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sunnywl 04-19-2005 04:55 AM

Rubber Cement technique
Can someone tell me the best way to remove the rubber cement? It seems hard to peel it off the paper as some of the rubber is so thin. Is there a secret to quickly and easily removing the rubber cement? I bought the "No wrinkle" rubber cement, I don't know if that would have made a difference from the "original" kind? Thanks for any advice.

SharkL8y 04-19-2005 05:52 AM

I found that some brands of rubber cement really stuck to the paper and wouldn't come off without tearing the paper. I don't remember the brand but it was more of an industrial type of rubber cement I got at the hardware store. I liked it because it came in little tubes instead of the jar, I thought I'd have more control over it. ha! Joke was on me.

Anyway, the best way that I found to remove rubber cement when it didn't come off in my fingers was with a white eraser or one of those rubber things that you use to remove "Sticky Dots" with. I got it when I was still using Sticky Dots and now I still use the remover even though I don't use them anymore..it's good for lots of stuff and it doesn't give you the little "eraser boogers" that you have to keep out of your art. When a corner gets yucky you just cut it off.


Consuelo 04-19-2005 06:08 AM

I hope you guys don't mind me asking another Rubber Cement question...How long does it take it to dry before you can rub it off?

SharkL8y 04-19-2005 10:03 AM

I usually put a nice "glob" on a scrap piece of paper so that I can test if it's dry from time to time. It doesn't take long but it depends on how thick you put it on. I can't resist the temptation to stick my finger in it, that's why I put a pile on a scrap. I'd say it's usually dry within 10 minutes.

Consuelo 04-19-2005 10:05 AM


jerppt 05-03-2005 04:37 PM

I use an old rag and rub it off -works every time!!!

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