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revcwhite 08-29-2006 08:43 PM

help stamping on tiles
OK. I thought I finally had the tile stamping down. This weekend, however, I went to visit my mom and sister and found out otherwise. My tiles are running! I made a set of coasters for my sister using stazon and sharpies on tumbled tiles. I didn't seal them and the ink is running on them! I made a trivet for my mom using stazon and chalks on the "glossy" tiles (I forget what you call them). I sealed this one with several coats of matte spray sealer. This one is running too! She used it to put a vase of flowers on and one whole section came off where it got wet. All the tiles seemed fine a month or so ago when I made them. I rubbed them hard with a damp cloth to see if things would come off, etc. What did I do wrong?

GarnetJ 08-29-2006 08:48 PM

The first ones I made (in a class) were not heated long enough. So I redid them and kept them in the oven for 20 minutes after stamping with Stazon and another 20 minutes after coloring with dye inks. Then I cooled them and sealed them with the Krylon spray.
Hope this helps.

sunny36 08-29-2006 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by GarnetJ
The first ones I made (in a class) were not heated long enough. So I redid them and kept them in the oven for 20 minutes after stamping with Stazon and another 20 minutes after coloring with dye inks. Then I cooled them and sealed them with the Krylon spray.
Hope this helps.

This is exactly what I've done(except used the SU! pastels), and have had great results as well. It seems baking is the charm. I know there have been alot of posts here and there stating otherwise, but for the time it took to bake them, I have been very happy with my tiles, and feel confident to give them away as gifts.

I'm so sorry that your tiles ran, how very disappointing!:( Hopefully you can try another method and have better results. I've found that the glossy tiles are almost impossible to stamp and have the tile retain the image and colouring, most likely because they are so smooth and have no "tooth" or grit to them.
Be sure to do a search on this site regarding stamping on tiles, lots of great ideas and advice.
Good luck with your next set!!:)

MVocke 08-30-2006 06:17 AM

What temperature do you use to bake your tiles?

Thank you,


sunny36 08-30-2006 06:28 AM

Hi Michelle!

My oven was set at 375 degrees, and I bake for about 10 to 15 minutes, take the tiles out and allow to cool. After I stamp the image with StazOn, I let dry for a minute or two, then I take my Versamark pad and tap over the design. This really helps the pastels adhere to the tile, and makes them much brighter. I then return them to the oven, same temp, for about 15 minutes.

After they have cooled, I spray with just a regular acrylic sealer. There are lots of different sealers on the market, an all purpose one for wood etc has worked great for me. In a thread awhile back, someone mentioned using Krylon's Workable Fixative. The stamper who used it said she had great results with it, and did NOT have to bake at all, the Fixative sealed the tile wonderfully. I haven't tried it, haven't seen it at my Michael's , but I think she said she could get it at Walmart as well.

Just some ideas, hope to help! :-)

annita moore 08-30-2006 06:41 AM

so do you bake them before you even do any stamping?

sunny36 08-30-2006 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by annita moore
so do you bake them before you even do any stamping?

OKAY, ITS REALLY EARLY FOR ME I GUESS!! Must need that 2nd cup of coffee!! :-D Thanks Annita for asking me. Sure miss that EDIT button.

First off, I clean the tiles with a damp cloth and dry with another cloth. Then I stamp image with StazOn, bake at 375 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Ater they cool, I tap them with the versamark and colour in with pastels. Then I bake them again for 15 minutes, remove from oven, allow to cool and then spray with a sealer.

I find that baking the StazOn before the colouring process helps to bake the design right on the tile. Then baking after the pastels have been applied bakes the colours in. I know alot of people claim to have great results doing less, but this works for me and I've never had a tile design run, so I'm sticking with it!!

Thanks again, Annita, for picking up my early morning error (actually its almost 9am here, not really early, but its an excuse anyway!!:) )

marshfrog 09-02-2006 04:38 AM

Thank you Debbie! I've been wanting to try tiles for a craft sale I'm in but really did not know were to start.

Grace in NC 09-02-2006 06:25 AM

Tiles with SU craft inks??
Hi, does it work to use SU craft inks on non-glossy tiles? If so, should I bake them afterwards (how long?), seal, or both?


XcessStamps 09-02-2006 06:29 AM

I bought tumbled tiles, washed them and let them dry. Stamped with StayzOn ink colored with Sharpie pens, baked at 350 for 10 to 15 minutes. I did not seal them. I've been using these tiles for about a year now (also gave as gifts) and have not had a problem at all. I've even taken a scrubbie sponge to the image and couldn't remove it. Baking must be the key.

XcessStamps 09-02-2006 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Grace in NC
Hi, does it work to use SU craft inks on non-glossy tiles? If so, should I bake them afterwards (how long?), seal, or both?


At a stamp camp, we used SU craft ink on the tumbled tiles and then baked them. We didn't seal them. I have a flower pot stamding on that tile and it seems to be holding it's image.

