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CarolineInToronto 11-16-2004 05:06 PM

Holy Cannelloni, Batman! Aquapens w/ FFW & Pearl-ex!
Can I just say, that I am in love???? You can do the most amazing Cloisonée effects by embossing your image in gold, and then filling in with the Future Floor Wax and Pearl-ex. I used the discontinued "Avian Toile" in gold, and coloured it all in and MAN! I want to frame this puppy :) Love love love it!!!!

Caro in TO

stampcrazygirl 11-16-2004 05:20 PM

Show us!!! Post it here! We want to see!

Sounds really pretty.

PHayes25 11-16-2004 05:36 PM

What is Cloisonée effects?

stampinali 11-16-2004 05:39 PM

Ok I need HELP on this one! Am I just stupid, or what?

I went to the store today to look for Future Floor Wax, but I found Future Floor Finish for No-Wax Floors. Is this what I should buy for the pearl-ex/aquapainter technique? I did a search on-line and it seems that everyone calls it wax, even though it isn't. :? I just need some clarification before I buy a $6 product that I can't even use on my floors (we have wood). Thanks so much! :)


amyboomboom 11-16-2004 06:23 PM

Caro in TO

Please post your card! We would love to see it!!!!!!!

hbrown 11-16-2004 06:37 PM


Yes, that is the right thing, Future Floor Finish. I was shocked that it is almost $6 for the bottle, but I've made 8 cards with "Pearl Ex gets Floored" and only used a fraction (like maybe a teaspoon) of the Future Floor Finish. It's gonna be several years before I use up that whole bottle.

Get some and play with it - you'll have a blast!!


stampinali 11-16-2004 07:35 PM

Excellent! Thanks so much for letting me know it's the right thing. I thought I read a thread somewhere that was a discussion on the differnece between waxes and finishes, and it got me all worried that I was buying the wrong thing! Now I can go spend the 6 (gulp) dollars with a clear conscience! :D I can't WAIT to play! Hmmm, wonder if I can sneak out after the kiddo is in bed?


Michelle Laycock 11-16-2004 07:39 PM

OOOOOOHH!! I want to see! I want to see. I need to try! :shock:

bacline2 11-17-2004 01:10 PM

I love using my Future with my Pearl Ex. I believe that the best use for my aquapens are to fill them w/Future and get out the EX!


Charmed 11-17-2004 01:51 PM

OK - I am so out of the loop on this technique :shock:

What exactly are you doing with the floor wax? I have the pearlEx and aquapens.....


....... must......know........more.......!!!!

Sherrie 11-18-2004 09:22 AM


Yes, I'd like to know, too. I'm ordering my aquapens today and would love to know how to do this technique (haven't used pearl ex much).



mbstampin 11-18-2004 09:38 AM

Do you have to dedicate an aquapainter to only Future Floor Finish? Or can it be cleaned and used with water again?

Thanks and POST PICS!!


webseitler 11-18-2004 09:44 AM

Here's a link to a card I made with this technique. It's adictive! The BEST way to use Pearl Ex, if you ask me. :)


Racercat 11-18-2004 09:50 AM

floor wax
I'd like to try this too as I have the pen and PE. Can you use gum arabic in the aqua pens with PE. I have a whole bottle of it and I need to find a use for it. Do you fill the pens then dip them in the PE? Thanks for any help you can give me.

mooshie_stamps 11-18-2004 09:55 AM

I wanna try this, but I need more instructions. can someone tell me EXACTLY what to do? do you dip the painter into the PE? does this mess up the PE left in your container at all? and as someone already asked, do you have to commit one painter soley to floor finish, or can it be washed out and used for other things later?

Consuelo 11-18-2004 09:56 AM

Re: Holy Cannelloni, Batman! Aquapens w/ FFW & Pearl-ex

Originally Posted by CarolineInToronto
Can I just say, that I am in love???? You can do the most amazing Cloisonée effects by embossing your image in gold, and then filling in with the Future Floor Wax and Pearl-ex. I used the discontinued "Avian Toile" in gold, and coloured it all in and MAN! I want to frame this puppy :) Love love love it!!!!

Caro in TO


Please show us!!

spedabstbit 11-18-2004 09:58 AM

I, too, want to hear if you can drain the Future from the aqua-painter and use water in it again afterwards!

