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charms1976 05-12-2009 01:17 PM

Okay got my copic ciaos today...I have been messing around with them and I can not get this blending thing down!!! I am getting so frustrated! I have looked at a ton of tutorials and tried everything! What could be wrong??? Isnt the blender pen suppose to fuse them together???? HELP!!!!!

Cicilisko 05-12-2009 01:24 PM

Hi sweetie! Calm down, it so frustrating when you wanto learn something RIGHT AWAY lol. I love my copics, and I rarely use the blender pen! Just start colouring whith the lightes color you have (if you are coloring skin, start whith the lightest color, like skin white etc) then take few shades darker, and add some of that to the outer edge of the image, Then take the faires color again, and use that to color over the darker shade and then blend it toward the lighter side.. Making any sense? Try to find a good tutorial on youtube and you�ll soon get the hang of it. Oh, and try different papers too, it has a huge difference, and when you start whith the first color, use it so the paper gets "soaked" that way the dark blends more easily in!

Lainy67 05-12-2009 01:24 PM

No. They really need to rename the pen.

It is not a blender. It fades ink, it removes ink, but it does not blend it.

One way is to use two colors (or more) in the same family of colors (or others too - - that is interesting sometimes) to start and put down the lighter everywhere and then the darker in the areas you want to shade, and then blend with the lighter one. Start with a circle or something pretty simple to try to get the hang of it.

Good luck!

Donnarie 05-12-2009 01:25 PM

The blender pen isn't what you are going to use to blend your colors...it actually isn't a blender at all, but more on that later.

The simplest way to blend is to use two colors in the same family with one a few shades darker than the other. Color the area first with your lighter color using circular strokes. Then add your shadows and shading with the darker color. To blend the edges, go over the areas where the two color meet using the light color and a circular motion. It it still doesn't look even to you, go over the entire area with the lighter color.

The blender is actually more of a color lifter or pusher. Once you have something colored, you can add lighter spots with your blender. You can also use any pastel color the same way.

Best thing to do is take a breath, relax, and allow yourself the freedom to play!

Hope that helps, and feel free to PM me if you're still having trouble. :)

charms1976 05-12-2009 01:29 PM

Okay now that I know it is not an actual "blender" pen but a color lifter that explains alot. I was trying to use it to fuse the colors and all it did was fade it. DUH! LOL...I will try again and thank you all for your help! I also didnt know I was suppose to go in circular motions with the pen to color it all in. TYTYTYTY all

Nancy1970 05-12-2009 02:04 PM

I took Copic U in January and am still struggling.... the biggest thing I can tell you is you need to make the time to PLAY!! And know that you're going to ruin a few stamped images before you get one you love!

I need to make more time to PLAY!

charms1976 05-12-2009 02:11 PM

there are copic classes? Actual school??OMG

steubner 05-12-2009 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by charms1976 (Post 14040483)
there are copic classes? Actual school??OMG

Yup! There's even one online here: http://www.mycreativeclassroom.com/c...p?search=copic

Luv.2.Stamp 05-12-2009 04:03 PM

I was on the Prickley Pear website and there is an ad on there for a copic marker techniques kit. It says it features 6 different techniques. And it's CHEAP only 6.95 for full instructions and the supplies to do the techniques. This might help for those that cant get to a class.
Here is the link

RiverIsis 05-12-2009 04:39 PM

I wouldn't buy a class unless it was from a Copic Certified Instructor... there is plenty of free advice available Marianne's blog is the best http://www.ilikemarkers.blogspot.com/ and as she works for Copics she knows what she is talking about.

She also has links to others that use Copics and have hints and tips on their blogs.

Read and read and read these blogs - I bet they have covered just about everything you ever thought to ask and if they haven't ask Marianne and she WILL answer.


ETA - you can even start with this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEtE2uB5tZA

kinglake 05-13-2009 04:54 AM

I love to blend by putting a darker shade on an acrylic block and picking up the colour with a lighter shade.it works really well and doesnt mess up your pens! xx jo xx

The MFT Lady 05-13-2009 05:45 AM

Here is another tutorial by Candice Lighty that goes over some basic points with lots of good photos, and here's one she did going over skin tone colors and methods.

Don't give up! They do have a pretty sharp learning curve, but once you get the hang of them, they are wonderful!

charms1976 05-13-2009 06:55 AM

so are the sketch markers better to color with than the ciaos?? I bought the ciaos..,,,

cdjkssss 05-13-2009 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by steubner (Post 14040638)

Just wanted to put in a plug for Colleen's online class. I'm just finishing the class right now, and it's been great! Check out this cool coloring that I managed with Colleen's excellent teaching!

RiverIsis 05-13-2009 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by charms1976 (Post 14045999)
so are the sketch markers better to color with than the ciaos?? I bought the ciaos..,,,

They are exactly the same to color with - same ink, same nibs, the barrel is just a different shape and the sketch holds 1cc more ink.

aprilchristine 05-13-2009 08:27 AM

Doesn't the lighter ink get ruined when you go over dark ink for blending? I have never understood this. I use prisma pencils, but want to order a few copics. Maybe 3 greens first, Pinks the next month, blues the next month. etc.. So I don't break myself $$$$.. I just can't understand how dark ink doesn't bleed into the tip of your light marker stain it.

Donnarie 05-13-2009 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by aprilchristine (Post 14046938)
Doesn't the lighter ink get ruined when you go over dark ink for blending? I have never understood this. I use prisma pencils, but want to order a few copics. Maybe 3 greens first, Pinks the next month, blues the next month. etc.. So I don't break myself $$$$.. I just can't understand how dark ink doesn't bleed into the tip of your light marker stain it.

It doesn't...I swear! You can even use a light marker and pick up some ink from the tip of a dark marker to do fine shading. Working tip to tip like that, you might have some residual color on your light marker. No biggie...just few scribbles on a piece of scrap takes care of it. Honest!

aprilchristine 05-13-2009 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Donnarie (Post 14047518)
It doesn't...I swear! You can even use a light marker and pick up some ink from the tip of a dark marker to do fine shading. Working tip to tip like that, you might have some residual color on your light marker. No biggie...just few scribbles on a piece of scrap takes care of it. Honest!

Well, I guess it's just one of life's little miracles. I suppose it's safe to take the plunge. A few copics at a time should do the trick. Thanks for the info...

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