impression of Scor-pal, Score-It, Top Score, etc.
"'Scoreboard' means something WEIRD to you people!!"

I just got my Topscore scoring board tonight. DH saw the term 'scoreboard' in the accompanying literature and got his hopes up about sports. Those hopes were quickly dashed and scored against my pretty purple new Top Score!

crafty1021 11-29-2007 07:28 PM

Isn't it sad to see the disappointment in their little faces?!?!

javajunkie 11-29-2007 08:46 PM


koopdedoo 11-30-2007 02:32 AM

Never heard of Top Score, where can I see one? (intrigued by purple!)


Mahloumel 11-30-2007 08:31 PM

I still haven't had a chance to use my Top Score yet, but here is the link. :) Check out the video if you can -- it really made an impression on me and my sister!


Mahloumel 11-30-2007 08:33 PM

(And the difference between the retail value of $95 and HSN's price of $30 is not so ridiculous as it sounds; I understand just the Enveloper board costs $30 on its own, so I feel this kit is a very good deal if you like the product.)

koopdedoo 12-01-2007 06:38 AM

Thanks for the link!!


susanvm 12-01-2007 08:52 AM

My DH helped me make 50 invites a couple of weeks ago - had him do the scoring for a modified gate fold with the Scor-Pal; he was quite impressed when I showed him the "old-fashioned way" with bone folder/ruler.

mdislandgirl 12-10-2007 11:46 AM

I am a new owner of Top Score and The Enveloper Boards -- purchased from HSN. I love them! The DVD is really good and she shows many different ways to use the boards. Well worth the $30 + shipping price. Also, rumor is they're working on a US version of the Ultimate Crafter's Companion -- now only available in the UK -- the US distributor told me it would be a year or so I'm guessing in time for next holiday season?

Mousie 12-10-2007 07:01 PM

I'm sold! I'm going to email the link to hubby and see if he get's the hint.

Lisa Loiselle 12-11-2007 06:53 AM

That Top Score looks cool! Let us know how you like it!

jenguin 12-11-2007 09:01 AM

Wow, that looks cool. My husband just ordered me a scor-pal. Do you think I need both????!!! LOL!!

Mahloumel 12-11-2007 06:57 PM

I watched almost all of the DVD that came with the kit before actually using my TS and Enveloper. The person demoing the boards on the DVD used some super-duper heavyweight cardstock that she used the kit's scoring tool on, but when I tried the same technique and pressure on my own Domtar white cardstock, the tool scored so much that the resulting fold had very little 'body' to it (if that makes any sense). If I held the card by one side and let the other hang free, the other side would just hang loosely like a door from a hinge. So, I definitely agree with MsBetsy and others that it's better to use an embossing stylus or normal bone folder to score on cardstock and paper than it is to use the scorer that comes with the TS.

I did find the kit's scoring tool did a good job of embossing the lines and shapes that are etched into the boards. I didn't compare how the kit's tool compared to a stylus or bone folder in terms of embossing a raised shape into cardstock, but I liked the results I got with the TS tool.

I love how easy the TS makes it to score and fold invitation-sized card bases in either orientation. :) My previous method was to cut down my cardstock with the Carl RT-200, and then use the groove on my old Fiskars 12" grey trimmer to make the score line with an embossing stylus. No matter how careful I was with my measurements and paper alignment, I always got wonky results (especially as I prefer to score 4.25" x 11" paper at 5.5"). This is not an issue with the TS.

I only got to watch the step-by-step instructions on how to make custom-sized envelopes, and have not gotten to make any myself yet, but I am really looking forward to giving that a whirl! It looked very simple, and she even goes through how to line your envies! That may be old hat to everyone else, but I never did figure out how to do it without it being a major pain in the patootie and she showed a very simple way to go about it.

Unfortunately for me, I have not had any more time to play with my new tools, so I haven't gotten to try making diamond-shaped boxes, envelopes, or enveloboxes. :( It's been so hectic at work that by the time I get home, I'm brain-dead! Once the pressure lets up, I will be sure to share. But in the meantime, I'm thrilled my sister gave me the TS and Enveloper kit (especially with that DVD!!). :) Having tried it out, I feel I would have been quite happy with the kit even if I'd purchased it myself at the HSN price of ~$30 rather than received it as a gift. That DVD is pure gold, especially for those of us who have to craft solo most of the time.

Hope I'm coherent! You guys are so fun that I want to participate on SCS too even if I can hardly string two words together by the time I get here. :)

recipelu 12-11-2007 08:40 PM

Top Score
I love the top score for making 3D/pop up cards as well. It has only a heart and an oval shape as templates to cut out, but I did some with a Tree drawn free-hand and it was really cute. The enveloper is incredibly easy to use... hands down this was my favorite tool released at CHA 07 Summer.

Lara - Normally a lurker!

Lisa Loiselle 12-12-2007 02:37 AM

Okay, you've convinced me. I was gonna buy a Scor-Pal but ordered this instead. Now if I could just find some time and motivation to actually stamp...

Thanks for the enabling, Mel! Merry Christmas to us!

tchk 12-15-2007 06:20 PM

I have the kit from HSN but have not used it much yet. That's because I took it to a friend's house and showed her how to make the enveloboxes for her embellished Christmas cards- and now it's still at her house!

I must say the enveloper is impressive. Works so fast and so well- I am going to love it- as soon as I get it back,lol!

So, I would definitely recommend this.

