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seewah 04-30-2004 05:10 AM

Matboard journals in the gallery
I was wondering if the artists of those BEAUTIFUL journals in the gallery (the ones made with matboard) would be so kind as to provide detailed instructions as to how those were made! I would love to make several (and probably more!) but don't know where to start ...

I know that matboard is available at craft stores (one of our local stores sells them for $2.00 for a big sheet) ... but how do you go about cutting them? (Or do you score them?) How do you get the holes for the eyelets in something that thick? What type of paper do you use for the pages of the journal?

Thanks so much for sharing! :D


Beate 04-30-2004 05:36 AM

Hi Sarah,

I was a quilter before I became a stamper and still have all the quilting tools. I use my rotary cutter and the cutting mat to cut the huge piece of matboard in smaller strips. Then I use my Carl's Cutter (I do love it very much!!! ) and cut it in the exact measurements needed.

The holes for the eyelets (you can also use brads from the office supply store) I make with our eyelet setter. Just hit it a few times with the hammer and BAM you have a great hole! LOL

I use cardstock for the pages if I make it as a gift or for myself. When I did it in a stamp camp I gave my customer precut copy paper and told them they can replace it with cardstock if they wanted to. I don't charge much at all and didn't want to raise the praise for adding all that cardstock.

I hope that anwers your questions. Otherwise fire away again. :) Hugs and smiles.

LunarLana 04-30-2004 05:48 AM

Below are the measurements I used from Beate's sample. This might help too!

The mat board pieces are:

6" x 5" for the back piece
1" x 5" for the front spine piece; this is the piece you put the eyelets in.
4 3/4" x 5" for the front cover piece.

The pages on the inside are a 1/4" smaller that the actual size of the journal. So they measure 5 3/4" x 4 3/4".

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any more questions! I learned everything I know from Beate! ha ha ha!

Oh, and I scored the pages on the inside at 1" and then scored them good with my bone folder. It's works great for turning the pages in the journal.

Yes! Bam that hammer hard and the anywhere punch will go through the mat board! I punched both matboards at once and it works fine. Then I hammered the paper. I have a million paper holes all over my stamp room! No time to pick them up! Gotta make more journals! It is addicting! We must warn you!


Beate 04-30-2004 06:09 AM

Lana! You crack me up! I have a few little holes laying around here as well!
As for addicting! I have to say some are getting more "infected" by the "journal bug" then others! LOL
I want to try a different size book next. How about it Lana. What do you think about a home made 6x6 scrapbook.....we could by the page protector....and make our covers depending what occassion it's for!
Hmm....does it sound like a challenge? ON your mark...set go. Run for the Carl's cutter. LOL

I am having way to much fun on this board with my friends. Big hug.

LunarLana 04-30-2004 06:36 AM

Beate! You silly girl! I am not done making these journals yet! In fact, I am just cutting a BUNCH of journal pages and then I'm going to sit down and score them! I plan on making journals, journals, and more journals this weekend! Woohoo!

The 6 x 6 idea sounds great! I really need more large eyelets. I'm ordering them tomorrow! Woohoo! I will have hundreds of journals all made up and waiting for eyelets! ha ha ha!

YES! Some of us are definately more "infected" with this "journaling bug!" That would definately be ME!!!!! I just can't wait to see what the others come up with! Woohoo! This is a blast!

Happy Day everyone!

sillyakmom 04-30-2004 07:30 AM

Are you stamping directly on the mat board? or Covering it with card stock?

I can't wait to get some mat board. These are going to make great gifts!


Beate 04-30-2004 07:34 AM

I stamp directly on my mat board. I use craft ink, but classic ink works as well.
I always buy cream colored mat board. It comes in all colors. When I like to have a different color I just sponge it with craft ink. I like the look of that.

What are you waiting for! Go out and by matboard and make journals, booklets, scrapbooks.....we want to see your versions. LOL

Have a great day. And don't forget to go and pick up that matboard.

P.S.: Lana....How about Photo frames? But what do we do behind the picture? So many ideas....

LunarLana 04-30-2004 08:00 AM

They might be out of mat board in WI! Just kidding! I only bought 5 sheets! 3 colored sheets, two off white.

I used Classic inks on mine. Colored them with markers and blender or chalks. I think the possiblitites are endless. I also sponged on my ink to change the color of the off white mat board. It takes very well!

One tip: Make sure you have enough large eyelets! Once you start making them you can't stop!

Beate I looked at the frames and decided to start simple. You are really challenging me aren't you?!

I am so excited to see some journals girls! Get busy!

Beate 04-30-2004 08:08 AM

For all of you who missed the post yesterday....here is how it all started. I got those instructions from a magazine. Here is a link for online instructions.


Hugs and smiles.

Sherrie 04-30-2004 08:28 AM

You guys are wonderful! I can't wait to try this! But Lana, does that mean I have to go out of state to get mat board??? :D

Sharon Worley 04-30-2004 09:27 AM

Okay girls, have y'all been to Las Vegas? - you must have been, because Michaels is fresh out of cream colored mat board!!! Now I'm sitting here with a pouty lip cause I wanna play too!! I'm on my way out and I won't come home until I have mat board in hand!

