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tarhop 09-08-2004 08:29 AM

Sour Cream Containers
I've seen lots of these, but can't find a template. Will someone please help!


camsmom 09-08-2004 08:35 AM

sour cream containers:
this thread contains a link for complete directions. Youdon;t need a pattern-it is just a rectangle.


heart 09-08-2004 08:48 AM

Wow! Never saw these!
So cute!
Will use this in my next stampin class!
Thanks for asking!
And camsmom...thanks for replying!

iwasborn2stamp 09-08-2004 08:49 AM

I found this tutorial. Hope it helps.
NY Nan


Kymbers_Stampin 09-08-2004 10:47 AM

Okay '~ why do they call them sour cream containers?

Steffani 09-08-2004 11:24 AM

I asked the same question before. do you remember the sour cream containers you could get at Wendy's? They were shaped like that. I was told that is how they got their name.

Kar 09-08-2004 11:44 AM

Schwan's Chicken Faijita's still have the sour cream that way. They are neat, but what do you all use them for?? Just trying to get ideas in case I can sign up next month :)

Kymbers_Stampin 09-09-2004 07:38 AM

Okay ~ now I have to ask ~ What's a Schwans? I know they sponsor Kenny Schrader's car, but have no clue what they are.

And I've never seen a container like that. Maybe it's just where I'm from or the fact that I don't eat at Wendy's.

Kookie 09-09-2004 07:43 AM

Schwans is a company that delivers frozen foods. Well known for their icecream but also have pizzas, pies, dinner entrees as well. Pricey to me but their icecream is really good. Guess you order from their catalog.
When I was in highschool(many moons ago, mind you) we had sour cream that came in these types of containers. I just assumed that is how they got their name.

Kar 09-09-2004 07:48 AM

I don't order from them much, mainly just Quick Taters cause the kids I babysit for LOVE them and they bake faster than french fries. But on occassion I do buy something for a "treat" from them, just never Ice Cream. We have a mom and pop ice cream shop in town that makes awesome ice cream and in summer I make my own.

stampcrazygirl 09-09-2004 08:15 AM

I remember those from hot lunch at school too! That's how I thought they got named....I've never had sourcream from Wendy's!

julies 09-09-2004 08:21 AM

I consider the sour cream container a staple at my workshops! I always use it to demo the wheel, and then I tie a cute tag on it I make it a make and take because it is so easy! I tell my customers they can use them for great party favors, fill them with candy, hang them from a "tree branch" at a Christmas party, the list goes on and on! Anyway, I think they are great!

Julie Salva
Mt. Juliet, TN

BTW, Keva Brown on this site is in my downline.....she's going to be so proud of me for posting! I finally figured out how!

Brownee 09-09-2004 08:29 AM

JULIE!!! Hey I AM so proud of you for posting! Yippee...

Its funny, I saw Mt Juliet down there and I was like, Wow! someone from MJ is posting-then I see its you! By the way, yes I am at work...but I am always on here anyway! See ya later!

Brownee 09-09-2004 08:30 AM

By the way, everyone-Julie was Rising Star #1 at Convention this year! Woo Hoo Julie! :wink:

rnesin 09-09-2004 08:50 AM

Glad you asked the question...gonna try some myself, now!

skygoddess 09-09-2004 09:45 AM

the sour cream containers have all sorts of possibilites......at Easter...we fill with jelly beans.....halloween...candy corn...I make them in vellum..and then they are translucent to see the goodies...each holiday brings on a new challenge.....the sticky tape is great to sel...I also crimp one end...trying to show as much as I can...use brades to close other end...or eyelets....or ribbon...phew!!!! Lots you can do.....

skygoddess 09-09-2004 09:46 AM

woooops....my spelling is off....better not type to fast...just got all excited.....

debbiejjackson 09-09-2004 05:07 PM

I stumbled on to these the other day when looking for Halloween stuff in the gallery. Too stinkin cute! I have a workshop Sat. and hostess wants Halloween and Christmas stuff. I decided to CASE this for Halloween. Now if my stinkin SU will just get here with the workshop supplies!!!

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