Shannon E 12-16-2007 05:56 AM

WOW! That video is really impressive! I think I need that envelope template!

MelenaPrincess 12-16-2007 08:13 AM

Your DH's idea about what a score board should be is funny. Just like when I got my ATG from FRaming Supplies Plus and he read it and asked what type or FARming supplies I ordered. Hehehehe...men, good thing they are pretty because their brains wouldn't get them very far ;)

KimberlyinMN 12-16-2007 12:56 PM

I was just watching the video at HSN... Didn't the gal in the video used to be on the QVC channel? She looks so darn familiar to me and I don't watch HSN.


Originally Posted by Mahloumel (Post 7871237)
I still haven't had a chance to use my Top Score yet, but here is the link. :) Check out the video if you can -- it really made an impression on me and my sister!


angelanne21 12-16-2007 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by KimberlyinMN (Post 8033230)
I was just watching the video at HSN... Didn't the gal in the video used to be on the QVC channel? She looks so darn familiar to me and I don't watch HSN.

Yes, she used to be on QVC. Her name is Judy Crowell (Sp?).

pjw2855 12-16-2007 02:37 PM

I have both the Top Score and ScorePal. I love them both. Much easier than using my big Fiskars cutter with scoring wheel. Also is great for making boxes as they give directions (both brands) for sizing and style of box. To me they were worth the cost even to have both.

Large Fiskars is great for decorative cuts, perforating and deckle edging/cutting.


jennkb 12-17-2007 05:48 AM


I'd love to know what additional benefits you get from having both. I'm going to ask for one for Christmas, but don't know which would be better. I saw the Top Score demo and it looked pretty good.

pjw2855 12-17-2007 06:39 AM

jennkb......First, I will tell you I am a pack-rat, that being said here's why I like to have both.

I make my own cards and matching envelopes along with a number of other paqer jobs. The Envelope board is great and can be adapted to what ever size you want. Both the Top Score and Enveloper are small therefore very transportable. The Top Score also has different measurement guides from the ScorePal so therefore I have no guessing for scoring whatever measurement I want. I have to say the embossing elements it has don't do much for me. I can do those and more with my die cutting/embossing machines.

The ScorePal has smaller increments in addition to the larger more typical measurements for scoring, so that I can make what ever size box or envelope I want with it.

Yes, certainly one can get by with either one. But I like having the choice of which one to use for whatever project I'm working on.

ScorePal is a larger base than the Top Score.

Had I not gotten the Top Score on sale, I wouldn't have purchased it probably.

Also, I've read posts on this board that say people have had problems using the scoring tool with either board on various paper. I have to say I have not had any problem with using any kind of paper from vellum or mullberry paper to very heavy #100 tag paper. You just have to adjust your pressure when using the scoring tool. Be sure the score tool is in the groove straight which ever product you use. Using #20 or #24 paper would require a very light pressure for scoring.

Yes, I'm a pack-rat, but also if one has the proper tools for the job, it makes things much easier and more efficient for the job. Your project will come out as you expect it to. Yes, I also realize there is a cost factor and everyone certainly can't have every piece of equipment. Choices have to be made.


jennkb 12-17-2007 08:35 AM

Thank you so much for your very thorough answer, Patti. I am a pack rat/tool junkie - much more so than my crafting output or space available merits. I'm intriuged by scoring tools and having read so much praise for them, I want one and will suggest it for Christmas. It sounds like I may get more for my money (or theirs!) with the Top Score/Enveloper deal and just miss out on a few measurements. I hoping for that elusive do-it-all-in-one--easy-to-use--never-have-to-get-one-again tool.

Thanks again for your input!

kimb0 12-17-2007 09:57 AM

What about the Multiscore IMP Board?
So glad I found this thread! I've posted to a couple of boards asking about these scoring tools with not much success. Now let me throw a wrench into the discussion--what about the Multiscore IMP Board? Has anyone used this one? Since I'm a newbie I can't post a link yet, but you can do a search on coppernob card craft to find it.

Lisa Loiselle 12-17-2007 12:57 PM

Santa just drove up in his big brown truck & dropped off my topscore. Can't wait to play! I'll report in later.

Welcome to SCS, kimb0!

Shannon E 12-17-2007 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa Loiselle (Post 8042380)
Santa just drove up in his big brown truck & dropped off my topscore. Can't wait to play! I'll report in later.

Welcome to SCS, kimb0!

That came pretty fast!

Lisa Loiselle 12-17-2007 01:50 PM


YorkieMoma 01-05-2008 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Lisa Loiselle (Post 8042836)

Ok Lisa..........so how do you like it and did you order it from HSN?


pjw2855 01-05-2008 07:12 AM

kimb0......I just looked at the site your post mentions. It's a UK site. I personally stay away from them. (good sites, just personal experience in the $$ exchange) Just be careful to check the exchange rate for cost and shipping. May be a good product, if you can find it in the US.


Lisa Loiselle 01-05-2008 01:23 PM

Okay, I've had awhile to work with my top score. Definitely worth the money, IMO! I love that I don't need to pull out the cutting blade from my fiskars cutter when I want to score at 5 1/2". The box and envelope makers rock! I'm doing a Funshop in a few weeks & decided to do a nugget box for my hostess. It was a snap. The only complaint I have is that the scores aren't always even. I think that could be the paper I'm using. They are razor straight though, a result I never got with the scoring blade. I give it two thumbs up!

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