
Splitcoaststampers (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/)
-   Scrapbook Goals (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/scrapbook-goals-200/)
-   -   January 2024 Scrappin' and Chatter SBC24JAN (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/scrapbook-goals-200/january-2024-scrappin-chatter-sbc24jan-646025/)

smadson 01-01-2024 04:56 AM

January 2024 Scrappin' and Chatter SBC24JAN
Happy New Year! 2024! Unbelievable! Welcome to our Goals thread for scrapbooking.
How did you do last year? As for me, I didn't do too well! But it is a new year, so let's set some new goals and start scrapping. Please share with us those new goals and your projects, too.

Feel free to jump in anytime and join us. We will be sharing our goals and our layouts with one another. Upload your layout to your gallery, using our keyword, then come here and link us to your layout so we can ooh and ahh. Our keyword: SBC24JAN
Just copy and paste the keyword.

Here is our gallery where all our January projects will be: SBC24JAN - Homemade Cards, Rubber Stamp Art, & Paper Crafts - Splitcoaststampers.com

I can't wait to see who will be first in our gallery! I love looking at all your layouts and seeing your creativity.

smadson 01-01-2024 05:06 AM

January Scrappers
This is where we'll keep track of our Monthly "goal" - if you have one - and track YTD pages. It's always encouraging to keep count and see what we've accomplished by year end!

Sharon (scs smadson) January Goal 5 2024 YTD goal 0/60
Lou Ann (scs Crooked Stamper) January Goal 2024 YTD goal 0/ 104
Pia (PMR). January Goal 10 2024 Goal. YTD 2/120
Tanya (scs Daizees) January Goal 12 2024 Goal YTD /125

JoyceAnn (scs Annie Panda) January 2024 YTD 0/72
Amy (scs Shirley's Girl) January Goal 5 2024 Goal YTD /100
Lela (scs LMN)
Cheryl (scs Motherload)
Sharon (scs Sewflake)
Jan (jan31) No goals, but scrapping
Nancy (nwilliams6)
Adriana B (fl-beachbum) January Goal 8 2024 Goal YTD 0/96
Carole (Pipecaro). January Goal 5. 2024 Goal YTD 0/52
Jayne (Ozpom). January No goals, but scrapping
Kelly (scrapinCEO)

I will try to update this as you check in.

smadson 01-01-2024 05:08 AM

I will add or link current challenges in this post.

smadson 01-01-2024 05:10 AM

My 2024 Goals
My 2024 goal is 60 pages; of course, I hope I will do more! LOL My January goal is 5.

How about you what are your goals?

jan31 01-01-2024 05:36 AM

Hi Sharon ,thanks for the reminder, I hope to complete the scrapbooks I started for our sons but I don’t like to set goals as it’s something I do when an idea hits me haha but I will try to join in more this year.

Happy New Year to everyone!

Crooked Stamper 01-01-2024 06:35 AM

Happy New Year! We made it to Florida yesterday & hopefully I brought most of what I need!.

I made my 2023 goal with 104 pages completed. This is the most I've ever done in one year!

I'm going to keep that goal of 104 for 2024.

Thank you Sharon for keeping this going! It has really helped me to stay moving forward.

pipecaro 01-01-2024 07:33 AM

Happy New Year 2024!

2023, was challenging in our household, it was sad at times and so happy at other times.

My son is a Senior in HS, my daughter 8th grader. Son plays soccer, broke his foot in 4 places making him loose the entire HS soccer last season, so sad and so many dreams gone in a matter of seconds, on the other hand committed to play soccer in a top 4 Division 3 University in men soccer program and I a top school too, and accepted ED, second team selection in the league that he plays, outstanding, amazing, All while maintaining Honor roll and also awarded the Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish and a Scholarship from HS soccer program.

