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LeeAn 03-19-2005 01:21 PM

Hot Card
I heard something about a hot card but unable to find it. Does anyone have instructions to do this?
Thank you :D

cwby694u 03-24-2005 09:47 AM

Hot Card
Hi Leean,

Fold your card stock, take a piece of tissue paper and stamp on it. Crumple up the tissue into a ball and then uncrumple it (do not take out all the creases). Place a piece of parachment paper on an ironing board, put your cs on parachment paper, plastic wrap on top of your folded cardstock, then tissue on the plastic wrap. Put another piece of plastic wrap on top of tissue ( make sure tissue is stamped side up) then place second piece of parachment paper over plastic wrap. Heat with a hot iron for 3 mins. Trim off excess plastic wrap and tissue. Make sure plastic wrap and tissue paper are cut a bit bigger than your cs. I hope I haven't confussed you.

1. Parachment paper
2. Cardstock
3. Plastic wrap
4. Stamped tissue paper
5. Plastic wrap
6. Parachment paper
7. Heat with hot iron for 3 mins. :D

rwood 03-24-2005 09:52 AM

Are there examples of this technique on this site?

glitterdovefairy 03-28-2005 10:31 PM

I would love to see some examples of this

I do learn better by seeing :lol:

pinkhedgehog 03-29-2005 01:02 AM

I just found this sample in the gallery.


wendy-o 03-29-2005 02:00 AM

Neat-o technique!

The parchment is just for protection. At first I was thinking of parchment paper (decorative) as being a layer in the card. The light bulb went on after a cup of tea.

rildann 03-29-2005 02:34 AM

Parachment paper
The Parachment paper that is used in this, is found where?
My mind has just gone completely blank on this.
is it the same kind I used when I bake?
thanks for the help...I'm going to give this one a try if i've got the right
parachment paper..

Hubby'sPrincess 03-29-2005 03:04 AM

Yes, it's the same stuff you use with baking

gthandy 03-29-2005 03:27 AM

Cool Idea! I gotta try it ! Thanks! :D

stampinCPA 03-29-2005 03:33 AM

Great technique. I'll have to try it. I must have tissue paper somewhere in house!

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