Grace in NC 09-02-2006 07:06 AM

Good source for tumble tiles??
Hi, thanks for the suggestion to just bake after using craft inks. Hope you meant at 350 for 10 to 15 min, as that is what I am going to do.

Another question -- where do you get good tumble tiles. I went to HD and bought the only ones I saw there but they are very pitted, so much so that it sometimes limited where I could stamp. I looked through several boxes and tried to get the best one I could.... Is there a particular grade or brand I should be asking for?


Grace in NC 09-02-2006 07:50 AM

Good source for tumble tiles??
Hi, thanks for the suggestion to just bake after using craft inks. Hope you meant at 350 for 10 to 15 min, as that is what I am going to do.

Another question -- where do you get good tumble tiles. I went to HD and bought the only ones I saw there but they are very pitted, so much so that it sometimes limited where I could stamp. I looked through several boxes and tried to get the best one I could.... Is there a particular grade or brand I should be asking for?


gladlove 09-04-2006 07:10 PM

I also stamp my tiles, bake, color with Sharpie Permanent Markers and bake again..No need to seal. I buy my tiles @ Lowes . When you can't get a good stamp because of the pitted areas, You can just take a black ultra-thin tipped Sharpie marker and draw in the areas that didn't stamp. Do this before 1st baking right after stamping image. If you need to re-stamp iimage in a different area, just spray with alcohol, wipe, dry and re-stamp. Alcohol on a Q-tip also cleans up any "boo-boos" made while coloring. I have found I like having the different colored ultra-thin Sharpies for coloring the small areas. Enjoy...its a lot of fun and makes great gifts.

gailism 09-05-2006 05:04 PM

Thanks so much for the tips. I wasn't planning on baking these, but will try it now.

I bought some tiles at Home Depot and it was a real pain going through all of them in order to find good quality tiles.

This past weekend I went to Lowes and bought some made by Venetian Stone / Elegant Collection. They were only 32 cents each! I was so thrilled. PLUS, these have a very nice smooth edge. I can't wait to play!

Rebeccka 09-06-2006 01:48 PM

This may be a dumb question, but if you use them as coasters does the bottom of the tile scratch the table?

olivia'smom 09-06-2006 02:17 PM

You can buy the felt sticker pieces in the hardware dept of Walmart, Home Depot. Maybe even the craft store will sell. Good luck!

TeeGeeDee 09-12-2006 10:39 AM

Will a Toaster Oven work for heat setting the tiles? Also ...
Will a toaster oven work for heat setting the tiles? My craft area is downstairs and the kitchen is upstairs (plus my hubby does the cooking and I don't want him to realize I know how an oven works LOL). So I thought I could "hopefully" find a safe spot for a toaster oven and get busy making tiles.

Also, has anyone tried SU Markers and/or Journalers instead of Sharpies for coloring / filling in gaps? If so, how do they compare to using Sharpies?

TIA (and sorry for the slight hijack).

Happy Crafting!

kyloescards 09-12-2006 11:10 AM

We made a ton of the little tumbled tiles for magnets - the ones that come in sheets - we just used stazon and colored pencils and they have held up 2 years now... they are great fun - something to try before you go for the big tiles if you want to get your feet a little damp before the big plunge!
anyone found a way to keep ink on the smooth tiles yet?

XcessStamps 09-12-2006 11:44 AM

[quote=TeeGeeDee]Will a toaster oven work for heat setting the tiles? My craft area is downstairs and the kitchen is upstairs (plus my hubby does the cooking and I don't want him to realize I know how an oven works LOL). So I thought I could "hopefully" find a safe spot for a toaster oven and get busy making tiles.
A toaster oven works as good as a "real" oven.

reneejul1 09-12-2006 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by kyloescards
Anyone found a way to keep ink on the smooth tiles yet?

I have done embossing on the smooth tiles and it looks awesome, but I wouldn't reccomend it as a coaster, but a decoration.

sunny36 09-13-2006 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Rebeccka
This may be a dumb question, but if you use them as coasters does the bottom of the tile scratch the table?

If you are near an IKEA, they sell cork coasters the EXACT size at the tumbled tiles. I use Weldbond glue to adhere them. :)

Apparently, according to other threads, you have to be careful what glue you use on the cork/felt,because if it has a scent to it, it takes quite some time for it to dissipate. And one doesn't want to give away glue smelling coasters. :mrgreen: (I think it was the Gorilla glue she had problems with)

Stampingwithkids 09-13-2006 06:47 PM

So question, if you have an unglazed tile and all you are using is the Staz on ink, do you need to bake or spray on anything?

sunny36 09-13-2006 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Stampingwithkids
So question, if you have an unglazed tile and all you are using is the Staz on ink, do you need to bake or spray on anything?

See post #7 above:-D I would stamp with StazOn, bake, cool and spray. Better safe than sorry. :-D

InkStazOnMe 09-14-2006 03:06 PM

AAAAHHHAAA!!!! I didn't bake my tiles! That's why they are getting yucky! Thanks ladies!