My daughter, theater drama student, went from ensamble to Tin Man, in Wizard of Oz and to Davie in Newsis in the MS production, also applied to a specialized theater Academy(still waiting on results). From regular choir to Canzonetta Honors Choir and selected for the Regional Choir. All amazing, while maintaining Honor roll.

Family all good, grandma came to live with us for a bit, sister moved closer. The sad news is some family friends died as the year closed. Leaving a couple of our Senior kids with only one parent, heart breaking. One of them being one of my sons best friend. Opened our eyes again, and teached us life is very short enjoy every day as if it was the last.

For 2024, yes, more scrapbooking, card making and crafts for 2024. More memories to be made with the family.

I have changed many things in my scrap room and at home to make it more manageable and to try to have more time for crafting. Declutter the home, (not completely done, but great progress (a box at a time) contain is the key. If I buy something new, something old has had to go. One of the things I did was go through all printed pictures and memorabilia from the kids and family and made a binder in an album with those organized in chronological order. I’ll share pictures later. Still need to go over digital pictures and clean folders and print pictures.

New Year, New Goals!
-52 weeks, 52 scrapbook pages, that is my goal
-1 in person scrapbooking day at a near by store open session


PMR 01-01-2024 10:05 AM

My crafting goals for 2024:
use my stuff!
share what I’m not using

give card sets as gifts

scrapbook 10 pages/month
sort photos
discard extra copies of pictures that are scrapped or in albums

PMR 01-01-2024 10:06 AM

I did two layouts so far today.

smadson 01-01-2024 11:03 AM

Thanks for the checking in, everyone!
Carole, I hope you get to scrap some of those special mamma proud moments. So sorry for the sad things that have happened in your life. BTW, I like your goal of 1 a week!

Hi Jan. Hi Lou Ann.

congratulations, Pia on your 2 page accomplishment already today!

fl_beachbum 01-01-2024 01:58 PM

Hi ladies! Happy New Year :)

My crafty goals this year - send/give more thank you cards and, for scrapbooking create a minimum of 8 pages a month. For this month, I just printed out photos from Christmas but I also have a couple of 'every day' things I want to cover.

Hope you all have fun creating!

PMR 01-01-2024 04:03 PM

I was so focused on posting and just read through the other posts. Carole, we lost a good friend recently. It is so hard. I have been trying to enjoy life as much as I can for a few years now. So glad your son’s journey to college is working out! I work at a d3 school, the student athletes are very committed.

I like your card goal, I want to keep sending. I rejoined wrak to commit to sending cards.

PMR 01-01-2024 04:03 PM

I did two more layouts and made 3 cards today.

AnniePanda 01-02-2024 06:36 AM

Hi everyone! Blessings to you and your loved ones for a wonderful new year.
I have no goal as yet. I have done a few pages already. Busy elsewhere still.
Coming back soon to check everyone's post.

PMR 01-02-2024 06:45 AM

Happy New Year Joyce Ann!

Shirleysgirl 01-03-2024 06:10 PM

Hello everyone...I am still alive and kicking! I have done a lot of crafting these past couple months, but not scrapping as part of that. My year goal and my participation on here fizzled out and I ended with only 70 pages. I am still celebrating Christmas with one more out of town trip this weekend and then that will wrap it up for us. I did get the great news that I am going to be a grandma for the first time come this summer! More to love and more life to scrap!!

I need to get myself a bit organized and print off some pictures, so I am going to go with a low goal of 5 for January and lower my overall goal to 100 for this year.

Thank you Sharon for the the nudge to get back on here before the month got away from me again.
I appreciate you keeping this rolling even when some of us (ME!) do not participate as often as we plan.

Jan goal: 5
year goal: 100

PMR 01-03-2024 06:12 PM

Huge congratulations Amy! That is so exciting! I hear being a grandmother is a lot of fun! I know my mother enjoys it. She is waiting for her 2nd great grandchild to be born in a few weeks!

