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annabec 03-27-2006 09:25 AM

Antique paper...
How do I get my paper to look old? Any ideas or techniques that would work? Thanks for your help!

Stampin4sandra 03-27-2006 12:59 PM

You can sand it in different directions... you can crumple it and then flatten to make it look old and you can even take a stamp pad directly to the paper to make it look aged... usually yellows and browns work good. Or, after crumpling... lay it out... take a sponge with some ink and go over the cardstock lightly to enhance the wrinkles.... Age away!!! Have fun.

annabec 03-27-2006 07:58 PM

Thank you!

webseitler 03-28-2006 09:51 AM

Here are two blog entries I wrote. I hope they help! :)

Very Distressing: http://seitlerstamps.blogspot.com/20...stressing.html

Even More Distressing: http://seitlerstamps.blogspot.com/20...stressing.html

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