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-   -   Passed the Torch (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/sketch-challenge-bi-weekly-124/passed-torch-54736/)

stampysister 05-26-2005 07:02 AM

Passed the Torch
At least for now, Mama Kimberly has passed to tourch on to me to do the scrap challenges for the week. I'll have a new one on Saturday ready. I'm working on it now. I'm trying to use one sketch and make both a 12x12 and an 8 1/2 x 11. The layout I'm working on accomidates up to 10 pics-- one large vertical, two large horizontal, and several very cropped pictures or stamped accents. Page one (for those of you who like to do only one page at a time) will accomidate up to 4 photos, 1 large vertical and up to 3 cropped pics (or stamped accents).

So dig through those pictures ladies and start thinking.

For those of you who do 6x6, let me recommend Andrea Sophia's card sketches. They make magnificent jump off points for 6x6 pages. If you do decide to do any of these 6x6 layouts based on her sketches, share them with us all. They are a lot of fun to make and really quick (gotta like that instant gratification)

Happy Scrapping.

emilymomto3boys 05-26-2005 07:05 AM

woohoo! I can't wait! I do 8.5x11 so that's fine with me!

windycitystamper 05-26-2005 07:24 AM

Where would I find the past scrapbook challenges? I'm new at this...
edited: Just found the challenges

mrslevite 05-26-2005 05:45 PM

thank you! I haven't been able to work on my scrapbooks lately, but now things are winding down and I will have a little time to play with my photos. :) I've got 6 x 6 and 12 X 12 scrapbooks going. Maybe I'll be able to upload some images this weekend if I get to play with them. thank you for the work and effort to keep this going.

CardFanatic 05-26-2005 05:52 PM

SWEET! Summer vacation is here in 2 weeks. Can't wait to get going again on my scrapbook. I do 12x12 with lots of pictures. This challenge your preparing sounds like it's for me!

mamakimberly 05-26-2005 06:00 PM

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited to just participate in the sketch!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

mholles 05-26-2005 06:37 PM

Great! I've been missing the challenges. A big thanks to mamakimberly for getting us all started :)

stampinali 05-28-2005 08:10 AM

Thanks for picking this up! I also LOOOOVE the idea of using the card sketches for 6x6 pages.... now why didn't I think of that? I've got to work on thinking out of the box! :-)

Thanks again!

emilymomto3boys 05-28-2005 08:12 AM

Ok, it's Saturday....where's the sketch??? I may actually be able to find the time to scrap today!!

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