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Stamper21 02-05-2004 11:11 AM

Retro Technique
Hi. I am looking for the instructions to "Retro" technique. I saw it on a demonstrator's web site, here is the site
Its the pink card with pocket fun. Check it out. It looks cool.
If anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Christine Coslet 02-08-2004 03:45 AM

I'm not sure about retro but there is a reti-form technique. Check out the technique's page.


Stamper21 02-08-2004 07:02 AM

Retro Technique
Thank you for the info. but I eamiled the demonstrator and she replied with directions for the retro technique. She used post-it note pads and a brayer to get the differant tones of colors. She placed the post-its on the card in a random pattern keeping all the post-its the same direction. Then she brayered with the darkest color first (monocromatic colors). Next she removed some post-it and brayered with the next lightest color and so on...Its a cool technique, check out the card.

mltunnel 02-12-2004 06:55 AM

Retro Technique
8) I've been wondering how they did that technique. It's such a cool look, thank you for sharing what you found.


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