Thank you Beate for helping me out with the directions. I will post my creation as soon as I have it done!

ChrisM318 04-30-2004 09:46 AM

I'm very excited to try this, my husband will thank you (ha, ha). Anyway, I went to my local craft store (not a chain store) and found mat board in packages for five bucks each, they are cut in 8x11 pieces. I bought a pack to give it a try while I was there but, they had every color you could imagine! They were in packs about 3 inches thick or so, I didn't think the price was bad. Thank you ladies for the inspiration, I love your work. Now I just have got to get that hubby of mine to help me figure out how to download some pics :D

LunarLana 04-30-2004 09:54 AM

If they don't have cream colored mat board just buy any color and use the backside! I've done this a lot! The back of my colored mat boards is almost white. It works just as well!

Beate must have went to Vegas! Poor Sharon! I swear I only stayed in WI and bought 5 boards! That will last me until at least next week! ha ha ha! Let us know what you come home with Sharon!

Sherrie, there's enough left in the state for you! You are so funny!

ChrisM318, that 8 1/2 by 11 size will be easier to work with. I've been cutting these huge boards down with a utility knife and then using my Carl Cutter to cut them to size.

Happy stamping everyone!

ChrisM318 04-30-2004 10:10 AM

OK, I'm going to ask the dumb question...what exactly is you Carl cutter? Is it the rotary type cutter. I looked at some on the internet and there are all kinds of Carl cutters. Some are very costly, any help would be great. Thanks.

Kookie 04-30-2004 10:21 AM

I love reading all your guys posts on here. You sure can make a bad day good again! I have been so excited to make one of these but have a question about the cardstock inside.... how many pages can you fit in there and how do you connect them together... with the ribbon and a hole through each layer?

LunarLana 04-30-2004 10:31 AM

Yes, the Carl Cutter I have is a rotary paper cutter with a lock on it. Here's the link: http://www.everafterarts.com/products_DC200.html
I absolutely love my Carl Cutter. I cut about 10 sheets of cardstock at a time. It's great!

I think you could probably put any number of pages in the journals. I put 10-12 in mine and yes, they are tied together with the ribbon. I use my anywhere punch to punch through the 10-12 sheets of cardstock that I put in there. I punch through them all at once. It's great fun pounding away all of your days' frustrations! That's why we are so happy on here! ha ha ha!

Any more questions! Beate and I are here to help! Right Beate? Where's Jenn?

jbalcer 04-30-2004 10:32 AM

Now that I am finally home from my son's field trip (ooh what a day!) I can get to stampin' again. I have his teacher coming over to learn how to make gel and shaker cards at 4:30, but until then. . . I can finally finish MY journal and make another.

I've missed scs this morning. It's so nice to be back home in the quiet house with the AC going, . . . .and the two busloads of 5-6 year olds back and happy in school!

Now I have GOT to make one with Buds and Blossoms!

Benniesma 04-30-2004 11:11 AM

Ooh! Here's yet another idea for these great journals. . . make a birthday calendar! My husband is one of 9 (yes, 9!) kids and they are always forgetting special days. So for Christmas one year I printed out calendar pages on my computer and made my own covers. Not NEARLY as nice as the ones Beate and Lana have done, but good enough for the in-laws. ;) Now I can get some mat board and make some cool ones for MY family! :)

I can't believe I went to AC Moore and forgot to get mat board! What was I thinking?!


ChiChi 04-30-2004 05:13 PM

Matboard album
Hi, ladies! Those journals were so fun to make! Beate, I told you that you will make me go bankrupt but now I really really really NEED to buy the Carl Cutter. :)

Where in the office store do you look for eyelets???

Beate & Jen, I showed my book to my girlfriend and she said people in Alamo Height will go crazy over those! Maybe we've got to do a craft show in that area later in the year??

Thank you all for all the tips on making this fun book!


P.S. I completely forgot my log in name and password so I created a new one.....

ktja0227 04-30-2004 07:41 PM

Does anyone know a relatively inexpensive place to get mat board online?? We live overseas and I have looked but cannot find it over here.

Please Help...I want to try some of these!!


kimorr 04-30-2004 09:51 PM

matboard journals in the gallery
Ok. Do the pages inside have eyelets too or something so they don't tear? Do you glue the mat board down to the colored CS? With white CS inside? Thanks

LunarLana 05-01-2004 03:38 AM

Someome asked me about the card stock that you attach to the back of the mat board. I thought I would post here so that the directions are all in one spot. Yes, regular card stock is used on the back of the mat board. The size for that is 6" x 5" . I also take my bone folder and score the card stock right by the right cover piece. I use my bone folder as a pencil and score right down the edge of the matboard. This helps your cover fold over nicely.

If I have missed anyone's questions, please ask again. I have been overwhelmed with comments and questions on these journals and I really don't want to leave anyone out. This is a great project and you will all have fun trying it! So please, please, ask away and if I don't answer your questions, ask me again!

juddaca Heater 05-01-2004 06:17 AM

Does everyone buy their Carl Cutter on line or do you go to Michael's & use a 40% off coupon, because your website made it look like a real investment? Also, what model do y'all like? Juddaca

ChiChi 05-01-2004 07:20 AM


I will pm you on this but have you tried the Arts and Crafts on Kadena? I know they offer matting class so I am assuming that they sell them relatively cheap. The ones on Foster and Courtney are more expensive.

