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-   Mission: Organization (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/mission-organization-256/)
-   -   Why I need this organizer THE MOST! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/mission-organization-256/why-i-need-organizer-most-462971/)

Girona 10-08-2009 02:33 PM

Why I need this organizer THE MOST!
We are empty-nesters and have been for several years. Imagine how I have succumb to the tempation to just sprawl all over the house. And I really have hit critical mass.

Situation: In just a few short weeks my daughter and her friends will be descending on the house for Thanksgiving. Friends from childhood, college, from all over the U.S. Given the current status of my craft storage situation I have nowhere for folks to sit, sleep, eat, hang their stuff, or kick back and relax. And I mean this in all honesty.

Mission: Get this stuff organized before the week of Thanksgiving so that by the time my daughter and her friends arrive there will be room for people in the house as well as my craft stuff. AND so that when I start assembling my Christmas cards I can do them with the joy and pleasure that stamping and crafting is meant to bring to each and every one of us.

Here is the deal, you walk into my home and you trip over a craft something. You walk into my living room and you see an 8 foot table, an old desk, a bunch of discount store plastic storage bins and stacking totes. There are old bookshelves with binders full of stamps and dies. This is my working area. You can't get to the sofa, a chair, the plants, (which are in desperate need of water), the windows, to clean or open them, it it is a mess.The living room isn't the only room in a state chaos; the closet in our guest room is crammed with rubber rolling tubs. The closet in my husband's office is crammed with more rubber tubs, our bedroom...it is endless.

When I want to stamp a project I have to find the tub that the desired stamp is in, go into the guest room, grab my inks out of a safe, dark drawer where they are stored, go back into the living room, dig through my paper collection, some of which is stored in cardboard Honeybell Boxes lined with foam cushioning, grab what I want, set up, stamp, clean up, put away, decide I want to do something else, and start all over again.

Please, vote for me. I am truly in desperate need of an organizational fix-up. My craft life has absolutely spiralled out of control and I need help!

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