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Sadie 12-07-2004 06:12 PM

Tile and Sealant Question
I am stamping on some tumbled tiles with the stayzon ink only. I am not using sharpies or anything for coloring. I was wondering if anyone knew if I had to still seal the tiles if I am only using the stayzon ink? Will the tumble tile soak in and condensation that collects on glasses?

Thanks for your help!

madiegirl 12-07-2004 06:46 PM

I've made some tiles with staz-on only and didn't seal them. However, I put them in a box to show people who might be interested in buying them and never checked :shock: I think I'll go do that now and let you know tomorrow :)


munhaven 12-07-2004 07:10 PM

I have never sealed or baked my tiles and have not had any problems. In fact I dunked mine in a sink full of water to see if anything would happen and it came out just fine!

Sadie 12-08-2004 04:28 AM

Great! I really doubt they will be dunking them in any water so I think any wetness from their glasses won't hurt them! LOL Thanks for your answer! Now I can cross one more thing off my Christmas list!


lovemykids 12-08-2004 04:55 AM

We just did tiles last night. I did put a sealer on them and when I sprayed too much on one it bled. I also only used staz on. I haven't put a glass on them to see what happens.... I will try it out though.

Jenmouer 12-08-2004 06:01 AM

With the tumbled tiles - if I am stamping with stazon and then coloring in I usually heat my tile with the embossing gun for a few minutes to set the image and then use Sharpies to color in.

After that I usually bake it in the oven - I have done a variety - every where from 200 to 350 degrees and everywhere from 10 minutes to 20 minutes.

If I am just stamping with Staz-on I just stamp and bake (my gallery has a few examples of staz-on only tiles)

After that the image is set - I had a instance where one of my daughters scribbled over a coaster with ink pen and I used that as a test surface and used a variety of different cleaners - the only thing that made the image budge was a solvent based cleaner like nail polish remover (not something you are going to be routinely using to clean with) and even that just lightened the image and didn't make it go away. But washing it with soap and water, or useing Lysol cleaner, Windex, etc.. is not going to budge the image.

The only time you would want to think about using a sealer is if you color in using pastels or pencils.

HPYKIRK 12-08-2004 07:15 AM

I STAMPED MY TILES LAST NIGHT WITH STAZON INK. I HEAT SET THEM IN THE OVEN. I HAD ONE TILE THAT HAD TOO MUCH INK ON IT THAT HAD ALREADY BEEN HEAT SET. I was easily able to remove the ink with a plastic scrubber and dish soap. I think I will seal them and then add a note to clean with soft damp sponge only to be on the safe side.

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