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scrappersister 03-01-2007 09:37 AM

Great Tutorial on Embossing Paste/Stencils *merged*
I hope it is okay to post this message here but I am so darn excited that I wanted to share this with all of you. I made my very first tutorial and I think it came out okay.Not as good as the pros here on SCS but I'm happy with it. Anyway, it is a Turorial about the Stencil & Embossing Paste technique. Okay, I'm all done tooting my own horn. If you would like:D to see it is on my blog. If I was not allowed to post this here I aopologize. Again, I am a bit excited. I stayed up until 4 AM making it. :)


ETA Direct Link: Stencil & Embossing Paste Tutorial

barbara32ca 03-01-2007 09:46 AM

This is such a wonderful tutorial ! Thank you for taking the time to put up such a wonderful reference .:) Your card is gorgeous too btw !


stampT 03-01-2007 09:50 AM

Very pretty. You make it look easy. I'll have to give it a try.

Nice blog.


happystamper05 03-01-2007 09:54 AM

Great job, Mary! It was very nicely done and looks wonderful. I had to chuckle when you apologized for your hands. I didn't even notice but I did go back and check. Your hands look fine. :-)
Congratulations on your first tutorial. It's great!
Rubber Hugs,

jtax 03-01-2007 09:59 AM

very nice tutorial! thanks for the lesson!

kikikaren 03-01-2007 10:12 AM

Fantastic job! I was just looking at that paste last night and wondering what to do with it. Now I know!

FromKorea 03-01-2007 10:32 AM

Now I need to try this. I will have to buy some stencils and paste.
Wonderful tutorial. Can't wait to try this!

Thanks for sharing!

K. Benko 03-01-2007 12:06 PM

I bought the paste now I know how to use it, thanks Mary

Topaz_n29 03-01-2007 12:39 PM

Mary what an excellent tut. ..the cards are beautiful. Where can i get embossing paste..as i'm in Canada. Michael's? tfs..brownies are yummy looking..loves ya Gail

Joan B 03-01-2007 01:26 PM

Great Tutorial on Embossing Paste/Stencils
Check out Mary's (Scrappersister)'s really nice tutorial on her blog. This looks so easy the way she does it!

Embossing Paste Tutorial

diannep575 03-01-2007 01:36 PM

Thank you for the info! What a great tutorial. I bought some embossing paste and the spatula about 5 years ago because it was one of those things I had to have (like tons of other stuff) and have never used it. I think I may break it all out this weekend!!

Stamp Maniac II 03-01-2007 02:00 PM

She created an awesome card...thanks for sharing this!!!

MadameCraftyPants 03-01-2007 02:11 PM

Thanks for sharing the link, Joan. I never knew what that stuff was for until now. Neat!

kristransue 03-01-2007 02:29 PM

I have never heard of that, thanks for enlightening us!

avonlea 03-01-2007 02:37 PM

Great tutorial, Mary! :D

Here's the direct link:
Stencil & Embossing Paste Tutorial

(PS Will be moving and merging this thread with another one in Techniques....eventually.)

kingmontmom 03-01-2007 02:42 PM

My local stamp store is crazy over the paste thing and I just didn't get it, even though I love dry embossing. This tutorial was GREAT! I may have to buy some paste now! Thanks for sharing the link!

scrappersister 03-01-2007 05:31 PM

Hi Gail,

I have a very dear friend who lives in Manitoba. :) In all honesty I have no idea where you can buy the paste in Canada. If you have a Michaels I would think that they would have it. Do you have a small stamping store near you? If so they may carry it. I got my Dreamweaver embossing paste from my local stamping store. I'm glad that you liked the tutorial. Thank you for stopping by my blog to see it.


grammatroll 03-01-2007 09:27 PM

The card is beautiful!! Thanks for the great tutorial. Can't wait to try it. Oh, darn. I will have to wait. Need to do some shopping.

jens17 03-02-2007 01:02 AM

Great tutorial, Mary. Thanks for sharing all your hard work! I've been wondering how to use embossing paste. Now I will go get some and give it a try!