I did one more layout today. In bigger news, I finally finished my book of the trip to Disneyland in 2021. The trip was just me and my mother. It had been rescheduled a few times and then hard because we had just lost my dad. It was a break from our grief. I made a smaller book and gave it to my mother for Christmas. This is my book. I am so happy with it.

I am going to a weekend crop and will scrap the Disney world trip DH and I took in January 2021 for our 30th anniversary. I scrap a lot of Disney. It is easy to take to crops because of how I store my stuff. I know I mentioned that before.

back to campus tomorrow, I did have work yesterday and today but tomorrow is my first day back on campus.

smadson 01-04-2024 05:44 AM

It is so nice to see you all checking in for 2024. Congratulations going out to the future new granny, Amy! Wow!

Great job so far on your scrapping, Pia! You are a great cheerleader for us this year!

Joyce Ann, we have missed you! Glad you are okay.

Lou Ann, you are already back in Florida? Time goes so quickly!

Adriaine, so good to see you, too. I hope you have time to come back and share with us.

Happy Scrappin’ New Year to all of you!

fl_beachbum 01-06-2024 04:41 AM

Uploaded a few pages today!

Two for my older son and his wife (their album):
Oh, Snap
Missouri Reception

For my younger son's album:
Moving Day

For our family album:
Oh Christmas Tree
Christmas Collage

smadson 01-06-2024 06:09 AM

Adriana, those are wonderful layouts. Thanks for sharing with us! You are the first in our 2024 gallery.
Now, the rest of us have some work to do!
my room is a mess right now as I am junk journaling. I can’t do card making or scraping until I finish my January Challenge Junk Journal. Then I can clean up and start my scrapping and card making. JJ stuff just takes over the whole room, floor and everything! LOL

AnniePanda 01-06-2024 09:54 AM

Here's to a bright and happy new year ahead for all my scrappy friends!
Amy, so excited to hear your baby news - yes, being a grandmother is wonderful. And being a great grandmother is fabulous. too! I am currently waiting for my granddaughter to get great grandchild #4 through his first journey of his life - through the birth canal! Any day now, currently 4 days over due.
I just counted up my 2023 layouts - 71. Way off for me as 2022 was 120. I still did some cards, but spent lots of time making things with fabric and thread.
Goal for 2024 will be 72. Just not optimistic about my scrapping time this year. I will still be making cards as I am part of a Card Club at church. I'm sure I will still spend time on either the embroidery machine or sewing machine. Also, I am soon to be a part of a new auxiliary formed at church - Columbiettes.
I extend a very loving thank you to our sweet and devoted Sharon for keeping us going! I hope to continue to be a part of our group on a more regular basis.

AnniePanda 01-06-2024 01:36 PM

Well, folks, I got my 1st layout for the year! Simple, but done.

smadson 01-06-2024 03:50 PM

Link to Joyce Ann’s layout:


and there is always a link to our gallery I post 1.

smadson 01-07-2024 05:35 AM

Congratulations, Lou Ann for being this week’s Featured Stamper on SCS.
we should all play along to honor her.
Here is the link: https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/f...anyone-646070/

we could even CASE one of her layouts, or one of her cards.

Crooked Stamper 01-07-2024 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by smadson (Post 22296371)
Congratulations, Lou Ann for being this week’s Featured Stamper on SCS.
we should all play along to honor her.
Here is the link: https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/featured-stamper-132/fs883-%5B1-7-2024%5D-crooked-stamping-anyone-646070/

we could even CASE one of her layouts, or one of her cards.

I was shocked and honored when I received the email about this! Thanks for sharing with our group!

pipecaro 01-08-2024 02:01 AM

Congrats Lou Ann!
Congrats Lou Ann!

Crooked Stamper 01-08-2024 06:18 AM

We're pretty much settled in. Yesterday, I went through the supplies I brought with me, organized my printed 2019 photos (again 😁) & did some journaling. Cool & cloudy again today so I should have time to work on some layouts!

