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-   -   Counter Top Height? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/mission-organization-256/counter-top-height-499303/)

ScrappinMoments 07-20-2010 06:36 AM

Counter Top Height?
I'm getting the opportunity to redo my craft space again. I just redid it last March but it doubled as a guest room (late night crash on futon room).

I have 10 feet of 16" wide shelving across two walls with the jetmax below. It's been great for organization so far. My only problem was I was always facing a wall, 16 inches from me. Can get stifling after a while.

This coming weekend, the futon will be coming out and the room will be my full-time scrap/craft room. I am taking one of the walls with the jetmax apart and using them to build an island in the room (one end will be up against wall, 3 sides open). What I can't decide is to make it counter height or not.

Right now, I'm on computer in a decent desk chair sitting indian style, very comfy. I don't think I can do that in a bar stool. I'm also afraid I'm not just tall enough for counter height. I'm 5'2". I'm going to have to lug some of my stuff in, maybe try and do a scrapbook page out in the kitchen on the counter. I really don't want to invest in jetmax, cut them in half, then hate the counter height work area.

Anybody out there sitting at counter height work areas, pro's and cons?

NDStampGirl 07-20-2010 06:56 AM

I am finally redoing my space right now after moving 9 months ago. At my last house I had one counter height and one desk height shelves that I worked on. I always used the higher one more. I like to be able to move around and get things and then come back to my work area and work easily. I do tend to stand a lot when I craft though. I am also vertically challenged (5'1") and find working at a counter height is very comfortable for me. This being said - I am only putting in counter height this time around. If I want to sit lower I will take out my folding table for a few days knowing that I can put it away when I'm done!

ShannonWillis 07-22-2010 07:24 AM

I am in favor of the counter top height. I purchased a draft chair for my computer which sits in the corner of the counter. I like to be able to move around alot. My room is very small 10 X 9, and the counter makes an L-shape. I love it. I have one space at the end that I designate for stamping as my stamp pad rack is mounted on the wall.

Good luck with your re-do and don't forget to post pictures.


SizzixQueen 07-22-2010 01:06 PM

I love counter height. I have just one counter as my room is only 1/2 a room and its great. I can sit on a stool or stand and work!

ScrappinMoments 07-22-2010 06:36 PM

I'm really leaning towards the counter height. I got my table top today. It's soooo big. 4x7 feet. I'll still have about 3 feet of walk space around it and I think bar stools will just be better then the huge office chair I have now. There is a decent one at Walmart with a back on it, and cushion seat, swivels. I do like the idea of no arms on it, the chair I have now has the arms and they tend to get in the way more then help.

I'll post pics Sunday (I hope) when I have the room set.

WallyAgain 07-23-2010 09:18 AM

I'm 5' 2" and I say counter height. Of course, other than coloring (I have a bar stool which works with the counter) I do everything standing up.

Have fun.

kimmyqtgirl 07-25-2010 12:51 PM

I absolutely LOVE my counter height. It's perfect if I want to stand and craft or I have the taller adjustable office chairs for sitting. I have a bad back and hip so I need to adjust alot. My Hubby designed my table and added a foot rest all the way around the bottom so its very comfortable when sitting. It's so nice to do my Cuttlebugging standing and not having to hunch over. I really recommend it. I went back and forth for a while before I really decided. Hope you enjoy which ever you decide on!

gails 07-25-2010 04:32 PM

I have counter height. I am a "stander" when stamping and scrapping, so it works well for me. I have counter height barstools around the island and when I have people here, they prefer the island vs. the tables and chairs that I also have in my scraproom. Sometimes they stand at the island, other times they sit on the barstools. Yor idea to take some of your scrap stuff to the kitchen and test it out is a great one! Have fun with your new island.

yooperstamper 07-25-2010 05:16 PM

I too am vertically challenged..4'11 1/2 (5ft. on a big hair day) lol
I have a counter height and love it. I have 2 bar stools but hardley
ever use them. I really prefer standing. Enjoy your new makeover.

mjfc 07-26-2010 07:27 AM

I am also a fan of counter height. I found when I used to sit at a table to stamp that I was rarely ever sitting (except to color). I was always standing. When I we moved and I had some designated space I went with a free standing counter height unit from Ikea. It has worked out great.

k-scraps 07-26-2010 02:25 PM

I am 4' 11 and I have counter height cabinets. I also use a drafting chair. I got mine on Overstock and it is very comfy and also has arms. Like someone already mentioned I love that I can stand or sit and still be comfortable. When I sew or do something that needs to be table height I pull out my folding table.

stampinCC 07-26-2010 06:10 PM

I too am a fan of counter height. Five years ago when we redid our kitchen, we moved all the old cabinets and counter tops into my basement craft area. It has workded out sooo well!! The upper cabinets are the perfect depth and height for all my stamp sets, and I use the drawers and lower cabinets for paper storage, the pull out shelf for my cuttlebug. I have to say I love it! I do all my work standing. We bought a foam mat like my husband would use in the workshop to stand on so it is cushy.

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