Island Stamper 03-02-2007 07:07 AM

Great tutorial Mary. Thanks for sharing. Are you in Laconia? I have a home in Augusta, ME an on Chebeague Island, ME. Right now I'm in Palmetto, FL.

guidinggirl 03-02-2007 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Topaz_n29
Mary what an excellent tut. ..the cards are beautiful. Where can i get embossing paste..as i'm in Canada. Michael's? tfs..brownies are yummy looking..loves ya Gail

You can get embossing paste at Michaels. I know Calgary has it at their's so I am pretty sure yours will to. HTH

sillyscrappergirl 03-02-2007 08:06 AM

Very neat! I have some embossing paste. I love it!

Pam Schwartz 03-02-2007 08:35 AM

This is very pretty and seems so easy to follow. I will be looking for this embossing paste and a pretty stencil like yours. Love the one with the teacups.

CroppinJen 03-02-2007 09:00 AM

Great job. I love this technique and you demonstrated it very well.

Patjim 03-02-2007 03:03 PM

looks very easy to do and the end results is really nice.

i have to try it.

thanks for sharing.

scrappersister 03-02-2007 04:12 PM

Hi Lesley,

I live in Loudon which is just 16 miles from Laconia.:) I love Maine but have never been to Chebeague Island. My husband and I go to York Beach every summer. Love it.

Pam, I think that you can get the teacups tempalte at www.dreamweavers.com


Cathy H 03-02-2007 07:24 PM

OMIGOSH -- that was your first tutorial? You have got it down, girl !! I copied it yesterday from another post. It is really good and your card is beautiful. I have all of the ingredients but haven't tried it yet. I will definitely be using your tutorial for my guide. It's really good.
Congrats and you are absolutely correct to be tooting your own horn !

K. Benko 03-03-2007 04:57 AM

Mary can you check that site www.dreamweavers.com I get a wedding site and I tryed ca. and get nothing. I know dreamweavers sounds right because I think I got my paste from there but why doesn't it work for me? Thanks for tutorial I will be trying it.

MyMoneyPit_Stampin 03-04-2007 02:17 PM

Your tutorial is great and the card is so beautiful!

debrad 03-04-2007 07:40 PM

I enjoyed your blog, your tutorial is fantastic, and the brownies look pretty good too!

The Gardener 03-04-2007 07:41 PM

Thanks for taking the time to post this! :-D

munchkin25 03-05-2007 10:57 AM

i am new to this whole embossing thing, so my question may sound dumb...
what is the embossing paste? is it the same as utee? i was looking online at joanns and that is what i saw, no paste though. can someone help me out?

wiggynine 03-05-2007 11:37 AM

I just saw this technique on DIY's Scrapbooking. Looks like a fun way to do stenciling.


Aimee30 03-05-2007 11:40 AM

i would love to know if there is a place online I can get some of this paste.

gio 03-05-2007 11:48 AM

Great tutorial! I had never seen it done before but now I can't wait to try it. Must find embossing paste now. LOL

Topaz_n29 03-05-2007 11:52 AM

i'd like the paste too..i cheked Michaeal's..when i was in the city (Canada store)..nothin..mind my store here has nothin anyway at the best of times..lol..anyone can u please help those of us that are searching?? i wud need a Canadian store thx much..loves ya..Gail

denidill 03-05-2007 11:53 AM

subscribing....just got some embossing paste from my LSS; they are crazy about it as well.

scrappersister 03-05-2007 01:26 PM

Hi K. Here is the correct web site for Dreanweavers.
http://www.dreamweaverstencils.com/ Hope this helps. I just looked though and I could not find wheer we could but it directly from thier site. I thought they once sold thier items on line. I will have to do a search.


scrappersister 03-05-2007 01:40 PM

Okay here is a site that you can purchase the paste and stencils from:
http://www.franticstamper.com/dreamweaver.htm Hope this helps.


Chunkydunk 03-07-2007 11:57 AM

WOW Mary! That tut. was awesome and inspiring! I have been wanting to get the paste to do this technique but have been to cheap,, in fact I just bought some dimensional paint on sale at M's in hopes it will do the trick. I havent tried it yet. I am going to look for the transparent paste and give this a try. I just love the look! Thanks again.

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