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Old 09-28-2009, 05:51 AM   #1  
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Default Need isn't even the word!

Dear Workbox, need isn't even the word. Please help me be the woman of my husband's dreams.!!!!!!
For 6 years my husband and I have lived in a small apartment. When our son came along, I had the ability to work from home so my "office" was put in the only extra space we had in our dining room on my table there.
Once I was home, I reintroduced myself into the stamping world. At first I brought a few things down from the attic but the more and more stamping I was doing I realized I needed everything at my finger tips. The attic is where my stamping journey began. I had a cart with a couple of supplies and went up there every once in a while. But I soon realized that only one light bulb and no other electricity or outlets to speak of wasn't going to work. I think that's why I fell away from stamping for so many years. I just had no place that could be functional for me.
Eventually, when I returned to stamping and started bringing things down from the attic I rearranged my dining room table to be both my office and my stamping space and I had a small bookshelf behind me with a lot of supplies on it. When I started spending all of my allowance on supplies, my collection was growing and growing leaps and bounds and it became obvious I needed more room. So I packed up the entire contents of my china cabinet: extra dishes, nick nacks, other display items into 5 ginormous rubbermaid tubs and I reorganized my stamping supplies into the cabinet which I thought was better than sliced bread!! I now had some shelves and drawers to work out of. (I don't know about you, but if I can't see everything I have I can't get any creative vision. So I thought I was all set.
The only problem is that I am not the neatest person to say the least. So I would work on a stamping project but not really fully clean up after myself so there would be a humongous mess on my table for days on end before I cleaned it again and there would be work stuff, craft stuff and just random stuff that would land there. I would clean it and it would be nice, but a clean table inspires me to start a new stamping project.
This part of the house has looked like a bomb hit it for the past year now and it was obvious that we needed more space.
My supportive but neat freak husband would just keep telling me how he was so sick of seeing everything out in the open and there was no hiding it. It's right there in your face when you walk into the house and we live among it every day.
He said it was time to buy a house and teases me saying that we need a house so that I can have my own craft room because he's so sick of looking at my mess. Funny though he loves adding creative input to projects and seeing my finished pieces, just not the "stuff" in between.
So we began house hunting back in April and wow was this a rocky and emotional road. We live in Massachusetts. If we lived down south our budget could have bought us a mansion, but here in Mass it buys you a small fixer with few updates. Have you ever seen House Hunters? Have you ever cried watching it or thrown things at the TV? That's me 100% looking at these people in other parts of the country buying 3800 sq ft homes with 5 bedrooms and finished basements and bonus rooms for $250,000!!!!!! I yell at the tv and say these people would die if they saw what that budget gets you here in Mass: A TOTAL GUT JOB and 1000 sq ft. (WHY IS THAT?? )
Without getting into to many house hunting details we had offers on homes that we loved but that we had to pull out of because of results of home inspections. So a few times just when I thought I would have a very own space of my own and hubby thought the messes were over or at least hidden away from view the rug was pulled out from under us. Home inventory has been so incredibly low that there has been VERY little to choose from which is incredibly frustrating. BUT with a little help from our family we were able to just go to purchase and sales on our new home and we close at the end of October!!! Yayyyyyy and I have a very own bedroom dedicated to my craft room and home office!!! A dream come true!!! It's already painted pink and I can't wait to decorate it!!!
Here's the catch, if I don't keep it clean and organized my husband is going to literally kill me! I mean he's already all over me saying I better keep my space clean! And to make matters worse the woman that owns the house now is an incredible neat freak. Every drawer and closet is organized and there's no clutter. So everytime we've been to see the new house my husband jokes calling the home owner "the woman of his dreams"!!!!! And I know that he's kidding and he loves me to pieces, but secretly it makes me feel bad like I am going to let him down because I have all this stuff. I want to be this woman!!! I desperately want to make him proud and keep my new space clean. A clean space would also allow me to be a more creative and efficient person!
I envision the cleanliness that the Workbox would afford me and I get excited about it. A place for everything and everything in its place. A place where everything is visible...something that has been designed especially for someone like me: a crafter. Well, I'm drooling about it really.
Right now, I'm in the process of packing all of my craft supplies, which pains me to no end. But it made sense to put everything away because I shouldn't be crafting right now I should be preparing for our yard sale and getting ready to move. Having my supplies around would only temp me. So I already purged what I needed to (to my husband's sadness there wasn't much and I'm ready to get creative in a new space) So I wish I could send you a picture of what everything looked like before but everything is pretty much in boxes and there's just this big mess left where I used to sit. Although, my markers are still out just in case I need a little coloring therapy. So here's what my space looks like right now. Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to have a WorkBox at the new house that I can unpack into???? It would be a dream come true for both myself and my husband. I really need a speacial piece of furniture that will help me to organize my creative clutter. I have nothing to bring into the new house so it will jus be boxes on the floor until we can afford to buy something and since we're pretty much house-poor it's going to be awhile!!! The workbox would be especially great because YOU CAN CLOSE IT UP!!! YAHOOOOOO!!!!
I know I will be the best before and after advertisement for the WorkBox EVER!!!! And I'm ready for it. I've purged, packed and I have an empty space waiting for me. Dear Workbox, you just might make me the woman of my husband's dreams!!!!
This was fun. Thanks for the opportunity!
Laura Pryor
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Last edited by she's_crafty; 09-29-2009 at 03:59 PM..
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Old 09-28-2009, 05:57 AM   #2  
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Is that a built in cupboard, it is absolutely beautiful!! You don't see those very often...I'd be filling that thing up and using it everyday if I had that.

You really should see my room, yours looks far more organized than mine.

I haven't see the carpet in my room in over 5 yes I did really admit to that.

Best of luck to you!!!
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Old 09-28-2009, 06:02 AM   #3  
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Ah, your husband should BUILD you an organizer. I don't have anyone to take care of that for me so I deserve the organizer. Thanks for playing though.
Karen Jo
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Old 09-29-2009, 03:08 PM   #4  
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I LOVE your built in!
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