Can't wait to try this!

nmslmomto3 11-18-2004 07:09 PM

Future goes directly in the pen. I personally would not dump out the Future and refill with water. I would get a totally seperate one for water. As to how do you use this. I tip my pearl ex up side down, with the lid on, then take the lid off, set it on the desk and use the pearl ex in the lid to paint with, that way if I get a drip from the pen, it does not ruin the entire container of PE. I do not know about using gum arabic in the aqua painter or not..never tried it. Anyone? I have a few samples in my gallery as well of this method, one of some flowers painted with the Future, one of some bees painted with PE and Future, and one of a PE swap that I did. I can direct link if anyone needs me to.

inkylady 11-19-2004 05:58 AM

I love my future with pearlex. I've dedicated an aquapainter for it, so I don't know about emptying it afterwards. I will say that I was pleasantly surprised by how good that stuff smells! I keep sniffing my aquapainter!

harleyhoggers 11-19-2004 06:35 AM

I have some Gum Arabic too. I would also like to know if it works. :lol:

CarolineInToronto 12-15-2004 07:40 AM

Okay, I just found out that my darling Darth-ikins scanned and uploaded it to the gallery already (I had sent it to her!) so you can see it at http:////www.splitcoaststampers.com/...cat=644&page=1. Disclaimer: as with all Pearl-ex creations, they always look better in person then when scanned :)

Caroline in Toronto

iwasborn2stamp 12-15-2004 08:38 AM

You don't need to mix gum arabic in with the Future. Each is a binder.
I don't know if gum arabic would disolve enough to flow evenly through a aqua pen.

I store my Future right in my aquapainter tip up. I just rinse out the bristles after use.
NY Nan

Lorstamps 12-15-2004 08:45 AM

Gorgeous card! Thanks for sharing - I'm stopping at the store on the way home to get my Future (altho I probably have 5 old bottles around somewhere!)

stamping-in-style 12-15-2004 08:55 AM

I would like more instructions as well....this looks way cool! Please share!

needsmorestamps! 12-15-2004 09:58 AM

It's real easy and so cool!! I use a toothpick to put a little bit of pearl ex in the well of one of those round plastic paint palettes. Then just squeeze to add the wax until it's the right consistancy (sp?) to use as a paint. I've been using it to paint in my acetate christmas ornanments.

mnjjacobs 12-15-2004 10:08 AM


Hey gals! So funny, I had JUST finished the thread above about PE and hairspray, but if you go to PAGE TWO of the thread it starts talking about FFP and PE....

Hope it helps!

Marideth 12-19-2004 05:24 PM

I have been reading about the FFW technique and was so curious, I had to try it. I found some generic acrylic floor finish at Dollar General for only $2.00, and it seems to work! Only, the generic does not smell nice, as someone mentioned the Future brand does. It actually stinks, but in such small quantities, it is okay!
It is a beautiful technique...thanks for all the great samples and tips!

Marideth Kinnaird

GMAX 12-19-2004 05:39 PM

Gum arabic is a powder. It's a binder just as the floor wax is. I mix it with pearl-ex. I would not put it in the aqua pens - it settles out after a while, even if mixed with water first.

stampinfredva2004 12-19-2004 06:02 PM


What a Beautiful card!! I'm trying to figure out the technique. Did you emboss with gold and then color with Future & PE?? Please tell us!! We love it!!

Thank you,
Michelle Gruber

frognmarl 12-19-2004 07:13 PM

I have a real silly question to ask about the FFW. Can't you achieve the same effect using a Versamark Reinker? I was just playing around with this idea and looking at some samples in the gallery of cards done with this technique to make a comparison and don't see the difference if I use my Versamark reinker and PE compared to the samples I see done with the FFW & PE. What I also thought was rather cool is that I could use clear embossing powder overtop of the Versamark reinker & PE to give the image more of a shine or I could just heat set the Versamark Reinker & PE and leave it like that. I was just curious as I've been reading where FFW costs $6 for a bottle that will last for years and years to come if only being used for this technique and from my "testing", it doesn't take much Versamark Reinker (a drop or two), to color a rather large image with the PE. I also didn't pour the Reinker into my aquapainter either, I just picked up some from a plastic lid and picked up a little PE that I tapped out onto the same lid and painted away. Then I washed the brush of my aquapainter off and changed colors of PE as I was experimenting with different PE colors.

Anyone else tried it like this? Or anyone else who has the FFW and Versamark Reinker that could try the two and see and explain any differences?

Michelle Laycock 12-19-2004 07:44 PM

Hmmm... good suggestion frognmarl. I've never tried using the Pearl-Ex reinker this way.

Maybe I better give it a try...

sparky 12-19-2004 08:13 PM

I just got a christmas card in the mail from a demo in ohio and she used gum arabic with the pearl ex and it really is pretty. I am not use how she did it but it turned out wonderfully.

laurelwright 12-21-2004 04:59 AM

Check you dollar stores ! I saw Future Floor Wax there the other day...small bottle but who cares! I have gotta try this. I got a set of the aqua-type painters years ago from Michaels and one just may have to be dedicated to this!

carolync6 12-21-2004 05:41 AM

I've been dipping the aquapainter directly into the PE. Mine doesn't drip at all. I'm using one of the $8 ones from Michael's. It's pretty nice. The SU ones were still way backordered when I decided I wanted to try this. I also store mine with my markers laying down on its side and haven't had any problem with the bristles hardening or any leaking.

By the way, my WalMart had the FFW for $4.59, and I live in a pretty pricy area (outside of DC).


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