Crooked Stamper 01-09-2024 08:36 AM

Started this layout yesterday & finished up today.


PMR 01-09-2024 05:50 PM

Congrats Lou Ann!

I have a weekend crop to pack for. I’m looking forward to it.

Ozpom 01-09-2024 06:00 PM

Happy New Year everyone. Thanks for the reminder Sharon. It’s been way too long since I was on this thread and scrapped. I did do some pages which remind me of travel we have taken for the Alpha challenge and perhaps I should have posted them on here too. They are in my gallery if you are interested.

Amy, I’ve just sent you an email as I wondered where you were. So happy for you all and your news. A poppet on the way. Congratulations.

Congratulations to Lou Ann on being FS this week. Enjoy your special week.

Sharon, I won’t put a number on how many layouts I will do this year but I do intend to get back into scrapbooking. I have missed it and have so many events and poppets memories to scrap. Please count me in, albeit I may not do as many as some of the other ladies.

Happy scrapping and Happy New Year everyone.

PMR 01-11-2024 10:05 AM

I am pretty sure I asked this before, how do you all pack for a weekend crop? My issue is the solid cardstock. How much do I bring? How many shades of red do I need? Does any one have suggestions?

Crooked Stamper 01-11-2024 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by PMR (Post 22297288)
I am pretty sure I asked this before, how do you all pack for a weekend crop? My issue is the solid cardstock. How much do I bring? How many shades of red do I need? Does any one have suggestions?

I had a friend tell to make up "power layouts", meaning take my photos & decided what cardstock, pattern papers, embellishment, etc. I would want to use. It was pretty easy except for the embellishments so I just threw a bunch of stuff in for each one. I put each layout in package that had held cardstock or a kit. I also packed extra cardstock so I could mat my photos. If I had photos I couldn't decided on what color cardstock, I took both. This works for me & hope it helps you. Have fun Pia! Can't wait to see your creations.

fl_beachbum 01-12-2024 01:47 AM

Shannon Allor has videos where she puts kits together. She’s on a bunch of design teams and has videos showing her process making pages when she gets them . But then she goes back and re-kits everything to use more up. She recently did a kit building series, here’s one where she is choosing the papers, etc.

And here’s one where she added embellishments

fl_beachbum 01-12-2024 01:47 AM

Congrats Lou Ann!

Crooked Stamper 01-12-2024 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by fl_beachbum (Post 22297402)
Shannon Allor has videos where she puts kits together. She’s on a bunch of design teams and has videos showing her process making pages when she gets them . But then she goes back and re-kits everything to use more up. She recently did a kit building series, here’s one where she is choosing the papers, etc.

And here’s one where she added embellishments

Thanks Adriana, being selected was a surprise!

Shannon's videos are helpful. I wish I had her embellishment stash! I love the way she's stored her alphas too! Mine lay flat in a bin & hard to go through. I may have to rethink my storage for them.

daizees 01-13-2024 08:08 AM

Wow- how fun to see so many of you check in here! Hi everyone!

I am going to shoot for 125 pages this year again, and hope to exceed that again too, ha.
12 for this month, and I've gotten four done!
Two are here:
Father's Day 23
Christmas Morning 23

and this one I didn't link up for Dec, since I got it done on New Years Eve, haha..
Charlie Brown Exhibit

smadson 01-13-2024 09:36 AM

Hi, Tanya! Yes, I am so glad you all are checking in and chatting.
I will check out those videos as I always take too much when I go to an event! LOL

Crooked Stamper 01-14-2024 10:12 AM

Finished my second layout of the year.


AnniePanda 01-14-2024 11:29 AM


My brand new baby boy - great grandson!

AnniePanda 01-14-2024 12:01 PM

Here are 2 layouts recently finished.
Celebrate! by AnniePanda at Splitcoaststampers
Wheels Turn from Winter to Summer by AnniePanda at Splitcoaststampers

All times are GMT -8. The time now is 10:24 AM.