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Jill Dumas 08-27-2005 11:25 AM

Coluzzle Cutting System vs. Creative Memories System
Hi All,

Does anyone have/tried both cutting systems and like one over the other? I do have the Creative Memories System, but am thinking of switching over to the Coluzzle System. One b/c there seems to be more shapes and two b/c I am SU demo and I could use it at workshops. Thanks in advance for your opinions and comments.

stampergurl 08-27-2005 06:21 PM

I have both and I prefer the Creative Memories system (at least for basic shapes). I don't like the fact that there are "tags" left after cutting with coluzzle. After cutting with the template you have to cut the "tags" to release the image.

JanTInk 08-28-2005 05:33 AM

I have used the CM system (don't own it) and I really prefer the Coluzzle. It takes a little practice to get used to, but it's great because:

a) It's small and compact; very portable.

b) There are a ton of templates available.

c) I can see right where I'm cutting...once I put the template on top of my photo that I'm cropping, I can center it in the circle, oval or square that I'm using and it's always perfectly cropped. I used to use the Fiskars circle cutter and I had to mess around with the template thing you would put over the photo, then put the cutter on top of it just so and slide the template out of the way and half the time the photo would move and it would get screwed up...hated it!!!

Just some tips for using the Coluzzle:

1) Keep the knife handle straight up and down when you are cutting...tipping it causes the knife blade to get caught on the sides and nicks the template edges. These nicks can be sanded out with an emery board.

2) Be sure to use the white foam cutting mat with it...some people have thrown it away thinking it was packing material.

3) Get some sharpies and color each of the concentric channels a different color...it helps when you are cutting, because you have to lift the knife out of the first channel to put it in the next and if they are the same color, this is much easier.

4) When you are cutting, put the knife in the channel and push it down until you feel it pierce the surface of the paper. Then pull towards you, letting the blade rotate freely as you follow the channel...go slow and don't force the knife too much. You don't need to press down tremendously hard.

5) Put post it notes on the corners of your paper or photo to hold it to the cutting mat...this reduces the possiblity that your paper will shift as you cut.

6) When you start to have trouble cutting, change the blade!

deeth1 08-28-2005 07:22 AM

I have the Coluzzle mat, cutter, knife and some templates that I would love to sell or trade.

I HATE the Coluzzle cutting system. I have tried all the hints and suggestions and just can't get it to work.

I would be glad to sell or trade the whole kit if anyone's interested in buying or trading something for it.

JulieHRR 08-28-2005 10:13 AM

I didn't love my Coluzzle, until I read the instructions . . . :o . . . (which I didn't bother doing when I first got the system) . . . I tossed it in a box of items for my next garage sale and forgot about it . . . moving on to other systems, including Fiskars, CM, Lighthouse Memories, Making Memories, etc. I loved NONE of them, either! :rolleyes:

Then, when SU! began carrying the Coluzzle system, I remembered I had it, and dusted it off, and actually READ the instructions this time around. I had been inserting the blade the wrong direction, and I had neglected to anchor the paper with temporary adhesive, as Jan described above, so that the system would function properly. :o

Once I discovered this, I fell in love with my Coluzzle--and all the wonderful templates they are continually producing for this system! Fabulous! I love the portability of it, ease of storage.

I realize everybody has their own personal favorite--but Coluzzle has been the winning system for me.

2littletime 08-28-2005 11:31 AM

I personally have the CM system and love them! My mentor got the Colluzzle and hated it...never could get the complete circle, etc. to line up so it was always off and then there are those tabs that have to be trimmed ( she isn't artistic so they weren't smooth when finished)! Don't know if I would try the Colluzzle after her problems...just tell my customers how I feel about it and they appreciate my honesty...maybe someday I will try the Colluzzle (and read the instructions above)...we'll see! Why change what works?

mightymouse 08-28-2005 11:36 AM

I have both and like creative memories best. But there are certain application where the colluzzle is much better so I would say if you get a chance to try both do that and see what works best for you.

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