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Conversation Between QueenOfInkland and SuzyQue
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. QueenOfInkland
    07-05-2014 06:03 AM - permalink
    I just saw this message from you today.

    LOLLLL!!!! Thanks so much. It's just so true........I LOVE ink so much (well, as much as one can love an inanimate object hahaha).

    And I love your name, SuzyQue Takes one to know one re: clever ;) Now I'll have an earworm all day for the song Suzie Q by CCR....
  2. SuzyQue
    06-06-2014 01:33 PM - permalink
    I adore your name, Your Majesty! I think we'd be friends if I knew you. You are very clever. I like that.