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stampallgirls 01-29-2005 07:59 PM

Looking for a Sombrero, Poncho template
Hello! I have a customer whose daughter will be turning 5 on 05/05/05 and she would like to do a Cinco de mayo scrapbook page. Please help me with any suggestions or ideas you all may have for her!

Thanks in advance!

Tracy Cox 01-29-2005 08:25 PM

I don't know if you like buying some of the pre-made stuff, but they always have nice Mexico sets at the scrapbook stores. One thing that you definately want to do is use lots of bright colors! Green, white and red are the colors of the Mexican flag so those would be ideal. I have the old "South of the Border" set. If you can get your hands on it there is a sombero, a piƱata (I think) and maracas in there-very fun. I also have a sombrero stamp I got from JoAnn's. There's stuff out there. Also party stores always have a great "fiesta" section. If she used one of those sets you could use a napkin and any other small/flat decorations on your page. I teach Spanish to elementary school children and one year during our Cinco de Mayo week I had a class make mini-ponchos. You can do this using a brown paper bag, or more ideally small pieces of fabric. How cute would it be to have them decorate mini ponchos at the party and have the birthday girl make another one especially for the scrapbook page!

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