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TRome625 10-25-2011 09:56 AM

Help!! Cling Mounted Stamp Problem :(
Please Help!!! I have some cling (ez mount brand cling) mounted stamps that have lost their "cling". I was storing the stamps in a bin and some of them got stuck together and when I pulled them apart they lost their "cling". I have tried cleaning them with a baby wipe, stamp cleaner, just plain damp towel and nothing works. The ezmount foam is real smooth and shiny where they were stuck together. Has this happened to anyone else and does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the original "cling" back?

RosieLP 10-25-2011 10:52 AM

You can use Aleene's Tack-It Over & Over. Take a small foam brush and paint a thin layer of this glue over the back of those stamps, and then let glue cure overnight. I always let those newly glued stamps cure for 24 hours. Don't worry, they'll stick like new again. (over and over again...LOL)

Angelnorth 10-25-2011 11:11 AM

I'd try washing them with a little mild soap, rinse well with plain water and then let them air dry. That works for cling foam that has picked up little bits of dust, oil etc so it's worth a go.

TRome625 10-25-2011 01:12 PM

I will try the soap and water first. I was hoping I wouldnt have to do the Aleenes glue method but I will if nothing else helps. It was almost like the two stamps welded themselves together in the bin. Just a warning don't store cling mounted stamps where the backs can touch each other!

KoffeeKat 10-25-2011 04:54 PM

I suspect the glue layer has come off one stamp and stuck to the other.

I've had a clear stamp stick to something like that and I could see the layer peeling off as I took them apart. Weird.

Angelnorth 10-26-2011 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by KoffeeKat (Post 18857444)
I suspect the glue layer has come off one stamp and stuck to the other.

Cling foam doesn't have glue so it can't be that. It works on the principle of static cling - it's a very, very smooth surface which is why it stops clinging over time as little particles of dust etc build up on it and a thorough clean restores the cling. I guess it's possible that some chemical reaction has taken place (which is why you shouldn't store cling foam on acetate sheets) but it would seems a bit weird for a material to react with itself.

Did you have any luck with the washing?

KoffeeKat 10-26-2011 01:00 AM

Perhaps I could rephrase that to "the smooth layer that creates the static cling".

I have seriously seen this peel off a stamp I had. I never even dreamed it was there when looking at it. I'd always thought it was a single layer of rubbery stuff.

tinawallace 12-27-2011 12:04 PM

I was told by Stampin up to spray a small mist of stamp cleaner on your block and they will stick better. Hope that helps

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