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stamper272001 02-14-2005 12:42 AM

help for MALE teacher ideas!
Hey there stampin family - its karen from Australia here!

My little girl has a male teacher this year and I am absoloutely stuck when it comes to what I could make as a stamped gift for him for teachers day and also christmas. I know christmas is so far away but I just want to get a bit of a headstart so I dont end up just making something just for the sake of it - I want it to have THE WOW factor! lol

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Aussie Karen

overcome 02-14-2005 03:05 AM

Do you have lottery tickets in austraila? Those are always a fun gift. You could make a fun gift card holder for them (search the gallery).

Or a personalized notepad "From the desk of Mr. Smith".


Bagpuss 02-14-2005 03:30 AM

This subject came up just before Christmas, so if you do a search for teacher gifts you might find it. I think the general consenus was food or drink!

HeidiAnn Stublaski 02-14-2005 03:47 AM

Gift cards with stamped gift card holders are a big hit also I did the popcorn pouch for my daughters teacher last year who was a man.

lilybeansmom 02-14-2005 03:56 AM

I just started making coasters! They are so fun to do. Just buy tiles at the local hardware/home improvement store, stamp with craft ink and seal! It's great and they are very inexpensive!!!!! Who can't use a set of coasters???

stampin_chiquie 02-14-2005 05:07 AM

I did a "Movie Night" paint can for my DD male teacher this year. I decorated a paint can and then filled it with gift certificates for the local video store, microwave popcorn, and a couple of decorative bottles of Coke. I think he liked it.

JanTInk 02-14-2005 05:34 AM

Last year my oldest DD had a male teacher. For Christmas, I made him a covered junior legal pad with matching pen. I stamped it on Basic Black with In the Sky using Versamark and brushed Pearl Ex over it. It was very cool.

Be prepared to not get a thank you note; male teachers don't seem to think it's necessary? But then my other DD's teacher who was a woman, who got a hand-knit fou fou yarn scarf, didn't write a thank you note either. :shock:

Bagpuss 02-14-2005 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by JanTInk
Be prepared to not get a thank you note; male teachers don't seem to think it's necessary?

Generalisation alert! :wink: My DH is a teacher and got a few gifts this Christmas (it's not a massive thing over here). He did send thank yous and even thought of doing it himself! :shock: Normally I have to stand over him while he writes cards - he makes such hard work of it :roll:

lbirus 02-14-2005 07:36 AM

This year my son had a male teacher. We gave him one of the Jiffy Pop popcorn containers redone with stamps and attached an envie with a gift cert. to Blockbuster.
Another one my hubby likes, he's a principal, is a starbucks coupon and a bag of coffee to brew. You could even add a mug.

ChrisM318 02-14-2005 07:52 AM

My son had a man teacher, and I have to say food is always good. I don't know any teacher who wouldn't love that. We also did the movie night, that went over really well, we put in popcorn, movie candy, a blockbuster card, you get the idea. We put ours in a big bowl we personalized with the teachers name on it. Our man teacher liked ties, so we got ties for him as gifts...my son helped pick them out...you know the crazy kind! Also if you have a starbucks..what about those personalized coffee cups, I made one for my sons teacher for valentines day. Got the idea here, you unscrewed the bottom and I stamped something for the inside. There are a lot of great manly stamps you could use, and put a gift card for starbucks inside. Or I copied the idea I found here and put in hot chocolate and chocolate. If you can find out what he likes, does he collect anything, does he have a favorite team or favorite sport, does he enjoy reading? Something personal like that is always good. Hope this helps a little.

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