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-   -   Diary of a Crap (oops mean) Scrap Room (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/mission-organization-256/diary-crap-oops-mean-scrap-room-460860/)

Babyfaces4 09-26-2009 08:44 PM

Diary of a Crap (oops mean) Scrap Room
3 Attachment(s)
This is my scrapbooking room. As you can tell, I obviously can't scrapbook in here right now. Actually I can't tell you the last time I've been able to scrapbook or do anything creative or crafty in this room. Even my computer desk is a MESS! No matter how many times I've tried to organize it, I never seem to get it finished or even remotely organized. I just get too frustrated with trying to find a place where everything should go. I've even turned to well know books and read them cover to cover, but they didn't help either. Could The Original Workbox be just what this disorganized, frustrated scrapbooker needs????

splitcoaststampers 09-26-2009 09:20 PM

wow, that's bad :)

Babyfaces4 09-26-2009 09:46 PM

Well, I just read all the threads for the give-a-way, when my daughter (she's 12) comes over and sits down with me and starts reading them too. We're sitting there looking at the pictures that are posted of some of the rooms and my daughter keeps saying "Mom, that rooms nice", "Mom, that one's not so messy", "Mom, you should enter this contest, but maybe you shouldn't post any pictures of you room. It really is alot messier then all these rooms." Then we come across this post for my entry with pictures of my room and she says, "MOM, I can't believe you posted pictures of your room! It's SO Messy!" I asked her if she could help me straighten it up a little and then we could post more pictures after it was cleaned up a little bit. So said "OK". After a few minutes she stoped and looked at me and asked "There's not a messy kid contest going on anywhere online? You didn't post pictures of MY Room did you?" I just had to laugh. But maybe I should tell her I found one and I'm going to post pictures of her room, maybe I could get her to clean her room too! (Although her bedroom is no where as messing as my scrapbooking room.)

Babyfaces4 09-27-2009 07:54 PM

A Day later.... Can't believe I posted pictures of my mess. Tried to clean it up a little bit today, but don't know where to put the stuff! I can actually see a lit piece of the floor today, there actually is carpet down there! Told my dear husband about the contest and he said he hopes I win it, he's tired of looking at the mess let alone trying to walk down here. He said there can't possibly be another room as messy as mine! Boy can I really use the Workbox. Please Help me get organized!

I'm Hooked 09-27-2009 08:01 PM

I sure hope you win too. I can't think of a more deserving person to win ;) It's amazing how it can just get away from you -- and this is the end result.

But at least your cardstock looks like it is a little bit organized!

jymango 09-28-2009 06:35 AM

I do not think an organizer is going to help you. You already have a great room with such great shelves and storage. Really, all of your stuff needs a room, not an organizer. I think if you cleaned it up you would find no room for the organizer and enjoy what you have so much more.

TheSaucyStamper 09-28-2009 07:17 AM

I agree, it looks like you have a lot of storage in there...and sooooo many goodies! I'm jealous! Unfortunately I can't get any more stuff than I have now becasue I have no where to put it that my little ones can't get to.

stamp bug 09-28-2009 01:07 PM

I think it would take atleast two or three scrapboxes to fit everything...I love the little cubbies on the wall...

Babyfaces4 09-29-2009 07:18 AM

O.K. Everyone saying I have lots of storage for everything and should just clean it up and I would be fine, should come over and help me get organized! Sure I have some storage, but they just don't work for all the items I have. If they're are too big, the stuff inside gets all jumbled together, if they're too small everything doesn't fit. I'll be glad to have a bunch of you come over and help clean up and get me organized! Any volunteers?????

redheaded witch 09-29-2009 08:13 AM

Sure I will come help after I get the Scrapbox oganized in my room... LOL We could help each other..

Babyfaces4 10-05-2009 10:08 PM

One week later and still digging thru everything..... Not much progress.... Really do need that Scrapbox.

meisu4 10-09-2009 02:22 PM

LOL! Good luck!

thumbunny 10-09-2009 06:45 PM


Share with us:
(1) why you craft
(2) what you do with your completed handcrafted projects, and
(3) what the biggest impact any of your projects has had on you, someone else, or the world at large!

okstamper 10-10-2009 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Babyfaces4 (Post 15228966)
O.K. Everyone saying I have lots of storage for everything and should just clean it up and I would be fine, should come over and help me get organized! Sure I have some storage, but they just don't work for all the items I have. If they're are too big, the stuff inside gets all jumbled together, if they're too small everything doesn't fit. I'll be glad to have a bunch of you come over and help clean up and get me organized! Any volunteers?????

Where do you live? I would love to come over. I love organizing!

Babyfaces4 10-11-2009 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by thumbunny (Post 15319239)

Share with us:
(1) why you craft
(2) what you do with your completed handcrafted projects, and
(3) what the biggest impact any of your projects has had on you, someone else, or the world at large!

1. I do many crafts for the enjoyment I get from making them. I do rubberstamping where I make cards and other small craft Items for the holidays. I enjoy making homemade cards because they are so much more personal to give than store bought ones. I make little treat holders and little craft items to give to the kids I work with everyday at school and my co-workers to brighten their day and celebrate the holidays. I am a scrapbooker too. I scrapbook to not only preserve my pictures and get them out of the boxes they have been in, but to preserve the events and memories that the pictures tell. And last we make holiday outdoor yard decorations. This is not just a hobby, but also like another job for me and a third job for my husband, who works both a full and a part-time job. We participate in craft shows in the fall and spring where we sell the decorations we make.

2. Most of my completed cards and treat projects I give to the kids at school, the teachers and the office staff. They love to be surprised by the things I make. Some of my holiday treat containers if they go over really well at the school, I will try to sell at the craft shows for 50 cents or a $1.00. It helps me to buy more supplies for making more crafts.

3. I would have to say the most impact I've had from one of my crafts, is for a LARGE support our troops ribbon we made out of plywood for a dear friend of ours who's children are in active duty. She wanted a special decoration for her sons when they were away that she could put up in her yard to let everyone know when they were deployed and to pray for their safe return. So I came up with the idea of combining a couple of the magnetic "Support our Troops" car ribbons. We made a red, white and blue ribbon with the flag and stars on one side, "Support our Troops" painted in yellow and the words Air Force and Marines painted in red underneath on white on the other. We then drilled small holes around the border and added small yellow lights to light it up at night. When we gave it to her, she cried! She was SO HAPPY with it! She has it proudly displayed in her front yard now to let everyone know her son is actively deployed in Afganistan now. He hasn't had the chance to see it yet, but will be home next week for a short leave. We can't wait to see his reaction to it. Although all the treat containers and little gifts I make for the kids at school, bring me joy when I give them and the kids love them, This Ribbon Project has to be the project that has had the biggest impact on both me and my family and my friend Michelle's and her family and neighbors as well! Everyone now know to send a little prayer for her sons when they see it displayed.

thumbunny 10-11-2009 08:57 AM

What a wonderful thing to do for your friend! I can see why she was so touched to received the yard ribbon, and she must be very excited to have her son see it when he returns home! It soundsl like both you and your DH are creative. Isn't it wonderful having a husband who supports you?

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