San Antonio, TX

slhotfudge 05-01-2004 05:56 PM

Journals and Carl cutter
I absolutely LOVE these journals that , and I had a little idea :idea: to change it into a 6x6 photo album by cutting the mat board a little larger and using 6x6 photo album refills in it! I am going to make one for my nieces baby blessing tomorrow and I am so excited! I was looking for an alternate way to make 6x6 albums more economical for gift giving. The stampin up! refills are only $5.95 for 20 and the paper,matborad, ribbon, etc.. are very inexpensive AND you can personalize the photo album cover!!! OK I have got to go try this now! :wink:

One more thing... If you are interested in a carl cutter , go to the website: http://www.everafterarts.com/products_DC200.html call them and if you are a Stampin Up! demonstrator tell them and you will recieve wholesale price for the carl cutter. I am not sure how long they will offer this....

Off to have some fun!

SUstamper 05-02-2004 06:32 AM

Can someone tell me how they connect the spine piece to the front cover. Is it a piece of card stock glued underneath? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!


LunarLana 05-02-2004 07:01 AM

Yes I attach the mat board right to a piece of card stock. I used permanent Hermafix.

MadgeRPh 05-02-2004 08:10 AM

carl cutter
Is there any other way to cut mat board without purchasing the carl cutter
that works well??

LunarLana 05-02-2004 08:17 AM

You can cut the matboard with a $2 utility knife and a straight edge. It's a little more work and you have to be careful to cut it straight, but you can do it!

MadgeRPh 05-02-2004 10:27 AM

mat board journals
Thanks Lana! I think I'll invest in the carl cutter. (after all... Mothers'
day is next Sunday!) I can't wait to make these journals in my Stamp Club.
Thanks Lana and Beate for such beautiful examples!!!

TexasGrammy 05-02-2004 12:57 PM

Hmmmmmmmm. Do we need little eyelets on the inside pages for the ribbon to connect through? Or do you feel they are sturdy enough with just plain punched holes?

Wow! Thanks for your inspirations!

Beate 05-02-2004 12:58 PM

No need for eyelets on the inside pages. They work fine without it. Especially if they are made with Cardstock.

Hugs and smiles.

Kookie 05-02-2004 04:43 PM

I went to Micheals today to get mat board and when I asked the lady where it was and how much, she took me to the framing area and said that it was $13.00 a sheet..... :shock: Is mat board similar to poster board or foam board... :?:
I am confused :oops: Help Please!

Sherrie 05-02-2004 06:02 PM

Hi Kookie

I went to Michael's first, too, and was told they have it, but it is acid-free and about $14 a sheet. I then went to Hobby Lobby, and they had lots of it in lots of colors and it was $5-$7 a sheet. I'm thinking I can get about 15 journals out of one sheet. It is not the same as foam board or poster board--the Hobby Lobby I went to had some big signs on the wall by it that said 'Mat Board'. Hope this helps.


NavyWyf 05-02-2004 06:37 PM

Oh, my, that Mat board sounds like it's TOO pricey!! I went to WalMart today, and found a huge piece (the size of large poster board) for $1.97. It was white, not cream, but they had blue, black and green as well. I prefer the white so I can color it as I choose. I"m guessing I'll get at least four journals out of the piece I've got....so if you still haven't found it go to the School Supply section at Walmart!

acable 05-07-2004 06:39 AM

Mat Board
I just had to share the great deal that I got today at Ben Franklin Crafts. I got 34 8x10 pieces of mat board for $2.99!! They are colored on one side and white on the other. I cannot wait to finally try these great journals. :D Thank you to everyone who posted on this topic and inspired me.

Amanda Cable

hb_001 05-07-2004 08:22 AM

You can use the cardboard from cereal boxes instead of mat board if you are going to cover it with paper. I got this tip from a magazine a year or two ago. They said to use 2 layers of the cardboard in place of mat board. This was very easy to cut and had the weight and feel of mat board after it was covered The project they showed it with was a sticky note cover that looked like a little book. I'll have to scan one of them in.

juddaca Heater 05-07-2004 11:59 AM

& to that end, save all the cardboard backs that you get from all kinds of SU! stuff. I have a lot from the Inspiration Sheets, different things that they send us to keep it stiff. I have a PILE of it. Just like she said w/ the cearal, easy to cut because you are gluing 2 layers together...& then wrapping w/ background paper, of course. Juddaca

Kookie 05-07-2004 12:03 PM

Great tip about the cardboard. I know I saved those pieces of cardboard for something. Just didn't know what till now!
A little more work but for the first few they will be great.

klucas 05-07-2004 12:20 PM

Not only will I get to practice making journals, note pad covers, and post it covers this weekend, but I get to use it all with my new Carl cutter. Thank you Beate and the rest of you for suggesting it-- I can't wait to use my new toy!

Take care, everyone!

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