Crue_Head 09-16-2006 05:15 AM

I buy my tiles at Home Depot the smoother ones are called "Bottichino", sometimes I have to go to the special order desk and ask them to order more, they seem to run out alot. I use the Craft ink and bake at 350 for 15 min and then let them cool. Once cool I color them in (if needed) with craft ink and a make-up Q-tip's (the ones with the point) or SU pastels. Sometimes I put gitter on them. If I use the Craft pads to color I bake them again at the same temp & time. And after they cool, I spray them with Krylon Crystal Clear Satin Acrylic spray. After they are dry I put the small felt tabs on the back to keep them from damaging surfaces.

I hope that helps,
good luck

Crue_Head 09-16-2006 05:18 AM

Oh! I love the idea of using Sharpies! I'm running out to Staples today to get some!!!


bahlg 10-11-2006 10:38 AM

I'm asking about the trivet...how did you seal it so it would be OK with the heat? or did you not seal it? I want to do something for a friend and need quick lesson.
[email protected]

castyone 11-17-2006 04:59 PM

What do you mean tap with the veramark and colour in with pastels. Not sure what you
:) What do you mean tap with the versamark and colour in with pastels. Not sure what you mean. Thanks

Originally Posted by sunny36
OKAY, ITS REALLY EARLY FOR ME I GUESS!! Must need that 2nd cup of coffee!! :-D Thanks Annita for asking me. Sure miss that EDIT button.

First off, I clean the tiles with a damp cloth and dry with another cloth. Then I stamp image with StazOn, bake at 375 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Ater they cool, I tap them with the versamark and colour in with pastels. Then I bake them again for 15 minutes, remove from oven, allow to cool and then spray with a sealer.

I find that baking the StazOn before the colouring process helps to bake the design right on the tile. Then baking after the pastels have been applied bakes the colours in. I know alot of people claim to have great results doing less, but this works for me and I've never had a tile design run, so I'm sticking with it!!

Thanks again, Annita, for picking up my early morning error (actually its almost 9am here, not really early, but its an excuse anyway!!:) )

Scrapfever2 11-17-2006 08:09 PM

I put cork on the underside of my tiles that I use as coasters. I bought it at M's in the scrapbook paper isle. It has a sticky side already, just peal and stick and your good to go.

Chipper 11-18-2006 07:20 PM

When using craft ink, can you use 2 different colors on top of each other, such as 2 step stampin? Would you bake the tiles before stamping the second image? Is that necessary? Afterwards spray with the clear acrylic spray.

pjdunn 11-19-2006 05:37 PM

I have found cork already cut to the exact size of the tiles found at Lowes.

Krista429 11-26-2006 10:00 PM

How long does it take for the tiles to cool after baking them? I'm trying this tonight and they've been out for half an hour and are still really warm. Trying to figure out timing for a gift class I"m doing in 2 week. TIA!

nkjohnston 11-27-2006 08:30 AM

New Question - Does anyone use the SU markers to color in their tiles?
Does this work the same as the Staz-On, and you just need to bake and seal?

priceyjuls 12-01-2006 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by bahlg
I'm asking about the trivet...how did you seal it so it would be OK with the heat? or did you not seal it? I want to do something for a friend and need quick lesson.
[email protected]

I'd like to know as well what seal to use so that it's not flammable. My daughter is making some trivets for her relatives and this is my first attempt at these. Any advice is much appreciated.


AlteredArtist 12-01-2006 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Rebeccka
This may be a dumb question, but if you use them as coasters does the bottom of the tile scratch the table?

For my tiles I stick a huge piece of felt at the bottom of it. But felt pieces or even the cork pieces sound like they'd work great!

craft-e-1 12-02-2006 08:39 PM

I read somewhere about using clear engine enamel to seal as it stood up to hot drinks, has anyone done this? Can we use our SU markers to colour?

genglert 12-03-2006 11:42 AM

Wow! Thanks for all the advice that is posted. This is my first time trying tile and I was unsure on how to actually do them. I did stamp them with staz on but I went straight to coloring them and they were smearing. I never thought to bake them, I guess I am going to have to do some baking after all for Christmas.
Thanks again

conductorchik 12-04-2006 02:10 PM

I too bake mine at 375 for about 15 minutes. I just had a class where we made tile ornaments, and baking it certainly helped. We did not seal because of time, but also because they were used as ornaments.

vdoss 12-08-2006 03:10 PM

I went into stamping on tiles without really knowing what I was doing. I stamped black ink straight onto the tile. It had to dry a while. Then used SU colored pencils to color the areas I wanted. Next I used the watercolor brush and went over the areas I used the colored pencils. After they were dry I put two coats of acrylic spray paint on them. After reading what someothers had done and with the running I thought Oh, no mine is going to run too, but it didnt.

Next time Im going to try baking after I stamp the foundation.

Also, what's Staz On?

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