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stampingaway 06-27-2006 09:32 AM

Mirrored lloks
Hi all....
Can anyone please tell me how the technique is used to mirror a stamped imagine?? I have tried and tried and ready to lose my hair over it...thanks so much! :)


stampingaway 06-27-2006 09:37 AM

This is me again...correction in couple things...looking for mirrored look and also I never put "glitter queen" down, for heavens sake, I am not...who does this?


bensarmom 06-27-2006 09:15 PM

Stampingaway, don't be flustered by the names on the screen under your screen name. Those are generated automatically depending on how many posts you have made here at SCS. I hope that makes sense.

bensarmom 06-27-2006 09:25 PM

Mirror image help
Here are directions and links to cards using this technique. If you do a search in the gallery section of the site and put in the technique you are interested in finding, it will pull all the cards with the technique listed. Some threads even give directions like one of these did. Another thing you can do is to private message(pm) the artist who did the card you're interested in. ~Sue
Mirror Image
Stamp main image on paper, making sure there will be enough room below it for a reverse image impression. Next, ink stamp again and roll over image with rubber brayer or onto a large shape stamp, i.e., large square or rectangle. Turn cardstock upside down and stamp mirrored image so it lines up with main image. Color both images as desired (mirrored image should be colored lighter than actual image). Take a Versamark pad or clear embossing pad and dab over the mirrored image after it has been colored. Sprinkle clear embossing powder or Glassy Glaze Enamel and heat emboss. Complete card as desired.------------------------------
Kelly A. Swienton, Independent Demonstrator/ Manager Stampin' Up! and very proud momma of a
US Soldier - Please pray for our troops!
http:\\kellyswienton.stampinup.net //www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=238766&si=mirror%20technique&what=allfields



stampingaway 06-28-2006 09:30 AM

Mirrored Image
Thank you sooo much for your help!! :) I tried the trees (Lovely as a tree) and worked out great, but how in the world is the "Seaside Sketeches" done with woman in boat with foot in water...I tried that and I got the oposite refecltion or mirrored look??? I am so lost...ha! :confused:


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