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stampaholic17 12-27-2007 04:25 PM

Is this book worth purchasing?
Card Design by Dave Brethauer. It's advertised on the Ellen Hutson site. I'm tempted because of the pitch about learning to techniques for pencils, markers and twinkling H20s but at $21.95 I want to be sure I'm not going to flip through it and then be done with it in 5 minutes. That's money that could be going to more Copic markers and new stamps, kwim? So, I'd really appreciate feedback from anyone who has seen or owns this book.

parrothead 12-27-2007 04:33 PM

I Love mine....I flip through it all the time. Great pictures and techniques...Great samples of cards....I'm really glad I bought it. Barnes and Noble carries it also if you have one near by you can check it out before you buy it. Bought mine from Ellen and to my surprise it was autographed by Dave!!

Kathyc 12-27-2007 05:16 PM

My LSS had some of the autographed ones also; I had taken a class on pencils and gamsol and the demo suggested checking out this book because of his coloring; I didn't have a chance to look at but I have heard good things about it!

scpd 12-27-2007 05:40 PM

I don't own Card Design, but I do have Stamp in Color by him, and it's great! I learn new things every time I go through it. If you want to make the most of the coloring tools you have, I highly recommend it! It's no longer available on Amazon.com -- which is where I got my copy, years ago. I see that they DO have the book you're asking about (for $14.93) there. If you want to check it out before you buy -- I'd imagine a bookstore like Barnes & Noble might have a copy. Good luck! :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by stampaholic17 (Post 8123287)
Card Design by Dave Brethauer. It's advertised on the Ellen Hutson site. I'm tempted because of the pitch about learning to techniques for pencils, markers and twinkling H20s but at $21.95 I want to be sure I'm not going to flip through it and then be done with it in 5 minutes. That's money that could be going to more Copic markers and new stamps, kwim? So, I'd really appreciate feedback from anyone who has seen or owns this book.

Joan B 12-28-2007 01:10 AM

I have both of this books and took a class by Dave this summer. Take his class if you get the chance. The books teach essentially the same techniques. They are worth it if you want to learn some basic colored pencil and watercoloring shading techniques. Very worth it!

stampaholic17 12-28-2007 02:18 PM

Thank you all for your input! I am curious but think I will check it out in person at a store before I decide to purchase. Have a great weekend! :)

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